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Engineering disasters profiled in this episode include flaws in the Patriot Missle system, the Cocoanut Grove night club fire, a failed building demolition, the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, and a toxic waste dump in Love Canal, NY. Written by TheMovieSmith
All Episodes - S10
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The history of the Pacific Coast Highway, which runs from California to Washington, includes comments by historians and engineers; and examines the technology that maintains the road through floods, earthquakes and landslides.
Oil-fire fighters, their history and the technology they employ are examined.
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A look at nature's greatest animal builders and the structures they create including beavers, ants, spiders, and birds.
Bible Tech features the technology used by some Faith's greatest heroes. Featured are the Tower of Babel, Noah's Arc, Herod's Temple, and the methods used by the ancient civilizations in creating buildings, weapons, and other necessities.
A look at the national U.S. power grid and the technology that keeps power running across the country.
A look at some of history's most notorious engineering failures. Included are the USMC's Harrier Attack jet, the Piper Alpha North Sea oil platform fire, the collapse of the Pleasants Power Station cooling tower in West Virginia, and the derailment of high speed train in Germany. Also include is a look at the various close calls that almost led to nuclear war. Written by TheMovieSmith
Nicknamed the 'Warthog', the A-10 Tankbuster is one of the U.S. military's most prolific air support fighters. Focuses on its design, production, and life saving record on the battlefield.
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The history of robots. From robot arm, to humanoid looking robots, through the advances in technology.
Nuclear research ranges from well-known applications, such as bombs and reactors, to little-known uses in medicine, food preparation, and radiation detection. It's also spawned ancillary technologies to store nuclear waste and clean up accidents. Despite the risk of use and abuse for destructive purposes, many scientists remain optimistic about what's next for the atom. In an explosive hour, we explore the atom in war and peace, and the latest in nuclear power generation, safety, and security. Written by Anonymous
The historic 1969 flight of Apollo 11 is examined. Included: comments by astronauts, Mission Control personnel, engineers and designers.
The technological advances pioneered during 'The Great War' are profiled.
Featured disasters include the Northridge Earthquake of 1994, the Baldwin Hills Dam collapses, the Electra airliner, the Sunshine Skyway Bridge collapse, and the underground mine fire burning in Centralia, PA.
The history behind the most extraordinary planes ever built. They include the experimental X-Series planes, such as the X-1 , X-15, X-31, and the X-43. Also features supersonic stealth planes like the U-2, B-2, F-22, and the SR-71 Blackbird. Written by TheMovieSmith
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Learn how development of electricity and indoor plumbing made skyscrapers possible as the veins and arteries of the California Department of Transportation headquarters in LA are installed.
In hour three of a crash course on mega-skyscraper construction, take a closer look at the human element involved in the development of systems like air conditioning and pressurized elevators.
At one point, the Sears Tower in Chicago was the tallest building in the world. While it has since been surpassed it is still a technological marvel that pioneered engineering techniques and changed how companies do business.
The history of police pursuits and the modern equipment used by the police to apprehend criminals.
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Explosions of AP (a component in rocket fuel) at a PepCom AP plant in Henderson, Nevada. A section of the Mianus River bridge, a pin-and-hanger-bridge on Interstate 95 in Connecticut, collapsed dropping 4 vehicles into the river below. Ocean Ranger semi-submersible oil rig capsizes and sinks off the coast of Newfoundland killing all aboard. 1889 Johnstown Flood, killed 2,209 people, wiped the town off the map and was the worst 19th Century disaster in American history. Golfer Payne Stewart's private jet goes down for reasons still unknown. Written by sekhmet999
Whatever the crop, there's a custom machine to harvest it. From the debut of the sickle in ancient Egypt to McCormick's famous Reaper to the field of ergonomics, we'll dig into the past and future of the harvest.
Deadliest grain elevator explosion in the US caused by dust. A portion of the Schoharie Creek Bridge collapses with trucks and cars plunging into the river, due to erosion of the foundation by the river. The freighter Bright Field looses power heading into its New Orleans' port on the Mississippi River and crashes into the Riverwalk wharf. British R-101 airship disaster in 1930, resulted in 48 deaths and the ending of the British airship program. Sports arena roof failures. 1979 Rosemount Horizon arena's roof collapses during construction due to the construction crew failing to install all of the components. Written by sekhmet999
Explosions rock the town of Hitchinson, KS and cause fires and geysers of natural gas. The ship Porto Rican explodes and splits in two just outside of San Franciso's harbor, the cause is hydrogen gas and poor welding. The new Tropicana parking garage in New Jersey collapses while under construction, causing 4 deaths and 20+ injuries, and there were signs of problems earlier with cracking walls. Stalin's White Sea Canal, which would connect the city of Povenots on Lake Onega to Archangel on the White Sea and serve both civilian and military ships, was built using slave labor and primitive technology; in the end 25,000 died making it and it was too shallow for the military and many civilian vessels to use. An accident at the Union Carbide chemical plant in Bhopal, India, caused toxic MIC gas to be released into the surrounding slum community, leading to 3,800 deaths and 11,000 seriously disabled and it remains the worst industrial disaster in human history. Written by sekhmet999
A look behind the airplanes, trains, cars, and helicopters used by the U.S. Government to safely move the President of the United States.
Tap water in Milwaukee, WI is contaminated by microscopic parasites, causing 100 deaths. Collapse of the Texas AandM University bonfire stack in 1999 during construction led to 12 student deaths. The Sherman Tank was an inferior and outclassed tank in terms of firepower, armor, it's temperamental engines and fighting ability. Denver's 1994 new automatic baggage system is ahead of its time and fails miserably, delaying the opening of Denver International Airport. However, ten years later, with improvements in technology, the system is up and running, though only for United Airlines flights. Skyline Tower collapses in 1973 during construction of the 24th story, due to wooden support columns on floor 22 having been removed too soon and 14 workers die. Written by sekhmet999
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Featured disasters and mishaps include the malfunctioning baggage carousel at the Denver International Airport, the Texas AandM bonfire, the M-4 Sherman tank, the 1993 Milwaukee Water Treatment disaster, and the collapse of the Skyline Plaza. Written by TheMovieSmith
Engineering disasters profiled in this episode include flaws in the Patriot Missle system, the Cocoanut Grove night club fire, a failed building demolition, the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, and a toxic waste dump in Love Canal, NY. Written by TheMovieSmith
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Profiled are disasters involving a freeway ramp collapse, a fighter plane crash, a subway tunnel cave in, an explosion on an oil tanker, and a flash flood of molasses.