Hands on a Hybrid

Hands on a Hybrid

Foss calls to tell Kyle he's all right- actually under Brian Taylor's orders, at gun-point. Crafty Josh schmoozes and buys another's lottery spot in a hands-on cancer benefit marathon to win a car for him and Andy. Hillary and her cameraman recorded not only that -trust Andy to give Josh hell for all his efforts and good intentions- but also Jessi holding Lori's necklace, so she's the mugger. Madacorp drugs Foss before subjecting him to an excruciating experimental memory scan, which causes a town-wide power overload. Kyle discovers as fellow-contestant he can revive Jessi's deepest memories, even repressed ones; they check to be both without belly-button; just seeing that makes dumb Amanda dump Kyle. Written by KGF Vissers



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HD The Prophet

The Prophet


The Prophet - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.0

After the cover-story reunion with his 'parents' in Connecticut, Kyle learns that his real host, Adam Baylin, the other unnatural super-brain, was the only surviving baby after a 13 months gestation in a 1950s repeat of secret eugenetic experiments which Einstein's team had to abandon in the 1920s. Adam has developed a way to do it without crushing survival odds by inventing an artificial womb and oxygen-providing fluid, which the symbol stands for at Zzyzx, where the experimental embryos are carefully monitored, only Kyle was actually full-grown and 'born' yet. Over Internet Kyle gets a taste of the Trager family's disruption as he is missed no less the he craves for their human warmth, Josh actually protests his ma is too distracted to care for his punishment being found out holding a party in the parents's absence. Kyle is only allowed to contact them up to two minutes at a time, so Adam's whereabouts cannot be traced, but security chief Tom Foss's precaution gets ignored when Adam... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD The Homecoming

The Homecoming


The Homecoming - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.8

Now Adam Baylin is dead and Zzyzxx exploded, his confident Brian Taylor plays Kyle's lawyer to make the Tragers believe his refound parents died a week ago in a car accident and named them his permanent guardians, having no other relatives alive. The family is as eager -despite Josh's disappointment his home hero isn't an alien- to accept this story as Kyle is to be back with them, dropping the name Noah. Tom stops Kyle just in time from disclosing his secrets to Declan, who is most insistent. Meanwhile Julian Ballantine, the CEO of Madacorp, which owned Zzyzx, engages a 'retrieval specialist, Emily Hollander, to find Jessi XX, who is 'born' and starts life outside the artificial womb by strangling a frisky camper with a single hand; finding her also leads to discovering Kyle is still alive, making him the next assignment... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD The List Is Life

The List Is Life


The List Is Life - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.0

Now Kyle is back with the Tragers for good, he and ma find it harder then expected to get 'back to normal', while Foss insists his priority must be to fulfill his 'destiny', Adam Baylin's dream. School starts again, with the feared phase of embarrassing 'most ...' lists, and Charlie Tanner is clearly still up to his old tricks, while Lori and Hillary ask virgin Amanda's advice to adapt their social life after a ritual supposed to restore their sexual 'innocence'. A fire at a beach-party forces Kyle to confront his powers again. Also present is Emily Hollander, whose assignment is to get to Kyle at the Trager home, now assisted by fellow Zzyzx girl Jessi XX, whose memory is according to Julian Ballantine erased to give her a personality as Emily's sister, but she remembers some things still. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Balancing Act

Balancing Act


Balancing Act - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.8

Kyle may be happy as a clam to be back in the Trager family fold, the others worry if he really is because he is often absent and won't tell them where and why- in fact it's mainly a matter of secretly training his body beyond normal limits in an exercise program Tom Foss elaborates for him in the abandoned industrial building where Foss hides, almost alone with a guilt Kyle guesses: he once was the drunk driver who caused the death of his own wife and kid in a car accident. Amanda Bloom still hasn't come to terms with Kyle's silence on Charlie's infidelity. Declan is on Foss's trail, but finds a photographic warning... Tom desperately needs the cellphone emergency code Kyle gave him when he finds himself dangling in a painful, dangerously high position while preparing the exercise wall for Kyle's next round, which now comes quicker and for real. Alas, rushing to Foss's rescue also means bailing out last-minute on the big family diner for Josh's birthday, which already is a ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Come to Your Senses

Come to Your Senses


Come to Your Senses - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.0

At Foss's instructions, Kyle trains himself at the Trager home in sensory deprivation, learning to enhance each sense to its maximal intensity. Thus he hears a break-in at Amanda's, rushes there in time to chase and nearly catch the hooded robber; only an antique golden heirloom charm bracelet was stolen, ma Bloom rudely throws him out before they have a chance to get closer again. They meet again at the precinct, to identify the suspect as Kyle drew the getaway car in detail, which fails visually, and he can't say anything when he recognizes the robber from his irregular heartbeat when leaving. When Emily sends unsuspecting 'spy' Jessi XX to Nicole, as her new counseling practice's first patient, Kyle and she both immediately sense an unusual presence. Lori makes it unnecessarily hard for Declan -and thus herself- when the dumpee comes pick up his things, but thus also meets Jesse- they are instantly interested. Overhearing Josh's video gaming friends, dad finds out the boy has been ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Does Kyle Dream of Electric Fish?

Does Kyle Dream of Electric Fish?


Does Kyle Dream of Electric Fish? - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

While getting contradictory love lessons from cheeky girl customer Andy Jensen and Josh, who feels confident his 'new' car -it takes all-knowledgeable Kyle to finish repairs beyond dad's abilities- will give him enough status to score with his biology class mate Davah, Kyle gets a premonition, just before Jessi enters and the earth quakes, but it was a memory of Adam Baylin's urn with a Hungarian postcard message, viz allotti 'under water', shortly before he actually receives it in the post. Andy coaches Josh's courting, dad warns him a first date can be way beneath expectations, as in his case before dating ma. Touching Adam's books gives Kyle another vision, in which he receives a note with the same text, it's real but Tom saw him write it, they check the post card is also in Kyle's handwriting: is his subconsciousness talking, not the future? Soon Kyle realizes he can now control his memories like a computer, and even take different viewpoints within each, from the moment Adam told... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Free to Be You and Me

Free to Be You and Me


Free to Be You and Me - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.1

Josh is not only banned from the school dance, he even gets cleaning duty including that day just for borrowing a dead man's car radio waiting for Kyle to fix his, which Jessi ends up doing. However bigot principal Bradford Hooper forbids same-sex couples to attend, and after Nicole's vivid protest extends the banishment as punishment for 'civil disobedient' protest by Andy, Lori and Hilly to her 'hoodlum family' boys Josh and even Kyle who had a hall pass from an understanding teacher. Amanda thanks Kyle for getting her a piano and invites him to the alternative dance Andy organizes with most of the cool crowd, but he desperately needs a dance lesson- from grand moves-master Josh. Lori is ready to make up with Declan, but he is now more drawn to Jessi, who taught she was following 'sister' Emily's instructions to make friends -meaning Kyle, she also makes sure new Madacorp colleague Steven knows about them- but is forbidden in vain to see him again. Andy keeps toying cruelly with ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD What's the Frequency, Kyle?

What's the Frequency, Kyle?


What's the Frequency, Kyle? - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.9

Dad Stephen Tragers's lousy own father is dying, comatose; they never made up since years, but Kyle believes the incredibly precise details he gets 'sent' mentally, even from things he couldn't physically have seen, are from Josh's grandpa to do so at last, even for him upsetting- weird. Ma Nicole finally gets Jesse to open up, senses Emily objects but threatens to appeal to Social Services if therapy is cut off; after Emily tells Ballantine this and that she wants to quit, Madacorp 'motivates' her again by kidnapping a relative. Lori is clearly depressed, turning even Josh fraternally protective of her, but the obvious cure climbs trough her window again. Just when Stephen is ready to make up, Kyle worries the images seem to stop coming, but finds comfort with Amanda; two numbers he got prove a 'Biblical' clue... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Ghost in the Machine

Ghost in the Machine


Ghost in the Machine - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.4

Lori wants to prove her nerve by visiting a murder site, and ends up dragging the whole gang along as they realize it's near the abandoned Zyzzyx site. they find and enter the drain-like entrance. Kyle must save everyone, except Josh who keeps watch but really agonizes about telling Andy he loves her, and ends up exchanging this secret for her medical one. Meanwhile Kyle, whose memories 'from Baylin' interlace the episode, discovers they're really security recordings he downloaded. And those chose the warning against Foss isn't justified, in fact he saved Kyle from professor Kern, who turned on Adam. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD House of Cards

House of Cards


House of Cards - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.4

When Julian Ballantine accepts a family dinner invitation as dad's new boss, Kyle stuns with his ICT knowledge and sees the man has Baylin's lost ring, which he knows to be the key to his storage device, so he gets dad to take him along to Madacorp for a day, but only witnesses severe security. Andy cruelly tells Josh not to mention her cancer, even talking to her- so he tells ma, under the seal of therapeutic confidence, who advises just to be there for her till she's ready to talk. Foss is furious that Kyle brings Declan along to plan an attempt to get the ring during a company festivity, which means bailing out on a concert date with Amanda, yet accepts the third man in Kyle's elaborate plan, which reveals more then he bargained for; getting the ring despite a glitch requires an improvised elevator-McGyverism, Kyle-calculus and Foss's self-sacrifice. Balantine ignores the importance of the Laknok-ring, unlike his surprising visitor... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Hands on a Hybrid

Hands on a Hybrid


Hands on a Hybrid - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.9

Foss calls to tell Kyle he's all right- actually under Brian Taylor's orders, at gun-point. Crafty Josh schmoozes and buys another's lottery spot in a hands-on cancer benefit marathon to win a car for him and Andy. Hillary and her cameraman recorded not only that -trust Andy to give Josh hell for all his efforts and good intentions- but also Jessi holding Lori's necklace, so she's the mugger. Madacorp drugs Foss before subjecting him to an excruciating experimental memory scan, which causes a town-wide power overload. Kyle discovers as fellow-contestant he can revive Jessi's deepest memories, even repressed ones; they check to be both without belly-button; just seeing that makes dumb Amanda dump Kyle. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Lockdown



Lockdown - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.0

Kyle gets crushing headaches, but is relieved when Amanda makes up for jumping to conclusions, yet supportive now she considers leaving. Ballantine feels Foss's bad brain damage is less then feared, so he's willing to strap Kyle on the chair, which even Brian Taylor finds an excessive risk. Andy tells Josh it's their last day together, because her sickening chemotherapy starts the next day, so they should make it special, getting intimate for the first time, but Josh won't taste only to have it taken away almost straight away- that sinks in... Lori wants revenge on Jessi, but allows Hillary to perform circus 'psychotherapy'. Kyle hears a mayhem of voices in his head, which subside when Baylin appears, as a construct of his own mind, to make him realize Jessi is too dangerous, he must trust only himself; yet Kyle answers Emily's prayer to seek and help Jessi, after an admission both their families are in danger, Nicole fails to stop him; Kyle finds Jessi... At Madacorp Stefan ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith


Leap of Faith - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.3

Emily helps Foss escape, but on Julian's orders? Stephen discovers Madacorp seems to be behind everything fishy; he and ma are caught searching Josh's room for the 'Kye files', and tell the kids their doubts; yet only 'alien-watcher' Josh refuses now to doubt big brother's noble innocence; Declan and Foss, both trying to protect Kyle, must intervene and join the family's secret-sharing to stop pa calling the police. Kyle and Jessi discover their unique similarities in the woods on a trail of clues started by a hole in Kyle's ring he discovers to project a map and the photo of young Adam and a Jessi-lookalike, reading to a log cabin basement where they find Adam Baylin, sort of comatose, and decide to tap into his brain-waves together- Adam urges Kyle to stop, as she betrays him... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD To C.I.R., with Love

To C.I.R., with Love


To C.I.R., with Love - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

Kyle believes Jessi must have died from the jump down the waterfall. Foss concurs, adding him Latnok still operates, for his and Adam's benefit, so he should go home to tell the Tanners the truth about Madacorp while Foss goes to a safer location. To Kyle's sadness, Amanda has already left for the conservatory without saying goodbye. Loony Lori hugs him because Declan dumped her over something she didn't do and determines to seduce the first cute kid in sight. Kyle decides to overload the CIR chair with his superior brain but Emily Hollander catches him. Even master manipulator Josh is disgusted when Andy emotionally blackmails a man with her cancer, but must keep her entertained as cover. In the meantime, CEO Julian Ballantine was waiting for Kyle. Kyle establishes mental contact with Jessi then dares Ballantine to put him in the chair. Stephen escapes to make the link, and ma Nicole convinces Jessi, who escaped with Emily's help, to return Kyle's saving intervention, which causes a ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades


The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

On the high-school's career day, Josh finds his vocation: medicine, to cure Andy's cancer. Jessi stupidly pursues the need to be noted by displaying her supernatural abilities, which Kyle fears may expose their common secret and endanger the Tragers again. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Great Expectations

Great Expectations


Great Expectations - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

Spring cleaning causes some of the Tragers to think about getting rid of more than their old possessions, and Kyle embarks on a mission against Carol Bloom when she blocks all his attempts to see Amanda after she unexpectedly returns home from the conservatory. Written by layle

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HD Grounded



Grounded - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Kyle is surprised by an e-mail from Latnoc and a visit from Amanda, who ditched her flight back to the New York conservatory and begs him to let her stay the night. Kyle literally offers her the shirt on his back and lets her sleep on his bare chest when she invites him to share the bathtub. In the morning both Trager kids find out when Kyle fails to sneak her out. During chores Lori gets Declan to help despite his leg injury and they both try to smuggle out the beer she stashed for a friend's party she's grounded from. Social worker Constance Berlinger turns up to check on former state ward Kyle's 'child welfare'; presumably sent by Amanda's mother. The whole family desperately tries to hide their 'innocent' secrets from her. Jessi barges in through Kyle's bedroom window, starts bickering jealously with Amanda and demands Kyle's exclusive attention after finding the jukebox record associated with her mother, which Brian denies putting in her room. Berlinger announces a mixed report, ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Between the Rack and a Hard Place

Between the Rack and a Hard Place


Between the Rack and a Hard Place - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Josh is proud when his boss at the bar, J.T., puts him in charge for a few hours. That is until novice Amanda messes up, not just the orders but also the mixers, forcing Kyle to work long hours to fixing it. Brian Taylor keeps secrets for Jessi, who keeps expecting Kyle to drop everything for her. Something which Amanda won't have anymore, especially without being told why that thief is important. To Josh's horror the till is short $120, the price of the tickets Andy made him agree to buy. J.T. sneaked off to buy one himself, but even Kyle can't prove that. Lori encourages Kyle to get physical with Amanda but gravely overdoes that. Kyle gets a welcome surprise visit. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD First Cut Is the Deepest

First Cut Is the Deepest


First Cut Is the Deepest - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.2
41 min

Kyle tries to reconnect with Jessi by taking her to the University her mother attended; Amanda, Hillary and Lori brave a college bar in search of the perfect prom D.J.; Andy and Josh have a couple's therapy session with an unusual therapist. Written by layle

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Primary Colors

Primary Colors


Primary Colors - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

Kyle is happy to help everyone, obliging family and friends as tutor, study group mentor, dad's cooking - and Lori's song composition inspiration and Amanda's excuse. However Kyle sleepwalks, becomes unpredictable and clumsy, has black-outs, as his brilliant brain plays unprecedented tricks on him. Stephen exchanges his maths - for Hillary's culinary expertise. Lori gets Mark to point out her weaknesses, according to Hillary a sexual substitute for her soul-mate Declan; he accepts her lyrics in exchange. Josh saves face by asking the only person smart enough to work Kyle wonders: Jessi, who cruelly abuses the situation, but Andy's cancer remission makes up for seriously sore muscles. Jessi diagnoses Kyle's condition results from curing Andy's blood cancer, without consciously trying. Kyle's abilities return, but out of control, especially hearing too loud. Adam arrives, sees the jukebox record and realizes that's the source, containing subliminal messages, a secret trick he developed ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Grey Matters

Grey Matters


Grey Matters - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Josh is accused of cheating when his test scores rise dramatically, and after Kyle is named the mastermind he finds himself struggling to protect people he loves, friends and a school event from cancellation. Elsewhere, Nicole confronts Brian about Jessi, and Kyle continues to receive mysterious IMs. Written by layle

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Hello...



Hello... - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

To Josh's surprise, Andy wants to celebrate her remission by joining the prom. Organizing it with Andy remains a nightmare for Amanda and her dubiously helpful friend Hilary. Even if that requires fake dates with actual Seniors, easily fixed: Amanda and Kyle, but funding a money-pit that even Declan's long preparations could barely handle in a matter of hours is a daunting task, especially now Kyle is unavailable. Sara, implores Kyle to protect her against her ex Brian and his ambition to rejoin Latnoc's program. Kyle decides to talk Jessi out of the meeting that Brian set up at Latnoc (feeling she's finally ready) by promising her the coveted reunion with her mother (although she doesn't want Kyle to find her mother). While Declan helps Kyle search, Jessi helps Josh win radio contests and breaks up with Brian, so the Trager family considers taking her in. While the prom planning takes several twists, Tom pays Brian an ominous surprise visit. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD I've Had the Time of My Life

I've Had the Time of My Life


I've Had the Time of My Life - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Adam tells Kyle he asked Latnoc to give them both some space and encourages him to enjoy the prom, which is clearly a big deal for the Trager kids and their friends. Even Jessi helps Amanda, before leaving with Sara. Josh and Steven wrestle with Andy's after-party expectations, but come to the wrong conclusion. Declan leaves the choice whether to get back together to hesitant Lori, who discovers Mark is only 19 and interested in her. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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