Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Season 15
Christy and Bonnie are shocked to discover that Violet's new boyfriend, Gregory, is a psychology professor at the junior college, and also twenty-three years older than her.
All Episodes - S02
Christy takes up the role of sponsoring a recovering alcoholic while battling her own addiction to gambling.
Living in a motel takes a toll on Cristy and her family as their challenges seem to grow by the second. Violet makes a gut-wrenching decision.
Christy wants Violet to come back. She meets a Realtor who has a house for lease. The house seems great till she tells Christy the house's history. Christy decides to take it. They move in but learn more about the house. Bonnie tries to get Alvin to reconcile with Christy. Written by
While Christy tries to get to the bottom of Violet's erratic behavior, Bonnie attempts to land a well-paid job.
Christy discovers that Baxter is a different person; he gave up his pot business and is all cleaned up and has a regular job which he says he attributes to his new girlfriend, Candace. Christy wants to meet her so Baxter brings her to the restaurant to meet Christy. And when Roscoe goes on about the things Candace gives him, Christy freaks out and forbids Roscoe to stay with them. Bonnie wonders if she's going to fast with Alvin. So they both go to Marjorie for advice. Written by
Christy and Bonnie relish being in the lap of luxury when Christy's wealthy sponsee, Jill, asks them to keep her company on her first night out of rehab.
Christy tries to come clean about all the things she did when she was drinking. Marjorie tells her she needs to make amends with her former landlord. But when Baxter asks her something she doesn't want to do it because she feels that he did nothing for her and Roscoe but Violet tells her that's not true. Bonnie tries to do the same with Alvin. Written by
Family secrets are revealed when Christy and Bonnie are asked to join Violet's therapy session.
Christy dates a guy from her support group. At the next meeting he goes up and talks about how terrible the date was because all she did was complain about her mother. She wonders if she'll meet someone. She then meets one of her neighbors and goes to his place. He seems normal till she goes into his bedroom. Bonnie is having a date with Alvin and just when things are about to heat up, Lorraine, his ex shows up saying she wants him. And when she sees Bonnie there, she tells her something Alvin said about her. Written by
Christy's depressed at how the state of life is--she's been a waitress for ten years, which is not what she envisioned. She meets a guy at her support group who's a lawyer and he inspires her to try and become one. He even offers her a job. But when he misbehaves with her, she decides to forget it. But Violet convinces her to go for it. Bonnie is concerned that she and Alvin are acting like old people not the wild guys they were 20 years ago. Written by
The Plunkett household is rocked by an unexpected death.
Following Alvin's death, Lorraine continues to be vindictive towards Bonnie by taking all of Alvin's things that he brought with him to the apartment that he was going to stay in across from Bonnie and Christy. She cremates Alvin and keeps the ashes with her. And she refuses to acknowledge Alvin's final wish that he bequeath something to Bonnie and Christy but because he didn't sign it, it's not valid. That's when Bonnie goes out and steals the ashes. Christy tries to return the ashes to Alvin's sons but they're incredulous about her intentions. Written by
Christy discovers the shrine Bonnie has built, and tricks her into therapy, which backfires on Christy when Bonnie latches on to a mechanic who vaguely resembles Alvin.
Christy's boss and ex Gabriel. is told by his wife, she wants a divorce and is firing him from his job. When he says she can't just find someone else to replace him and she does with Christy. She does her best and thinks she's over her head. So she turns to Gabriel for help. Bonnie's not exactly doing a good job as building manager that one of the tenants decides to have her removed. Written by
Christy is still seeing Gabriel and when his wife nearly catches them Christy is aroused and decides to keep putting herself in a position with Gabriel that his wife nearly catches them. And when the support group needs a new secretary, Marjorie decides to nominate Bonnie and she's made secretary and makes some changes that goes against what the support group stands for. Written by
Marjorie wants Bonnie and Christy to go with her when she goes to visit Regina in prison. They say that can't make and give lame excuses. Bonnie, of course is too selfish and Christy doesn't want to see her because the money Regina left with Christy is gone because she gambled with it and lost. They eventually go and when Christy tells her what happened to the money, she takes it well. Apparently she found religion and is released early. She then asks them to go with her to church, Christy goes out of guilt but Bonnie who is still reeling from Alvin's death blames the man upstairs for taking him away doesn't go. Written by
Christy and Bonnie are shocked to discover that Violet's new boyfriend, Gregory, is a psychology professor at the junior college, and also twenty-three years older than her.
Christy and Bonnie face temptation when Bonnie is prescribed pain medication for a back injury.
Christy is still oblivious to the fact that Bonie is using again. And when her neighbor tells her she thinks Bonnie took some pills from her, she says Bonnie wouldn't do that. But then Marjorie sets Bonnie up with a guy she knows, who is also in recovery, she then tells Christy that the guy relapse which leads her to believe so has Bonnie. But when they confront her she denies it. Written by
After Bonnie's relapse, Marjorie, Jill and Wendy rally around to help her through withdrawal from painkillers, but Christy wants no part of it.
Bonnie appears in court for her DUI charge, Steve represents her and he arranged a plea deal. But Bonnie refuses to accept responsibility for what happened so the judge imposes a stricter sentence which takes away her license which makes Christy upset because it means she needs to do more work. Eventually they keep arguing endlessly. Written by
When Roscoe tells Christy that he prefers to live with his father because he can stand the stuff between her and Bonnie. Christy says no but Roscoe runs away and goes to Marjorie who then calls Christy that Roscoe's with her. She goes there and Marjorie tells her to let Roscoe live with his father till she works things out with Bonnie. Christy reluctantly agrees. She then decides that she needs to separate herself from Bonnie. Bonnie asks her to reconsider but she leaves and tries to find a place to stay and goes to everyone she knows looking for refuge but for some reason she can't stay and goes elsewhere and Bonnie tries to find her. Written by