Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Charlie takes a very personal interest when one of CalSci's professors is murdered during a raid by animal rights advocates, and once the murderer is found Nikki's actions put the operation and civilians at risk.
All Episodes - S05
The team races to find a group of kidnappers who have their victims drain their bank accounts using ATMs, and Charlie's attempt to reinstate his clearance is slowed by an agent with an agenda that may include Don.
Charlie and Don's fates hang in the balance as the team tracks a white-collar criminal through Los Angeles. Meanwhile, Alan finds out that one of his old planning projects may disappear with a new development by the city.
The death of an agent kicks everyone into high gear, but that slows down when their prime suspect turns out to have Autism Spectrum Disorder, Charlie steps on toes re-establishing himself as the resident expert, and Don looks for deeper meaning. Written by layle
David's date at a magic show goes badly when one of the magicians disappears during the trick: which is not supposed to happen. However, thanks to Charlie's skepticism they quickly learn they the female magicians have a history of being con artists, using the disappearance to amp up their rep. However, there may actually be something wrong, when David learns his date was an angler for the trick, and has also gone missing.
Just off a long stakeout, Don's weary team puts in another sleepless day-and-a-half when they become part of a rescue/investigation after a freight train transporting toxic chemicals crashes into a passenger train, obliterating the black boxes. As Charlie's bots map the site, Amita tries to determine the collision's cause, Nikki sees only one possible scenario, and David chomps at the bit as more victims are jeopardized. Written by layle
The team descends into a bit of madness as working with a conspiracy theorist to solve bombing case exposes each of their own peculiar beliefs. Meanwhile, a mysterious stranger saves an agent's life.
The abduction of an undercover agent brings ex-CIA psychic Simon Kraft back into the Eppes' lives, and while Charlie pursues a scientific solution and Don a procedural one, Kraft's visions lead them toward an ancient ceremony and the loss of another life. Written by layle
When Robin Brooks loses a case involving the murder of an informant, the team takes it very personally. Launching an investigation to get around double jeopardy, and bring justice down on an international arms dealer.
An old friend who's a DEA agent agrees to assist Liz in an undercover operation when Charlie uses math to affect the city's drug traffic, but a miscalculation and an addiction endangers both her life and the operation.
Charlie is distracted from applying math to his first basketball-coaching job when a doctor claims to have evidence that clears a death-row inmate, leaving him and the team very little time to be sure real justice occurs.
Charlie takes a very personal interest when one of CalSci's professors is murdered during a raid by animal rights advocates, and once the murderer is found Nikki's actions put the operation and civilians at risk.
Disgraced agent Roger Bloom appears to be involved in a string of bank robberies, Charlie resists becoming part of his new office's legacy, and an abduction will forever change the Eppes's lives.