Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Joe launches a personal fitness business. Lennox and Zander sell their web series.
All Episodes - S03
Mel dates a guy whose ex-wife happens to be dating Joe.
Joey learns that there's a job at City Hall for someone with his (financial) skills and Mel didn't tell him about it because she didn't want it to appear that she was giving him preferential treatment. She agrees to let him be interviewed and the ones who will decide if gets the job are her and another councilman. At the interview the councilman thinks Joey is the right man. But Joey discovers something going on and tells Mel about it, he then tells the councilman about it who tells him to forget about it because he's the one behind it and if Joey blows the whistle Mel will be implicated. So they try to find a way out. Lennox is going to appear in a play wherein she kisses her leading man. Ryder wonders if her boyfriend will have a problem with it but she says it's just acting. But when she kisses him, she feels something. Written by
When Joey hurts himself because he was trying to hook up with a girl he just met. Mel tells him to try and slow down, try to get to know the girl before he does anything with her. Joey doesn't think she knows what she's talking about. But when he goes to the chiropractor and sees that she's attractive, he decides to take things slow. And when he learns she's never been with anyone, he freaks out. Zander sees that Ryder wrote a graphic novel and he wants to work together to make it a comic. When Zander asks Lennox to help them, things get messed up. Written by
Joe foils Mel and Austin's weekend plans.
Mel and Austin have different opinions on the possibility of being parents.
Mel severs ties with a high maintenance friend who Joe then begins to date.
Mel scrambles to re-establish her relationship with Lennox.
Mel and Joe co-host Good Morning Toledo, the local TV news show.
After a failed relationship, Mel tries to fast-track her new suitor.
Mel asks Joe to sell the stuff she doesn't want. He sells her night table and in it is a video of what he thought is a baseball game. But actually it's a personal tape which she fears will ruin her politically if it ever got out. So she tries to buy it back from the one who bought it. But the person who bought doesn't like her. Joe decides to steal it. In the meantime Lennox is chatting with a guy in prison who claims to be innocent. Written by
Joe's tutoring business lands him in hot water.
Joey has to go home to New Jersey for his grandmother's birthday but unfortunately she doesn't know that Joey and his wife are divorced. So he asks Mel is she would accompany him and pretend to be his wife. She doesn't want to at first but agrees to it. And his grandmother buys it. But when she finds them sleeping in separate rooms, she tells them that they should sleep together. And Lennox who's taking a break from her boyfriend, finds herself to one Joey's relatives. Written by
Mel and Joe find themselves in a compromising situation.
After Joe's flight is cancelled, he ends up spending Christmas with Ryder and Lennox's mother Meredith, who destroyed his career.
Austin's return throws a wrench in Joe's plan. Lennox tries to convince Mel and Joe they belong together.
Joe embraces the idea of courting Mel by looking for a new job and separate living quarters. Lennox and Zander collaborate on a web series.
Joe tries to make his relationship with Mel work while working as a nanny. Ryder searches for a new look for the up coming school year.
Joe launches a personal fitness business. Lennox and Zander sell their web series.
Mel and Joe go to a function. While there makes her feelings about a certain matter clear. And when Joe is asked his feelings, he expresses the opposite. So Mel decides not to bring Joe to any more functions but can't find the strength to do so. So she tries to find a way for him to be unavailable for the function. And Zander is about to leave and Lennox acts like it's not a big thing. Written by
Mel gets a dog for her household, unintentionally showing her desire for a baby. Ryder strives to make his relationship work with Stella.
Mel and Joe see a couple's therapist who turns out to be one of Joe's exes. Zander returns home to question Lennox's principles.
Mel and Joe's friendship with another couple is jeopardized when a secret is revealed. Zander comes to Ryder for help after he flunks out.
Mel and Joe must get past their differences and figure out how to parent a child who is legally an adult.
Mel and Joe chaperone a dance. Ryder's relationship with Stella takes a big step.
Someone bumps into Joe's car while it was parked. Joe confronts the driver, a woman who said he was parked improperly, so it's not her fault. Mel says she's on his side till she finds out the woman is her hairdresser. And she needs to fix her for something important so Mel lies to Joe that the woman admits it's her fault. But when she learns what Mel did she refuses to finish working on Mel's hair and won't let her come back. So Mel's hair is a mess. Ryder tries to get Stella to take him back she refuses so he resorts to something dramatic. Written by
Mel wonders if she can trust Joe when his old buddy Charlie enlists him as a wingman. Lennox becomes jealous when she meets Zander's new roommates.
Mel announces her candidacy for the state senate election.
Mel tells Joe that he should consider her house as his, so he should put something he wants. What he chooses is his grandmother's chair which she died in, which she left to him. Mel doesn't like it but can't get herself to tell Joe. Zander invites Ryder to his apartment and one of his roommates comes on to Ryder. Written by
Mel takes a pregnancy test. Lennox and Zander's relationship takes a twist.
Mel plans the perfect wedding day for her friend Carrie. But when Carrie calls it off, Mel wonders if she should keep all the flowers, catering and venue for her and Joe. Meanwhile, Lennox helps Ryder lie on his resume to help him get a job. Written by Pernille Sophie Westlund
In a special clip episode, Mel and Joe meet with a counselor to discuss their relationship. As they look back on their years together, they quickly decide that honesty is not the best policy.
Joey's mom shows to help with the wedding and wants things done her way. Mel is not happy and tells Joey to do something. He can't find the strength to tell her, so he asks Mel to let her decide on who will be the photographer. Mel agrees and Joey's mom wants her other son, Tony not knowing what happened between him and Mel; that he made a pass at Mel. And Mel agrees with her despite that. Lennox tries to help Ryder with his college application. Written by
As Melissa and Joey's wedding day approaches, his family shows up. Joey and the guys go dirt biking but because of Ryder, Joey gets hurt. Mel goes partying with Joey's mom and sis, when they come home, his sister tells Mel something about Joey that even Joey doesn't know about. Joey's nephew whom Lennox hooked up when they were in New Jersey shows up and wants to reconnect but she's trying to work things out with Zander. Written by
After Mel tells Joe the secret she's been keeping from him; that he has a daughter, she wants to get married. But Joe upon learning of this decides he has to see her. So he and Mel go to see her but her mother doesn't want Joe to see her. But Mel finds out where she is so they go there. Written by
Joe invites his family to move into the house; Zander attempts to win Lennox back from Marco.