Season 16

Second Opinion

Second Opinion

Kincaid's new partner in the DA's office, Jack McCoy, pursues murder charges for a woman who provided questionable alternative treatments for women suffering from breast cancer.



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HD Second Opinion

Second Opinion


Second Opinion - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Kincaid's new partner in the DA's office, Jack McCoy, pursues murder charges for a woman who provided questionable alternative treatments for women suffering from breast cancer.

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HD Coma



Coma - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

When a woman is shot inside her car, Briscoe and Logan suspect her husband is the killer. A bullet still lodged in the victim's head will prove or disprove her husband's guilt and McCoy and Kincaid weigh the risk of obtaining this crucial evidence at the expense of possibly killing the victim. Written by .. the woman was not andquot;shot to deathandquot;

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HD Blue Bamboo

Blue Bamboo


Blue Bamboo - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

When Japanese businessman is killed the investigation reveals that the man was a misogynist who treated women like dirt. So they suspect that he tried to force himself on a woman and she fought back. Eventually the trail leads them to a woman who knew him in Japan. After she's arrested, her lawyer decides to utilize the battered woman defense. McCoy does his best to counter because the man's associates want justice. Written by

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HD Family Values

Family Values


Family Values - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the disappearance of Laura Madsen, a successful editor at a book publishing firm. Her car is found parked near a bridge with her shoes and other effects on the front seat. Her body is eventually found in the river and the medical examiner concludes that she was dead before she hit the water. The police initially suspect her ex-husband, Victor Connor, who of course denies having anything to do with her death. He has an alibi for the time she disappeared however. When they learn that her new husband Steve Martell is something of a philanderer he becomes their new prime suspect. Laura's 17 year-old daughter Maggie gives her stepfather an alibi and tells the police they were having an affair. He denies having the affair with his stepdaughter and determining just which of the two is telling the truth is is ADA McCoy's major challenge. Written by garykmcd

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HD White Rabbit

White Rabbit


White Rabbit - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the burglary of safe deposit boxes at a private vault where the thieves broke in through the floor. The case is quickly solved but in the course going through the stolen goods, they find a gym bag with a revolver that has had its serial number filed off and a large amount of cash. It turns out the money was taken by anti-Vietnam war radicals in an armored car robbery in the 1971 where a cop was killed. It leads them to Rita Levitan, real name Susan Forrest, who is now a married to an accountant and living in suburban New Jersey. ADA McCoy is prepared to accept a plea but the dead policeman's wife objects and McCoy finds himself at trial with little evidence to present. His only solution is to get some of her cohorts to testify against her. Written by garykmcd

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HD Competence



Competence - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

The police find themselves investigating one of their own when Lt. Van Buren shoots a young intellectually disabled boy at an ATM. She's certain that one of the boys had a gun and Capt. Dennis Burnett tells everyone to stay out of the investigation but Detectives Lenny Briscoe and Mike Logan can't help but look into the case. They find the second boy, Zack Rowland, and McCoy for his part takes the case to a grand jury who refuse to indict Van Buren. She's not happy however because a non-indictment isn't the same as being found innocent. When Logan and Briscoe find the gun Zack used, they have to find a way to prove he had it in his possession. Written by garykmcd

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HD Precious



Precious - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the disappearance of a three month old baby, Emily, who was taken while she and her father Marty Willick were in the park. He dozed off for a few minutes and when he awoke, she was gone. The detectives begin to have second thoughts about the veracity of Willick's story and finally the truth comes out: Willick claims that he and his wife found her dead in her crib. The medical examiner finds that the baby has symptoms of asphyxia, though it could have been a crib death. When they learn that two other of the Willick's children also died of crib death, they are certain one or both of the parents were responsible for Emily's death. Written by garykmcd

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HD Virtue



Virtue - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

A car accident leads Detectives Briscoe and Logan to investigate a rape. The dead woman from the accident had been sexually assaulted and was being driven to the hospital by a co-worker who ran off after the car accident. It turns out they both worked for a highly respected and generally popular city councilman, Spencer Talbot. He denies rape of course but the police learn that he may have assaulted the office manager at his former law firm as well as an associate, Sarah Maslin. When Maslin later admits that Talbot forced her to have sex with him by threatening to withhold a much deserved partnership in the firm, ADA McCoy decides to try something else: Talbot is charged with larceny by extortion. Written by garykmcd

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HD Scoundrels



Scoundrels - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.3
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the death of lawyer Arthur Kapinski, who is found shot in the head while he was seated at his office desk. They find that Kapinski had a number of irate clients who felt he wasn't adequately representing them. Several of them were trying to retrieve money from a failed Savings and Loan run by Willard Tappan and several clients had paid Kopinski up front to pay for his research. Kopinski was running a scam and the police focus on John Curran who apparently snapped after learning his mother had paid him the last of her savings. The case goes full circle and ADA McCoy is convinced that Tappan was somehow behind it. It's not quite straightforward however and ADA McCoy has to get Curran to testify against Tappan. Written by garykmcd

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HD House Counsel

House Counsel


House Counsel - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the shooting death of David Lempert, a city parks employee who was gunned down just as he was leaving his health club. They find little in Lempert's background to suggest he was targeted. He's divorced from his wife but that all seems amicable. He was paying hefty university tuition fees for his daughter and all in all lived a modest lifestyle. They get a break when they learn that he had been a member of a hung jury in the prosecution of mobster Vincent Dosso. The police arrest Dosso and the hit man, John Furini but ADA McCoy comes up against his old college classmate Mark Kopell who seems to out-lawyer him at every turn. When he learns that his old friend was present when the mobsters discussed hits, he charges him. Written by garykmcd

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HD Guardian



Guardian - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.3
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the death of a young woman who is found dead behind a dumpster, the victim of an apparent drug overdose. It is quickly obvious to them that the girl died elsewhere and her body was just dumped there. She is identified as Katie Blanchard, a member of a very rich family that has refused to have anything to do with her due to her addiction. They learn that she frequently visited the family's financial advisor, Jerome Kamen, who was giving her money. It seems she was blackmailing him over his handling of the family trust and the question then becomes whether he had anything to do with her death. Written by garykmcd

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HD Progeny



Progeny - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the shooting death of Dr. Eleen Reed who worked at a family planning clinic and had been targeted by anti-abortion groups. She had received many threats and there is a permanent group of protesters outside the clinic where she worked. The investigation leads them to Drew Seely, a defrocked minister who is clearly seeking a podium for his anti-abortion views. Seely ordered the hit but both he and the actual shooter refuse any deal ADA McCoy may put on the table. In the end, McCoy outwits him when on the stand. Written by garykmcd

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HD Rage



Rage - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

A successful white stockbroker is found dead of rifle wound to the head. Although it initially looks like a suicide, the medical examiner reports that he was murdered. His coworkers immediately point the finger at golden boy Bud Greer -- a young, black junior trader. Bud tells Logan and Briscoe that success isn't about money, it's about power and with his major competitor dead, Bud now has the power. When Bud pleads insanity due to black rage the ADAs don't buy it for a second. Written by Anonymous

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HD Performance



Performance - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the possibility that a porno film rented by a group of friends for a stag party is a real snuff film. They manage to identify the girl as 16 year-old Corey Russell and are more than a bit surprised to find her alive. Corey says she was raped by two men while she was out drinking but has no idea who they were. In fact Corey lied and knew the boy, Shane Sutter, who goes to the same school. The other boy involved was Kyle Winters but Corey insists they forced themselves on her. The investigation reveals that the boys were in contest to see how many girls they could have sex with. For ADA McCoy, the challenge will be to convince a jury that Shane was out to score more points and was ready to commit rape to do so and whether his approach will withstand an appeal. Written by garykmcd

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HD Seed



Seed - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Briscoe and Logan's investigation of a shooting seems to be an open and shut case. A distraught woman walks into a bank where her husband is a vice president and pulls a gun threatening to shoot him. A security guard shoots her first....end of case. Lt Van Buren however wants them to find out what the woman meant when she screamed that her husband killed her baby. She supposedly had a miscarriage but the fertility doctor she was seeing, Jordan Delbert, raises concerns when he clearly lies to the police. A review of his files reveals something else however: to cut expenses, Delbert began to use his own sperm to inseminate his patients. The challenge for ADA McCoy will be to get one of the victims to testify against him. Written by garykmcd

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HD Wannabe



Wannabe - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the murder of Bill Prescott an accountant with a major New York firm. He was shot just outside of his in-laws home as he was arriving for a party. They're able to rule out a mugging as no one took his wallet. Prescott was in the process of negotiating with a union over downsizing at a failing airline. That goes nowhere but ballistics give them enough information on the gun to lead them to Tom Harrigan, a subway worker whose son was recently expelled from a posh private school where Prescott served on the board of governors. Harrigan confesses to the killing but ADA McCoy isn't certain they have the right person behind bars. Written by garykmcd

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HD Act of God

Act of God


Act of God - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate an explosion at a construction site that killed a 12 year-old boy. They initially focus on the building owner, who is set to collect a hefty insurance settlement but realize that in the construction industry, there are a great many who could profit. The general contractor, Buzz Palley, has a bad reputation when it comes the quality of his work and the blast may have saved him from a major law suit. Palley is arrested but the information is circumstantial at best. Palley claims that his girlfriend's husband, Hank Chapel, set the explosion in an attempt to kill him. Chapel is a demolitions expert and ADAs McCoy and Kincaid get a conviction. They may have convicted the wrong man however. Written by garykmcd

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HD Privileged



Privileged - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the murder of David and Eileen Lerner, who were were found stabbed to death in their bed. The killer entered the house through a downstairs window and even used a knife from the kitchen to commit the crime. The Lerners had lived there for only a year, and the police can find no one who disliked or had a grudge against them. When the detectives learn that the house previously belonged to a high-profile divorce attorney, Warren Bartlett, they think a revenge-seeker (not knowing he'd moved) may have been trying to kill him. Written by garykmcd

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HD Cruel and Unusual

Cruel and Unusual


Cruel and Unusual - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the death of Kevin Jeffries, an autistic teenager who died while in police custody. The medical examiner determines that he died from a blood clot - and not from anything the police may have done during the arrest - but also reports that he had bruises on his body. Kevin was living at a behavioral modification clinic but constantly ran away. The clinic admits they kept him in restraints, particularly on those bad days when he was deemed injurious to himself. The head of the clinic, Dr. Alan Colter, generally used aversion therapy to treat his patients. This included electric shocks and a black box that created a complete sensory deprived environment. Colter clearly exceeded New York State guidelines on the use of electric shock and as far as ADA McCoy is concerned, it amounted to torture. The biggest hurdle he will have to overcome are the parents who support Colter and his methods. Written by garykmcd

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HD Bad Faith

Bad Faith


Bad Faith - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate a death of one of their own, Det. Marino who is found by two patrolmen, shot to death. Marino worked in sex crimes and he and Logan grew up together in the same neighborhood. When Logan hears that their former parish priest is now living again in New York City and had been in contact with Marino, he can't help but wonder if he was somehow involved. Joe Krolinski is no longer a priest and is now married with children. Logan knows that as a priest, Krolinski molested many of the altar boys but when it's determined that Marino committed suicide, ADA McCoy decides to prosecute Krolinski for the molestations. Written by garykmcd

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HD Purple Heart

Purple Heart


Purple Heart - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the murder of a cabbie, Daniel Johnson, who is found shot to death behind the wheel of his car. Johnson's wife Denise is a successful restaurant owner though money is always tight. Daniel would often work extra hours but the police are puzzled why he would have been found where he was. They learn he was deep in debt to a loan shark and was there to meet him and make a payment. They also learn that Danny was a big spender who had dreams of making big business deals but was never very successful. When they find a connection between the gun and Denise Johnson they are certain she hired a killer to eliminate her husband. She likely eliminated the killer as well. Written by garykmcd

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HD Switch



Switch - EPS 22

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the murder of a psychiatrist, Dr. Lillian Hampton who is found bludgeoned to death in her office. Her last appointment of the day was with a young woman, Megan Nelson, but the Director of the clinic heard a man's voice in her office some time after that. After eliminating other suspects, they come to believe that the man in the office was Megan's father Frank Nelson. Megan had been seeing Dr. Hampton for some time and was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. ADA McCoy decides to prosecute Mr. Nelson when Megan reveals an old memory of him killing her mother. When evidence suggests otherwise, they have to consider if one of Megan's other personalities may be responsible. Written by garykmcd

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HD Pride



Pride - EPS 23

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

A gay city councilman is murdered. The prime suspect is a conservative rival he may have double-crossed. The investigation also sets off a series of events that could cost Logan his detective position.

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