The Golden Jaguar of Atahualpa

The Golden Jaguar of Atahualpa

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  • Duration:
  • IMDb: 0



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HD Galileo's Cannonball

Galileo's Cannonball


Galileo's Cannonball - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.5

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of Galileo's Cannonball. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you a step closer to the temple...Perhaps the most brilliant Italian scientist and astronomer of all time was Galileo. He perfected the telescope and was one of the first people to use experiments to prove his discoveries. One day he thought to himself, 'if I drop two different sized cannonballs from the same height, I bet they'll land at the same time.' To test his idea, Galileo went to the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa. He climbed the steps of the tower, and when he got to the top he leaned out over the edge and dropped the cannonballs. They both landed at ...

Country: USA
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HD Wild Bill Hickock and the Dead Man's Hand

Wild Bill Hickock and the Dead Man's Hand


Wild Bill Hickock and the Dead Man's Hand - EPS 02

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of the dead man's hand. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you a step closer to the temple...In the Old West, gunfighters used to say 'speed is fine, but accuracy is final.' And nobody knew this better than the prince of the pistoliers, Wild Bill Hickock. He was tall and handsome with long hair and a mustache, and was quite a ladies' man. By the time he became marshal of Abilene, Kansas, he was said to have killed more than a hundred men. Wild Bill made everyone check their guns at the edge of town, and asked lawbreakers to move along peaceably. But if they refused he wasn't afraid of a shootout. After serving as ...

Country: USA
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HD Elizabeth I's Golden Ship

Elizabeth I's Golden Ship


Elizabeth I's Golden Ship - EPS 03

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about Elizabeth I's Golden Ship. Pay close attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you one step closer to the temple...Long ago, a beautiful princess was born - but her father, the king, was very disappointed. He didn't think a girl could be strong enough to rule a country and protect it from foreign invaders. That princess grew up to be Queen Elizabeth I of England, and proved him wrong. In the 1500's, while Elizabeth was queen, Spain was the richest and strongest country in the world. The only country that challenged Spain's power was England. The king of Spain hated Queen Elizabeth, and thought he could defeat her. So he gathered all his ...

Country: USA
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HD John Henry's Lost Hammer

John Henry's Lost Hammer


John Henry's Lost Hammer - EPS 04

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of John Henry's Hammer. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you one step closer to the temple...The men who drove the spikes and laid the rails for the Great American Railroad were called Gandy Dancers. And the biggest and strongest of them all was John Henry. One day the railroad foreman came up to him with a stranger and said, 'John Henry, Mr. Jones here says his steam engine can out drill even my best man, and I aim to find out. I'm gonna put you up ahead in a tunnel there, with you on one side and the steam drill on the other. We'll see who drives further.' John Henry slung his hammer over his shoulder. 'That'll ...

Country: USA
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HD The Golden Cricket Cage of Khan

The Golden Cricket Cage of Khan


The Golden Cricket Cage of Khan - EPS 05

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of the golden cricket cage of Khan. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you one step closer to the temple...When he was seventeen, a famous Italian explorer traveled from Venice and along the legendary Silk Road to China. He was Marco Polo. Along the way he rode camels through burning deserts, giant sandstorms, and through the icy mountains. After he arrived in China, Marco was invited to dinner in the palace of the emperor, Kublai Khan. Marco was very impressed with Kublai Khan's court, and the Khan was very impressed with Marco's bravery and intelligence. They quickly became friends, and Khan gave Marco many gifts ...

Country: USA
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HD John Sutter and the Map to the Lost Gold Mine

John Sutter and the Map to the Lost Gold Mine


John Sutter and the Map to the Lost Gold Mine - EPS 06

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of the map to the lost gold mine. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you one step closer to the temple...Long ago, on a river in northern California, the owner of a mill saw something shiny in the water, and when he picked it up, saw that it was pure gold. That lucky man was John Sutter. Within nine months over 10,000 other prospectors came to California from all over the world to pan for gold. Some went around South America in creaky old ships. Their food was filled with bugs and their ships were often wrecked in terrible storms. Others took a shorter route, through Panama, battling their way over land through ...

Country: USA
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HD The Helmet of Genghis Khan

The Helmet of Genghis Khan


The Helmet of Genghis Khan - EPS 07

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of Genghis Khan and his helmet. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you one step closer to the temple...Long ago there lived a young boy who drove a giant tent wagon, called a yurt, for the Mongolian army. His name was Jamukha. Together, Jamukha and the other members of his Mongolian tribe had followed Genghis Khan, ruler of all Mongols. They swept down across the plains and into China, conquering almost all of Asia and part of Europe. 'Yurt driver,' someone shouted, but Jamukha did not hear the command. 'Yurt driver,' the voice said again, 'what is your name.' Jamukha turned and saw the great Genghis Khan. 'Jamukha, ...

Country: USA
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HD The Keys to the Alhambra

The Keys to the Alhambra


The Keys to the Alhambra - EPS 08

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of the Keys to the Alhambra. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you a step closer to the temple...Long ago there lived a young and degrasping Spanish queen named Isabella. She and her husband controlled all of Spain except for a small part in the south which was controlled by the Moors. Boabdil, the king of the Moors, was very wealthy, and he lived in a beautiful palace called the Alhambra. Isabella wanted the jewels and money that she thought were hidden there. She fought with Boabdil for ten years and finally he surrendered and gave Isabella the keys to the palace. According to legend, the Alhambra palace was built...

Country: USA
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HD The Pendant of Kamehameha

The Pendant of Kamehameha


The Pendant of Kamehameha - EPS 09

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of the Pendant of Kamehameha. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you a step closer to the temple...Many years ago, a fierce and powerful warrior united the Hawaiian islands into one kingdom. He was Kamehameha. When he became king of all Hawaii, he wore a giant cloak of red and yellow feathers. Around his neck he wore the Palauha, a hook-shaped ivory pendant that represented his power. The Palauha symbolized the tongue of the fierce war god Ku. When a Hawaiian king died, the burial was always done in secret so no one would know where the bones were hidden. The people who buried the king were sworn to secrecy. When ...

Country: USA
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HD The Star of Sultan Saladin

The Star of Sultan Saladin


The Star of Sultan Saladin - EPS 10

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of the Star of Sultan Saladin. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you a step closer to the temple...The two greatest warriors of the Crusades were Richard the Lionhearted of England and Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt and Syria. For two years, Richard had tried to capture the city of Acre, but the city had held out while Saladin attacked Richard from behind. Finally, Acre surrendered, but Richard's men were too tired to continue fighting Saladin. The time had come for them to meet face-to-face. Saladin bowed low and presented Richard with his favorite jewel - a giant opal called the Star of Saladin. 'For my worthy ...

Country: USA
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HD The Trojan Horseshoe

The Trojan Horseshoe


The Trojan Horseshoe - EPS 11

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of the Trojan Horseshoe. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you a step closer to the temple...Long ago there was a huge fortress city with many towers called Troy. It was destroyed because Paris, a prince of Troy, decided to marry the most beautiful woman in the world - Helen. Unfortunately, Helen was already married to a Greek king, who became so enraged he mounted an army to attack Troy. The Greeks fought the Trojans for ten years but could not defeat them. So, the smartest Greek said 'Let's build a giant horse and put some warriors inside, leave it outside the city with a card that says no hard feelings, and ...

Country: USA
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HD Henry VIII's Great Seal

Henry VIII's Great Seal


Henry VIII's Great Seal - EPS 12

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of Henry VIII's Great Seal. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you a step closer to the temple...The most feared and powerful king of England was Henry VIII. When he was young, he was very tall, handsome, and athletic, and his court was very luxurious. Food was served on gold plates. He seemed to have everything, but Henry wasn't happy. He wanted a son to be the heir to the English throne. He had two wives who had given him baby girls, but Henry wanted boys. Finally, his third wife gave him a boy, but Henry wanted more. So, he married three more times. He grew bitter and unhappy because he was worried that his one ...

Country: USA
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HD The Lost Logbooks of Magellan

The Lost Logbooks of Magellan


The Lost Logbooks of Magellan - EPS 13

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of the Lost Logbooks of Magellan. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you a step closer to the temple...Having already sailed three-quarters of the way around the world, the great Spanish explorer Ferdinand Magellan was writing in his secret log when the cabin boy knocked. 'You're needed on the deck captain,' he said. The men were already assembled. 'Captain,' said the first mate, 'we want to return to Spain. It has been three and a half months since we last saw land. We have no fresh water, and we have been eating rats, leather, and even sawdust to survive.' Magellan placed one hand on his pistol and the other on his...

Country: USA
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HD The Lucky Pig of Amelia Earhart

The Lucky Pig of Amelia Earhart


The Lucky Pig of Amelia Earhart - EPS 14

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of the Lucky Pig of Amelia Earhart. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you a step closer to the temple...The first woman to fly across the Atlantic, and the first to fly from Hawaii to California was also the most famous woman pilot in history. She was Amelia Earhart. Everyone followed her adventures as she tried to fly all the way around the world. By the time she got to New Guinea in the Pacific, she had been through some rough storms and close calls. JoJo, her New Guinea fueler, was loading up her baggage and gassing up her engines for the last leg of her journey. He wanted Amelia to be safe on her trip, so he ...

Country: USA
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HD The Moccasins of Geronimo

The Moccasins of Geronimo


The Moccasins of Geronimo - EPS 15

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of the moccasins of Geronimo. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you a step closer to the temple...Throughout the west, one name struck fear into the hearts of soldiers and settlers. It was Geronimo, the fierce Apache warrior. The Mexican government, in what's now New Mexico and Arizona, tried again and again to wipe out the Apaches. When the Americans took over, at first the Apaches thought things would be better. But the American soldiers were just as bad as the Mexicans. Under the white flags of truce, the soldiers lured the Apaches into the camps, and then imprisoned them. Geronimo was so angry he decided to ...

Country: USA
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HD Blackbeard's Treasure Map

Blackbeard's Treasure Map


Blackbeard's Treasure Map - EPS 16

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD Ponce de Leon and the Lost Fountain of Youth

Ponce de Leon and the Lost Fountain of Youth


Ponce de Leon and the Lost Fountain of Youth - EPS 17

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Golden Cup of Belshazzar

The Golden Cup of Belshazzar


The Golden Cup of Belshazzar - EPS 18

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Oracle Bowl of Delphi

The Oracle Bowl of Delphi


The Oracle Bowl of Delphi - EPS 19

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Paintbrush of Leonardo Da Vinci

The Paintbrush of Leonardo Da Vinci


The Paintbrush of Leonardo Da Vinci - EPS 20

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Treasure Map of Jean Lafitte

The Treasure Map of Jean Lafitte


The Treasure Map of Jean Lafitte - EPS 21

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Belly Button of Buddha

The Belly Button of Buddha


The Belly Button of Buddha - EPS 22

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Golden Chains of Zenobia

The Golden Chains of Zenobia


The Golden Chains of Zenobia - EPS 23

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Helmet of Joan of Arc

The Helmet of Joan of Arc


The Helmet of Joan of Arc - EPS 24

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Stolen Arm of Shiva

The Stolen Arm of Shiva


The Stolen Arm of Shiva - EPS 25

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Stone Marker of Leif Erikson

The Stone Marker of Leif Erikson


The Stone Marker of Leif Erikson - EPS 26

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Golden Jaguar of Atahualpa

The Golden Jaguar of Atahualpa


The Golden Jaguar of Atahualpa - EPS 27

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD Alexander and the Gordian Knot

Alexander and the Gordian Knot


Alexander and the Gordian Knot - EPS 28

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Mask of Shaka Zulu

The Mask of Shaka Zulu


The Mask of Shaka Zulu - EPS 29

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of Shaka Zulu. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you a step closer to the temple...Long ago there lived a great warrior chief of the Zulu nation. His name was Shaka Zulu. When he was little, he and his mother were banished from their tribe, and for many years they wandered in the African bush living off bugs and plants. Finally, they were taken in by another Zulu tribe called the Mthethwas. But Shaka never forgot how his old tribe had treated him and his mother. When he was 30, the chief of the Mthethwas put Shaka in charge of a large Zulu tribe of his own. He developed new war tactics, and created a Zulu army with ...

Country: USA
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HD The Medal of Sir Edmund Hillary

The Medal of Sir Edmund Hillary


The Medal of Sir Edmund Hillary - EPS 30

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD King Tut's Cobra Staff

King Tut's Cobra Staff


King Tut's Cobra Staff - EPS 32

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD Pecos Bill's Lost Lariat

Pecos Bill's Lost Lariat


Pecos Bill's Lost Lariat - EPS 33

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD Robin Hood and Marian's Ladder

Robin Hood and Marian's Ladder


Robin Hood and Marian's Ladder - EPS 34

IMDb: 0

Six teams: the Purple Parrots, the Red Jaguars, the Silver Snakes, the Green Monkeys, the Blue Barracudas, and the Orange Iguanas face off in a physical and mental showdown to retrieve an ancient artifact from folklore. Only one team will earn the right to enter Olmec's temple to retrieve it. It is now time for Olmec to tell us about the legend of Robin Hood and Marian's Ladder. Pay attention, because your knowledge of the legend can bring you a step closer to the temple...Deep in the Sherwood Forest, a famous outlaw lived with his band of merry men. His name was Robin Hood. Some say they were merry men because they didn't work. Others say it was because they wore green tights. But everyone was merry, until the sheriff of Nottingham decided to force Maid Marian into marrying him. Robin Hood, Maid Marian's boyfriend, was very upset by this. So, he sneaked into Nottingham to rescue her. Preparations for the marriage had already begun. Maid Marian screamed and cried and stamped her feet...

Country: USA
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HD The Dragon Lady and the Blue Pearl

The Dragon Lady and the Blue Pearl


The Dragon Lady and the Blue Pearl - EPS 35

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Codebook of Mata Hari

The Codebook of Mata Hari


The Codebook of Mata Hari - EPS 36

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD Lawrence of Arabia's Headdress

Lawrence of Arabia's Headdress


Lawrence of Arabia's Headdress - EPS 37

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Collar of Davy Crockett

The Collar of Davy Crockett


The Collar of Davy Crockett - EPS 38

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Snake Bracelet of Cleopatra

The Snake Bracelet of Cleopatra


The Snake Bracelet of Cleopatra - EPS 39

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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HD The Treasure of Anne Bonny

The Treasure of Anne Bonny


The Treasure of Anne Bonny - EPS 40

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
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