Knowledge of Causes, and Secret Motion of Things

Knowledge of Causes, and Secret Motion of Things

Sarah and Mrs. S are helping Ethan Duncan gather together his necessary materials to bring into Dyad as a bargaining chip. Despite this action, Sarah still does not fully trust Mrs. S. Mrs. S, however, learns some information, which she and Sarah decide to use as a means to orchestrate a showdown between Leekie and Rachel, one of the two who they cannot see but go down in the process. Cal discovers that he is being watched, and thus has to relocate himself and Kira. Through the process, he still tries to find out what Sarah is hiding while contemplating a future for his new family. At rehab, Alison decides to confide in Vic, which she quickly learns is a bad move as she overhears him speaking to Detective DeAngelis on the telephone. She will require some help from both Felix and Sarah to help her get out of this predicament, which could be a problem with the masses descending on the facility for family day. Through the mêlée, Alison learns the truth behind Donnie as her monitor. And ... Written by Huggo



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HD Nature Under Constraint and Vexed

Nature Under Constraint and Vexed


Nature Under Constraint and Vexed - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Rachel has kidnapped Kira and Mrs. S. While trying to elude Rachel's thugs herself, Sarah has to decide whether to trust Paul as the person who has the best access to Rachel of those she knows in order to get Kira back. All Paul does tell Sarah is that there is a black tie event at Dyad at which Rachel will be in attendance. Sarah decides that she needs to attend the event - Cosima who already is an invitee - but has no plan beyond knowing that she will need to get in there with concealed gun in hand. With this scant outline of a plan, Sarah enlists the help of Felix and the other clones, although Sarah does end up enlisting their help also without their knowledge. Meanwhile, Cosima has decided to trust Delphine, Cosima's grand plan which is to take control of her own biology in dealing with her illness, as opposed to providing Leakie with this information. Alison wants her life to return as close to suburban normal as possible, which includes immersing herself into her community ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Governed by Sound Reason and True Religion

Governed by Sound Reason and True Religion


Governed by Sound Reason and True Religion - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

On information from Art, Sarah learns that it is not Rachel who abducted Kira, but rather the Prolethians, the reasons she does not know behind the abduction. However, there is no news whatsoever about Mrs. S, who she believes must have also been abducted along with Kira, which is only of little concern to her based on what her birth mother told her before her death. Regardless, Sarah decides to trust Art so that he can help her locate Kira. What Sarah discovers in the matter is not quite what she expects, which results in her not knowing who to trust. Art also tries to convince Angela to leave matters alone as he is not prepared to tell her everything that Sarah has told him. The Prolethians are also able to recapture Helena. Cosima tries to convince Leakie that she is not working with Sarah - that Sarah is indeed the enemy - and thus had nothing to do with Sarah infiltrating the event at Dyad using her identity. Cosima runs into a roadblock in taking over the research into her own ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Mingling Its Own Nature with It

Mingling Its Own Nature with It


Mingling Its Own Nature with It - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Sarah is able to escape with Kira from the bird watchers and Mrs. S, and now, along with Felix, are on the run with no money. They decide to take refuge at a secluded house where the owner seems to be away. But the choice of the house is no accident. This stop has an unintended effect on Felix. As Alison prepares for opening night, she slowly begins to unravel under all the pressure, which includes meeting someone who she believes is another monitor. Cosima learns from Delphine of yet another clone, Jennifer, who recently died from whatever ails Cosima herself. They hope that her death can help them figure out what's wrong with Cosima before it's too late for her. Gracie begins to doubt the plan that her father has for Helena joining the family. And Art finds out that Angela has been snooping around despite him telling her to leave things alone. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Governed as It Were by Chance

Governed as It Were by Chance


Governed as It Were by Chance - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Sarah survives the car crash, is quickly reunited with Kira and sets off with Cal in his camper. She decides to head back to the city to find out from Mrs. S just what is going on. She also pays a visit to Rachel which doesn't quite go as expected. At the Dyad Institute, Cosima takes on the task of finding out about Project Leda. Alison awakens from her drug and alcohol stupor to find her right arm in a sling - and that she's in a rehab clinic. Felix convinces her she should spend a week there and just rest. Henrik Johanssen makes it clear to his daughter Gracie that Helena is part of their family. Gracie isn't so accepting. Art is still snooping around with his camera and sees Helena. Written by garykmcd

Country: Canada
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est

Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est


Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Rachel returns home to find Rosen dead, which she takes out on Sarah and Cosima. She also makes Paul an offer he can't refuse, even if he wanted to. In this new position, Paul decides to use Felix to help Rachel. Leekie, unlike Rachel, shows that his plans veer toward the truly scientific, he who provides Cosima and Delphine with some information about the clones' past. Feeling indebted to Helena for saving her from Rosen, Sarah decides to help Helena within the bounds of what Sarah believes is right. Helena may have thoughts of her own about what she wants to achieve. But she also provides both Art and Sarah with some information about Maggie Chen, which they in turn use to find out more about Rachel's past. Cal and Kira are still hiding out in Cal's motor-home, Kira who hints about Sarah's sisters. And Henrik and Bonnie have Gracie confined for what she did regarding Helena, which Gracie may have to pay for in more ways than one if Helena is not retrieved. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD To Hound Nature in Her Wanderings

To Hound Nature in Her Wanderings


To Hound Nature in Her Wanderings - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Sarah and Helena are traveling together to Cold River to find out more about their clone past and specifically the person who Helena refers to as the Swan Man. This trip marks the first time that Helena has felt a sense of freedom in a long time. This freedom, however, may ultimately cause problems for her. Sarah's quest for information takes her to some unlikely places, or more precisely to some unexpected people. She gets some help in this quest by Art and Felix, who have the information obtained from Maggie Chen's storage unit. Felix, however, is often in a state where he isn't much help. But what Sarah discovers may be all for naught if the people who are tracking her and Helena independently, namely Paul and Mark, are able to accomplish their mission in abducting the pair. Cosima is as worried about her own health as she is about Sarah's concern over getting Cosima's affliction. But Cosima has other more pressing concerns in the form of the new addition to the research team, that... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Knowledge of Causes, and Secret Motion of Things

Knowledge of Causes, and Secret Motion of Things


Knowledge of Causes, and Secret Motion of Things - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Sarah and Mrs. S are helping Ethan Duncan gather together his necessary materials to bring into Dyad as a bargaining chip. Despite this action, Sarah still does not fully trust Mrs. S. Mrs. S, however, learns some information, which she and Sarah decide to use as a means to orchestrate a showdown between Leekie and Rachel, one of the two who they cannot see but go down in the process. Cal discovers that he is being watched, and thus has to relocate himself and Kira. Through the process, he still tries to find out what Sarah is hiding while contemplating a future for his new family. At rehab, Alison decides to confide in Vic, which she quickly learns is a bad move as she overhears him speaking to Detective DeAngelis on the telephone. She will require some help from both Felix and Sarah to help her get out of this predicament, which could be a problem with the masses descending on the facility for family day. Through the mêlée, Alison learns the truth behind Donnie as her monitor. And ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Variable and Full of Perturbation

Variable and Full of Perturbation


Variable and Full of Perturbation - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Aldous' death affects most of the clones either directly or indirectly and in different ways. With Paul missing in action, Rachel, who does not know Aldous is dead, is taking charge at Dyad by saying that he died of a heart attack. Cosima and Delphine are still on the outs with each other, Cosima who takes decisive measures to ensure Delphine is unable to make the unilateral decisions concerning Cosima's treatments that she has done thus far with respect to using Kira. Alison and Donnie's marriage reaches a new level as Donnie tries to cope with both the new knowledge of his wife being a clone, and his accidental killing of Aldous. Sarah still does not fully trust her surroundings, especially if Ethan is on their side or Dyad's, but she and Mrs. S decide to take a chance as Ethan states he can cure Cosima without having to use Kira. And Art and Felix meet yet another clone, one by the name of Tony Zwickey, who was originally contacted by Beth. Tony, who has a trait different than all ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done

Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done


Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

As Cosima watches Dr. Duncan re-assemble the missing artificial genetic sequencing, Rachel places Delphine in the executive vacancy created by the sudden demise of Dr. Leekie. Meanwhile, Allison and Donnie ignite a new spark in their relationship while teaming up to handle a potentially explosive double dilemma. Helena discovers an even darker side to the Prolethean sect's 'master plan' and forms a surprising alliance with an unlikely couple. When Delphine approaches Sarah with a request to help Cosima, Kira's bravery is put to the test, and Rachel uses that to further her own personal agenda. Written by TheCordist

Country: Canada
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried

By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried


By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried - EPS 10

IMDb: 9.2
44 min

Now that she has Kira and her harvested bone marrow, Rachel is holding all the cards. She replaces Delphine with a Dr. Nealon as the facility and thus Cosima's chief physician, not even letting Delphine say goodbye before she is escorted out of the facility. As such, Rachel can use Cosima and Kira as a bargaining chip, which works as Sarah feels she has no other option but to surrender herself to Dyad, although Sarah still stays as defiant as ever under the circumstances. However, some will do anything, even risk their own life, to stop whatever Rachel's grand plan. And on the outside, Mrs. S and Felix, with a little help, believe they may have an inside track on what's happening within the Dyad facility. Sarah ultimately has to decide whether to trust that insider and the promise made. And after the fire at the Johanssen farm, those involved are able to escape they hope to a better life. Helena hopes to reunite with Sarah and Kira, but what happens may be beyond her comprehension. ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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