Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
A middle aged mother of three decides to smuggle drugs to survive.
All Episodes - S06
An American football star turned stuntman was arrested in Pakistan for unknowingly smuggling Opium for a friend. He would survive 3 years in hellish conditions before earning his fellow prisoners respect and his freedom.
Mark Greening has the easy life as a magician in Bali ... until he finds out he's going to be a dad.
Lucy Wright is a nursing student when her life goes from bad to worse to hell. Her boyfriend leaves, she becomes addicted to crack, and the bills keep piling up.
Thomas Hamill takes a job as a civilian truck driver for the U.S. military in war-torn Iraq. When his convoy is attacked and he is taken hostage by insurgents, Thomas knows he could be killed at any moment.
Dwight Worker is busted in Mexico for smuggling coke and attempts a daring escape from one of the country's most notorious prison
A middle aged mother of three decides to smuggle drugs to survive.
The story of a British male nurse who was arrested for being gay in Saudi Arabia, where homosexuality is considered a capital offense.
Erez Eltawil and Reini Weigel are among eight backpackers who are snatched by guerrillas during a trek in remote northern Colombia.
Jayne Blaydon thought she had landed a dream job when she accepted an offer to teach lap dancing in a Caribbean nightclub.
23 year-old Iraqi soldier Latif Yahia is fighting in the Iran-Iraq War when he was summoned to the Republican Palace. There, Saddam Hussein's eldest son Uday demands that Latif becomes his body double. Latif is a near-exact physical match for the evil son, virtually his twin. He doesn't want the role, but Uday has him thrown in prison until Latif accepts he has no choice but to do as he is commanded. He severs all ties with family, friends, and his previous identity and is trained to walk, talk, and behave exactly like his new master. While the position has it's perks, Latif has to witness the manic son's evil behavior - rape, murder, torture - on a daily basis. Although Latif narrowly survives several assassination attempts, it is only a matter of time before the devil turns on his brother, and Latif has to choose between death or escape... Written by JT
Scott Campbell goes travelling in China with his estranged father, only to find out that his dad is a professional smuggler carrying 20 kilos of cannabis.
Duane Wollum has two kilos of cocaine strapped to his body but the police think it's a bomb.
When a strictly orthodox Jewish grocer becomes a cocaine smuggler, his traditional appearance makes him invisible to customs officers, until his decision to become 'the Jewish Pablo Escobar' leads to a stretch in a violent Brazilian prison. Written by Anonymous
When Susan's Haglof's adoption goes wrong, she ends up in an Egyptian jail, facing a charge of human trafficking.
After his girlfriend cheats on him, Tom Hanway flies to Peru and turns to cocaine for comfort. He smuggles the drug back home, and a friend convinces him to return to South America to sell LSD. The plan backfires and Tom is arrested and assaulted by police in Chile. Tom is anxious to escape the prison and teams up with a former runaway, Chosco, to plan a late-night departure. After making front-page news, Tom and Chosco must embark on an exhausting trek across the country to secure their freedom. Written by Anonymous
Two young British backpackers searching for orchids and adventure are kidnapped as they try to cross from Panama to Colombia via the notoriously dangerous Darien Gap.
After meeting a local drug dealer, down on his luck Irish plumber Paul agrees to smuggle six kilos of cocaine from Venezuela back to Dublin for a payment of 10,000 pounds. However when Paul is caught at the airport in Caracas it turns into the worst decision of his life. Written by Anonymous
Australian photographer Nigel Brennan and a Canadian journalist Amanda Lindhout are taken hostage in war torn Somalia by Islamic gunmen and held captive for 462 days.
Angela Carnegie suspects her relationship is ending when her lover walks out on her one morning. She decides to start over by smuggling drugs from Bangkok, but the job is a bust when airport officials find bricks of heroin in the lining of her bag. Written by Anonymous
It's 1976 in Cold War Moscow, and American Jerry finds himself in the worst situation possible: busted for smuggling drugs from Kuala Lumpur to Russia.