Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
George (John Ralston) attends Thompson High's parent/teacher night, where he learns that Derek (Michael Seater) is failing Spanish. When Derek's mother, Abby (Jennifer Wigmore), shows up, George shares the bad news with her and the two conspire to do something about the situation. After several failed attempts to get Derek to concentrate on his Spanish studies, George and Abby ultimately decide that Derek will live in Spain with Abby for six months while she does a research fellowship. Derek is initially psyched about the idea, until he realizes it won't just be a six month vacation and that his mother will inevitably expect some work out of him. He's also thrown that everyone except Marti (Ariel Waller) seems happy he's going. Edwin (Daniel Magder) organizes a roast to make Derek feel appreciated and Derek discovers surprising reason to stay: he'd miss his family even Casey (Ashley Leggat) if he left. Written by Anonymous
All Episodes - S03
It's a well known fact that Derek (Michael Seater) never dates anyone longer than 21 days, so when he and Kendra (Lauren Collins) hit day 32, his friends predict it's only a matter of time before they break up. But he is most definitely still going out with Kendra when he asks out Casey's (Ashley Leggat) ballet friend Lucy (Lara Amersey). Now Casey has a dilemma: should she break the sibling code and rat her brother out, or keep her mouth shut and watch both girls get hurt? Meanwhile, Casey has her eye on Max (Robbie Amell), the good looking captain of the football team. But when she finds out that Max is almost definitely still seeing a girl named Amy, ethical Casey realizes she'll just have to pine for Max and wait for the day that he's single. When Max approaches Casey and asks if he can call her, she believes he's two timing Amy just like Derek is two timing Kendra. Fed up with all the two timing behaviour that's going on, Casey decides she has to tip off Kendra and Lucy. Lucy ... Written by Anonymous
Lizzie and Edwin share a 13th Birthday Party where both get to meet boys and girls, which turns both of them into nervous wrecks with or without organization from George and Nora. Meanwhile, Casey struggles to learn how to talk about sports with Max on an impending date, and makes the mistake of seeking advice from Derek. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey
Derek (Michael Seater) is laying low to avoid a weepy post break up session with his ex-girlfriend Kendra (Lauren Collins), and Casey (Ashley Leggat) is getting mixed signals from her new heartthrob Max (Robbie Amell). So, with no weekend plans to speak of, they're both recruited to babysit while George (John Ralston) and Nora (Joy Tanner) go away. By the book Casey quickly bails when she fails to impose martial law in the house, leaving laid back Derek to look after things. Unhappy with Derek's babysitting style hanging out on the couch and ordering everyone around Edwin invites his friend Teddy over to stir up some trouble. While Derek snoozes, Teddy ties him up and then sets the rest of the kids loose. But no amount of merciless tickling, force fed broccoli, or mind numbing TV shows seem to crack Derek. But they will crack him even if they have to invite Kendra for a visit. While Casey is at Smellie Nellie's wondering why Max is there with his ex-girlfriend, Derek is helplessly ... Written by Anonymous
Nora (Joy Tanner) announces that she's quitting her job so she can devote more time to the family and sets out to become the best stay at home mom ever. Everyone thinks the change is great except Casey (Ashley Leggat), who risks losing her newly acquired cool status when newly transformed supermom steps in to organize the high school fun fair. Casey has just started dating Max (Robbie Amell), which makes her cool by association until Nora tries to recruit Casey's cool new friends to help out at the fair. Fun fairs are not cool. Besides, the fair is on the same night as Clink's party, Casey's first party with Max since they started dating. With just two days before the fair, Casey sees that Nora is frazzled and in over her head. She still intends to go to Clink's (Cyrus Aazam) party but, until then, she'll do what she can to help out. So Casey calls in the troops, and soon everyone except Derek is pitching in. In the end, Nora's family comes through for her even Derek (Michael Seater... Written by Anonymous
Thinking it will look great on her university applications, Casey (Ashley Leggat) suggests that Thompson High establish a prefect program to help ensure order at the school. The principal agrees, but it's not Casey he makes a prefect it's Derek (Michael Seater). Though he's hesitant at first, Derek quickly embraces his newfound authority, and is soon doling out detentions for offenses like bringing tuna sandwiches for lunch and studying in the hall. Casey is determined to put an end to his reign of terror and sets out to prove Derek is not prefect material. When she learns that Derek and his band are planning an unauthorized rehearsal after hours in the cafeteria, she arranges for Sheldon (William Greenblatt), another prefect, to catch them in the act. But instead of busting them, Sheldon joins Derek onstage to sing with the band. Casey can't believe her plan has failed, but gets an even bigger shock when the principal shows up, strips Derek and Sheldon of their prefect badges and ... Written by Anonymous
When Casey (Ashley Leggat) and Derek (Michael Seater) both land jobs at Smellie Nellie's Restaurant, Casey is confident that she'll shine, and that Derek will slack his way right out of a job. Instead, laid back Derek charms the customers and picks up the tips, while uptight Casey can't seem to do anything right. And the more hotshot manager Andrew (Derek Moran) criticizes her, the more Casey messes up. Things go from bad to worse when Derek is promoted to assistant manager and ordered to fire his sister. When Casey pleads for a second chance, Andrew brings her back as a bus person and tells her she'll have to work her way back up to server. After putting Casey through a humiliating server boot camp at the family's expense, Derek finally gives his sister one good piece of advice: if she really wants to be a good server, she has to stay relaxed under pressure. He's not talking about pressure from the customers; he's talking about pressure from Andrew because he's the boss; and ... Written by Anonymous
The McDonald Venturis have become like a team and it's game on if someone else messes with one of their teammates. When schoolyard bully Ronnie (Darcy Smith) starts going after Edwin (Daniel Magder), Derek (Michael Seater) tries to get his little brother to stand up for himself. But Edwin is so afraid that he lets Lizzie (Jordan Todosey) intimidate Ronnie in her Tai Kwon Do uniform. Derek warns Edwin this will be a temporary solution at best and that he's got to show some backbone. Casey (Ashley Leggat) disagrees; he should tell his parents or a teacher if he's having problems with a bully. The next day, when Ronnie gives Edwin heat for sending Lizzie in to protect him, Edwin defends himself and ends up with a black eye. This time, Derek calls Ronnie with a warning to steer clear of Edwin or else. Nora (Joy Tanner) and George (John Ralston) spot Edwin's black eye and go straight to Ronnie's parents to get things sorted out. Edwin and Ronnie make amends. But by now, Ronnie's big ... Written by Anonymous
Casey's (Ashley Leggat) family life project An Examination of the Benefits of a Modern Blended Family is chosen by her teacher as one of three to be filmed as a documentary. Casey intends her film to be a heartwarming saga of two families who work together, overcome adversity, and finally bond into one big happy family. But when filming starts, she can't get anyone to behave for the camera. Edwin (Daniel Magder) shows off; Lizzie (Jordan Todosey) spouts off about her environmental concerns; and George (John Ralston) and Nora (Joy Tanner) squabble about how they met. And when director wannabe Derek (Michael Seater) who's already annoyed that his own family life project is to be written in essay form airs his grievances against the McDonald clan, Casey decides to cut him out of the picture. With everyone in the family going at each other, Casey realizes the only way she's going to get the movie she wants is to script it. But things still don't go according to plan: Tempers flare; actors... Written by Anonymous
Sharing a house, a school and a car with Derek (Michael Seater) is bad enough now Casey (Ashley Leggat) has to share the stage with him. Casey has the lead role of Maiden Marina in the school musical, Yo Ho Ahoy, opposite newcomer Noel Covington (Adam Butcher), who beat out Wendell Wiggins (Valentin Mirosh) for the lead role of Deck Hand Hart. Wendell has the role of the bad guy Pirate Pete, and Derek is just thrilled to be in the chorus, surrounded attractive chorus girls. Casey is frustrated with her co-star who just auditioned on a dare and tells him to quit if he considers the whole thing a joke. Noel doesn't quit; partially because he has a crush on Casey. When Wendell breaks his leg in a freak accident, Derek is given the role of Pirate Pete, which includes a solo. Derek wants out, but teacher Mrs. Zeldin (Rebecca Northan) refuses to let him off the hook. Casey is amused by Derek's predicament until he reminds her that if he bombs on stage, the musical will bomb too no matter ... Written by Anonymous
It's only the first day of summer, and things are already going badly. Casey's (Ashley Leggat) job as a counsellor at Marti's (Ariel Waller) Sparrow Day Camp (held in the high school gym) is a nightmare; Lizzie's (Jordan Todosey) soccer camp is cancelled for a week because of a lice infestation; George (John Ralston) gets the dates mixed up for Edwin's (Daniel Magder) Junior Business Camp; and Derek (Michael Seater) is condemned to a week of summer school to rewrite a physics exam. While Casey bores the daylights out of Marti and the other ampers, Edwin and Lizzie see dollar signs when they hit on a lucrative pet sitting job that eventually turns their house into a zoo. When Derek's teacher, Mr. Nod (Jeremy Wright), decides to slip out of class to do some golfing, Derek sneaks over to Sparrow Camp to pump some fun into Casey's deadly dull curriculum. For a whole week, everyone (including Casey) has a great time at camp; but Derek was so busy having fun with the kids that he forgot ... Written by Anonymous
Casey (Ashley Leggat) is completely stressed about the midterm math exam. Derek (Michael Seater) figures he'll ace it but he's wrong. Knowing he didn't do well, he switches test papers with Casey and hopes for the best. When the tests come back, Derek is happy with Casey's mediocre 68 but Casey is horrified by Derek's 55. When she discovers that Derek switched the tests, she threatens to expose him. Derek claims he did it so he could stay on the hockey team, and comes up with a plan that could work for both of them. If Casey can get a makeup test, she might get a better mark than 68, and Derek would be able to stay on the team. No one would ever have to know about the switcheroo. Against her better judgment Casey agrees, but tells Derek if she doesn't get a better mark, she's spilling the beans. Casey talks her way into a makeup test by telling the math teacher a fight with her boyfriend was the cause of the bad grade. But right before writing the makeup, she has a real fight with Max... Written by Anonymous
George (John Ralston) attends Thompson High's parent/teacher night, where he learns that Derek (Michael Seater) is failing Spanish. When Derek's mother, Abby (Jennifer Wigmore), shows up, George shares the bad news with her and the two conspire to do something about the situation. After several failed attempts to get Derek to concentrate on his Spanish studies, George and Abby ultimately decide that Derek will live in Spain with Abby for six months while she does a research fellowship. Derek is initially psyched about the idea, until he realizes it won't just be a six month vacation and that his mother will inevitably expect some work out of him. He's also thrown that everyone except Marti (Ariel Waller) seems happy he's going. Edwin (Daniel Magder) organizes a roast to make Derek feel appreciated and Derek discovers surprising reason to stay: he'd miss his family even Casey (Ashley Leggat) if he left. Written by Anonymous
When Casey (Ashley Leggat) lectures Derek (Michael Seater) and Edwin (Daniel Magder) for watching scary movies which she finds silly and fake they take her admonishment as a dare to scare. The next morning, as the family scrambles for breakfast, George (John Ralston) discovers the pipes are acting up and mentions calling a plumber. Derek is shocked and reminds George about the infamous 'other' plumber, and his rather unfortunate demise. The next night Edwin finds Casey reading alone in the living room. He says he's got a better story for her the one about Freddie Cleaver, the previous owner of the house, who died exactly 16 years ago when a pipe he was working on exploded and pierced his heart. Edwin then heads outside with Derek, who has announced he's going to Sam's (Kit Weyman) house. Casey nods off and doesn't see Derek and Edwin sneak back inside. Casey wakes up and hears the kitchen tap running. She goes to the kitchen, and as she turns off the tap, the fridge door swings open. ... Written by Anonymous
Derek (Michael Seater) is excited about his upcoming 16th birthday but becomes increasingly despondent as he realizes both his friends and his family have forgotten. In truth, his friends are planning a surprise party. His family, on the other hand, actually has forgotten. At home, a family campaign is underway to convince George (John Ralston) to replace his beloved 16 year old car (The Prince). Concerned about the attachment issues George has with his car, the family stages an intervention. George finally relents and grudgingly approves the purchase of a new car. When reminded by Casey (Ashley Leggat) about Derek's birthday, a guilt-ridden George decides that he has the perfect solution to both situations: he'll GIVE Derek the old car as a present. The big day arrives and George presents Derek with his gift, handing him a set of car keys. Derek is horrified when he realizes the keys belong to The Prince, and George is hurt that Derek doesn't share his appreciation for the car. ... Written by Anonymous
Now that he's broken up with Kendra (Lauren Collins), Derek (Michael Seater) swears he won't waste any more time being distracted by cute girls. But after meeting Sally (Kate Todd), the spirited new waitress at Smellie Nellie's, he quickly changes his tune. After all, he tells his friend Sam (Kit Weyman), he's a dude, and dudes need girls especially a cute, no nonsense girl like Sally. The only drawback is that she has a boyfriend. Once it looks like Sally's broken up with her boyfriend, Derek decides to give her a couple of days and then turn on the old charm. But when he does, he gets neither the reaction he's used to, nor the one he'd hoped for. Meanwhile, tension mounts between best friends when Jamie (Keir Gilchrist) tells Lizzie (Jordan Todosey) he really likes her. Uncomfortable and embarrassed, Lizzie tries to avoid Jamie, but Jamie is persistent. With Casey's (Ashley Leggat) help, he finally gets a chance to talk to Lizzie at Smellie Nellie's, where on duty Derek accidentally... Written by Anonymous
For Derek, Christmas is a time to take a trip south of the border to Florida for surfing and babe-watching, while Casey and Lizzie go to New York to visit their real father, Edwin and Marti go skiing in Mont-Tremblant, and George and Nora celebrate a romantic evening alone. But all plans are canceled when a blizzard sends the MacDonald-Venturi kids back home, except for George's Aunt Madge who visits the Venturis expecting a huge family celebration. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey
While studying for a test on the great romantic figure 'Ivanhoe,' Casey (Ashley Leggat) decides that even in a modern world, there's something noble about a chivalrous guy risking life and limb to protect his loved ones unless it's George (John Ralston) up until all hours loudly trying to mend a hole in the roof. The next day, exhausted Casey sleeps through the test; and to make things worse, Derek (Michael Seater) humiliates her further by blasting her with spit balls and plastering her with post it notes. Casey wakes up embarrassed and angry at Derek. But she's even angrier at her boyfriend Max (Robbie Amell) because he didn't protect her from Derek. Casey enlists Derek's help to create a second opportunity for Max to be her knight in shining armour. But when he fails again, Casey starts to wonder if he's really the right guy for her after all. Written by Anonymous
Casey's (Ashley Leggat) innocent joke to Kendra (Lauren Collins) about Emily (Shadia Simmons) breaking up with Sheldon (William Greenblatt) is passed on by gossip queen Kendra, and soon the whole school is talking about it. When the rumour makes its way to Sheldon, he decides he'll break up with Emily before she can break up with him. Emily is devastated and asks Casey to find out why Sheldon dumped her. When Casey discovers the rumour originated with her, she goes to explain the situation to Sheldon, but their conversation is overheard by Emily, who misinterprets the exchange. Under the mistaken belief she has been betrayed by her best friend and former boyfriend, Emily tells Casey and Sheldon that she never wants to speak to either one of them again. Meanwhile, to avoid buying Kendra a gift for Valentine's Day, Derek (Michael Seater) starts a rumour that he's planning on breaking up with her. When the news gets back to Kendra, she makes a preemptive strike and asks Casey's crush Max... Written by Anonymous
Derek (Michael Seater) had held back from hitting on Sally (Kate Todd) while she was dating Patrick (Robert Clark), but now it seems she's free and clear and definitely into him. Derek's even more convinced that he's reading the signals right when she happens to stop by the house to return the wallet he left at the restaurant. It's the same night that Casey's (Ashley Leggat) boyfriend, Max Robbie Amell), is coming for dinner, so George and Nora invite Sally to join them. Sally fits right in with the rowdy Venturi/McDonald clan, but Max is obviously very uncomfortable. He leaves right after dinner, as soon as he can extricate himself from George's long-winded stories about his days in a rock band. By the end of the night, Derek believes he's a shoe in with Sally; and Casey is sure her boyfriend is going to dump her. As it turns out, they both have their signals crossed. Max isn't going to dump Casey in fact, he thought she was going to dump him because he was so nervous and dorky in ... Written by Anonymous
Casey (Ashley Leggat) hates surprises so much that she decides to plan her own sweet 16 surprise party a sophisticated dinner with five of her closest friends. When Derek (Michael Seater) gets wind of her plans, he decides it's his duty as Casey's stepbrother to de lame ify her lameness by adding a much needed element of surprise. Behind her back, he cancels her table reservation at Smelly Nellie's, books the entire restaurant, and makes plans for a surprise bash more to his liking. On the morning of her birthday, Casey wakes up feeling quite sick and only feels worse as the day progresses. Nora (Joy Tanner) is worried about appendicitis and insists on a trip to the emergency room. Casey is horribly disappointed. Instead of eating duck à l'orange with her friends, she'll be spending her 16th birthday in the hospital. When Nora asks Derek to cancel Casey's reservation, he spills the beans about the surprise party. Casey is furious and vows to get back at him for trying to ruin her ... Written by Anonymous
Despite his poor track record, Derek (Michael Seater) is so confident that he'll pass his driver's test before Casey (Ashley Leggat) that he makes her a hefty wager. With the bet hanging over her head, and her Honor at stake, Casey studies hard, but is very worried about parallel parking. When George (John Ralston) renowned for his poor driving skills tries to teach her, he dings a police car. The cops run his record through the computer, find a few unpaid tickets, and take his license away. The next day, Casey passes the driving test and Derek fails for the fifth time. With Nora (Joy Tanner) away on a girls' weekend, Casey is now the only one in the family with a driver's license. So, instead of celebrating her glorious victory and Derek's crushing defeat, she gets stuck running errands and playing chauffeur to her younger siblings. Derek starts to think that having a license might be more trouble than it's worth. After being run ragged, Casey decides it's time for Derek to get his ... Written by Anonymous
Casey (Ashley Leggat) still believes in fairy tales that end with happily ever after. While some would call that ridiculous, she calls it romantic, and nothing spells romance like the perfect prom. Derek (Michael Seater) has no intention of showing up at the loser fest until Sally (Kate Todd) ropes him into being her date. Emily's (Shadia Simmons) boyfriend Sheldon (William Greenblatt) is so excited about the prom, that soon he and Casey are swapping notes about flowers and formal wear. Though Casey wants everything to be perfect for her fantasy evening, things don't go according to plan. When an exhaustive search fails to turn up the dress of Casey's dreams, Nora (Joy Tanner) offers to make it for her. The dress is beautiful, but not quite what Casey had in mind; then Marti (Ariel Waller) gets a plastic tiara stuck in Casey's new hairdo, and the zipper on the dress gets stuck. But when Derek accidentally steps on the train and rips half the dress away, that's the final straw. ... Written by Anonymous
Casey (Ashley Leggat) is dating high school quarterback Max (Robbie Amell) and decides it would be fun to try out for the cheerleading squad, despite the fact that Max's ex-girlfriend Amy is the head cheerleader. Naively, she thinks the rivalry won't be a problem but boy is she wrong. During the tryouts Amy treats Casey with barely concealed hostility. Surprisingly, Casey makes the first cut, but she knows that's probably as far as she'll go because Amy has it in for her. But then help comes from a surprising source: After failing to make the cut on any of his school teams, poor Edwin draws on his past hip-hop expertise to teach Casey some new techniques. In the next round of tryouts, Casey 'wows' the rest of the squad members with her new routine. Outvoted Amy relinquishes her position to Casey, and storms off to find Derek (Michael Seater), her new boyfriend and sounding board. But Derek quickly tires of Amy's complaints about Casey and wishes the two of them would just make up. ... Written by Anonymous
Casey (Ashley Leggat) develops mysterious allergies just as the critical game of the football season approaches. She insists that the symptoms are food related; but Emily (Shadia Simmons) recalls that the first time Casey sneezed was right after Max (Robbie Amell) gave her his football jacket. So Casey takes off the jacket and considers herself cured. But the next time she sees Max, she starts to sneeze and decides she must be allergic to her own boyfriend! Meanwhile, George (John Ralston) tries to curb Derek's (Michael Seater) sarcastic put downs by charging him a dollar per incident and soon Derek owes his dad $56. When George agrees to waive the charge if Derek can go a week without insulting anyone, Derek ups the ante to include a $50 bonus if he can pull it off. George agrees but only if Derek is also considerate and sensitive. For one week, Derek must change the identity he's carefully crafted over a lifetime, but he vows to win the bet despite his siblings who are determined to... Written by Anonymous
Ever since Sally (Kate Todd) turned him down a few weeks ago, Derek's (Michael Seater) been using his patented Freeze Out strategy and it seems to be working. Sally has sent Casey (Ashley Leggat) to find out if Derek's still interested, but Derek's motto is treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen. Derek shares his dating technique with Edwin (Daniel Magder). But when Michelle asks Edwin out, Edwin plays it so cool that he talks himself right out of a date. Meanwhile, it's obvious to Nora (Joy Tanner) and Casey that Derek is doing his best to sabotage any chance with Sally. And since Derek is much nicer when she's around, they decide to matchmake by inviting Sally over to the house. When Derek gets wind of the plan, he out-punks them all by showing up at the house with another girl Ralphie's (Shane Kippel) unsuspecting girlfriend, Amanda. Now everyone's mad at Derek; and Sally never wants to see him again. Amanda blames Ralph for letting her get involved in Derek's scheme; and Edwin decides ... Written by Anonymous
Ever since Sally (Kate Todd) turned him down a few weeks ago, Derek's (Michael Seater) been using his patented Freeze Out strategy and it seems to be working. Sally has sent Casey (Ashley Leggat) to find out if Derek's still interested, but Derek's motto is treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen. Derek shares his dating technique with Edwin (Daniel Magder). But when Michelle asks Edwin out, Edwin plays it so cool that he talks himself right out of a date. Meanwhile, it's obvious to Nora (Joy Tanner) and Casey that Derek is doing his best to sabotage any chance with Sally. And since Derek is much nicer when she's around, they decide to matchmake by inviting Sally over to the house. When Derek gets wind of the plan, he out punks them all by showing up at the house with another girl Ralphie's (Shane Kippel) unsuspecting girlfriend, Amanda. Now everyone's mad at Derek; and Sally never wants to see him again. Amanda blames Ralph for letting her get involved in Derek's scheme; and Edwin decides ... Written by Anonymous