A pet store is given a new way to advertise; Nathan challenges a maid service to clean a house in six minutes.
All Episodes - S02
Nathan convinces a mechanic to verify his estimates with a polygraph test, and rebrands a realtor to sell only ghost-free homes.
Nathan's plan to help a Hollywood souvenir shop has surprising consequences.
A pet store is given a new way to advertise; Nathan challenges a maid service to clean a house in six minutes.
Nathan helps a liquor store sell to underage customers; an exterminator learns how to work discretely.
Nathan uses parody law to help a struggling coffee shop.
Nathan helps a dating website attract female users; a party planner is given a new way to send out invites; Nathan also shares his strategy for self-motivation.
Nathan tries to get press for a taxi company; a hot dog stand implements Nathan's new customer service initiative.
Nathan shows a toy company how to market to children; a movie theater instates a no-sharing policy at the concession stand; Nathan reconnects with an old friend.