June's Birthday

June's Birthday

Not wanting to hurt Beaver's feelings when he gives her a tacky blouse for her birthday, loving mother June promises Beaver that she will wear the blouse to a mother's club tea. But June wears another outfit instead, unaware that Beaver's grammar school class will also be at the tea to sing a special song. Written by shepherd1138



All Episodes - S03

Parent Show

HD Blind Date Committee

Blind Date Committee


Blind Date Committee - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

There is a dance upcoming at Wally's school and Wally has been appointed to be the Blind Date Committee, which is supposed to find dates for all the girls who want to go to the dance but can't find their own dates. Wally is a bit apprehensive about this job as he isn't sure how to proceed. After taking advice from his parents, he is even more unsure about it as the task seems harder than he could have imagined. It seems especially difficult to find a date for Jill Bartlett, a girl he doesn't even know and has never seen, but who he learns has a reputation for being a gopher as he calls it, or what his parents refer to as a wallflower. Not being able to find a date for her and unable to get out of doing the job from the dance chair Duke Hathaway, Wally decides to be her date himself. Wally wants to do whatever he can to make sure that Jill has a good time at the dance, but sends Beaver to do some reconnaissance work first just so that he has some idea of what Jill looks like ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver Takes a Bath

Beaver Takes a Bath


Beaver Takes a Bath - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Ward and June are going on an overnight business trip. When the sitter they hired cancels at the last minute, Wally, feeling responsible enough, volunteers to be the sitter for the night, getting paid at the same rate as the previous sitter of course. His parents agree. One of the many tasks June leaves for the boys is for Beaver to take a bath. When Wally first tells Beaver to take a bath then to come down for dinner, Beaver forgets that he left the water running in the bathtub, which eventually overflows. The flood causes water to flow onto the main floor, which leaves a large water stain on the kitchen ceiling. After Ward and June come home, the plaster on the ceiling where the water damage occurs falls off. Wally and Beaver have to decide whether to confess, especially after Ward and June praise them on doing such a good job while they were away. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD School Bus

School Bus


School Bus - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Grant Avenue School is extending their school bus service to all students in the school, meaning that Beaver can now get a ride to school on the bus. Despite Beaver having read the school bus policy manual, he quickly gets suspended from riding on the bus for one week for conduct not up to the standards of a fourth grader. Ward and June learn that that unbecoming conduct is hitting Charles Fredericks, another boy in his class, over the head, but only after Charles hit him first. Charles was not suspended since Mr. Crawford, the bus driver, didn't see Charles do anything. Ward does whatever he can to get Beaver back on the bus, and teaches Beaver a lesson in diplomacy. Beaver tries to pass that lesson on to Judy Hensler along with a more tangible item Beaver passes along to her. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Baby Picture

Baby Picture


Baby Picture - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Beaver asks June for one of his baby pictures to enter in his school project and is horrified when Wally shows him that the pose she chose is one with no clothes ... and the photo will be going on the bulletin board for the whole class to see! Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver Takes a Walk

Beaver Takes a Walk


Beaver Takes a Walk - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

After June finds it among Ward's old possessions, Ward gives the boys an old pedometer that his father gave to him. Beaver is excited about using it, especially after Ward tells him that he will be amazed at how far he can walk each day. In what is obviously an exaggeration at least in Ward's mind, he tells the boys that he used to walk 20 miles a day to and from school. When Beaver shows his classmates the pedometer, he ends up betting Whitey his prized outfielder's mitt that he can walk 20 miles by the same time tomorrow since his father did it, and his father wouldn't lie to him. By the end of the afternoon, Beaver comes to the painful conclusion that he will walk nowhere close to 20 miles. A sulking Beaver, who doesn't want to talk about what is bothering him to his parents, is mad at the world not only for losing his mitt, but because he didn't measure up to his father. When Ward finds out, can he right things in Beaver's mind? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Borrowed Boat

Borrowed Boat


Borrowed Boat - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Wally has painstakingly made arrangements to allow Beaver to ride the team bus to his football game, then eat lunch with the team. However, Beaver makes some last-minute plans to go with Larry on an outing to Friends Lake. Wally is very upset and vows never to do any favors for Beaver again. At the lake, Beaver and Larry run into a pair of teen-agers, who say they are searching for some lost oars for their boat; however, the teens are hoodlums who had burglarized the boat shed and duped the two young boys into taking the boat. The hoods run off, and when the police arrive on the scene, Beaver and Larry are caught red-handed. Unable to explain the situation or identify the real culprits, the boys are taken into custody and are told their parents will be called. Wally is the only one who is home when Beaver makes his one phone call, and at first Wally is reluctant to help bail his brother out; however, Beaver tearfully apologizes for the earlier situation, and Wally - feeling obligated ... Written by Brian Rathjen briguy_52732@yahoo.com

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver's Tree

Beaver's Tree


Beaver's Tree - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Miss Landers gets the class to memorize the poem The Heart of the Tree by H.C. Brunner. It is obvious to her by the way they recite the poem that the children do not understand the meaning and the beauty of the poem. After Miss Landers reads the poem aloud, Beaver, now understanding its meaning, remembers back to a tree that Ward once gave him for his birthday, a tree that is growing in the yard at their old house. Beaver wants to get his tree back, as he sees it as being his. With Larry's help, he goes and digs up the tree without telling his parents or Mr. Benner, who now owns their old house. What will Ward, June and Mr. Benner do once they find out what Beaver has done? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Teacher Comes to Dinner

Teacher Comes to Dinner


Teacher Comes to Dinner - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

Beaver regales to his parents the joys of being in Miss Landers class, she who is new to the school, to Mayfield and to the teaching profession. Wanting to show their appreciation for inspiring Beaver, Ward and June want to do something nice for her. June does what Ward's parents did when he was a boy: invite her over for dinner. Beaver knows nothing about the invitation until Miss Landers thanks him after school the day of the dinner. As much as he likes Miss Landers, he feels uncomfortable about having her over for dinner. He tells Larry the situation only on the promise by Larry that he won't tell anyone else. But Larry being Larry is unable to keep the secret. So Larry, Whitey and Gilbert decide to go over to the Cleavers and hide out in a tree so that they can spy on Miss Landers and Beaver together. By the end of the dinner, Beaver realizes why he likes Miss Landers so much. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver's Fortune

Beaver's Fortune


Beaver's Fortune - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

After spending a morning at the five and dime, Beaver and Larry each spend their last penny to weigh themselves at a weight and fortune machine. Both Beaver and Larry believe Beaver hit the jackpot when Beaver's fortune says that this is his lucky day. When they later run into Sonny Cartwright, a boy a whole year older in the fifth grade and with who Larry had a shoving altercation previously at school, Larry starts a verbal altercation, but ends up getting Sonny to challenge Beaver to a fight instead, the fight scheduled for later that day. Larry's reasoning is that Beaver's luck will protect him. Beaver believes as such until Wally tells him that there is no such thing as luck. Asking his father a general question about luck with Ward providing an answer somewhat similar to Wally's, Beaver now believes luck will not protect him in the fight with Sonny. What will a now scared Beaver do, especially as Larry tells their friends about the fight? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver Makes a Loan

Beaver Makes a Loan


Beaver Makes a Loan - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Beaver is forced to break his promise to bring home the change from the dollar his dad gave him to buy a 25 cent notebook after his unreliable pal, Larry Mondello, takes the money to buy a notebook for each of them and pays off an old debt with the rest. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver the Magician

Beaver the Magician


Beaver the Magician - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Just before Beaver is to go for a weekend visit with Aunt Martha, he and Larry spend the afternoon at Uncle Artie's magic store. With magic on their minds, they decide to play a trick on unsuspecting five year old Bengie Bellamy: Larry pretends to turn Beaver into a rock, with Beaver really hiding in a box. But before Larry can change the rock back to Beaver, Larry has to head home, with neither Beaver or Larry thinking anything of Bengie still believing Beaver is that rock. Mrs. Bellamy is at her wits end trying to convince a scared Bengie that the rock he is caring for is not Beaver. Bengie needs to see Beaver in real life to be convinced, which can't be done now since Beaver is at Aunt Martha's. Even Wally, thinking more like a kid than the adults, does what he thinks will convince Bengie, but to no avail. Will they have to wait until Beaver's return for Bengie to be convinced? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD June's Birthday

June's Birthday


June's Birthday - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Not wanting to hurt Beaver's feelings when he gives her a tacky blouse for her birthday, loving mother June promises Beaver that she will wear the blouse to a mother's club tea. But June wears another outfit instead, unaware that Beaver's grammar school class will also be at the tea to sing a special song. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Tire Trouble

Tire Trouble


Tire Trouble - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Beaver and Wally come up with an idea to raise chinchillas since Beaver reads one can make $10,000 a year doing so. Although they soon abandon the idea, the mess in the garage associated with them building a chinchilla cage remains. Ward is incensed since he can't get his car in the garage. He orders the boys to clean up the mess in the garage by tomorrow. For good reason according to June, the clean-up doesn't come to pass as Ward ordered. Even more angry and inadvertently calling the boys stupid, Ward orders the boys to clean it up the next day - Saturday - before they do anything else. As Ward gets a ride into the office to work this Saturday, Ward leaves his car behind outside the garage. Beaver, finding a piece of lumber stuck to the car's front tire, pulls it out nail and all deflating the tire. Not wanting to be called stupid again, Beaver and Wally follow Eddie's advice of taking the tire to the garage and having it patched before Ward comes home. Not without incident, they ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Larry Hides Out

Larry Hides Out


Larry Hides Out - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Caught reading his sister's diary and embarrassed when his mother scolds him in front of his best friend, Beaver, Larry Mondello decides to run away to Mexico; but Larry only makes it as far as the Cleaver house where he hides out in Beaver's bathtub. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Pet Fair

Pet Fair


Pet Fair - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.2
30 min

Beaver isn't looking forward to school today since all the kids in his class are announcing what pets they will bring tomorrow for the pet fair. Beaver knows that he will be one of the few who doesn't own a pet, and his parents refuse to buy him one since he has not taken care of any of the other pets he has had in his life. So when one by one the other kids tell what pets they are bringing, Beaver pipes up that he will be bringing a singing and talking parrot, as he knows there is one just like that at the pet store. Beaver doesn't expect that the parrot costs $200, money which he doesn't have. Even Ward changing his mind and buying Beaver a pet hamster doesn't cheer him up. And Ward and June, not knowing what Beaver has told the class, don't understand why he isn't happy about the hamster. Beaver hopes for a miracle for a parrot to appear by tomorrow. June, Ward and Miss Landers end up being more understanding about the issue than Beaver expects. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Wally's Test

Wally's Test


Wally's Test - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

It's Saturday and Wally plans on going over to Mary Ellen Rogers' house with the guys just to hang out. Instead, Ward and June make Wally stay at home since he has a big History midterm exam on Monday for which they want him to study, especially as History is his worst subject. Unknown to Wally, Eddie and Lumpy, who still plan on going to Mary Ellen's, aren't going to study at all as Eddie has a plan to cheat: he will write the important dates on a paper towel hidden in the towel dispenser in the boys washroom. Eddie will excuse himself during the exam to go wash his hands, and get the answers off the paper towel. At the beginning of the exam, Wally spills ink on his hands, excuses himself to go to the washroom to wash his hands and sees a piece of paper towel there with writing on it to which he pays no attention. So when Eddie later excuses himself to go to the washroom, Eddie can't find the paper towel with the dates on it. The result is that Wally gets a good mark on the exam, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver's Library Book

Beaver's Library Book


Beaver's Library Book - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Beaver's school assignment is to write a book report on the book of his choice. After Ward suggests Treasure Island as an appropriate book, Ward lends Beaver his library card so that he can check it out of the library. Beaver finds out that the book has a one-week loan period, with a five cent fine for every day the book is overdue. Beaver ends up writing a condensed book report because after reading thirty pages of the book, he loses it. Thinking the book will eventually show up, Beaver isn't too concerned, even about the accumulating fines - which has now reached $1 - the notices for which he just stores away in his clothes drawer. Beaver does become concerned when Eddie tells him that the library will soon send the police around and put Ward in jail. With the book still missing, Beaver has to figure out how to keep his father out of jail. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Wally's Election

Wally's Election


Wally's Election - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Wally's sophomore class is holding its elections this Friday. Each of the four home room classes is submitting a slate of candidates, two for each of the positions. After Tooey nominates a proud Lumpy for president, Eddie, on a lark, nominates a reluctant Wally. Ward and June don't mind too much that Wally seems disinterested in the job, but things change specifically for Ward when Fred Rutherford gloats that Wally has no chance of winning against his Lumpy. Ward talks Wally into treating the election like any politician who wants to win would. Although doing such is outside of Wally's comfort zone, Wally ends up relishing the glad-handing and the thought of potentially being president. How will his classmates react to the new Wally, who is acting like a career politician, versus the old Wally, a casual, fun guy? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver's Dance

Beaver's Dance


Beaver's Dance - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Beaver, who has been going to dancing school, has been invited by written invitation to attend a series of six weekly formal cotillions organized by the dance teacher, Mrs. Prescott. The boys are required to wear blue suits and white gloves, the girls organdy dresses. Beaver doesn't want to go and doesn't believe that Larry too has been invited, but his parents make him go regardless. The first cotillion is as bad as Beaver and Larry expect, and as such they make a pact not to go to another one ever. But when the second cotillion rolls around, both sets of parents make their sons go. Beaver and Larry decide to hang out somewhere else for the duration of the cotillion, with both planning to tell their parents that they did go. Their choice of an alternate hang out is behind a barn, where they meet a young cowgirl. Their interaction with her may be the downfall in keeping their secret, unless June goes through with her thought of calling Mrs. Prescott to see how the cotillion is going. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Larry's Club

Larry's Club


Larry's Club - EPS 22

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Larry has already called twice this morning looking for Beaver, with no one in the Cleaver household knowing where Beaver is. In reality, he is down at the car junk yard with a bunch of other boys, being sworn into their secret club, the Bloody Five. Beaver is hoping that Harold, the club leader, will also take Larry into the club, but Harold refuses to let Larry in. Beaver regrets joining without Larry. Meanwhile, an angry Larry, who knows about the club, is sure that Beaver has joined without him. To get back at Beaver, Larry lies and tells him that he too has joined a secret club with armbands and paper bag masks. In reality, the club that Larry mentions, the Fiends, does not exist. Beaver, thinking that the Fiends sounds neater than the Bloody Five, wants to quit his current club to join the Fiends. Larry does whatever he can to keep up the masquerade, even allowing Beaver to attend a meeting of the Fiends under special conditions. What will Beaver do if and when he finds out the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD School Sweater

School Sweater


School Sweater - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

After Wally arrives home after a school basketball game, June notices that he is no longer wearing his expensive school letter sweater that he had on when he left the house. Wally is evasive about what happened to the sweater, saying that he didn't lose it and will try to bring it home. The truth is that he lent it to a girl he doesn't know that well named Frances Hobbs, who looked cold at the basketball game and who asked if she could borrow it. He is nervous asking for it back just because he doesn't really know her. Ward and June, overhearing a conversation that includes Frances whom they don't know, learn what has happened to Wally's sweater and Frances' take on why she has it, which is a bit different than Wally's. Will Wally, Ward and June ever be on the same page about the sweater, and will Wally ever get it back from Frances? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver's Bike

Beaver's Bike


Beaver's Bike - EPS 26

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Beaver has just gotten an expensive new bicycle with gears. This bike is his first new one ever. Instead of taking the bus to school, Beaver wants to ride his bike to school, especially as his friends Larry and Whitey ride their bikes to school and he wants to ride with them. Ward and June aren't sure if they really want him riding his bike to school, but they allow him to do it anyway. After school, Larry and Beaver stop off at the candy store where they meet an older kid who asks Beaver if he can test ride his bicycle. Trusting Beaver, believing that the kid is a friend of Larry's (when in reality Larry has no idea who he is), agrees. But it soon becomes obvious that the kid is not coming back. Beaver dreads going home to tell his parents what happened. When Beaver finally makes it home, he does receive a lecture from his father. But when they call the police to investigate, Ward becomes a little more humble and learns his own lesson in humility. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Wally's Orchid

Wally's Orchid


Wally's Orchid - EPS 27

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

It's still early in his dating life, and Wally wants to go to the upcoming sophomore dance only if the most popular girl in his class, Myra, goes with him, but he isn't sure if she'll agree to go with him. She does accept his nervously asked invitation. His excitement is tempered by the fact that she implies that she would like an expensive orchid corsage since she has to uphold the look expected as chair of the dance committee. He finds out an orchid costs $7.50 which is about three times the amount he has and much more expensive than something like a gardenia corsage. He isn't sure if Myra will still want to go with him unless he can get her the orchid, and thus he isn't sure if he still wants to go to the dance. Although June tries her hardest to convince Ward to pay for this one small luxury to keep face in Wally's young dating life, Ward refuses, stating that it is an extravagance that no young girl should expect of a young boy. With Mrs. Rayburn's help, Beaver thinks he knows ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Ward's Baseball

Ward's Baseball


Ward's Baseball - EPS 28

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Ward finds an old memento of his from when he was a teenager: an autographed baseball signed by many of the biggest major league players of the day. Although the boys don't seem too interested in it since they don't know many or any of the names on the ball, Ward loves it so much he has a pedestal made for it so that he can display it in his den, and he plans on passing it down to the boys when they are old enough to appreciate it. Although Beaver knows it's wrong, Larry convinces him to play catch with the ball. The ball ends up in the street and gets run over by a truck and smashed. Beaver and Larry try and hide the fact of what they've done by replacing Ward's memento with an old baseball of Larry's and signing some names on it. After Ward finds out about the ruined baseball, he grounds Beaver for a week. As much as the grounding hurts Beaver, it affects others in the family as well. Ward gets a new perspective on the incident from Wally, who remembers back to a time when he was in... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver's Monkey

Beaver's Monkey


Beaver's Monkey - EPS 29

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

June definitely will not let Beaver keep the mouse he brings home hoping to keep as a pet. Ward tells him that a mouse is not an appropriate pet, but that they would let him keep any animal that is a sensible pet. So Beaver is excited when he sees on the supermarket bulletin board that someone is giving away a pet monkey, which used to be a circus animal. June is equally as concerned about having a monkey in the house as she was a mouse, but not wanting to go back on his word, Ward convinces her that they should let Beaver keep the monkey, named Stanley. After an incident with Stanley in the house, Ward and June, as much as they come to like the little guy (who Beaver thinks having is as good as a little brother), believe that Stanley is much too big to keep, news which they are not looking forward to telling the Beaver. But wanting what's best for his new pet, Beaver, unknown to his parents, has his own thoughts about what to do with Stanley. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver Finds a Wallet

Beaver Finds a Wallet


Beaver Finds a Wallet - EPS 30

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

June and Ward are concerned about Beaver, who was supposed to go to the market with Larry to pick up some groceries, but who apparently never made it there. The two of them have been gone for over two hours. When Beaver returns home, he tells them that he was at the police station since he found a wallet with $89, and thought he would turn it into the police since he and Larry didn't know what else to do. Despite Beaver not having picked up the groceries, Ward and June are proud of the responsibility that Beaver showed with regard to the found wallet. Beaver will get to keep the wallet and its contents if no one claims it within ten days. Beaver already has it in his head how he is going to spend the money, when Ward tells him that they should also place an ad in the paper. As the ten days progress, Beaver gets more and more anxious about the wallet. When an incident happens regarding the wallet, Ward decides to take matters into his own hands to retain Beaver's faith in humankind. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Mother's Day Composition

Mother's Day Composition


Mother's Day Composition - EPS 31

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

While Miss Landers is off on an extended sick leave, Mrs. Rayburn is teaching Beaver's class. She assigns what she considers a different type of homework: to write a composition on a subject from suggestions by the students. After discarding many suggestions, Mrs. Rayburn chooses a modified version of Larry's suggestion. As it is nearing Mother's Day, each student is to write a 50 word composition not of their mother now, but what she did before she got married. Most students seem to know about their mother's pre-married life, but Beaver doesn't. Beaver does ask June, who tells stories of working as a sales clerk (a job from which she got fired), volunteering for the USO in Mayfield and winning a blue bathing cap in a swim meet, which seems to satisfy Beaver for his composition needs. After some of the other students read their compositions which tell stories of their mothers in roles of authority or in what Beaver considers exciting positions, Beaver secretly crumples up his ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver and Violet

Beaver and Violet


Beaver and Violet - EPS 32

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Fred and Gwen Rutherford have invited the entire Cleaver family to join them on a picnic at Friends Lake. Beaver is happy enough to go until he learns that his classmate, Violet Rutherford, the Rutherford's daughter, is also going to be there. The day ends up being a nightmare for Beaver first when Fred makes Violet sit on Beaver's lap on the car ride to the lake, second when Beaver thinks that Richard and Whitey saw Violet sitting on his lap, and third and worse when Fred makes Violet put her arms around Beaver and kiss him on the cheek right as he snaps a photograph of the two of them. Ward later finds that Fred has had the photograph published in their office weekly newsletter. Ward and June are afraid the Beaver will have a fit when he sees that the photograph has been published, and they decide to hide that fact from him. But Beaver finds the newsletter anyway. Whitey, the only person Beaver shows the photograph to, believes that Violet is in love with Beaver, which is the only ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Spot Removers

The Spot Removers


The Spot Removers - EPS 33

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Wally and his friends have decided to make their upcoming party a formal affair, with the guys all wearing suits. Even blazers and slacks is considered too casual. June has just mended Wally's good suit which is now hanging in his closet. But Beaver, who has gone fishing with his new friend Richard, has just come home smelling of fish, and hangs his dirty, smelly jacket on top of Wally's clean suit. Wally is angry enough, but Beaver is apologetic for irritating his brother, which he hates to do. But Wally doesn't stay mad as he knows kids can do dumb things, and the suit can be dry cleaned in time for the party. However, when Wally's suit comes back from the dry cleaners and June gives it to Beaver to hang up, Richard, who is at the Cleaver house visiting, spills some leather conditioning oil on the suit. Not wanting to get into more trouble, Beaver and Richard try to fix the problem by cleaning it off themselves with the best cleaner they know of: bleach. When the bleach has the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver, the Model

Beaver, the Model


Beaver, the Model - EPS 34

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Beaver reads an ad in one of his magazines of a New York modeling agency requesting people to send in their photo to become a model, who can make up to $100 a day. Beaver thinks his brother is good looking enough to send in his photo, but Wally refuses. So Beaver sends in a photo of himself instead. Beaver receives a letter from the agency, the letter which his father, who can see it is a scam, tells him to ignore and to ignore any future correspondence from them. Eddie, however, convinces Beaver to send in the application anyway for his photo to appear in the agency's book of its models. The next piece of correspondence Beaver receives, as per the terms of the signed agreement, tells him that he is required to send the agency the $30 registration fee. This time, Beaver thinks the best thing to do is take his father's advice and ignore the letter. But when he receives further letters from the agency stating that the company will take legal action if it doesn't receive the $30, which ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Wally, the Businessman

Wally, the Businessman


Wally, the Businessman - EPS 35

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

The summer is approaching, and Wally wants to get a job, which requires Ward to provide legal permission. Ward allows Wally to do it, and even allows Wally to get his own job, instead of his initial suggestion of looking for a job for Wally. Wally's choice of a job is to get an Igloo ice cream cart, despite the initial financial outlay (a $25 damage deposit for the bicycle, and $2 for dry ice), which Ward is more than happy to loan. Wally finds that the job is a little more problematic than he first anticipated, primarily because a proud Beaver follows him everywhere, and many people - especially customers of the previous salesman and Wally's friends - want the ice cream on credit, which Wally in some instances has to provide since they've already opened and started eating the ice cream. Wally starts to get worried about collecting the money as it approaches the date his boss wants to pick-up the money. He's $3.75 short, which he personally doesn't have. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver and Ivanhoe

Beaver and Ivanhoe


Beaver and Ivanhoe - EPS 36

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Beaver is happy that Miss Landers is returning to teach class following a two-week illness. The first assignment she issues is for everyone to read another book, she who provides a list of suggestions. Instead of the child-like fare that Miss Landers suggests (such as Hoppy the Kangaroo), Ward would rather Beaver read something that Ward himself was interested in reading as a child, and suggests Ivanhoe. Beaver does become enthralled with the tale of knights and chivalry so much that when he sees a young boy beating up a young girl, he goes to defend her honor. Unfortunately, the young girl, who ends up being the young boy's sister, doesn't defend Beaver when asked why Beaver was beating up her brother, she stating that she and her brother were minding their own business when Beaver started beating him up. Later, learning truly what happened, Miss Landers, despite the fight, praises Beaver in front of the class for his actions. Feeling the hero, Beaver decides to start his own ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Last Day of School

The Last Day of School


The Last Day of School - EPS 38

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Over breakfast on the last day of school before summer vacation, Beaver and Wally sneak a peek at the gift June bought for Beaver to give to his teacher. The embarrassed boys find a lacy slip and, not knowing that the department store made a mistake and that his gift was supposed to be handkerchiefs, Beaver must decide whether to give Miss Landers the slip or nothing at all. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Beaver's Team

Beaver's Team


Beaver's Team - EPS 39

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Beaver has formed a football team - the Lightning Eleven (even though there are only six on the team) - of which he is captain. His team's only competition is Rick Rickover's team, the Grant Avenue Tigers (so named since Rick has his father's Princeton Tigers shirt). It becomes a family affair as Ward is willing to buy much of Beaver's equipment, and Beaver accepts Wally's offer to coach (even if it does mean that Eddie will be hanging around). Wally even comes up with what he believes is the team's secret weapon, a secret sneak play they have given the code word the old 98. Beyond Beaver actually being able to carry off the play, it is only effective if the Tigers don't know about it, which may become an issue as one person tells another who tells another... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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