In Care Of

In Care Of

Sunkist has requested from SCandP a dedicated west coast representative. Despite it being a demotion, Stan asks Don to be that person as Stan has his own ideas of what that west coast position means: the beginning of another advertising firm of his own. Considering Stan's request, Don contemplates his own future based on his recent past behavior, both professionally and personally. He has finally come to the realization of it being destructive and he makes a decision for himself and Megan which would get them away from many of Don's problems, such as Sally's revelation of his affair with Sylvia, and from Sylvia herself. Don's intent of how he will conduct his life is made public during a presentation to a potential lucrative new client, Hershey's. Ted and Peggy also come to decisions of their own with regard to their personal relationship, especially following a series of cat and mouse sexual games, where the role of cat and the role of mouse are not always well defined. Roger, who is ... Written by Huggo



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HD The Doorway, Part 1

The Doorway, Part 1


The Doorway, Part 1 - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.7
48 min

It's December 1967 and Don is in Hawaii with Meagan on a working holiday. They're staying at the Royal Hawaiian hotel, a client, so that Don can get an idea of what it's like for their new ad campaign. He has an interesting encounter with an army private currently serving in Vietnam but on leave to get married. He has a proposition for Don. They return home to finds their doorman, who had a serious heart attack standing in front of them, on the job. Megan is concerned that her employers may be diminishing her TV role. At the office, the firm has expanded to include the floor above but Don is not too happy to find that his office furniture has been rearranged. Roger Sterling learns that his mother has died. Betty takes a motherly interest in Sally's friend Sandy who lives next door and whose mother died recently. Sandy has an adventurous streak that Betty perhaps wishes she had at her age. At her new employer, Peggy Olson faces something of a crisis when recent news may force her to ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Doorway, Part 2

The Doorway, Part 2


The Doorway, Part 2 - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.9
48 min

With Megan working everyday, Don has time on his hands. He attends a wake for Roger's mother but has had a bit too much to drink, leading to a memorable afternoon. Roger gets particularly upset when an unexpected guest arrives. His daughter is quick off the mark when it comes to the family's finances. Sally's friend Sandy has run off and Betty sets off to find her. She spends the better part of a day in a flophouse waiting for her to show up. She decides she needs a change in her life. Don's presentation to the Royal Hawaiian group doesn't go over too well. Peggy meanwhile seems to have found the solution to her ad campaign. The Drapers have a few of their neighbors over on New Year's eve....and Don seems to have reverted to his old ways. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Collaborators



Collaborators - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.0
47 min

At CGC, Peggy is feeling unliked by her underlings, as it is implied to her that she is too tough on them. Over at SCDP, two clients are causing minor problems. Herb Rennet at Jaguar wants Don and Pete to recommend a specific strategy to head office. Don doesn't agree with the strategy, but Pete believes they have to give him what he wants or risk losing them as clients. Can Don and Pete provide a united front at the Jaguar meeting? And Raymond Geiger at Heinz, head of their beans division, tells Don and Ken in confidence that he doesn't want them providing any business to their ketchup division, as he feels ketchup will steal all the glory away from beans that was built up at SCDP. This conundrum may cause more problems for SCDP than just figuring out if they should kowtow to Raymond, who gave them business when no one else was, or go after the more lucrative ketchup account. Meanwhile, the Drapers and the Rosens are becoming closer as two couples, as Don and Sylvia continue with ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD To Have and to Hold

To Have and to Hold


To Have and to Hold - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.2
48 min

There is much going on at SCDP, both professional and personal. Don, Pete and Stan are the only people who are supposed to know about Project K (which is a presentation for Heinz Ketchup), as they had a clandestine meeting with Tim Jablonski behind Raymond Geiger's back. If they don't get the account no one is supposed to be the wiser. This three-man team gets a few surprises with regard to this work. Dawn is feeling vulnerable as the token black person on staff. Joan, whose resolve is strengthened by a visit by her old friend Kate, exerts her power at the office as she feels she is still treated as a glorified secretary despite being a full partner. And Harry helps Ken with a personal problem which he thinks will boost his career. These issues, in combination, result in a professional standoff between Harry and Joan. Meanwhile Megan's work is being noticed on the set of To Have and to Hold as she is given her first ever love scene, which she feels she needs to clear with Don. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Flood

The Flood


The Flood - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.3
48 min

It's April 4, 1968. Ginsberg is on a date, one he didn't want to go on, but was set up by his father at the last minute as a total surprise to Michael. Many of the staff of both SCDP and CGC are at an advertising awards dinner. Both these events are unexpectedly interrupted when news breaks that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has just been shot dead. Beyond the immediate shock of the news and the pall that it places over the general populace, it has more profound effects both personal and professional. People are concerned about general race rioting, which does occur. Don is concerned about Sylvia as she and Arnold are in D.C. where the violence seems to be worse than in other places. Abe is working on a story, one that could be the biggest of his career, on the local aftermath of the shooting for the New York Times. Black people, such as Dawn, are half expected by their employees not to come into work for their own personal safety. Henry has to assist in whatever his boss, New York ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD For Immediate Release

For Immediate Release


For Immediate Release - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.9
47 min

Bert, Pete and Joan work with an underwriter to prepare SCDP's public offering, which is unknown to the other partners. If they get what they want, this public offering would make each of the partners a millionaire. Over at CGC, Ted deals with the news that fellow partner Frank Gleason is suffering from pancreatic cancer, which makes Ted think about the viability of their company. Otherwise, the thoughts in both offices are on cars. Herb Rennet at Jaguar has requested a business dinner with Don and Roger, which Don is dreading if only for his disdain for Herb and by association the Jaguar account. And CGC has lost the Alfa Romeo account. However, CGC is one of three short listed companies up for the account all advertising firms would do anything for: General Motors, to promote Chevy's yet unnamed new vehicle. Through a personal contact, Roger, unilaterally, maneuvers an unofficial meeting with Mikey O'Brien of Chevrolet. This news does not sit well with Ted, until... Meanwhile, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Man with a Plan

Man with a Plan


Man with a Plan - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.1
48 min

It's the first official day of the merger between SCDP and CGC, with CGC staff moving into the SCDP offices. Beyond the logistical issues of who will be housed where, the mood is generally cordial on the surface, with the exception of Pete, who feels like his usefulness to the company is and will be diluted with a whole new set of partners. His time is also preoccupied by his mother, who, with a case of dementia, is staying at his apartment as she was basically kicked out of of his brother Bud's house because of an altercation with Bud's wife. Some staff will definitely be gone and Joan knows that Bob helping her with a personal issue which she would rather the other staff not know about is primarily a means to keep his job. Bubbling below the surface is a competitive situation between Don and Ted as the heads of creative. Peggy feels somewhat caught in the middle of that struggle between Don and Ted. But much like Pete, Don's mind is not fully at the office, as he gets a call from ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Crash

The Crash


The Crash - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.7
48 min

Don has been loitering outside the Rosens' apartment. Sylvia sees the signs that he has been doing so and implores him to stop although Don is desperate to continue the liaison with her. At the office, Ken has been taking the brunt of the issues with the Chevy account, and it is he who relays to the partners that GM has provided a three year timeline with key deadlines, the next to take place the upcoming Monday in 72 hours. It's bad timing especially for the former CGC partners and staff as Frank Gleason has just passed away, meaning that some have to make a presence at the funeral, while others have to work the weekend for that next presentation to GM. To deal with a work related injury that Ken suffered, as well as provide those working the weekend with a boost, Jim calls in his personal physician who provides a vitamin and energy shot to most of the creative staff and partners to get them through the weekend to battle the probable exhaustion that would occur otherwise. The ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Better Half

The Better Half


The Better Half - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.5
48 min

Peggy still feels caught in the middle of what is going on between Don and Ted. Behind closed doors, she sides with Ted, while she can be totally honest with Don. The situation at home - especially in an apartment in an neighborhood she both hates, that hatred which is strengthened by an incident involving Abe - makes her think more about her previous kiss with Ted. Pete is feeling dissatisfied with his prospects at the merged company, and thus looks for possible other opportunities. Roger is focused on the children in his life. While he tries to be grandfather to Margaret's son, Ellery, he would rather be father to his biological son, Kevin, with Joan. Joan has other thoughts on the matter and how best to move on with her less than happy life. Without their respective spouses for at least the first day, Don and Betty attend Bobby's camp, he who is happy to see his parents together again. As they are alone together without outside pressures of what they need to do to keep up pretenses... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities


A Tale of Two Cities - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.2
48 min

The discussion of the Vietnam War at the Democratic National Convention, where many expect the party to come out with an official anti-war policy, has an effect on the populace and in turn the personal and professional lives of many of those at the merged company, which is still going through growing pains. They still have no name, and no consensus of a name on the horizon. And there is still an us and them mentality by many. But work continues. Don, Roger and Harry are heading to Los Angeles to deal with their Carnation and Sunkist accounts among others. The east versus left coast mentalities become evident. And between the three, there are differing priorities for this trip. But they all end up indulging in the California counter culture, which especially affects Don. Ted is dealing with the problematic Chevy account in Detroit. Jim is not happy dealing with the Manischewitz account as he sees it as a leftover of SCDP, the creative which is led by Ginsberg who he doesn't like ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Favors



Favors - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.8
47 min

Professional relationships and personal business intersect at Sterling Cooper and Partners. Peggy, hating her apartment even more because of an unwanted visitor, doesn't quite get the help she wants from a colleague in alleviating the matter. Ted, Pete and Peggy bond over a few drinks, which opens Pete's eyes to what's going on with his two colleagues, and which highlights what Ted's wife Nan is feeling at home. Pete appreciates the help that Bob provided to him regarding getting a personal nurse for his mother, until Mrs. Campbell divulges some information about the situation, which in turn ends up revealing one of Bob's motivations in providing that help. Don tries to help the Rosens with a major problem, namely the fact that their son, Mitchell, who sent his draft notice back in protest, has now been reclassified as 1A. Don uses a professional connection to try and solve that problem. That action by Don causes a further rift with Ted, who is already irked that Don was proceeding with... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Quality of Mercy

The Quality of Mercy


The Quality of Mercy - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.6
47 min

Another incident with company executives is the last straw for Ken in working on the Chevy account, most specifically in Detroit. While Ken will still retain account responsibilities in the office, the on the ground account responsibilities are given to Pete, who is buoyed by working on SCandP's most prestigious account. What Pete is not happy about is that Bob will still be working on the account, since Bob made a pass at him. As such, Pete calls Duck to tell him that he no longer wants to leave SCandP but that he wants Duck to find Bob another prestigious job lead but not necessarily find Bob that next job. After hearing back from Duck, Pete decides on a slightly different tact in dealing with Bob. Harry, still in California, gets news that Sunkist has reviewed their pitch and wants to get into TV, which would make their account much more lucrative than Ocean Spray. Despite the extra money, this move does not sit well with Ted, the creative lead for Ocean Spray. The work on Ocean Spray ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD In Care Of

In Care Of


In Care Of - EPS 13

IMDb: 9.2
48 min

Sunkist has requested from SCandP a dedicated west coast representative. Despite it being a demotion, Stan asks Don to be that person as Stan has his own ideas of what that west coast position means: the beginning of another advertising firm of his own. Considering Stan's request, Don contemplates his own future based on his recent past behavior, both professionally and personally. He has finally come to the realization of it being destructive and he makes a decision for himself and Megan which would get them away from many of Don's problems, such as Sally's revelation of his affair with Sylvia, and from Sylvia herself. Don's intent of how he will conduct his life is made public during a presentation to a potential lucrative new client, Hershey's. Ted and Peggy also come to decisions of their own with regard to their personal relationship, especially following a series of cat and mouse sexual games, where the role of cat and the role of mouse are not always well defined. Roger, who is ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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