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Season 08
A review of Paul's documentary comes out. The review is positive, but the movie facts are wrong. Jamie starts a new job and misses Mabel. She wants the company to fire her so she tries to be annoying by getting constant interruptions.
All Episodes - S06
Paul and Jamie return home with their new baby. They experience new parent anxiety for taking care of the baby. Family members all try to help. They name her Mabel - Mothers Always Bring Extra Love.
Jamie and Paul video record conversations and collect letters from family members for Mabel to have when she is 18 years old. Ira decides to also write one for Joan, who writes one back; the contents upset Debbie.
Mabel is crying constantly overnight, and Paul and Jamie do not know what to do. They call their pediatrician for an immediate mid-night visit; he calls one family member who calls another who calls another, etc. New parent anxiety.
Paul's Uncle Phil is arrested for coupon use violation. Meanwhile, Paul and Jamie pre-enrol Mabel in an upscale preschool.
Jamie is suffering from post-partum depression with dramatic ups and downs, and refuses to believe she is. Meanwhile, as Paul tries to help her cope, he is also directing his parents in a play for charity.
Paul and Jamie hire a baby sitter for the first time. Jamie has separation anxiety. Paul's pants from the cleaners turns out to be David Copperfield's instead of his own, and magical things keep coming out of the pants.
Paul and Jamie have sex the first time since Mabel's birth; the baby monitor is near Mabel's bassinet and Paul and Jamie feel the noises they made will scar Mabel for life.
Paul and Jamie meet a new friend, Sara, and set up a couples date to include Ira. At the basketball game, Ira does not realize it is a date; he meets another woman and arranges a date with her. Paul wins a Genius Award from a film company.
Paul and Jamie try to get Mabel to fall asleep on her own by letting Mabel cry for longer intervals before going in each time to comfort her. As they wait it out in the hall, they talk about the process and random pieces of conversation.
Jamie is dismayed to find her mother is dating, and the man is younger than her mother. Paul wants Jamie to start Mabel with bottle feeding so he could help feed Mabel. He points out all the times Jamie is late getting home to feed Mabel.
Paul and Jamie have their apartment baby-proofed. Also, Paul is guest lecturing at a class. Turns out the instructor is someone Jamie dated while in college, and thought was the best lover. The instructor does not remember Jamie.
Paul and Jamie fly to California on separate planes so if a plane crashes. Paul takes Mabel and has a range of people helping and not helping him. Jamie is seated near the annoying parents from The Birth episode.
Paul and Jamie attend a party held by their therapist, Sheila. They meet another therapist there and relate more to him than Sheila, so they want to start going to him. Meanwhile, Burt and Sylvia have a spat, and Burt stays with Paul and Jamie. Written by Bernie
A review of Paul's documentary comes out. The review is positive, but the movie facts are wrong. Jamie starts a new job and misses Mabel. She wants the company to fire her so she tries to be annoying by getting constant interruptions.
Paul receives a postcard from a woman who turns out to be Paul's first wife, someone he married so she could get a green card. Meanwhile, Paul is a referee for Burt's baseball game with other senior citizens.
Paul and Jamie use a coin flip to make their decisions. Each flip seems to bring good luck or an interesting occurrence. Others start using the coin to help them make major decisions.
The Buchman's have a party for Paul's birthday. Food is stored at the neighbor's and with the in and outs to pick up food, the neighbor's valuable painting is stolen. Marvin gets a scratch from Paul's dog; he turns it into a major injury.
Jamie invites her friend Sara to join the Mommie and Me Group. Paul and Jamie find out how much Sara's child watches TV shows. Paul, Jamie, Ira, and Debbie decide to create a child's video as a money making project. Of course, problems arise. Written by Bernie
Paul -teaching opportunity in Scotland; Jamie -quitting her job; Ira -sandwich named after him; Joan -named eligible bachelorette. Paul-does not want to move; Jamie-wants to move; Ira-no sandwich, Debbie-upset at Joan. Then a fire at Riffs. Written by Bernie
It's Mothers Day, and Paul is stumped as to what to get. Ira got a great present for Jamie; Marvin has a great idea for his mother. With all attention on Jamie, Sylvia feels forgotten and fakes a broken leg to get attention.
Paul takes a shower and slips on a bar of soap. Events from Paul's life flashes before his eyes - scenes from his childhood, life with Jamie, taking care of Mabel, counseling sessions, including his eating the last pack of cookies.
Nat, the dog walker, is interested in Arley, the babysitter. Paul advises Nat to wait for Arley to make the first move. Jamie advises Arley to wait for Nat to make the first move. Ira says he is done with sex after seeing his naked body.
Paul is making a documentary about The Making of the Titanic, and interviewing workers. Ellen DeGeneres stars as a caterer for the production crew, and Paul accidentally gets her fired. He hires her as a nanny for Mabel.