Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
When Trent asks Leo and Chase to help him pass his next test, Chase decides to pay him back for all his bullying with a pair of Davenport Industry tutorial eyeglasses filled with incorrect facts. Meanwhile, Adam's heat vision accidentally burns off half of Bree's hair just in time for school picture day. Donald whips up a hair restorative, which Adam applies to Bree beyond the prescribed dosage, making her bad hair day worse. Written by statmanjeff
All Episodes - S02
It's Donald and Tasha's one-year wedding anniversary, but it's also Eddy's five-year activation anniversary and Eddy doesn't like interlopers. Leo is put in charge of seeing that Bree, Chase and Adam stay out of trouble, not that he has any actual power over the bionic teens. As the bionic teens sneak out to enjoy the opening of a yogurt shop, Marcus displays the depths of his evil by programming Donald's self-driving car to take Leo to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Written by statmanjeff
With Donald away, Leo has surreptitiously been making a Best of Bree video using Donald's electronic fly camera to capture embarrassing footage without her knowledge. He's so engrossed with this invasive project that he fails to study for a physics exam. Easy fix, he thinks. He'll use the spy fly to cheat off Bree. She catches him but, worse for her, gets an F for breaking examination decorum. When Principal Perry discovers Leo's latest toy, she confiscates it to use against the student body, but a subsequent argument between Leo and Bree unleashes a swarm of these electronic bugs that shortly thereafter flip into attack mode and overrun the school. Adam and Chase, all the while, have been caught up in a baby war, sabotaging each other's electronic plastic baby dolls in a school parenting lesson. Written by statmanjeff
Leo chafes at always being the discard of the group. His latest strategic suggestions became nothing more than mop-up paper for spilled coffee, but things turn around when Principal Perry puts Adam, Bree and Chase in detention, forcing Donald to accept Leo's help in an emergency when the others can't appear. Now, Leo needs to do one thing - prove himself an actual asset to the team. Written by statmanjeff
Suspected eco-villains may be about to dump toxic wastes into the ocean, so Donald sends the team on a fact-finding mission, but Bree's all-consuming interest in her new boyfriend, Owen, leaves her inattentive and disdainful. Her attitude not only ruins the mission but puts her in direct contact with a toxin that steels away motor functions. Contaminated and restricted to the safety of her capsule, she nonetheless breaks protocol to attend Owen's school art exhibit. While Leo struggles to get her home before her motor functions disappear completely, Adam, Chase and Donald re-infiltrate the criminal warehouse to identify the toxin and formulate an antidote before Bree's condition becomes permanent. Compounding the situation, new cloaking technologies have Adam believing Donald's a witch. Written by statmanjeff
To defeat a competitive rival, Leo asks Chase to be his partner in The Annual Mission Creek Robot Throwdown. Donald catches wind of it and asks to join their team as well, but his idea of partnership is to totally take over. Leo and Chase have no choice but to kick him out after he completely dismantles their robot, which leaves Donald no choice but to enter the contest on his own, making the most of how badly he's going to beat them down in public. Meanwhile, Bree uses super-speed in front of a classmate. Fortunately, it's her friend Caitlin, who has a severe crush on Adam. To keep the team's bionic secret, it's obvious: Adam must agree to date Caitlin (but Caitlin's domineering ways don't make it easy). Written by statmanjeff
Injured during Chase's payback prank, Adam's confidence turns upside-down, leaving him in extreme fear for his personal safety (enough to quite the team). Meanwhile, an emergent ability strikes Bree, enabling her to vocally imitate whatever she hears. Leo talks her into harassing Principal Perry with it, but she eventually goes too far, ends up in trouble, and counts on her superpowers to get her out of it. Written by statmanjeff
Donald's absolute disregard for the super-teens' need for time off finally comes to a head, and they go on strike. With Leo serving as negotiator, Donald decides to divide and conquer, deviously giving Leo what he personally wants in order to end the strike - the chance to be a super-teen. The others see through this ploy and decide to punish both Leo and Donald by letting unconditioned Leo test-model Donald's latest antigravity belt. It's a battle of wills between Donald and the bionic teens, with Leo's welfare hanging in the balance. Written by statmanjeff
Donald's new Proton Fuser opens a wormhole. Sucked inside, Leo finds himself in a familiar but cockeyed world where Tasha, not Donald, is the high tech mastermind, Donald her nerdy and intimidated subordinate, Chase a callous football jock, Bree a shallow mall rat, Adam an introspective intellectual, Principal Perry a supportive and trustworthy defender of her students, and Leo himself a bionic super-teen with all of Bree's, Chase's and Adam's abilities plus some of his own. The race is on to return to his own universe when the Henderson siblings (known in the original universe as Bree, Chase and Adam Davenport) rat out Leo to the government after seeing him use his bionic powers. Men in black arrive to take Leo into custody, take him apart, and find out what makes his super abilities tick. Written by statmanjeff
Principal Perry announces a forthcoming school talent show. Overlooked by his classmates, Chase uses his telekinetic powers to seem a master magician. Leo, who was the show's magician till Chase got him bumped, wants revenge - and Eddy's there to help - but the execution triggers Chase's Commando App, which awakens dormant personality Spike and later forces Principal Perry to relive her glory days as a pro-wrestler to combat him. Meanwhile, Bree's artistic boyfriend Owen teams up with Adam to build a protest sculpture against the talent show - a giant bust of Principal Perry made entirely of butter. Jealous, Bree gets assistance from Eddy to ruin the work and have Owen back, but Eddy makes sure her sabotage gets credit where credit is due. Written by statmanjeff
While spying on Marcus, Leo discovers and infiltrates his family's secret lair where plans are posted for the capture of the bionic teens. Discovering Leo and knowing he's seen too much, Marcus unleashes his home security on him - a relentless killer robot. No one is aware of Leo's predicament, or even that Leo is missing, as a potential disaster befalls the Davenports. While accidentally activating Donald's new teleporter, the bionic teens broadcast Tasha away to unknown whereabouts. While the teleporter can send successfully, it's return mechanism can only bring things back in far less than ideal conditions. While the teens scramble to figure out how to get Tasha safely back before Donald finds out, Eddy sees this only as a win-win situation. Meanwhile, Leo is left with one last recourse - brains over brawn. Written by statmanjeff
Donald purchases an expensive abstract painting, but it's not long before one of the kids accidentally ruins it. They secretly pool their bionic talents to cover up the mishap by recreating the painting. Their fix might have gone undetected except that Donald tries to sell the painting at a substantial markup. Now the feds are on his doorstep ready to throw Donald in prison for marketing forged art. Written by statmanjeff
Who'd have thought Adam would pass his driving exam? Certainly not Donald, who now has to keep his word to buy Adam a new car if he did, but a company emergency pulls Donald away from the dealership, leaving Adam alone to finish negotiations. Meanwhile, Tasha decides to run for PTA president. Leo is horrified as it means Tasha will be at school to monitor his life every day. Eliciting help from Chase and Bree, the three find a cut-throat opponent to run against her - Principal Perry. Written by statmanjeff
Noisy new neighbors (the Harringtons) impact the lives of the Davenport-Dooleys, racing their car up and down the street and across Donald's lawn at all late hours. At school, their filthy rich son, Clayton, starts having his own way by paying off Principal Perry. Donald invites Pierce Harrington over to resolve their differences, but Pierce's exceeding wealth matches his ego and arrogance. He'll only settle their differences through a stock car race against Donald, with each other's house as the winning prize. Discovering that Pierce isn't above cheating, Donald allows the bionic teens to become his pit crew to level the playing field. Written by statmanjeff
Adam, Bree and Chase chafe at Donald's persistent criticism of, and lack of praise for, their successful mission efforts - but a more serious problem arises when Douglas (Donald's long-thought-dead younger brother) returns with a vengeance. Kidnapping Donald with Marcus' aid, they force the bionic teens to come to them. Leo, finally vindicated for having said Marcus was evil the whole time, can now also reveal that Marcus has bionics to match Adam, Bree and Chase. Nonetheless, the bionic teens infiltrate the Douglas and Marcus home where they face an unnerving discovery - Donald wasn't upfront about their past. Written by statmanjeff
With all the Davenports captured and stripped of bionic powers, Leo is left with only Eddy to support efforts to rescue them. As Douglas prepares to activate his triton app to gain complete mind and body control over Adam, Bree and Chase, he leaves Marcus the special treat of eliminating Leo. Written by statmanjeff
Donald grounds the teens for coming home past curfew, but they find a sure-fire way to beat the rap. Using Donald's recently developed Neural Scrambler, they start erasing bits of recent memory so that punishments never happen; however, Leo goes too far. He misjudges the settings and erases twenty-four years rather than hours of Donald's memory. Now they have a prank-pulling middle-aged fifteen-year-old techno-genius on their hands who's up for a live TV interview with Tasha to receive a presidential science award. Written by statmanjeff
Donald needs cytanium to fuel his new cryo-blaster (a freeze gun), but the only source comes from Antarctica, which is about to get hit by a mega-storm. Though Chase believes they can succeed in time, Donald calls off the mission for their safety. Already chafing at being the least-considered of the bionic teens, Chase heads off on his own and becomes buried in an avalanche. To his surprise, rescue comes from his biological father, the evil Douglas Davenport. Spelling out slights they have in common, Douglas invites Chase to join him, in exchange for abilities matching those of Bree and Adam. Meanwhile, Leo, in trying to show off for Janette (who's come over for a study session), freezes her with Donald's new cryo-blaster and hopes desperately to thaw her out before Tasha and the others find out. Written by statmanjeff
Adam can't get out of super-teen training unless he can be in two places at once, so Eddy wickedly decides to lead him astray through awareness of Donald's new cellular duplicator. Now there are two Adams. Unfortunately, Adam's clone is a perfect copy - a boy who wants a copy of himself to attend school so he can stay home. Now there are enough Adams to start a boy band and it's up to Leo to get them under control before they become an army of identical school-skippers. Meanwhile, Principal Perry monopolizes Bree's and Chase's attention by ordering them to watch over her insufferable niece, Kelly, who's as much a self-centered, domineering pain as her aunt. Written by statmanjeff
Since rival Deerfield High always manages to steel Mission Creek High's Dewey the Digno costume each year before homecoming, Principal Perry assigns pairs of boys to guard it round-the-clock. This year, during Chase and Adam's watch, Deerfield succeeds again. In retrieving the outfit, Adam takes the Deerfield mascot in return - not a costume but a live llama. Hiding it back at the lab, it ingests a beaker of Davenport Industry nanobots, tiny robots that bestow the animal with an incendiary defense system. Meanwhile, Caitlin pressures Bree and Leo into being her teammates in a school domino-tipping competition, but her crazed, domineering and over-exacting leadership pushes Bree and Leo into forming their own separate team intent on beating Caitlin at her own game. Written by statmanjeff
Tired of Trent's constant bullying, Leo enlists Adam's and Chase's bionic help to torment the tormentor after discovering Trent has a morbid fear of ghosts, but additional side activity more than suggests that Principal Perry's ghostly legend of Jasper the century-old dead janitor is real. While the boys gear up to hunt down this troublesome apparition, Owen and Bree clash over homecoming dance decorations. Written by statmanjeff
Overhearing Leo and Chase complain about Mission Creek High being technologically far behind the times, Donald jumps in to help. The boys fear him keeping his ego in check - and, indeed, he does go too far by providing Principal Perry a robot duplicate of herself to help patrol the students. With the school board coming to approve of Robo-Perrys for every school, Chase decides to reprogram the robot, but doing so causes it to reset to its original militaristic programming - that of a rampaging annihilator. Meanwhile, Adam convinces Bree that Irish foreign exchange student Alistair could be an android like Marcus (or at least a leprechaun), so the pair tests the hypothesis multiple times, giving Alistair a very discomforting introduction to America. Written by statmanjeff
Bree stands up to Principal Perry's despotic rule of the school, so Perry makes Bree principal for a day to teach her a lesson. Under Bree's administration with Vice Principal Leo, the school becomes a happier place, much to Perry's dislike, so she enters the student body as a disruptive pupil. Meanwhile, Adam's super-strength hypes up and needs to be recalibrated. Struggling against Chase's efforts to dial it back to where it should be, Adam winds up shrunken to toy figurine size. Now that Adam's the shorter brother by far, Chase can't resist meting out some payback for years of short guy harassment. Written by statmanjeff
Gramma Rose' visit befalls a time of escalating pranks at the Davenports. Since Adam and Chase's attacks upon each other have lately struck unintended targets (namely Bree), Donald secretly sides with her to combat them, leaving overprotective and demanding Grandma Rose, who only has eyes for Leo, free to put the kibosh on Leo's celebration of the 150-day anniversary of Janelle first speaking to him. The situations converge when Rose gets injured in a prank, anchoring Donald as her personal 24-hour caregiver during recovery, but things really come to a head once a prank hits Tasha. Now the gloves come off to end the prank war. Written by statmanjeff
It's Christmas Eve. A volcanic eruption near Facility X (Donald's secret lab in the frozen tundra of the north) sends the bionic teens on an emergency mission, which they'll have to handle unaided due to volcanic ash blocking signals from Donald and Leo. Dr. Evans has been working at the facility to harness the energy of gamma rays for Donald. Earthquakes crack the glass of his gamma-sphere, which threatens to mix gamma rays with the volcanic ash and destroy 20% of Earth's human population. While the bionic teens deal with this emergency, the Davenport home plays host to an unexpected overnight guest - Principal Perry - who wrecked her car nearby while performing her annual ruination of other people's holiday. Written by statmanjeff
When Trent asks Leo and Chase to help him pass his next test, Chase decides to pay him back for all his bullying with a pair of Davenport Industry tutorial eyeglasses filled with incorrect facts. Meanwhile, Adam's heat vision accidentally burns off half of Bree's hair just in time for school picture day. Donald whips up a hair restorative, which Adam applies to Bree beyond the prescribed dosage, making her bad hair day worse. Written by statmanjeff
Everyone's in a panic. While trying to avoid discovery by Principal Perry's metal detectors and x-ray machine, Adam blurts out that he, Bree and Chase are bionic, putting the kids in fear of being turned over to the authorities. Meanwhile, Donald learns that someone has hacked into all his systems and taken over both Davenport Industries and all his financial assets. As the Dooley-Davenports face eviction, Principal Parry pays a call to press her advantage, and Chase takes the lead in a life-changing decision. Written by statmanjeff