Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Eddie believes that the best thing ever in their high school lives has just happened to himself and Wally: they've just been asked the join the Barons, a popular club at high school. Wally doesn't know the boys in the club too well, so is a bit hesitant about joining until he gets an official invitation directly from them and meets them. He finds out that they are all about fast sports cars, expensive clothes and attracting fast girls. But Ward's adult perception of them is that they are overly privileged, spoiled and not academically inclined, which in combination doesn't amount to much. Despite June's protests, Ward convinces her that Wally is old enough to make up his own mind about joining, even if they aren't the type of boys that Wally usually associates with, or conversely associate with him. Ward doesn't tell Wally how he feels about the club. Conversely, Wally doesn't tell Ward how he feels about the club, or the reason he was asked to join. This silence between father and ... Written by Huggo
All Episodes - S05
When Wally and his girlfriend, Evelyn, frequently double date with Evelyn's older sister, Judy, and her husband, Tom, Ward and June worry that spending so much time with the happy couple will make Wally forgo college for marriage ... especially after Ward's chance encounter with the girls' father reveals that Wally and Evelyn may be secretly going steady. Written by shepherd1138
June and Ward are planning on going to a friend's anniversary party on Friday night, and are hoping Wally will stay home with the Beaver. Wally however has a date that night. Beaver, now being twelve, is at that stage where Ward and June aren't quite sure if he is ready to stay home by himself and thus are contemplating hiring a sitter. Beaver believes after the conversation he has with them that they've made up their mind not to hire a sitter, so Beaver is excited to act the big kid in front of Gilbert and Richard in telling them that he would rather stay home by himself than go out with them to the movies on Friday night. So Beaver is upset when his parents do decide to hire a sitter. She is Judy Walker, a teenager around Wally's age. Beaver has to figure out how to pretend that Judy isn't his sitter, especially when Gilbert and Richard decide to come over. Through it all, Beaver finds that some sitters, like Judy, aren't all that bad. Written by Huggo
Without telling his parents beforehand, Wally buys a non-operating jalopy for $25, hoping that he can fix it up and get it running by the time he learns to drive. But Ward and June - more so the latter - don't feel he should have a car, especially such a broken down one, at his young age. So he agrees to get rid of it, but asks for a couple of days to be able to sell it so that he can get his money back. In those two days with no prospective buyers in sight, the car causes some problems in blocking their functioning car from getting up and down their single drive driveway, and for the Cleavers now being seen as the bad neighbors with the junk in their front yard. Ultimately, Ward and Wally take different paths in figuring out how to get rid of the car without taking a financial beating. Written by Huggo
At breakfast, Ward and June convince Beaver to bank his birthday money instead of buying the model race car he really wants; but when Uncle Billy's ten dollar cash gift arrives in the mail later in the day, sneaky friend Gilbert urges Beaver to keep the money a secret and use it to buy the car. Written by shepherd1138
Beaver is hiding a cat in his room, the cat which was sitting outside on their porch when he got home. When June speaks to a neighborhood woman named Mrs. Prentiss on the phone, Mrs. Prentiss who is missing her cat Bootsie, Ward puts two and two together and figures that Beaver's strange behavior means he has the cat. Mrs. Prentiss is glad to come and pick up Bootsie, but after she leaves, Beaver learns that he shouldn't have fed Bootsie as Bootsie now knows their house is a place where he can get food. Indeed Bootsie comes back in the middle of the night looking for food, and Beaver, the next day, takes Bootsie back to Mrs. Prentiss. But that doesn't stop Bootsie from coming back yet again. The Cleavers figure they have to come up with an ingenious way to keep Bootsie away, but their plan has its own unintended consequence. Written by Huggo
Wally wants to get a weekend job so that he can have some pocket money without always having to ask his father for it. Wally manages to get a job as a soda jerk at Mayfield Drugstore. Wally, already a popular guy, becomes even more popular with the girls who think he looks even cuter wearing his uniform. Eddie and Lumpy, on the other hand, neither like the fact that Wally is attracting all the girls, or that, in even having a job, he is looking more responsible to their own parents. Eddie devises a plan to make Wally look bad, using the fact that Mary Ellen Rogers is having a slumber party that evening. Wally exacts his own form of revenge. Written by Huggo
When Ward and June are away, Beaver and Gilbert play in the car and it ends up rolling down the driveway into the middle of the street. A cop comes by just as Wally is moving it back into the driveway and gives him a ticket for driving without a license and has to go to traffic court. Written by Ronny Bailey
Wally isn't looking forward to a school dance this upcoming Saturday. The boys from Mayfield High are supposed to draw names of girls from Riverside High to take to the dance, and the boys from Riverside draw names of girls from Mayfield. Wally ends up drawing Marjorie Muller's name. Eddie comes by with a proposition for Wally: they switch dates as Eddie professes to know Marjorie and would like to take her. With yearbook in hand, Eddie shows Wally photos of both Marjorie and Eddie's drawn date, Gail Preston. Wally admits Gail is a knockout, so he agrees to the switch. When Wally meets Gail a few days before the dance, he understands why Eddie was so anxious to switch: Gail is a good four inches taller than he is. Not wanting to get ribbed by the other guys, Wally contemplates not going to the dance and if he does go, thinks of ways to make himself look taller. By the time the dance rolls around and Gail shows up, Wally forgets all about the issue thanks to Gail. But Beaver may end up... Written by Huggo
Beaver asks his father for $6 to make up the amount he is short for a $10 season's pass to the ice skating rink. Ward is happy that Beaver is interested in skating and gives him the $6, but he is almost certain that Beaver will want more money to get other peripheral items. Beaver vows that he won't ask for any more money for this endeavor. But as Ward expects, Beaver asks two days later if he can buy a new pair of skates advertised on sale at a new sporting goods store. As Beaver will be using his own money, Ward and June say yes. Although against their better judgment, they also let Beaver go to the store on his own to get the skates. At the store, the salesman, knowing that Beaver wears a size 6 but with nothing left in stock but sizes 9 and up, tries to pawn off a 9 as a 6 to Beaver, who, even after trying them on and feeling that they are big, buys them. Once at the rink, Beaver, even wearing three pairs of wool socks like the salesman told him, can't even walk in the skates, let... Written by Huggo
Wally has been invited along with a bunch of other guys on a weekend trip to his new friend Scott's family cabin by the lake. Ward and June are reluctant to let Wally go until they speak to Scott's parents and make sure that they're OK with the trip. However, Ward feels pushed into a corner when Scott needs an immediate answer, and Scott's parents aren't available to speak to. Learning that all the other parents have already given permission and not to look the unreasonable parent, Ward allows Wally to go. Both he and June somewhat regret it when Wally tells them that Scott's parents aren't driving but that Scott is taking all the guys in his own car. Soon, Wally learns directly from Scott that his parents aren't even going to be there, as they're off on their own trip to Chicago. Wally, feeling uncomfortable about misrepresenting the trip to his parents, has to decide whether to tell his parents that the trip is going to be unchaperoned and whether to go at all. But Wally's decision ... Written by Huggo
Ward and June receive a note from Beaver's new English teacher Mr. Blair that Beaver is doing poorly in his class and is on the verge of failing. Gilbert's parents receive a similar note. Part of the problem is Beaver's lackluster study habits especially in those subjects he doesn't know well. Unable to help Beaver with his homework as he would like, Ward instead asks Wally to help Beaver with the issues he is having with grammar. Wally goes through the process of trying to explain adverbs and adjectives to both Beaver and Gilbert. Unable to get through to either, Wally instead provides them with one of his old English exams to review. When Mr. Blair gives Beaver's class a pop exam the following day, Gilbert is happy to see that it is the exact same exam Wally gave to them to review the previous night, the exam answers which they've both coincidentally memorized. Beaver, however, feels a little uneasy about the possibility of getting a good mark on the exam when he really doesn't know... Written by Huggo
Wally and his friends are going to a grown up country club dance on Saturday. Wally and his date, Evelyn Boothby, are planning on getting a ride to the dance with Lumpy. Ward forbids Wally to go with Lumpy as he and Evelyn will be one of four couples in what would be Lumpy's overcrowded car. Wally, feeling he's too old to have his daddy drive him to the event or worse have Evelyn drive, doesn't think he can get another ride so soon before the dance. When he tells Evelyn the issue of not being able to go with Lumpy, Evelyn tells Wally that she'll try and find another ride for them. Unknown to Wally, what Evelyn is planning to do is ask her father if she can borrow his car and drive herself. Mr. Boothby agrees. When Evelyn arrives to pick up Wally, he's mortified, but his parents make him go to the dance. Wally's friends can't help but give Wally the business about having a girl be his chauffeur. Everyone's view of the situation changes after the dance. Written by Huggo
After two years of using every excuse to try and avoid going to dancing class, Beaver comes home from dancing class stating it was one of the best times he's ever had. Wally gets it out of him that it's because of a new girl in the class named Betsy Patterson. Beaver isn't sure why he likes her, but it is his first ever case of puppy love for a girl his own age. Mrs. Thompson, the dancing school teacher, is holding a party in a week's time to which all the boys in the class are supposed to invite a girl from the class. Beaver manages to get up enough nerve to ask Betsy, who accepts. In addition, Wally, a former dancing school student, is asked to chaperon. Wally's presence may make a nervous Beaver feel more comfortable since he can follow Wally's lead in how to act properly to a girl. Will this dance make Beaver forget all about being a kid or will it be his full fledged entrance into puberty? Written by Huggo
With a shoebox filled with stray golf balls he found over by the driving range, Gilbert convinces Beaver - against Beaver's own better judgment - to get Ward's golf clubs with which to hit the balls. On Beaver's first swing, the head of the driver breaks off. What Gilbert and Beaver don't know is that Ward actually broke the club himself earlier in the day. Not knowing this fact, Wally convinces Beaver to be up front with their father about breaking the driver. Beaver changes his mind after Ward chastises Wally about borrowing something of his without asking. Rather than endure the wrath of his father, Beaver decides to replace the broken driver, he figuring he's got one whole week until Ward goes out for his next game and figuring he can pay on installment since he doesn't have the entire amount. If Beaver can purchase the driver and sneak it into Ward's golf bag without either his mother or father finding out, what will Ward think when he sees an unbroken driver in his bag? Written by Huggo
Beaver is glad to learn that mean Penny Woods' family is moving out of town; but when they realize that their good-byes will be for good, battling schoolmates Beaver and Penny discover that their feelings for each other may be more complicated than they think. Written by shepherd1138
Despite volunteering to be in the school pageant, Beaver is angry and embarrassed to be playing a cute bunny rabbit. All the pageant participants have to get dressed at home before going to the school for the pageant. Ward learns late the day of the pageant that he has to work late, meaning that he can't drive Beaver to school for the pageant. Wally manages to get Lumpy to drive both him and Beaver. But when Lumpy's car gets a flat tire on the way, an embarrassed Beaver, dressed in his bunny costume, is forced to walk the rest of the way to school on his own. Beaver tries to avoid letting anyone see him on his walk. But when Beaver doesn't show up at school much to the exasperation of the harried pageant director Miss Lawrence, Wally has to find out what's happened to him. Written by Huggo
After agreeing to let June give his old electric train set to neighbor boy Johnny Battson, Beaver decides to pretend the trains are broken and keep them for himself; but Beaver's sneaky plan doesn't account for big brother Wally falling under the spell of little Johnny's pretty, teen-aged sister! Written by shepherd1138
Despite promising Beaver that they would no longer get babysitters for him, Ward and June are still uneasy to leave him at home alone for the evening, especially as they know that Wally also won't be there. They believe the answer to their worries are to allow Gilbert to spend the night with Beaver. That night, after watching a scary movie on television, Beaver and Gilbert notice a suspicious vehicle which they've never seen that's parked in front of the house with two masked men in it. Pretending to be an adult - Mr. Cleaver - so that they will be taken more seriously, they decide to call the police, who come by and haul off the car's occupants. What Beaver and Gilbert are unaware of is that it's Lumpy's car, he, who with Bill Scott, was waiting to pick up Wally, who wasn't home yet, to head off to a masquerade party. What will Ward do when he receives the inevitable tirade from a concerned Fred Rutherford over his son's wrongful incarceration? Written by Huggo
Beaver is enthralled with Richard's new jacket with leather details and a lock on the inside pocket zipper. Richard's parents paid $23.76 - taxes included - for it. Beaver wants the exact same jacket. Despite believing it an exorbitant price for a jacket and knowing that Beaver's current jacket is perfectly good, Ward, the decision maker due to the expense, buckles in and lets Beaver get the jacket. The first day Beaver has the jacket, he learns from Richard that he lost his, but knowing where he lost it he's sure he will eventually get it back. In the meantime, he proposes a scheme to Beaver so that he won't get in trouble with his parents for losing his new jacket, that scheme which entails Beaver lending him his jacket. Beaver agrees. Complications ensue as Beaver and Richard try to sneak Beaver's jacket in and out of the Cleaver house without Ward or June's knowledge. A worse scenario for Beaver is if Richard does something with the jacket he borrowed from Beaver. Written by Huggo
After seeing a book in the store window called The Awkward Age, Beaver and Richard discuss when that actually takes place. Richard describes the classic signs of puberty, he ending with the statement that nobody, including their parents, likes kids at the awkward age. Without saying anything, Beaver believes he is at that awkward age: ugly, clumsy, bothersome, generally repulsive and thus unloved. It doesn't help by the recent behavior of his family, including Wally who wants to move into the guest room. Even comments by Miss Landers and Gus the fireman, who have not seen Beaver in a while, reinforce Beaver's negative perception of himself. When Ward and June learn from Wally what Beaver is feeling, they have to try to prove to Beaver in a not obvious way that they still love him. Written by Huggo
Wally is having trouble trying to find a fifth person to go to the new amusement park in Bellport on their five person entrance discount. It seems that most of his friends already have groups of five. So Wally ends up choosing as his fifth who he considers the last resort, Beaver, if only because Wally's friends wouldn't consider hanging around with Beaver as fun. After the tickets have been purchased, Richard and Whitey tell Beaver that the scariest roller coaster they've heard of, called the Big Dipper, is at this amusement park. Beaver doesn't want to admit to anyone that he's afraid of the thought of such a ride, especially to his own friends, and Wally and Wally's big guy friends. After talking to Gus, Beaver thinks he has overcome the thought of his fear. But will that thought actually translate into reality when Beaver sees the Big Dipper itself? Written by Huggo
Beaver, Gilbert and Richard notice that someone in the neighborhood is selling a burro for $30. As they each want the burro and since they don't individually have the money, they come up with the idea of putting in $10 apiece to buy the burro together. Gilbert and Richard are able to convince their parents, but Beaver, despite having the $10 himself, isn't able to convince Ward and June until he tells them that Gilbert and Richard both want to keep the burro at their houses. So Ward and June give in on the condition that the burro remains at either the Rickover's or the Bates'. Pepe, which is the name they give to the burro, ends up causing havoc first at Richard's house, and then at Gilbert's house, both sets of parents who never want to see Pepe again. So while the Cleavers are out that evening, Richard and Gilbert leave Pepe at Beaver's house, Pepe who they eventually find in the middle of the night. He ends up being just as destructive there. As neither the Rickovers or the ... Written by Huggo
All the guys are jealous when Eddie Haskell's dad allows him to drop out of high school, especially when he brags about the money he's making in his new job; but best friend Wally isn't sure that Eddie is as happy as he seems to be with his newfound independence. Written by shepherd1138
When Wally asks Ward's permission to stay overnight at the Rutherfords and Beaver asks June's permission for his friend Gilbert to stay overnight at the Cleavers, the distracted parents deny the boys'requests but unwittingly give them an escape clause and are surprised when Wally and Beaver do exactly the opposite of what they were told. Written by shepherd1138
With the Rickover's washing machine broken, Beaver offers to help Richard, who is running out of clean clothes, take the family's clothes down to the laundromat. Mrs. Rickover has given Richard $3 to get the clothes cleaned. On the way to the laundromat, Richard realizes that he's lost the $3. Not being able to find the money and not wanting to get yelled at by his mother, Richard asks Beaver if he thinks Beaver's mother will do their laundry instead. Beaver believes so. But when they arrive at Beaver's house, no one, including June, is in sight. So Richard suggests they do the laundry themselves using the Cleaver's washing machine. Neither really knowing how to wash clothes, they proceed anyway with less than positive results. Wally and Eddie, who return in the middle of the disaster, help Beaver and Richard, with Wally and Eddie each have their own motives for helping. They collectively try both to fix the mess in the Cleaver's laundry room and still get Richard's clothes clean so ... Written by Huggo
Since Wally doesn't have his drivers license, busy Ward reluctantly gives Lumpy Rutherford permission to drive the Cleaver family car to an out-of-town track meet. But, in spite of Wally's promises to stay on the main road, troublemakers Lumpy and Eddie Haskell convince Wally to let them take a shortcut on the way home from the meet and the boys break down on a dirt road in the middle of the woods. The boys take the car to a shop to have it repaired so that the damage won't be noticed, but unbeknownst to them one of Ward's co-workers had spotted the boys pushing his car along the highway. Ward confronts Wally and Beaver to find out exactly what happened, then tells them the car is off limits for awhile. Ward also refuses to reveal his informant to his sons, defending his action so as to ensure the boys are always on their best behavior and may be caught at any time. Written by shepherd1138; Brian Rathjen
Wally is excited by his double date with Eddie this evening. What he's forgotten about is that he also promised to babysit five-year old Chuckie Murdock this evening. Exhausting all his friends, none of whom can babysit in his place, Wally makes an unlikely suggestion as a replacement: Beaver. Wally convinces both Beaver and their parents that Beaver is capable of doing the job. But Beaver is thrown a bit of a curve ball when he gets to the Murdock house and finds that he isn't sitting with five-year old Chuckie Murdock, but rather the Murdock's ten-year old daughter Pat Murdock. Beaver was all prepared to deal with a little boy, not a slightly older girl. Regardless of how the evening goes, Beaver just hopes that precocious Pat, who goes to Grant Avenue School as well, doesn't spread the word that he played girl games. What actually ends up happening is even worse in Beaver's estimation. Written by Huggo
When Ward urges Beaver to follow in Wally's footsteps and become the next Cleaver basketball star, Beaver tries out for the City Park basketball team. But Beaver finds he lacks his older brother's talent for the sport and, afraid to disappoint his dad, doesn't tell anyone when he is cut on the first day of practice. Written by shepherd1138
After seeing an advertisement for one on sale, Beaver tries to convince his parents to buy him a typewriter, despite he not knowing how to type. He uses the argument that typing will help in his schoolwork and by association improve his grades. After making Beaver promise to stick with it unlike many other toys both he and Wally have so easily discarded that are collecting dust, Ward agrees. Learning how to type is much more difficult than Beaver expected and he resorts to writing his class composition in longhand, which he knows will anger his father. When Eddie comes by their house, Beaver is amazed to see that Eddie not only knows how to type, but type well. They make a deal: Eddie will type out Beaver's composition for $1. The typewritten composition has an unintended affect: Mr. Bailey, Beaver's English teacher, is so impressed by the improvement in Beaver's work, especially in the neatness through the typewritten assignment, that he sends a note home for Beaver's parents on ... Written by Huggo
Angry with his dad for taking his car keys away, Lumpy Rutherford decides to secretly join the Merchant Marine Corp and has the enlistment information sent to the Cleaver's address instead of his own. Trying to be a good friend, Wally hides the Corp literature in his room; but, when June finds it while cleaning, she's sure that a break-up with his girlfriend and a recent reprimand from Ward have made Wally unhappy enough to leave home. Written by shepherd1138
When Mr. Collins announces that there will be a new student joining their class, Beaver and Gilbert hope that it is a boy they can play with rather than a dopey girl. Mary Tyler ends up being anything but dopey for Beaver, who, upon first sight, is immediately hit with his first case of puppy love, although he isn't sure what he is feeling beyond always wanting to look at her. Not knowing how to act around girls, he asks Wally for advice, after which he decides a good first step is to ask Mary if he can walk her home from school. She ultimately says yes, after their walk they agreeing that they will now only walk home with each other, and no one else. Beyond the ribbing Beaver gets from Gilbert and Richard, who are not yet at the stage of liking girls, Beaver runs into a problem. It seems as if Mary may have had ulterior motives in making this pact with Beaver, as she really wanted to get to know Wally. Wally, in turn, has no interest in a little girl like Mary, while in Beaver's ... Written by Huggo
Wally and Beaver reluctantly give up their Saturday morning to clean the yard, miss the garbage man's pick-up deadline and go from the frying pan into the fire when they trust Eddie Haskell and Lumpy Rutherford to take the trash to the dump in Lumpy's car. Written by shepherd1138
Wally is supposed to meet Eddie at the tennis court, Wally who is just starting to get into the game again after not playing in years. While Wally waits for Eddie, he is approached by pretty twenty-something Carole Martin, who not only is interested in volleying with him while he waits for Eddie, but seems interested in him, period. What Wally doesn't know is that Carole just had an argument with her tennis instructor boyfriend, Don Kirk, who was watching from afar. Carole only asked Wally to play to make Don jealous. Although Wally makes a future tennis date with Carole, he wants to keep it a secret from his friends and family. Carole, on the other hand, gets more and more friendly with Wally whenever Don is around. When Don finally decides to approach Wally, Wally learns a lesson in the games that men and women play in relationship oneupsmanship. Written by Huggo
Eddie believes that the best thing ever in their high school lives has just happened to himself and Wally: they've just been asked the join the Barons, a popular club at high school. Wally doesn't know the boys in the club too well, so is a bit hesitant about joining until he gets an official invitation directly from them and meets them. He finds out that they are all about fast sports cars, expensive clothes and attracting fast girls. But Ward's adult perception of them is that they are overly privileged, spoiled and not academically inclined, which in combination doesn't amount to much. Despite June's protests, Ward convinces her that Wally is old enough to make up his own mind about joining, even if they aren't the type of boys that Wally usually associates with, or conversely associate with him. Ward doesn't tell Wally how he feels about the club. Conversely, Wally doesn't tell Ward how he feels about the club, or the reason he was asked to join. This silence between father and ... Written by Huggo
Beaver and his friends buy fad monster sweatshirts and agree to wear them to school on the same day but Beaver is the only one who manages to sneak out of his house in the gruesome attire and suffers the consequences of violating the school's dress code...and his parents trust. Written by shepherd1138
A couple of days before their scheduled departure, Mr. Bates has to cancel the long planned weekend long camping trip on which he was going to take Gilbert, Beaver, Whitey and Alan. The disappointed boys look for another parent to act as their chaperon, none who are available. Whitey and Alan suggest Wally, and want Beaver to ask him in front of his parents, as that ploy would back Wally into a corner. Although Wally doesn't appreciate the ploy itself, he does eventually agree to take the boys as he has made no other plans for the weekend. Later, Eddie and Lumpy end up being dependent upon Wally for a triple date on Sunday afternoon (i.e. Eddie and Lumpy's dates won't go unless Wally goes), and will do anything to get Wally to go out with them, despite Wally not planning on being back from camping by then. Since Wally doesn't fall for their more direct approach of trying to stop him and the boys from going on the camping trip at all, Eddie and Lumpy figure they have to be a little ... Written by Huggo
While Ward and June are out for the day, Beaver is convinced by his visiting friends, Gilbert and Alan, to split the cost of a long distance phone call to Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher, Don Drysdale. But the prank costs much more than they expect when the boys are left on hold while the famous baseball player finishes his shower. Written by shepherd1138
Ward decides to teach Wally a real-life lesson in economics by helping him and Beaver invest one hundred dollars in the stock market. But when the nice, solid utility stock recommended by their dad doesn't show much activity, the boys decide to take Eddie Haskell's advice and buy risky, but rising, space tech stock. Written by shepherd1138
The summer break is soon approaching, and Ward has made arrangements for the family to go back up to Crescent Lake for a two week vacation like they have for the previous ten summers. He's even managed to get the same cabin they had last year that they liked so much. June loves these vacations since she feels the family bonds closer together. While Beaver is excited by the news, Wally seems a bit sullen. Wally eventually tells the family that he doesn't think he can go this year, he making up a story that Mr. Gibson, his boss at the drugstore, probably won't give him the time off. Beaver suspects that Wally doesn't really want to go because he wants to moon over Lori-Ann, the new girl working at the library. Beaver's right as Wally and Lori-Ann have started dating. Ward and June know they can't force Wally to go, despite the fact that they will really miss not having him there. Wally even counters the argument of staying by himself by managing an invitation to stay with the Haskells ... Written by Huggo