Season 01
Penn and Teller present the following true or false stories, where only one will be false: Which has a higher kill rate, a machine gun or a single-shot automatic AR-15? Is there a clothing line made out of sour milk? Did a group of children from an educational school really send up a pizza box covered in foil and duct tape with a large weather balloon, into space? Did a man in 2004 really beat a horse in long distance marathon? Does a woman named Nina Rodecker really make and serve floating cotton candy, using helium? Are carnivals really using basic physics to cheat you out of money in a bottle game? Can two big monster trucks really not pull apart two large pieces of Velcro? Written by Mai D. U. Lok
All Episodes - S01
Penn and Teller make 7 outrageous claims. 6 are true and one is a big fat lie! Stories include, a head of hair can lift a car filled with people ten feet in the air, profanity can lessen pain, if you can land a plane with it's doors.
Penn and Teller make 7 outrageous claims. 6 are true and one is a big fat lie. Stories include, a torch fueled by bacon can cut through solid steel, wrestlers can be defeated by a large cheese and wallpaper is strong enough to withstand a wrecking ball. Written by Anonymous
Penn and Teller make 6 outrageous claims. 5 are true and one is a big fat lie. Stories include, road kill can be healthy eating, four hundred eggs can hold up a ton of cheerleaders and Piranahs will not kill you.
You can make rocket fuel out of hair bleach. You can pan for gold in New York City. The eye can fool the inner ear. Tails prevails. A butter knife can split a bullet. Termites blow up a house.
Penn and Teller present the following true or false stories, where only one will be false: Which has a higher kill rate, a machine gun or a single-shot automatic AR-15? Is there a clothing line made out of sour milk? Did a group of children from an educational school really send up a pizza box covered in foil and duct tape with a large weather balloon, into space? Did a man in 2004 really beat a horse in long distance marathon? Does a woman named Nina Rodecker really make and serve floating cotton candy, using helium? Are carnivals really using basic physics to cheat you out of money in a bottle game? Can two big monster trucks really not pull apart two large pieces of Velcro? Written by Mai D. U. Lok
In the final episode of the series, Penn and Teller present their last seven unbelievable stories, where all are true except one which is false and the viewer must decide. The stories presented: Did ancient Greeks really create arrow-proof armor using multi-layered fabric? Can you really crack a safe by dipping it in liquid nitrogen? Can you pour a drink in reverse in a plane when rolling? Is there really a blind man whom can mountain bike using echo location clicking? Can powerful MRI magnets be used to removed tattoos? Is there a city that uses modified speed bumps to create music when you drive over them? Can a snail crawl across a razor-sharp blade unharmed? Written by Penn will never Tell 'er