Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Carmine talks the girls into singing at a Christmas show.
All Episodes - S02
One of Carmine's students has a car for sale for $200 and Shirley wants to buy it. But she does not have enough money and needs Laverne to contribute. But Laverne is hell on wheels, literally; she does not know how to drive. Shirley tries to teach her, but it just turns into one of their usual fights. Laverne really wants to drive and help her roommate. Is there anyone who can help Laverne get a driver's license? Written by LA-Lawyer
Shirley talks Laverne into volunteering with her at the hospital.
It's Saturday night and the girls have no dates. Fonzie drops by and asks the girls to babysit his god son and they do. But when someone asks them out, they play odds and even to see who stays with the baby and Shirley who usually wins loses. After Shirley leaves the guy who ask them out calls to say they can't make it. So Shirley asks Lenny and Squiggy to go catch her but they refuse. Shirley goes and asks them to watch the baby. When they come back they find the baby gone, the guys say someone came saying he's the father and took the baby. The girls are worried when the mother shows up. Written by
Eleven and 1/2 months after her first date with Richie Cunningham, Shirley arranges a second date. She and Laverne need a new TV set and Carmine is emceeing the Victory Dance at Jefferson High where the 1st place prizes are his-and-her TV sets. Laverne is a great dancer and Shirley is sure that if she is partnered with Potsie Webber, the best dancer at Jefferson High, the TV sets will be theirs. But jealous high school girl, Debra Lee, kicks Potsie and hurts both of his legs. Laverne slaps #8 on Richie and says follow me, kid... and they put on quite a show. Shirley scares Potsie into leaving early but Richie is such a sweetheart, Shirley gives him a heartfelt goodnight kiss. It is great to have friends. Written by LA-Lawyer
Laverne and Shirley receive invitations to a wedding shower for Elinor Stephanick, the third to last unmarried Angora Deb, their high school sorority. Nouveau riche nob, Rosie Greenbaum, is the hostess; Laverne and Rosie despise each other and the girls are afraid Laverne will rearrange her face... and her home. Rosie insists on running her big mouth about Laverne and Shirley being unmarried. But the grass is always greener (or it can be made to look that way) and soon the married women are miserable. But what about their pal, Elinor whom the girls like? Her shower is being ruined. Once an Angora Deb, always an Angora Deb. Written by LA-Lawyer
Laverne tries to remember the events of a wild night when she wakes up with morning sickness and fears she may be pregnant.
The girls get their nose out of joint when they meet a snotty model at Mr. DeFazio's pizza bowl; Laverne cannot believe she earns $60.00 per hour. Shirley finds an advertisement by the Famous Academy of American Modeling By Mail..for only $7.50 each. The girls follow the book and even do a job modeling Lovely Lady Lingerie for a friend of Carmine; but when it comes to high-fashion agency work, will Laverne and Shirley make the grade? Written by LA-Lawyer
The girls end up getting phone calls after Hector scribbles their number in a men's room.
Lenny and Squiggy vanish without a trace.
Carmine talks the girls into singing at a Christmas show.
Laverne wants a new dress to accompany Norman to the policeman's ball. Shirley drags Laverne to Carlisle's, an exclusive courturier. Laverne places her handbag on the counter to get a hankie; when she repacks her purse, Laverne accidentally puts a $75.00 scarf in with her own things. At the MPD jail, bail is $500.00, Norman cannot help and Laverne has to appear in a lineup. Mr. DeFazio and Carmine are out of town and no one else on the outside has $500.00. Can Shirley save the day? Written by LA-Lawyer
The girls remember experiences from the past year.
Laverne and Shirley call in sick to take a day off of work and have fun; they go on a bike ride, go to the park and meet two men who they have a great time with, until they're arrested for solicitation.
Shirley gets an invitation for a cocktail buffet party with businessmen in suits at the Hotel Pfister from Mrs. Babish... but Laverne reads the small print: RSVP (which Shirley says is French for respond so very promptly.) Laverne sees $20.00 is the admission price. The girls are broke, as usual so they canoodle the name out of Lenny and Squiggy where they earn part time cash. The girls volunteer to be paid subjects for scientific experiments (guinea pigs) at Institute of Behavioral Sciences. But with Laverne in a sleep study and Shirley in a nutrition study, will the girls be in any shape to have fun at the party? Written by LA-Lawyer
Shotz Brewery lays off all of their bottlers and labellers for three weeks and put the truckers (Lenny and Squiggy) on overtime. The girls ask Carmine if he can find them a job; he finds them a job as taxi dancers: $0.10 per dance, at a place called Dance Land. If Laverne and Shirley can survive the homicidal Charmaine (and her thigh- holstered switch knife ), the vermin (their dancing partners) and assorted goofballs, they might may make a go of it... until Mr. DeFazio shows up with a few choice words. Written by LA-Lawyer
As the girls rush to get ready for a big date, they face wardrobe and hair problems, as well as complications from a house fire raging across the street.
Shirley goes looking for her missing down-and-out father at a sleazy bar on the waterfront.
Shirley wins a honeymoon vacation in a fancy hotel and she and Laverne decide to take advantage of it. Carmine poses as Shirley's husband and they sneak Laverne in, but after Carmine leaves, the girls quickly find out the hotel is intent on getting as many publicity photos of the married couple as possible throughout the vacation. Written by Anonymous
When Lenny and Squiggy get stood up, Laverne and Shirley take pity on them.
Laverne and Shirley want to buy a new couch and find out about a furniture sale in a house Shirley says is haunted. When they and Lenny and Squiggy go to buy the couch they find out she may be right.
Shirley gets promoted to head of the bottle-labelers division at the brewery.
The girls are headlined in a musical extravaganza by an impresario who promises them fame and fortune.