Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Season 09
Season 10
When Steve Rhoades returns to Chicago to reclaim his estranged wife, Marcy. He's unaware that she had remarried to Jefferson D'Arcy until he sneaks into his old house and finds out the truth from her in his old bedroom. Meanwhile, the Bundys tries to help him avoid the FBI agents who believes he's involved in a priceless egg theft. Written by Anonymous
All Episodes - S06
Marcy and Jefferson announce that they are expecting a baby, sending Al into pearls of laughter saying that it's the end of Jefferson's life, until Peggy announces the same. Al begins to lose his hair at an accelerated rate, thinking it's the end of the world for him. Kelly and Bud aren't pleased with the news either and take it out on Al. Written by Anonymous
Peggy and Marcy's constant demands for belly rubbing and expensive baby accessories drive Al crazy, prompting him to make a run for it. He and Jefferson end up at a bar connected to the bus station and watch semi-nude dancing girls while talking about a new and better life without their wives. Written by Anonymous
When Al unearths his father's old hammer, he decides to turn the garage into his own private room to escape his pregnant wife. All goes well, until Jefferson and the guys crash in. Even worse, it's only a matter of time before their own pregnant spouses find out. Written by Explorerds6789
Kelly earns a quick $1,000 at hustling pool to buy a gown for the local Miss Cheese competition, and a suspicious Al is out for blood, mistakenly thinking that Kelly is into prostitution. Al is then is out of blood when he sells his to get Kelly and manager Jefferson the money for a major pool game bet. Written by Anonymous
While Peggy is away helping Marcy recover her precious childhood belongings that Jefferson abandoned in a storage locker to be auctioned off in which he pocked and gambled away the money, Al, Kelly, and Bud hold an anti-baby meeting and makes plans for a new Bundy World Order that includes food, clean clothes and a huge hooter-ed oriental maid to replace the pegzilla Peggy. Written by Anonymous
Al finally gets cable TV installed in the Bundy household, but he cannot find anything good to watch. All that changes when Kelly, gibed out of an appearance on a public access TV by her modeling school teacher, gets her own talk show on the air with just $35 from her girlfriends. Vital Social Issues N' Stuff With Kelly, features an all girl band and some of her friends discussing subjects such as mens butts and the slut of the week. Written by Anonymous
Al, Kelly, and Bud travel to Hollywood after Kelly's talk show becomes a hit with the TV networks in which Al tries to get into show business with his lame TV show ideas, Bud tries to score with some of the actresses, and Kelly is happy to be a star. Written by Anonymous
Mistaken identity turns Al from a shoe salesman into a P.I. hired by Vanessa Van Pelt, a young femme fatal who fears that her family members may interfere with her expected bequest of a priceless gem from her uncle. Before that can happen, the uncle is murdered, the gem disappears... and Al is left holding the knife. Written by Anonymous
Peggy sends Bud and Kelly to spy on Al at the shoe store for the day to confirm her suspicion that Al's recent giddiness is the work of an extramarital affair rather than Al's claim that he's only been flirting with a shoe groupie at the shoe store. Written by Anonymous
As Grandmaster B, Bud does his coolest best while all over a girl who takes him out to non-traditional Bundy things such as rafting and sky diving. Meanwhile, Al and Peggy invite Marcy and Jefferson over to play a new board game called Ethical Dilemma. Written by Anonymous
Al is asked to appear in an athletic shoe commercial. Al, being Polk High's 1966 all city running back and shoe salesman is glad to reclaim his glory days. But Al ends up being a punching bag by Ed Too Tall Jones, Steve Carlton and Sugar Ray Leonard for the commercial. Written by Anonymous
When Steve Rhoades returns to Chicago to reclaim his estranged wife, Marcy. He's unaware that she had remarried to Jefferson D'Arcy until he sneaks into his old house and finds out the truth from her in his old bedroom. Meanwhile, the Bundys tries to help him avoid the FBI agents who believes he's involved in a priceless egg theft. Written by Anonymous
It's Al and Peggy's 20th wedding anniversary, but Peggy only wants one thing from Al....S-E-X. Meanwhile, Kelly and Bud win the My Dinner With Anthrax contest which means a house party for the trash metal band. But there will be no party unless they can get rid of mom and dad first. The answer? Tricking them into taking a Florida vacation that turns out to be a time share sales scam where the salesman won't leave them alone. Back home, the house party gets dull with no food in the house and 10 feet of snow outside. Written by Anonymous
Al is a broken man after the Bundys can no longer afford to buy a weekly TV Guide. When Jefferson arrives at their house with a fistful of cash, Al discovers that he has been running a psychic phone scam called Madame Zelda. To keep him quiet about his scam, Jefferson decides to let Al in on the deal. But Al soon takes over the whole operation and the rest of the family joins in. When Al decides to unite the five psychic bosses of Chicago, he insults the feared Madame Inga, who decides to throw a curse on the Bundys. Written by Anonymous
An invitation to join the high intelligence Alpha club, is issued to Kelly and not Bud. When they discover the real reason behind the gathering, Kelly and Bud decide to handle things with the usual Bundy charm (and violence). Meanwhile, Al buys a new Handyman's Workbench 5000 that has some assembly required. This challenge requires the combined skills of Al and Jefferson while Peggy and Marcy watch and enjoy the show by taking pictures and counting the number of times the men injure themselves. Written by Anonymous
Bud's belief that his 40-year-old teacher is romantic interested in him is greeted by laughter from everyone. But another student smells the smoke and wants the fire for herself. Meanwhile, Peggy has a cold which prompts Al to keep his distance by going out every night to a Chuck-E-Cheese restaurant for some free pizza by crashing little kids birthdays parties. Can Bud keep two girls or will he suffer from a humiliating Bundy defeat? Written by Anonymous
When Kelly's modeling school suddenly closes down, she gets a new job as a greeter at the TV World theme park. When this is threatened by her low performance ratings, Kelly gets switched into Commercial Land where she plays the Verminator who hunts down roaches, like Bud. Meanwhile, Al takes his annual Bundy World Tour,: a week-long trip around the world by himself, in the Bundy living room. Written by Anonymous
Al turns sentimental after watching the movie Shenandoah on TV, so he proclaims to the family that it is now Bundy Sunday Funday. But first they all must push the Dodge to a gas station. But Al is broke after finding only $2 on him after filling up the car. After the rest of the starving Bundys raid the convenience store for junk food, Al is stuck working off his deb for the gas and food at the pumps. Written by Anonymous
The Bundys win a free trip to England, courtesy of the village of Lower Uncton, which can rid itself of a centuries long curse by riding the world of male Bundys, and there are only two left, Al and Bud. Back in 1653, an ancestor of Al's, Seamus McBundy, a chauvinist blacksmith, insulted a fat, ugly witch who then imposed a curse on all future Bundys and the town which sits in a time warp of permanent darkness. The Lower Uncton residents, led by historical Winston, and his cohort Igor try to lure Al and Bud in their town limits to kill them end the curse while the rival Upper Uncton residents, led by assassin-for-hire Trevor, must endure they die outside the town so the curse does not get lifted and ruin their reputation as a tourist town. Written by Anonymous
After shopping in London a while longer and eating heartily, unaware of the several attempts on their lives by Trevor the Upper Uncton assassin, the Bundys arrive in Lower Uncton, minus Kelly who decides to stay behind in London because she likes the city. Meanwhile, Marcy and Jefferson continue their quest to find their lost luggage and money after following the Bundys to England. That night at a London disco club, Kelly receives a warning from Trevor who tells her that her family is in danger and she must somehow find her way to Lower Uncton before it's too late. Written by Anonymous
Al and Bud finally realize that their lives are in danger after finding themselves on a hanging podium with the torch-wielding townspeople in front of them. Kelly arrives in the nick of time to rescue all of them. But the Lower Uncton residents, led by Winston, chase the Bundys to the border with Upper Uncton where the residents, led by Trevor, are waiting for them. Caught between the two competing mobs, the Bundys fate will determine on Al's ability to joust when Winston and Trevor make peace on concession sales. Meanwhile, Marcy and Jefferson are finally enjoying their vacation in London when they take shelter in a theater bondage club. Written by Anonymous