My Shariah

My Shariah

Advice is running rampant in Mercy. Amaar feels he's getting too much advice from Reverend Magee and wants to break off his dependency. Many in town, including Sarah, Yasir and Fatima, start getting Muslim approved financial advice from economist Baber. It's not so much the advice to which they're looking to Baber for but solely for Baber to put together an investment portfolio that is making money without all the financial gobbledy-gook as Sarah calls it. And Rayyan, J.J. and Amaar are looking for advice on what to do with a certain gift. From J.J.'s cousin, it was a wedding gift to Rayyan and J.J., who inadvertently gave it to Amaar. All three want it but none of the three can figure out what it is even after opening the gift. Their solution?: whoever can figure out what the contraption is used for gets to keep the gift. Written by Huggo



All Episodes - S03

Parent Show

HD Amaar at the Bat

Amaar at the Bat


Amaar at the Bat - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.4
22 min | 30 min

Rayyan has decided to accept J.J.'s marriage proposal. The Hamoudi household is ecstatic, except for Sarah, if only because she feels that it is the right of the mother of the prospective bride to tell the world that her daughter is getting married. But Yasir has beat her to the punch when he - off the cuff - mentions this fact to the mayor who in turn tells the rest of the townsfolk of Mercy. The only way that Yasir feels he can make it up to Sarah is to find someone - anyone - in Mercy who doesn't know the news so that Sarah can tell him/her. The only other person who is not ecstatic is Amaar, who is in love with Rayyan himself. But he is also confused. As Imam and Rayyan's friend, he feels he has a duty to support his friend both professionally and personally. What's worse is that J.J. needs a place to stay in Mercy and decides Amaar's the most appropriate place. However because of this close contact, Amaar gets some inside information to use against his new roommate: J.J. is a ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Lord of the Ring

Lord of the Ring


Lord of the Ring - EPS 02

IMDb: 6.9
22 min | 30 min

Confused with his own feelings about Rayyan and J.J.'s impending marriage, Amaar decides to go back to Toronto to his old life. There, his parents express their concerns about his life in Mercy. He treats all his encounters, even dates and his law clients, like he was counseling as an Imam. Back in Mercy, Baber is happy in his new old role as acting Imam, but no one else is happy. Yasir decides to go to Toronto to see if he can talk Amaar into coming back to Mercy. With Rayyan and J.J.'s engagement, J.J. finally gives Rayyan an engagement ring, the ring which is a family heirloom. It is a large ostentatious ring which Rayyan hates. She doesn't know whether to tell J.J. her feelings. But Rayyan also sees the ring as a symbol that J.J. does not really know her as a person, and she's not too sure if she wants to marry a man that doesn't know her deepest thoughts and feelings. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Mercy

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Mercy


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Mercy - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.1
30 min

Before returning to Mercy, Amaar decides to make a pilgrimage to Mecca to re-energize his faith in Islam. Arriving in Mercy, he claims he is a humbler man. To make him prove this fact, Baber, who is still a bit angry that his own tenure as Acting Imam was not well received, makes Amaar reapply for his old job as Imam. Trying to be humble, Amaar does accept needing to reapply. Not making the process easy, Baber, as one of the stipulations, make Amaar memorize the second chapter of the Koran, something according to Baber that all good Imams should know by heart. Meanwhile, J.J.'s parents are swinging through Mercy while they are in Canada on other business. The Hamoudi's think their visit is an opportune time to hold an engagement party for Rayyan and J.J. Rayyan does not want an elaborate party but rather an informal small tea. What starts out as good intentions on Sarah and Yasir's parts to honor their daughter's wishes turns out to be a huge party out of circumstance. And Rayyan and ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Ties That Blind

The Ties That Blind


The Ties That Blind - EPS 04

IMDb: 6.8
22 min | 30 min

As usual, Baber and Fatima are arguing about everything. Layla and Jamal, witnessing the bad behavior of the respective parent, gets Reverend Magee's take on the situation: each is lonely and needs a companion. Layla and Jamal simultaneously agree the only place for people to meet nowadays is through cyberspace. Layla registers Baber on a Muslim dating site. Although initially suspect, Baber is intrigued that there seems to be a perfect match. Not wanting to get to know his match on cyberspace, he instead wants to meet her in person. Layla helps him through the process of setting up a real date. But Layla learns later through Jamal that Baber's date and dream woman is Fatima herself. Layla thinks it's not a good idea for Baber to keep his date, until Baber himself admits what he sees as his failures as a man and husband material. To help his self esteem, she encourages him to keep his date. Meanwhile, Sarah schedules a photo op for the Mayor, thinking it good publicity, but not ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Rules R Rules

Rules R Rules


Rules R Rules - EPS 05

IMDb: 6.6
22 min | 30 min

Amaar is complaining about the fact that he never has much money. Sarah and Rayyan convince Yasir to hire him to help with his contractor business despite Amaar's lack of knowledge about construction. But Yasir figures Amaar's extra pair of hands couldn't hurt in speeding up completing a relatively simple home deck project. Yasir's new assistant is initially more of a burden, but ultimately helps in ways Yasir could not even have imagined. Meanwhile, based partly on Fatima's refusal to serve breakfast for lunch (she does not believe in a concept called brunch), Rayyan and J.J. kid with Fred about what they consider are obvious jokes about Muslim rituals and beliefs. Fred takes these stories as reality as he tells the world through his radio editorials. Or does Fred really know what's going on and is using Rayyan and J.J.'s stories for his own benefit? Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Let Prairie Dogs Lie

Let Prairie Dogs Lie


Let Prairie Dogs Lie - EPS 06

IMDb: 6.4
22 min | 30 min

Yasir decides to join the Prairie Dog Lodge, a men's group based around hunting. Amaar and Baber can't understand his rationale for joining as Islam frowns upon killing. But Yasir sees dollar signs from joining from all the networking he can do to drum up clients for his construction business. But he has to get accepted first, no easy task as the lodge chief is Fred, who is suspicious of Muslims. But Fred also has ulterior motives in accepting Yasir as the lodge itself is in need of major repairs, and none of the existing members have the expertise to do the work. Once a member, will Yasir and his new lodge brothers be able to live in harmony, especially when Yasir is required to go on a hunting trip. Meanwhile, Rayyan is disappointed when - purely hypothetically - Sarah would not choose her to be her partner in a reality travel game show. Although Sarah does not use the word, others all have the same sentiment in not choosing Rayyan: she's too bossy. Rayyan tries to curb her ... Written by Huggo

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen


Sweet Sixteen - EPS 07

IMDb: 6.4
22 min | 30 min

For Layla's birthdays, Baber has a tradition: breakfast, a game of cricket and a movie - in that order - with his daughter. This year, Layla is turning sixteen and wants to break tradition by having a party with her friends, which upsets Baber. On advice from Rayyan and Amaar, Baber decides to throw Layla a surprise party. Layla, on the other hand, coerces her friend Jane into throwing her a party. Rayyan and Amaar find out about Jane's alternative party. Ultimately, Rayyan and Amaar and Layla are all surprised at Layla's sweet sixteen parties. Meanwhile, Fred is in the doghouse when he cheats on Fatima by eating at Tracy's Truck Stop. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mercy Dot Com

Mercy Dot Com


Mercy Dot Com - EPS 08

IMDb: 6.6
22 min | 30 min

Yasir buys a fixer-upper for Rayyan and J.J. to live in. Rayyan hates the house because it's a long way up from becoming a fixer-upper. But what's worse, Fred lives next door, and likes to suntan in his backyard. Fred does whatever he can to stop Rayyan from moving in, not so much because of her being a Muslim, but because of the probable massive renovations that Yasir would do which may obscure his access to tanning sun's rays. Fred's plan may backfire when Rayyan finds out something that would stop Yasir from renovating. Ultimately, the facts needs to be straightened out before Rayyan or Fred will be happy. Meanwhile, computer technology has taken over Mercy. Layla talks Fatima into advertising the free Wifi access from a source down the street to attract new customers to the café. And Amaar is offended when Layla consults the Internet about a spiritual matter instead of consulting with him. So he decides to give spiritual advice on-line. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Baber Is from Mars, Vegans Are from Vegus

Baber Is from Mars, Vegans Are from Vegus


Baber Is from Mars, Vegans Are from Vegus - EPS 10

IMDb: 6.7
22 min | 30 min

Sarah needs to find a runner to join her in a two-person team for a 10 km fun run, her team representing the mayor's office. She asks in order Rayyan then Yasir, mentioning to both that each is her only choice since she wants to spend quality time with each. Both turn her down. However, after reconsidering - in Yasir's case, with a little prodding by Amaar and Duncan - both Rayyan and Yasir agree. Sarah's problem then becomes who she will choose and how to tell the other that he/she was not her only choice. A further problem may arise for Sarah if either Rayyan and/or Yasir find out about her lie. Meanwhile, a new vegan store has opened in Mercy, Layla who has been frequenting it. Baber initially supports Layla's new shopping locale since Layla has been purchasing halal approved foods. However when Baber sees the interaction between Layla and the store's clerk Rivertree, Baber thinks that Layla is interested in this non-Muslim boy. He then forbids her to shop there since he doesn't ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD True Bro-mance

True Bro-mance


True Bro-mance - EPS 11

IMDb: 6.4
22 min | 30 min

At the Mercy Small Business Awards, what's worse than Fatima losing the Small Businesswoman of the Year award to a dog groomer is that Small Businessman of the Year Yasir inadvertently refers to Sarah as Susan in his thank you speech. And what's even worse than that is that Yasir let's it slip to his wife that he was once engaged to a woman named Susan, a fact she never knew beforehand. Meanwhile, Amaar meets new Mercy Chronicle editor/reporter/newspaper-Jack-of-All-Trades Nate Shore when Amaar wants some publicity for the Mercy Mosque's new venture with the Mercy Meals program. Spending the day with Nate, who has non-Muslim sensibilities, proves to be a little too much for Amaar to handle, especially as Nate sees Amaar as his new best buddy. However, Amaar ends up defending Nate to his Muslim friends. Amaar ultimately has to make a decision on what to do with his new best friend. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Double Troubles

Double Troubles


Double Troubles - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.3
22 min | 30 min

Ann offers Yasir a job as the town's building inspector, a job he accepts if only to approve his own renovations for Rayyan and J.J.'s house. But Ann buries him under a pile of past paperwork, which primarily consists of building infractions around town reported by one, Baber Siddiqui. But also in the overdue file is an actual building inspection. The building ends up not being to code, but what will Yasir do with the bribe he's already unknowingly accepted to approve the building? Ann, who knows about the historic process of bribes within the building inspection department, unwittingly provides Yasir with a wild idea to get out of this situation. Meanwhile, Nate has another buddy outing planned with Amaar: a double date. Amaar has trouble telling his date Jill - who continues to call him Aimer - or Nate that dating in the western sense is not allowed in Muslim culture. But Amaar has a change of focus on the situation when he learns that Jill didn't like him. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Week of Dying Dangerously

The Week of Dying Dangerously


The Week of Dying Dangerously - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.0
22 min | 30 min

After Rayyan, Fred's doctor, tells him that there is an abnormality on his chest x-ray but that he has nothing to worry about, Fred still thinks that he's dying. To make his transition to the afterlife as positive as possible, Fred decides he needs to makes amends to the Muslim community, a 180 degree turn from his regular anti-Muslim rants. When Fred finds out that he is indeed not dying, he takes drastic measures to get his angry life back. Meanwhile, Baber is giving Layla driving lessons. The lessons are going badly, both for Layla but more so for Baber. Their problems may be due to something besides Baber's bad driving skills. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Raised Expectations

Raised Expectations


Raised Expectations - EPS 14

IMDb: 6.6
22 min

A couple of people in Mercy are trying to get noticed. One is Sarah, who seems to be the only person in Mercy who has not been featured in the newspaper segment Nate's Notables. She'll do whatever it takes to get quoted in the feature. The other is Amaar, who after two years on the job, has never had a raise from his starting salary. Hard nosed Baber, the mosque treasurer, refuses to grant Amaar's demand. In fact, Baber would like Amaar to take a pay cut. Coming to Amaar's rescue is Fred, who appoints himself Amaar's negotiator. Fred suggests Amaar take drastic measures. One person who is trying to get a little less attention is Rayyan. J.J. has returned to Mercy and he and Rayyan have made up from the argument they had prior to him leaving. In their renewed close state, J.J. admits he wants to see Rayyan without her hijab. What's worse for J.J. is that he finds out Amaar has seen her hair before him. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Colour Me Excited

Colour Me Excited


Colour Me Excited - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.1
22 min

Yasir has finished the renovations on the house that he and Sarah bought as Rayyan and J.J.'s wedding gift. Sarah and Yasir even personalized it by painstakingly choosing the interior color scheme. But Rayyan and J.J. may never live in the house as J.J.'s parents, for a wedding present for their son and future daughter-in-law, bought them a luxurious island. Rayyan is having trouble telling her parents of the Jaffer's gift, not only because it is in direct competition with theirs, but because it also means that she and J.J. may be moving to the island away from Mercy. Meanwhile, Amaar holds an Islam quiz night. The winner, the recipient of the lucrative grand prize of car mats, is an unlikely person: Reverend Magee. This fact irks know-it-all Muslim, Baber, who wants a rematch. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Recipe for Disaster

Recipe for Disaster


Recipe for Disaster - EPS 16

IMDb: 6.9
22 min

Fatima is depressed because of the lack of success in her life. To cheer her up, Layla and Fred send in her Lamb Fatima recipe to Bon Appetit magazine for possible publication, Lamb Fatima being probably the most popular item at the café. The recipe does get published, but will Fatima appreciate the gesture? Meanwhile, Amaar holds a series of group couples counseling sessions. Sarah wants to attend, but Yasir, who doesn't, tells a white lie that he has a renovation job and can't make it. His renovation job is assisting Baber in setting up his home entertainment system, Yasir in part doing it so that he himself can watch Baber's new satellite TV. In Yasir's place, Sarah takes Duncan to the sessions. The counseling sessions are illuminating both when Sarah finds out about Yasir's white lie, and when Sarah and Duncan seem to be the perfect married couple. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Shariah

My Shariah


My Shariah - EPS 17

IMDb: 6.4
22 min

Advice is running rampant in Mercy. Amaar feels he's getting too much advice from Reverend Magee and wants to break off his dependency. Many in town, including Sarah, Yasir and Fatima, start getting Muslim approved financial advice from economist Baber. It's not so much the advice to which they're looking to Baber for but solely for Baber to put together an investment portfolio that is making money without all the financial gobbledy-gook as Sarah calls it. And Rayyan, J.J. and Amaar are looking for advice on what to do with a certain gift. From J.J.'s cousin, it was a wedding gift to Rayyan and J.J., who inadvertently gave it to Amaar. All three want it but none of the three can figure out what it is even after opening the gift. Their solution?: whoever can figure out what the contraption is used for gets to keep the gift. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Baber Makes an Entrance

Baber Makes an Entrance


Baber Makes an Entrance - EPS 18

IMDb: 6.2
22 min

After being complimented on her ability to make small talk, Sarah begins to over-think her small talk resulting in her small talk truly becomes just that: small. Meanwhile, under pressure from Faisal and after seeing Layla talk to a boy at the mosque, Baber makes a recommendation to Amaar that the women be made to use a different entrance to the mosque from the men. The men would use the front door and the women would use the back door. The women do not like this change, especially since the back door is currently solely used as the door to the garbage area. Amaar, using reverse psychology, lets Baber implement this plan thinking that he will do the exact opposite. But waiting for Baber to change his mind may be inconsequential if there are no women attending the mosque. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Meet the Jaffers

Meet the Jaffers


Meet the Jaffers - EPS 19

IMDb: 5.8
22 min

Kareem and Noora Jaffer, J.J.'s parents, have arrived in Mercy for J.J. and Rayyan's wedding, deemed the Mercy social event of the year. Everybody wants everything to be perfect, but things don't seem to be heading in that direction. First, Baber and Faisal are the direct cause of the mosque being invaded by mice. Second, Kareem insists that Yasir name the amount of the Mahr, the monetary gift J.J. and his family are to provide to Rayyan. Yasir and Sarah are in a quandary as they don't want the amount to be either considered too high or too low, naming an amount that isn't just right which may result in a strain between old friends Kareem and Yasir. And third, Noora seems to have a problem with Rayyan marrying J.J. When Rayyan finds out the reason, Rayyan promises Noora that she will not tell J.J. the reason, which may be a problem since Rayyan tells J.J. everything. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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