Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Season 09
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Sid fires Richard as his attorney and Karen helps clear his name. Abby decides to stay in Knots Landing and moves into a house on Seaview Circle.
All Episodes - S02
Sid is accused of rape by a hitchhiker. Meanwhile, his younger sister Abby Cunningham arrives in Knots Landing.
Sid is accused of rape by a hitchhiker. Meanwhile, his younger sister Abby Cunningham arrives in Knots Landing.
Sid fires Richard as his attorney and Karen helps clear his name. Abby decides to stay in Knots Landing and moves into a house on Seaview Circle.
Sid fires Richard as his attorney and Karen helps clear his name. Abby decides to stay in Knots Landing and moves into a house on Seaview Circle.
Gary meets Judy Trent who wants his help in getting her husband Earl support from AA. Abby begins to show her manipulative nature by taking advantage of Eric and trying to seduce Kenny. Karen confronts her.
Gary meets Judy Trent who wants his help in getting her husband Earl support from AA. Abby begins to show her manipulative nature by taking advantage of Eric and trying to seduce Kenny. Karen confronts her.
Richard quits his job at his law firm, hoping he will be hired by another, while Laura is blossoming at her job in real estate. Val starts college and Gary makes a deal with Orchid Cab Co.
Richard quits his job at his law firm, hoping he will be hired by another, while Laura is blossoming at her job in real estate. Val starts college and Gary makes a deal with Orchid Cab Co.
Following her arrest for drug possession, Sue Ellen Ewing's younger sister Kristin Shepard arrives in Knots Landing after calling Valene for help. She is later caught in a compromising position with Kenny.
Following her arrest for drug possession, Sue Ellen Ewing's younger sister Kristin Shepard arrives in Knots Landing after calling Valene for help. She is later caught in a compromising position with Kenny.
Diana feels pressured to sleep with her boyfriend Bobby, and undergoes a rite of passage afterwards. Meanwhile, Richard and the saucy Abby have a brief encounter.
Diana feels pressured to sleep with her boyfriend Bobby, and undergoes a rite of passage afterwards. Meanwhile, Richard and the saucy Abby have a brief encounter.
The neighbors throw a barbecue for Laura to celebrate her new success as a realtor. At the party, Richard paws Abby and Laura overhears them planning to meet later.
The neighbors throw a barbecue for Laura to celebrate her new success as a realtor. At the party, Richard paws Abby and Laura overhears them planning to meet later.
Michael's continued hyperactive behaviour is a major source of concern for Karen and Sid. Abby becomes bookkeeper at Knots Landing Motors. Gary receives threats from Orchid Cab Co. and is ordered to pay them $50,000.
Michael's continued hyperactive behaviour is a major source of concern for Karen and Sid. Abby becomes bookkeeper at Knots Landing Motors. Gary receives threats from Orchid Cab Co. and is ordered to pay them $50,000.
J.R. returns to Knots Landing and Abby asks him to lend Gary $50,000 to pay off a debt.
J.R. returns to Knots Landing and Abby asks him to lend Gary $50,000 to pay off a debt.
Sid is oblivious to Linda's seduction, Richard gives Laura the brush-off and Abby tires of Richard.
Sid is oblivious to Linda's seduction, Richard gives Laura the brush-off and Abby tires of Richard.
When her ex-husband files for custody of their children, Abby fights back with her most effective weapon: sex.
When her ex-husband files for custody of their children, Abby fights back with her most effective weapon: sex.
Linda finally has Sid right where she wants him: lip to lip and miles from home after their car conveniently breaks down.
Linda finally has Sid right where she wants him: lip to lip and miles from home after their car conveniently breaks down.
Val deals with the news that she has a malignant tumour in her colon and may need a colostomy far better than Gary does. Bobby arrives from Dallas to give Gary home truths.
Val deals with the news that she has a malignant tumour in her colon and may need a colostomy far better than Gary does. Bobby arrives from Dallas to give Gary home truths.
Ginger's baby shower ends in suspense and terror when armed robbers take the party guests hostage.
Ginger's baby shower ends in suspense and terror when armed robbers take the party guests hostage.
Ginger's younger sister Cindy's weakness for weed ensnares Eric in lies, family strife and near tragedy.
Ginger's younger sister Cindy's weakness for weed ensnares Eric in lies, family strife and near tragedy.
Abby comes onto Gary. Everyone believes that Laura is having an affair with Scooter and Earl Trent asks Val to sleep with him.
Abby comes onto Gary. Everyone believes that Laura is having an affair with Scooter and Earl Trent asks Val to sleep with him.
J.R. is back in Knots Landing to patent Sid's new car-engine design, but Sid is not interested.
J.R. is back in Knots Landing to patent Sid's new car-engine design, but Sid is not interested.
Abby's ex-husband Jeff kidnaps their children Olivia and Brian. The Orchid Cab Co. come back to haunt Gary and Sid when the cut the brakes on Sid's car, which goes over a cliff.
Abby's ex-husband Jeff kidnaps their children Olivia and Brian. The Orchid Cab Co. come back to haunt Gary and Sid when the cut the brakes on Sid's car, which goes over a cliff.