Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Nate deduces who killed his father and is given a 3-step recipe for how to make any man kill: take his business, possessions and name. New foe, Latimer, enters into an unholy alliance and the team hires part-time assistance. Things get Chaotic. Will Sophie and Eliot be able to talk Nate out of murder? Parker plays Daddy's girl and Hardison finally gets a Bat-Cave. Written by LA-Lawyer
All Episodes - S04
The team meets 8,000 feet+ high at Mt. Kibari Basecamp after Karen Scott reports her husband, Alan, missing at 10,000+ feet in the brutal Alaskan mountains. Hardison describes the scene as a danger cupcake with murder icing, and Alan, a seasoned climber, may well have been murdered. There is a race to find Alan-- the team, Karen and various real estate moguls, lawyers, investment bankers and business associates of Alan want to locate him and (more importantly) the business notebook Karen hopes he is carrying. In a cameo as Alan Scott, Eric Stoltz is, as ever, some kind of wonderful! Written by LA-Lawyer
The team is hired to take down corrupt Morris Beck, millionaire architect/builder and owner of Beckworx. The whole team attends his Murder Mystery Masquerade gala but, before they can steal evidence and break away clean, Morris Beck drops dead. Nate, looking just like Ellery Queen, (wearing the exact hat worn on the series by Jim Hutton) is almost cast as the evil murderer. Written by LA-Lawyer
The team wants to take on Reed Rockwell, a public perception manager who targeted Ed Kelly, an old pal of Nate. Hardison calls Rockwell a ninja assassin; he moves very quickly and stealthily and has no online footprint. All the team knows is where he gets his coffee. So, how would Nate ruin Nate? Push him out of the shadows and ruin his anonymity. Reed Rockwell, Venti Vigilante, meet Andy Warhol ... and get your 15 minutes of fame. Written by LA-Lawyer
The burgeoning romance between Parker and Hardison is evident as their characters re-enact a nostalgic tale about Charlie Lawson (Danny Glover) and the white girl he loved back in pre-WWII 1942 Oregon, Dorothy Ross. Charlie found the so-called Lost Van Gogh during his tour in the Red Ball Express in WWII France; later, Charlie and Dorothy hid the Van Gogh. Now, the race is on, everyone wants the Van Gogh; but, Charlie is in hospital, and the team is worried about his safety. Charlie will only confide in Parker, who reminds him of his lost and lovely Dorothy. Written by LA-Lawyer
Emily Margold, Crop Sciences major at university, developed a potato with extra Vitamin A and nutrients inside. She plans to open-source the potato to help the poor and the children of the planet. Verd-Agra Corporation is trying to stop Emily as her Super Tuber will cost them. Corporate thugs claim because Emily used Verd-Agra seed to grow it, her tuber belongs to them and they steal the potato. Sophie and Eliot team up to lead a quickly assembled con, Hardison makes a friend, Parker dances with fire and Nate has a field trip. Written by LA-Lawyer
After 50% success at Verd Agra, the team takes on debt-ridden FluidDyn, Sales VP, Connell. The client, Geoffrey, invented an environmentally adaptive tech design chip and then, was fired by Connell. Geoffrey sued and Connell denied there was a chip. Nate believes widower, Connell, is hiding the chip in his home to sell on the black market. The con has to afford entry to the Connell safe room. Security Guard Eliot bonds with Molly, Connell's sad, confused daughter. Eliot teaches Molly cheating is unnecessary; practice and playing to win are the way to go. Molly is abducted at a local carnival. Can a few hours of Eliot's teachings help Botasky and Perky survive this ordeal? Green is the color of Parker, the 2000 and envy when our favorite cat burglar misunderstands a loving gift. Written by LA-Lawyer
The creepiest cons deal with the Wickett Funeral Home and a Mexican drug cartel. Darlene Wickett (Anne-Marie Johnson) is a grifter with two thug sons. The Wicketts swindled the dying father of the client. The team learns Darlene has a side business: selling clean docs and IDs to a Mexican gang. Uncharacteristically, Parker loses her grip, Sophie lets out with Bloody Hell, Eliot feels underdressed and Nate extemporizes at a wake. Hardison and his cuff links have all kinds of phobia going on so Parker talks him through his ordeal. But she may have to shoot at him, first. Written by LA-Lawyer
Bloodlines, heredity and the con: the Sherman family tree has The Yellow Kid, The Springfield Wonder, Greg Sherman, (wannabe The Mako) and the Inverted Pyramid. Since one cannot con a con artist, one should simply steal. But, save room for Count Chocula, Parker on crack and The Chocolate Whisperer. Turn every mark from a meal to a member of the team and watch Eliot eat a heart in Ecuador. FBI Agent Taggert met a ferret and is on leave but Agent Todd McSweeten is on hand, sending 'The Big Store' handguns, hardware and a haiku. Written by LA-Lawyer
A testament to Nate's superpowers, this con unfolds at the Cincinnati Metropolitan Airport just as the team returns from a job in Montserrat. Nate spots a lady in scrubs participating in a dead drop. He can tell she is not a professional and she is very upset. She is Linda Johnson, transplant nurse, carrying a human heart for 15-year old Joshua Spin. Because of Sam, this icase hits close to home for Nate; Sophie actually urges him to drink. After rescuing Linda's kidnapped daughter, the team IDs the bad guy and hacks the airport with 1980's tech. Dean Chesney is the slime ball who thinks his money entitles him to steal from a dying young man and UNOS. Chesney would have made Nate's hit list, but for the fact he was dying. Nate adjusts to the situation and promises to monitor Chesney to make certain that the death God planned for him actually takes. Written by LA-Lawyer
Sterling asks Nate to steal a nuclear reactor component which someone intends to use to produce uranium which will then be sold to terrorists. Nate thinks Sterling is holding something back but he decides to do it. They figure out that the man selling it will hand it off while his step-daughter is competing in a chess tournament in Dubai. They try to proceed as planned but Sterling shows complicating things. Written by
The daughter of a homeless man, David Schaeval, hires the team when he dies as result of a college experiment gone awry and she cannot get law enforcement to investigate. Hardison goes to Harvard (it ain't Holyoke, brother) and Eliot joins the killer college PTSD experiment. Hardison is rushed by the Dustmen, Order of the 206, secret society and feeder fraternity of alphabet spooks. Mr. Conrad is a top CIA agent who insulates students like Travis Zilgram, who is running the Psych. PTSD experiment for CIA. Do they cure or cause PTSD by combining sleep deprivation, loud music and cold air? Nate is 'game' to teach Prisoner's Dilemma (PD); but Travis is a know-it-all. Eliot turns the tables on his professional interrogator. Sophie and a member of Boston's finest demonstrate a working model of PD with Travis as Conrad watches with Nate. Written by LA-Lawyer
A parody of The Office, this episode is centered at Good Cheer Greeting Card Co. Good Cheer is run by CEO, Fred Bartley, who speaks fluent pigskin. The team infils Good Cheer as an efficiency consulting outfit, pending a buyout by Heartfelt. There is Gunter, a stoic German filmmaker who is making a documentary and is smitten with Parker. Has the team uncovered illegal activity at Good Cheer? How stupid is Sophie to confide in HR ... and to try to talk froufrou with a helmet head? Nate and the guys get the picture. Written by LA-Lawyer
As the boys prepare for poker, the girls go out to play...with other boys. Parker asks advice from Sophie, who brushes her off in her rush to meet Tara. Peggy, pal of Alice White, needs a VIP blind date screened. Parker meets Craig Mattingly, international bad boy who makes Hardison damn the tuxedo. Sophie and Tara meet Parker and Mattingly at the Venezuelan Consulate for Miche, arepas and Stop 'n' Shop. Tara causes fireworks when she tangoes with Escobar, but it takes a caterer, two grifters and two thieves to stop a bomb, and save the hopes and dreams of Venezuela. Written by LA-Lawyer
While the girls are out to play, Nate hosts a poker game; Pat Bonanno and Eliot's pal, Shelly, round out the numbers. Hardison damns a thief, his good looks and tuxedo. Nate ducks into McRory's and runs into Jack Hurley. Outside, Callahan's Irish gang is angry and inside, Eliot suggests pizza. Hurley drags Nate to an NA meeting where Nate calls his sweetheart to explain about Hurley and the drugs. The guys meet an improbably hot nun. Hardison learns the difference between Mexico and Venezula. Eliot is gun shy around a lady cop. Gold sedans are stolen; dogs are disturbed. Callahan and his Irish, the Mexicans and the crew from the poker game throw down at the Palestra Hotel garage in a multi-exit finale. Written by LA-Lawyer
Walt Whitman Wellesley IV (David Ogden Stiers) never made it to Nate's naughty list, even though he is rich as Croescus. WWWIV asks the team to find his missing bride, Lacey, whom he met at a charity auction. They travel to the Hamptons to infiltrate a bachelor auction and look for one run-away bride. They uncover a ring of Laceys, all on script with their tripping and soul gazing seduction techniques. It is up to Lady Charlotte Prentice to lure the ringleaders from hiding so the team can gift wrap a very special present for the bad guys. Written by LA-Lawyer
Siblings, Tommy and Barbara Madsen, own Gold to be Sold where they buy, melt and refine gold for pennies on the dollar from gullible people all over the US. Bored and unappreciative of what he terms 18th Century cons, Hardison builds The Double-Promged Monkey Con. Using modern video gamer data, strategy and psychology, the con is a cross between Indiana Jones/archeology and Shanghai Tunnels of Doom/history. Nate knows a good plan must have 3 variables to work; he proves it in a letter. But 1003 variables are too unwieldy, causing Rage Quit. Nate shares his secret: many permutations to every plan; shoot for Plan A, settle for Plan J. Take the basics, dress it up to keep it fun and fresh and take down the mark. Finally, Hardison listens. Written by LA-Lawyer
Latimer hires Jimmy Ford (Tom Skerritt) to break into the U.S. Patent Office after Nate refuses the job. During the weekend Jimmy gets inside, he supposedly loses contact with Latimer, causing the latter to issue dire prognostications to Nate. Worried about Jimmy, Nate goes to D.C.; and the team follows him. Jimmy must weed through nearly 423,000 patent applications to find the one Latimer wants. Various law enforcement agencies force some interesting exits; and Jimmy has the coolest one. Latimer threatened to murder Nate; this is why he took the job. Will this be Jimmy Ford's last job? Is Eliot right: is someone other than Latimer messing with Nate's head? Written by LA-Lawyer
Nate deduces who killed his father and is given a 3-step recipe for how to make any man kill: take his business, possessions and name. New foe, Latimer, enters into an unholy alliance and the team hires part-time assistance. Things get Chaotic. Will Sophie and Eliot be able to talk Nate out of murder? Parker plays Daddy's girl and Hardison finally gets a Bat-Cave. Written by LA-Lawyer