Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Paul shows his Buchman documentary to a former professor. Nat's sister visits and gives astrological readings. Jamie's reading shows she is a liar. Nat quits because of the reading. Jamie finds out her birth date was wrong.
All Episodes - S05
Previously Paul and Jamie did a pregnancy test and it indicates YES. Jamie does not want them to tell anyone until they have the official news from the doctor. They avoid telling people while they search for a new gynecologist.
Paul gets a grant to make a film and has difficulty finding a topic. He and Ira visit Uncle Phil. Jamie stops drinking coffee due to her pregnancy and finds it difficult. She accidentally tells the newspaper that coffee is a drug.
Paul is set to film his parents for a documentary on the Buchmans. Jamie set up an appointment for the therapist and it delays Paul's filming his parents. The day unfolds with interesting consequences.
Paul and Jamie talk to their unborn child, playing music, explaining life, and telling things about themselves. Clips from past episodes are shown.
Paul, Ira, and Burt go to Burt's old building for part of the Buchman documentary. Paul runs late to hear the baby's heartbeat at Jamie's pregnancy checkup appointment.
Paul is storing a lot of his filming equipment and files in the Buchman living room. Jamie's parents visit for a couple of days. The parents announce they have purchased a Winnebago and they are separating.
Paul and Jamie decide to announce they are pregnant on Thanksgiving. Jamie tells a stranger on Monday. Ira figures it out on Tuesday who tells the hair dresser, who tells Lisa, who tells Sanford, and it continues. It's the Kevin Bacon game.
Sylvia is taking estrogen and it has increased her sexual desire. Paul and Jamie decide to go north for a vacation for some time alone. They buy some fudge that is their sexual motivation.
Jamie gets a free pass to the gym where Paul works out but he does not want her there. He does not want Ira there. Paul likes to be a man of mystery, and he avoids saying anything significant to the gym members.
Jamie tells Brockwell she is pregnant. Everyone starts treating her differently and she does not want that. She goes shopping for maternity clothes. Paul interviews narrators for the Buchman project, and Ira decides to become his producer.
Paul finds out they are paying more for counseling than Fran paid for counseling from the same counselor. Paul confronts Sheila about the difference. Jamie insults Fran and Ryan over Ryan's violin playing.
Lisa's fiancé, Sanford, offers to help fiancé Paul's documentary when he runs into unexpected delays and costs. Paul does not want to share his handyman's name with Lisa and Sanford.
Paul shows his Buchman documentary to a former professor. Nat's sister visits and gives astrological readings. Jamie's reading shows she is a liar. Nat quits because of the reading. Jamie finds out her birth date was wrong.
Jamie has a sonogram but does not want to know the baby's sex. Meanwhile, Paul's Uncle Phil thinks he is dying. Paul and Jamie say they will name the baby after him - until they find out Uncle Phil's real name.
While filming for the Buchman documentary, Paul's great Uncle Marty has a heart attack and dies, with the last words of his great regret - Who Moos. Paul tries to find out what it means. All the relatives have their own theory.
Jamie has to stay in bed for a few days due to an issue with pregnancy. Paul has to take care of her every need. The heat in the apartment is out, and it is freezing cold. Murray is being kept by Nat, the dog sitter.
Fran, Lisa, and Debbie plan a baby shower for Jamie. Jamie does not want to call it a shower, not have traditional games, foods, or entertainment. Paul escapes by going on a field trip with Ira and Marvin.
Paul wants Jamie to quit her job, but she wants to finish the political campaign results. Jamie hears co-workers talking secretly and is worried about a conspiracy plot. A cockatoo flies into the apartment.
A very pregnant Jamie has difficulty moving in stores due to her pregnancy weight. She helps at Paul's cousin's new coffee shop and ends up breaking a lot of items that it hurts the business. Paul and Ira help a woman they think is pregnant.
Paul and Jamie attend a birthing class and are the only ones not paying attention or doing the dry run to the hospital. Sylvia will not sign a release form for the Buchman documentary because Jamie stole a spoon from her.
A friend of Lisa's has a crush on Jamie and she enjoys the attention. Paul and Jamie need to pick a guardian for their child in case of their death. The choices are limited, and their choices do not want the responsibility.
Paul's parents and Jamie's parents both want to be the one that provide a crib for the new baby. Two cribs are delivered and totally different styles. Paul wants Marvin to like him and invites him to a poker game. Marvin loses.
Jamie keeps experiencing false alarms. Meanwhile, one of Paul's films is accepted by a film festival. Eventually, Jamie goes into labor. At the hospital, she sends Paul back to the apartment for her wedding ring.
Jamie is in the hospital having contractions. Paul tries to get into the hospital through the crowds of people there for Bruce Willis. The guys meet, and Bruce gives Paul advice. Paul gets to Jamie in time for the delivery. It's a girl.