Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Beats befriends irresponsible joker Darren at his ante-natal class, causing selfish Grindah to become very jealous and forcing Beats to prove his loyalty to him. Meanwhile Michelle gives Roche a sparsely attended baby shower where she confides in her friend her view that Grindah has no wish to get married, later confronting him with the fact and throwing him out. Chabuddy's latest venture is to turn his club into a restaurant with Steves as his 'apprentice' - meaning he can pay him almost nothing, which dim Steves does not realize though his nan does. Written by don @ minifie-1
All Episodes - S03
The Kurupt FM boys start making moves in the music industry, taking on Chabuddy G as their Manager. Meanwhile Miche continues to push the wedding plans and Beats discovers that Roche is pregnant. Whilst Beats and Roche plan for the birth of their first child together.
With Chabuddy G flexing his managerial muscles, Kurupt FM leave their home territory of Brentford and head into central London in an attempt to secure themselves a record deal. In need of a pay rise to fund her and Grinder's upcoming wedding, Miche needs to pass a hairdressing exam. Will the model she has selected ruin her chances? Written by Jay
Grindah is summoned to court for non-payment of a fine for dropping litter, leaving Steves on his own at Kurupt FM for an eight hour session which, despite Steves having taken his grandma's prescription drugs to help him, goes horribly wrong - as, in Roche's opinion does Chabuddy's efforts at painting her new arrival's nursery. Cocky as ever Grindah believes he has beaten the system when he walks free from court but with the fine bumped up to £700 sensible Michelle knows sacrifices must be made - including the sale of Grindah's prize jacket. Written by don @ minifie-1
Beats befriends irresponsible joker Darren at his ante-natal class, causing selfish Grindah to become very jealous and forcing Beats to prove his loyalty to him. Meanwhile Michelle gives Roche a sparsely attended baby shower where she confides in her friend her view that Grindah has no wish to get married, later confronting him with the fact and throwing him out. Chabuddy's latest venture is to turn his club into a restaurant with Steves as his 'apprentice' - meaning he can pay him almost nothing, which dim Steves does not realize though his nan does. Written by don @ minifie-1
The boys set out for a club date organized by Chabuddy in Ipswich which, to their limited outlook, is like a foreign country. On the way they lose Steves who has to hitch a lift but gets thrown out for being car sick. The gig is a flop with no fee forthcoming, as is the attempt by Grindah and Beats to pull two groupies and they are asked to leave the hotel after setting off the fire alarm. On the way home they lose Steves again. Back home Michelle celebrates her new-found freedom on a night out with the girls and ends up with a hang-over Written by don @ minifie-1
On Valentine's day Chabuddy is called upon when Roche's waters break and he has to rush her and Beats to hospital, where she gives birth to baby Robyn. For Steves it is not a good day as he gets bad news when he goes to visit his grandma, requiring the support of Chabuddy and his waitress Tia, who later share a romantic meal. Selfish Grindah is left to run the station alone and is predictably inept but there is no romance for him as he tries to get back with Michelle - who sensibly refuses to entertain him. Written by don @ minifie-1