Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Season 09
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 18
Season 19
Season 20
The search for the Amber Castle and the Enchanted honey continues for Cheryl the Treasure Hunter and our Heroes, as they finally come across a gigantic Pomeg flower, which leads them to huge colony of Combee Walls! Mothim's sense of smell draws them to a hidden cave behind a waterfall, and upon further exploration, they find themselves actually in the Amber Castle, located deep within the cave! However, Team Rocket has been following the group, and in the process of stealing the Enchanted Honey from some very angry Combee and their Vespiquen, the Castle gets damaged and the honey starts to run everywhere. But some quick thinking on the part of our Heroes and Cheryl results in the defeat of Team Rocket, as well as the reparation of the Castle's damaged walls. As a token of thanks, Vespiquen gives Cheryl some of the wonderful Enchanted Honey as a thank you gift, and she and our Heroes all have a chance to finally taste it's incredible sweetness, much to their delight! Except for ...
All Episodes - S10
After attacking Professor Rowen's lab, Piplup and Chimchar escape into the woods. Dawn, a brand new trainer, volunteers to go after them.
After attacking Professor Rowen's lab, Piplup and Chimchar escape into the woods. Dawn, a brand new trainer, volunteers to go after them.
Dawn, who just received Piplup, lays her sights on Jubilife Town. Just then, Ash's weakened Pikachu appears in front of her. From there, she's introduced to Team Rocket. Meanwhile, Ash continues on his hunt to get Pikachu back when he reunites with Brock and (with Aipom's help) captures a Starly. (This was aired as a part of an hour-and-a-half special with episodes 1 and 3.) Written by Anonymous
Dawn, who just received Piplup, lays her sights on Jubilife Town. Just then, Ash's weakened Pikachu appears in front of her. From there, she's introduced to Team Rocket. Meanwhile, Ash continues on his hunt to get Pikachu back when he reunites with Brock and (with Aipom's help) captures a Starly. (This was aired as a part of an hour-and-a-half special with episodes 1 and 3.) Written by Anonymous
After reuniting Pikachu with Ash, Dawn decides to travel with him and Brock. But on the way, the gang meet Paul, a tough trainer with an attitude.
After reuniting Pikachu with Ash, Dawn decides to travel with him and Brock. But on the way, the gang meet Paul, a tough trainer with an attitude.
After meeting Dawn and letting her tag along with Ash and Brock, she learns how to battle and capture Pokemon. The gang sees a Buneary and Piplup battles it. Dawn throws a Pokeball to capture it but it doesn't work because Ash says that she has to weaken it first. The two then start to argue and the Buneary escapes. The also meet Nando, who is both a Pokemon trainer and a coordinator. Dawn then has a practice battle with him using Budew, the pre-evolved form of Roselia while she uses Piplup. Even though being at a disadvantage, will Dawn be able to win or does she still have a lot to learn? Written by Anonymous
After meeting Dawn and letting her tag along with Ash and Brock, she learns how to battle and capture Pokemon. The gang sees a Buneary and Piplup battles it. Dawn throws a Pokeball to capture it but it doesn't work because Ash says that she has to weaken it first. The two then start to argue and the Buneary escapes. The also meet Nando, who is both a Pokemon trainer and a coordinator. Dawn then has a practice battle with him using Budew, the pre-evolved form of Roselia while she uses Piplup. Even though being at a disadvantage, will Dawn be able to win or does she still have a lot to learn? Written by Anonymous
Team Rocket attacks and Turtwig protects Pikachu. When Ash catches up Turtwig attacks them too. Oddish is accidentally hit and Ash and Pikachu are hit with Sleep Powder. Turtwig takes sleeping Pikachu and runs off into the forest.
Team Rocket attacks and Turtwig protects Pikachu. When Ash catches up Turtwig attacks them too. Oddish is accidentally hit and Ash and Pikachu are hit with Sleep Powder. Turtwig takes sleeping Pikachu and runs off into the forest.
As our Heroes and their Pokémon are starting to get to know Ash's new Turtwig, who should appear on the scene out of nowhere but Paul, ready to hurl another round of insults and slurs against him and his Pokémon. Angrily, Ash challenges him and his Chimchar to a battle, but when Ash tries to get his Turtwig to dodge several attacks, Turtwig refuses, much to Ash's surprise. After being defeated by Paul, Ash tries to accompany Paul out of the forest, but Paul continues to show his disdain for Ash and shuns him. Suddenly Ash discovers he is in Eterna Forest, inhabited by a group of Stantler who can alter the perception of anybody who comes there. But when Ash and Turtwig get shown just how powerful the Stantler are, who should appear to rescue them from the 'wiggy' situation but Paul and Chimchar. After Brock and Dawn reunite with Ash and Turtwig they're suddenly attacked by an angry swarm of Beedrilll, and AGAIN Paul comes to their rescue. But when Paul mocks Ash for still keeping his ...
As our Heroes and their Pokémon are starting to get to know Ash's new Turtwig, who should appear on the scene out of nowhere but Paul, ready to hurl another round of insults and slurs against him and his Pokémon. Angrily, Ash challenges him and his Chimchar to a battle, but when Ash tries to get his Turtwig to dodge several attacks, Turtwig refuses, much to Ash's surprise. After being defeated by Paul, Ash tries to accompany Paul out of the forest, but Paul continues to show his disdain for Ash and shuns him. Suddenly Ash discovers he is in Eterna Forest, inhabited by a group of Stantler who can alter the perception of anybody who comes there. But when Ash and Turtwig get shown just how powerful the Stantler are, who should appear to rescue them from the 'wiggy' situation but Paul and Chimchar. After Brock and Dawn reunite with Ash and Turtwig they're suddenly attacked by an angry swarm of Beedrilll, and AGAIN Paul comes to their rescue. But when Paul mocks Ash for still keeping his ...
As our Heroes continue their journey to Jubelife City and Dawn's 1st Pokémon Contest, we find a frustrated Dawn and her Piplup struggling with perfecting their Contest moves. We also find a VERY hungry Team Rocket searching for something to eat. Miraculously, they stumble upon a huge pile of berries, obviously gathered by someone else, which they happily steal. However, it turns out this pile of berries has been gathered by a group of very sad Pokémon headed up by a Golduck, who after discovering a trio of Ludicolo dancing near what's left of the berry pile, accuses the Ludicolo of steaking their berries, which of course they deny. This leads to infighting among the various Pokémon, which leads Team Rocket into fueling the fighting in hopes of stealing all the involved Pokémon. When Piplup stumbles upon the Golduck and the angry Pokémon, Piplup agrees to represent the Pokémon to the Ludicolo, demanding the stolen berries be returned to their rightful owners. But after some brave and ...
As our Heroes continue their journey to Jubelife City and Dawn's 1st Pokémon Contest, we find a frustrated Dawn and her Piplup struggling with perfecting their Contest moves. We also find a VERY hungry Team Rocket searching for something to eat. Miraculously, they stumble upon a huge pile of berries, obviously gathered by someone else, which they happily steal. However, it turns out this pile of berries has been gathered by a group of very sad Pokémon headed up by a Golduck, who after discovering a trio of Ludicolo dancing near what's left of the berry pile, accuses the Ludicolo of steaking their berries, which of course they deny. This leads to infighting among the various Pokémon, which leads Team Rocket into fueling the fighting in hopes of stealing all the involved Pokémon. When Piplup stumbles upon the Golduck and the angry Pokémon, Piplup agrees to represent the Pokémon to the Ludicolo, demanding the stolen berries be returned to their rightful owners. But after some brave and ...
Continuing on their way through the Sinnoh region, our Heroes come across a budding trainer named Minnie and her Scizor. She explains that she's looking for a new Gym called the Powerzone Gym, which is reputed to take any losing Pokémon under their wing and 'train' them to become stronger. The Powerzone Gym is, in truth, a phony Gym run by Team Rocket to steal their losing opponents' Pokémon when they leave them at the Gym to be 'trained'. So when our Heroes show up looking to challenge the Gym, the thought of stealing Ash's Pikachu and Minnie's Scizor is too tempting to pass up. Jessie, disguised as Princess Powerzone, is battling with a Croagunk that had crossed paths with Meowth earlier, and after some bad calls by referee James, emerges victorious against both Minnie and Ash. They blow their cover as they attempt to escape with both Pikachu, Scizor and a host of stolen Pokeballs, but after a few choice attacks Team Rocket is defeated and the 2 Pokémon and all the Pokeballs are ...
Continuing on their way through the Sinnoh region, our Heroes come across a budding trainer named Minnie and her Scizor. She explains that she's looking for a new Gym called the Powerzone Gym, which is reputed to take any losing Pokémon under their wing and 'train' them to become stronger. The Powerzone Gym is, in truth, a phony Gym run by Team Rocket to steal their losing opponents' Pokémon when they leave them at the Gym to be 'trained'. So when our Heroes show up looking to challenge the Gym, the thought of stealing Ash's Pikachu and Minnie's Scizor is too tempting to pass up. Jessie, disguised as Princess Powerzone, is battling with a Croagunk that had crossed paths with Meowth earlier, and after some bad calls by referee James, emerges victorious against both Minnie and Ash. They blow their cover as they attempt to escape with both Pikachu, Scizor and a host of stolen Pokeballs, but after a few choice attacks Team Rocket is defeated and the 2 Pokémon and all the Pokeballs are ...
It was a slightly disheveled start to the day for our Heroes, as Dawn woke up with a bad case of pillow head and was not amused - but things became really interesting when a Buneary suddenly appeared on the scene. Of course Dawn wanted to catch it, but Ash did as well, when he witnessed Buneary's astounding speed and power. Things got worse for everyone when Team Rocket showed up looking to abduct both Buneary and Pikachu - literally stopping and freezing our Heroes in their tracks. But thanks to Croagunk's quick thinking and power, they were unfrozen, following which, with the help of Pikachu's powerful Iron Tail, they were able to break free from Team Rocket's evil clutches, leaving the 3 thieves in a smoldering heap of yet another mangled machine. Meanwhile, Buneary had become quite fond of Pikachu and Dawn. So with a request to join Dawn on her journey, Dawn set out to battle and ultimately capture the cute creature, allowing Dawn to feel confident, excited and prepared for her ...
It was a slightly disheveled start to the day for our Heroes, as Dawn woke up with a bad case of pillow head and was not amused - but things became really interesting when a Buneary suddenly appeared on the scene. Of course Dawn wanted to catch it, but Ash did as well, when he witnessed Buneary's astounding speed and power. Things got worse for everyone when Team Rocket showed up looking to abduct both Buneary and Pikachu - literally stopping and freezing our Heroes in their tracks. But thanks to Croagunk's quick thinking and power, they were unfrozen, following which, with the help of Pikachu's powerful Iron Tail, they were able to break free from Team Rocket's evil clutches, leaving the 3 thieves in a smoldering heap of yet another mangled machine. Meanwhile, Buneary had become quite fond of Pikachu and Dawn. So with a request to join Dawn on her journey, Dawn set out to battle and ultimately capture the cute creature, allowing Dawn to feel confident, excited and prepared for her ...
Ash and friends are intrigued by a new device, the Poketch. But they're told their devices are counterfeit. They meet the creator/inventor. And he shows them a new device which can measure the friendship level between Pokemon and trainer. They also discover the counterfeit devices cause a strange reaction in Pokemon. Written by Jesse Sanchez
Ash and friends are intrigued by a new device, the Poketch. But they're told their devices are counterfeit. They meet the creator/inventor. And he shows them a new device which can measure the friendship level between Pokemon and trainer. They also discover the counterfeit devices cause a strange reaction in Pokemon. Written by Jesse Sanchez
Dawn enters her first Pokemon contest. As Ash helps her prepare for the contest, Apalm interrupts the training, they soon realize Apalm wants to enter the contest. So Ash registers as well.
Dawn enters her first Pokemon contest. As Ash helps her prepare for the contest, Apalm interrupts the training, they soon realize Apalm wants to enter the contest. So Ash registers as well.
As Ash and Starli work on perfecting Aerial Ace. A Pokemon researcher asks for help finding out where all the bird Pokemon have gone. Ash and friends volunteer to help her. They find out that Team Rocket has captured all the Pokemon.
As Ash and Starli work on perfecting Aerial Ace. A Pokemon researcher asks for help finding out where all the bird Pokemon have gone. Ash and friends volunteer to help her. They find out that Team Rocket has captured all the Pokemon.
Continuing on their journey through the Shinnou region, our Heroes come across the last hurdle to be crossed before they arrive in Kurogane City, home of the Kurogane Gym and Satoshi's first Shinnou Gym battle. Suddenly, they come across an injured Konohana who has been displaced from its family and home. Our heroes then vow to help heal the wounded Pokémon, and return the scared Konohana to the old tree, which is also home to a group of Konohana, Taneboh and Dirteng. But the Rocket-Dan has other ideas for the lost Konohana, and attempts to catch it to give to the Boss. At the same time, they accidently trap Takeshi in the process, so they hold him captive as well. Takeshi's quick thinking and culinary skills get him out of that jam, and his caged Usohachi puts forth a Herculean effort, freeing both Usohachi and Konohana from their cage. And in the process, Usohachi evolves into Usokkie. After rejoining our Heroes, Takeshi decides to take on the Rocket-Dan by himself, with the aid of ... Written by edited by Tobias Clark
Continuing on their journey through the Shinnou region, our Heroes come across the last hurdle to be crossed before they arrive in Kurogane City, home of the Kurogane Gym and Satoshi's first Shinnou Gym battle. Suddenly, they come across an injured Konohana who has been displaced from its family and home. Our heroes then vow to help heal the wounded Pokémon, and return the scared Konohana to the old tree, which is also home to a group of Konohana, Taneboh and Dirteng. But the Rocket-Dan has other ideas for the lost Konohana, and attempts to catch it to give to the Boss. At the same time, they accidently trap Takeshi in the process, so they hold him captive as well. Takeshi's quick thinking and culinary skills get him out of that jam, and his caged Usohachi puts forth a Herculean effort, freeing both Usohachi and Konohana from their cage. And in the process, Usohachi evolves into Usokkie. After rejoining our Heroes, Takeshi decides to take on the Rocket-Dan by himself, with the aid of ... Written by edited by Tobias Clark
Ash arrives at the Oreburgh Gym for his first battle in the Sinnoh region. Paul arrives first. Ash and company watch Paul and his Pokemon face off against Roark's Earth type Pokemon.
Ash arrives at the Oreburgh Gym for his first battle in the Sinnoh region. Paul arrives first. Ash and company watch Paul and his Pokemon face off against Roark's Earth type Pokemon.
Following his defeat. Ash trains for a re-match. The training is interrupted when an ancient Pokemon is revived and goes wild. As Ash helps out, Ash gets some inspiration for a battle strategy for the rematch.
Following his defeat. Ash trains for a re-match. The training is interrupted when an ancient Pokemon is revived and goes wild. As Ash helps out, Ash gets some inspiration for a battle strategy for the rematch.
Ash has his rematch with Gym Leader Roarke. Will his new strategy be effective against Roarke, especially with Roarke's newly evolved Rampardos?
Ash has his rematch with Gym Leader Roarke. Will his new strategy be effective against Roarke, especially with Roarke's newly evolved Rampardos?
Dawn captures a Patchurisu. Then she has difficulty training it. She frees it. Then Ash and Brock talk to her, and she begins to rethink her decision.
Dawn captures a Patchurisu. Then she has difficulty training it. She frees it. Then Ash and Brock talk to her, and she begins to rethink her decision.
Ash and friends meet the B League. A group dedicated to strengthening Pokemon without evolving them. Team Rocket buys a machine that can evolve Pokemon and they set their sights on the B League and Pikachu.
Ash and friends meet the B League. A group dedicated to strengthening Pokemon without evolving them. Team Rocket buys a machine that can evolve Pokemon and they set their sights on the B League and Pikachu.
Apalm takes Ash's hat and playfully runs away. Then he finds himself in trouble and is saved by Jessie. She convinces Ash to let her use his Apalm in an upcoming Contest. Ash worries that he may lose his Apalm to Team Rocket.
Apalm takes Ash's hat and playfully runs away. Then he finds himself in trouble and is saved by Jessie. She convinces Ash to let her use his Apalm in an upcoming Contest. Ash worries that he may lose his Apalm to Team Rocket.
As Team Rocket digs some traps, they manage to get their shovels stuck on the head of a Steelix. Now the Steelix is on a rampage, endangering some timid Pokemon in the area. Ash and friends must calm Steelix.
As Team Rocket digs some traps, they manage to get their shovels stuck on the head of a Steelix. Now the Steelix is on a rampage, endangering some timid Pokemon in the area. Ash and friends must calm Steelix.
Continuing on their journey to Floarama Town and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, our Heroes come across an elderly woman named Abigail, and her niece Theresa. Theresa is very worried about her aunt - a masterful cake baker who, along with her Pikachu named Sugar, has been baking delicious cakes for years. But when Sugar suddenly disappeared to go figure out a way to crack open the Aspear Berry - a rock - hard berry used in making their cakes, Theresa begs our Heroes to let Pikachu pretend to be Sugar! Ash reluctantly agrees, and things seem to be all right - until Abigail proves herself to be a masterful Pokémon trainer, challenging Ash to a battle - using Pikachu to battle against Ash with! However, Abigail has already secretly discovered that Pikachu is not Sugar, and calls the battle early. Soon everything is out in the open, when suddenly Team Rocket appears on the scene to steal Pikachu. Things are looking bad for our Heroes, when suddenly, who should appear to save the day but ...
Continuing on their journey to Floarama Town and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, our Heroes come across an elderly woman named Abigail, and her niece Theresa. Theresa is very worried about her aunt - a masterful cake baker who, along with her Pikachu named Sugar, has been baking delicious cakes for years. But when Sugar suddenly disappeared to go figure out a way to crack open the Aspear Berry - a rock - hard berry used in making their cakes, Theresa begs our Heroes to let Pikachu pretend to be Sugar! Ash reluctantly agrees, and things seem to be all right - until Abigail proves herself to be a masterful Pokémon trainer, challenging Ash to a battle - using Pikachu to battle against Ash with! However, Abigail has already secretly discovered that Pikachu is not Sugar, and calls the battle early. Soon everything is out in the open, when suddenly Team Rocket appears on the scene to steal Pikachu. Things are looking bad for our Heroes, when suddenly, who should appear to save the day but ...
Arriving in Floaroma Town for Dawn's next Pokémon Contest and as our Heroes marvel at its natural beauty, Dawn notices that there is going to be a Poffin cooking class that day - Poffins being a well - known Pokémon snack food made out of tree berries in the Sinnoh region. After pleading with Ash and Brock to take the class with her, they discover the teacher is a young woman named Forsythia, who has a shy Roserade as her Pokémon partner. The class begins, and while Dawn discovers she still has much to learn about Poffin making, Ash discovers, as he burns his first batch, that he REALLY has much to learn! Meanwhile, Team Rocket has disovered Poffins as well, and decides they can make a fortune by stealing hordes of berries from Forsythia's orchard and making Poffins themselves in order to sell it to the many Coordinators who will be at the upcoming Floaroma Contest. But when they discover that Forsythia's 'shy' Roserade turns out to be a super - strong WARRIOR, they attempt to steal ...
Arriving in Floaroma Town for Dawn's next Pokémon Contest and as our Heroes marvel at its natural beauty, Dawn notices that there is going to be a Poffin cooking class that day - Poffins being a well - known Pokémon snack food made out of tree berries in the Sinnoh region. After pleading with Ash and Brock to take the class with her, they discover the teacher is a young woman named Forsythia, who has a shy Roserade as her Pokémon partner. The class begins, and while Dawn discovers she still has much to learn about Poffin making, Ash discovers, as he burns his first batch, that he REALLY has much to learn! Meanwhile, Team Rocket has disovered Poffins as well, and decides they can make a fortune by stealing hordes of berries from Forsythia's orchard and making Poffins themselves in order to sell it to the many Coordinators who will be at the upcoming Floaroma Contest. But when they discover that Forsythia's 'shy' Roserade turns out to be a super - strong WARRIOR, they attempt to steal ...
With little time before the beginning of the Floaroma Town Pokémon Contest, Dawn is getting some last minute practicing in when who should appear out of nowhere but her childhood friend, Kenny. The 2 have known each other since nursery school, and Dawn is surprised to learn that Kenny is now a Contest Coordinator as she is, and has his sights set on winning the same Contest as she does! After Kenny tells our Heroes some revealing (and embarrassing) stories about when they were little kids, Kenny and his Prinplup challenge Ash and Pikachu to a battle, and things are progressing at a frenzied pace when who should appear to try and do some Pokémon - stealing but James and Meowth, on a mission for Jessie to get her a strong Pokémon for HER Floaroma Contest appearance. However, the combination of Prinplup and Pikachu proves too much for the hapless Team Rocket duo, and they're sent blasting off again, as Jessie gets her nails done - at a beauty salon, of course. When the Contest begins, it...
With little time before the beginning of the Floaroma Town Pokémon Contest, Dawn is getting some last minute practicing in when who should appear out of nowhere but her childhood friend, Kenny. The 2 have known each other since nursery school, and Dawn is surprised to learn that Kenny is now a Contest Coordinator as she is, and has his sights set on winning the same Contest as she does! After Kenny tells our Heroes some revealing (and embarrassing) stories about when they were little kids, Kenny and his Prinplup challenge Ash and Pikachu to a battle, and things are progressing at a frenzied pace when who should appear to try and do some Pokémon - stealing but James and Meowth, on a mission for Jessie to get her a strong Pokémon for HER Floaroma Contest appearance. However, the combination of Prinplup and Pikachu proves too much for the hapless Team Rocket duo, and they're sent blasting off again, as Jessie gets her nails done - at a beauty salon, of course. When the Contest begins, it...
As the Floaroma Contest gets underway, we find several familiar faces going for the prestigious Floaroma ribbon: Dawn, her childhood friend Kenny, and Jessilina, who under her disguise we all know is Team Rocket's Jessie. All three make it through the 1st round (much to the relief of James and Meowth), but as the 2nd round gets underway Jessilina and her Dustox get trounced by Dawn and her Piplup, removing Jessie yet once again from contention. As it gets to the battle round, however, Dawn and Kenny find themselves facing each other for the final round and Contest victory! With Kenny using his Prinplup and Dawn using her Piplup, the combination of both Coordinators using Water - type Pokémon and 1 Pokémon being the evolved form of the other proves to be a most interesting and unusual battle, and both Dawn and Kenny are doing a lot of thinking on their feet to come up with a winning strategy. But after much back and forth intense battling, Dawn and Piplup end up the winners on points, ...
As the Floaroma Contest gets underway, we find several familiar faces going for the prestigious Floaroma ribbon: Dawn, her childhood friend Kenny, and Jessilina, who under her disguise we all know is Team Rocket's Jessie. All three make it through the 1st round (much to the relief of James and Meowth), but as the 2nd round gets underway Jessilina and her Dustox get trounced by Dawn and her Piplup, removing Jessie yet once again from contention. As it gets to the battle round, however, Dawn and Kenny find themselves facing each other for the final round and Contest victory! With Kenny using his Prinplup and Dawn using her Piplup, the combination of both Coordinators using Water - type Pokémon and 1 Pokémon being the evolved form of the other proves to be a most interesting and unusual battle, and both Dawn and Kenny are doing a lot of thinking on their feet to come up with a winning strategy. But after much back and forth intense battling, Dawn and Piplup end up the winners on points, ...
As our Heroes continue toward Ash's next Gym Battle in Eterna City, they decide to stop in at a Pokémon Center, where they discover it's being run by a Nurse Joy who happens to be married (much to Brock's chuckling dismay) with 2 young daughters who dream of following in their mom's footsteps. Their father takes care of the local power station, and when he forgets to take his lunch with him to work, the older sister, Marnie, decides to take his lunch to him using the air power of her Drifloon. Her younger sister, Paige, is always wanting to do everything her sister gets to do, and when a menacing storm comes up over the horizon and Paige starts to worry about her older sister's well being, she suddenly takes off (with Pikachu trying to hold her back) with her own Drifloon, against her mother's wishes. When Ash takes off with another Drifloon to find and rescue the little girl, Ash and Paige find themselves trapped in the storm, and then it's Paige's older sister Marnie who worries ...
As our Heroes continue toward Ash's next Gym Battle in Eterna City, they decide to stop in at a Pokémon Center, where they discover it's being run by a Nurse Joy who happens to be married (much to Brock's chuckling dismay) with 2 young daughters who dream of following in their mom's footsteps. Their father takes care of the local power station, and when he forgets to take his lunch with him to work, the older sister, Marnie, decides to take his lunch to him using the air power of her Drifloon. Her younger sister, Paige, is always wanting to do everything her sister gets to do, and when a menacing storm comes up over the horizon and Paige starts to worry about her older sister's well being, she suddenly takes off (with Pikachu trying to hold her back) with her own Drifloon, against her mother's wishes. When Ash takes off with another Drifloon to find and rescue the little girl, Ash and Paige find themselves trapped in the storm, and then it's Paige's older sister Marnie who worries ...
Continuing their journey to Eterna City and Ash's 2nd Gym battle challenge in the Sinnoh region, our Heroes come across a reporter named Rhonda who is doing a T.V. segment on 2 gifted Pokémon trainers who have been dubbed the Champ Twins. With 15 consecutive wins under their belts, Ash can't wait to challenge them to a battle, but they inform him that they only do Tag Battles - 2 trainers against 2 trainers. Ash and Dawn agree to challenge them together, but things go wrong early on, as Ash and Dawn, along with Piplup and Turtwig, find themselves fighting each other, which results in defeat. Realizing their mistakes and making amends, our 2 Heroes decide to challenge the Champ Twins again, but in the meantime their 2 Pokémon - a Croconaw and a Quilava - have been stolen by none other than Team Rocket. Quickly, our Heroes spring into action, and foil Team Rocket's evil plan with some impressive team work. Having returned their beloved Pokémon back to the Champ Twins, a rematch ensues, ...
Continuing their journey to Eterna City and Ash's 2nd Gym battle challenge in the Sinnoh region, our Heroes come across a reporter named Rhonda who is doing a T.V. segment on 2 gifted Pokémon trainers who have been dubbed the Champ Twins. With 15 consecutive wins under their belts, Ash can't wait to challenge them to a battle, but they inform him that they only do Tag Battles - 2 trainers against 2 trainers. Ash and Dawn agree to challenge them together, but things go wrong early on, as Ash and Dawn, along with Piplup and Turtwig, find themselves fighting each other, which results in defeat. Realizing their mistakes and making amends, our 2 Heroes decide to challenge the Champ Twins again, but in the meantime their 2 Pokémon - a Croconaw and a Quilava - have been stolen by none other than Team Rocket. Quickly, our Heroes spring into action, and foil Team Rocket's evil plan with some impressive team work. Having returned their beloved Pokémon back to the Champ Twins, a rematch ensues, ...
On their way through the Eterna Forest and nearing Ash's next Gym battle challenge, our Heroes discover a young woman named Cheryl who calls herself a 'Treasure Hunter' - one in a long line of Treasure Hunters in her family. She is in search of a place called the Amber Castle, which is reputed to hold within it the legendary Enchanted Honey - a honey much more powerful than regular honey. In order to accomplish this, Cheryl needs to capture a male Burmy and evolve it into a Mothim, which has the power to guide her to the Amber Castle and her sought - after treasure. Of course, once Team Rocket gets wind of this, they decide to capture the same Burmy and get the Enchanted Honey for themselves, but in order to get that Burmy to evolve, it must first be victorious in battle, which proves to be difficult for everyone - Cheryl, our Heroes, and Team Rocket. However, the resulting battle to rescue Burmy from Team Rocket's grasp accomplishes that very thing, and Burmy evolves into a Mothim ...
On their way through the Eterna Forest and nearing Ash's next Gym battle challenge, our Heroes discover a young woman named Cheryl who calls herself a 'Treasure Hunter' - one in a long line of Treasure Hunters in her family. She is in search of a place called the Amber Castle, which is reputed to hold within it the legendary Enchanted Honey - a honey much more powerful than regular honey. In order to accomplish this, Cheryl needs to capture a male Burmy and evolve it into a Mothim, which has the power to guide her to the Amber Castle and her sought - after treasure. Of course, once Team Rocket gets wind of this, they decide to capture the same Burmy and get the Enchanted Honey for themselves, but in order to get that Burmy to evolve, it must first be victorious in battle, which proves to be difficult for everyone - Cheryl, our Heroes, and Team Rocket. However, the resulting battle to rescue Burmy from Team Rocket's grasp accomplishes that very thing, and Burmy evolves into a Mothim ...
As our Heroes continue to accompany Cheryl the Treasure Hunter on her quest to find the Amber Castle and the Enchanted Honey, they suddenly run into a sassy Pokémon trainer named Gardenia who positively LOVES Grass - type Pokémon. She first challenges Ash to a battle with his Turtwig, but he soon discovers that SHE has a Turtwig as well - and her Turtwig overpowers Ash's. Later on, Gardenia agrees to help them find their way through Eterna Forest to find Cheryl's elusive Enchanted Honey.
As our Heroes continue to accompany Cheryl the Treasure Hunter on her quest to find the Amber Castle and the Enchanted Honey, they suddenly run into a sassy Pokémon trainer named Gardenia who positively LOVES Grass - type Pokémon. She first challenges Ash to a battle with his Turtwig, but he soon discovers that SHE has a Turtwig as well - and her Turtwig overpowers Ash's. Later on, Gardenia agrees to help them find their way through Eterna Forest to find Cheryl's elusive Enchanted Honey.
The search for the Amber Castle and the Enchanted honey continues for Cheryl the Treasure Hunter and our Heroes, as they finally come across a gigantic Pomeg flower, which leads them to huge colony of Combee Walls! Mothim's sense of smell draws them to a hidden cave behind a waterfall, and upon further exploration, they find themselves actually in the Amber Castle, located deep within the cave! However, Team Rocket has been following the group, and in the process of stealing the Enchanted Honey from some very angry Combee and their Vespiquen, the Castle gets damaged and the honey starts to run everywhere. But some quick thinking on the part of our Heroes and Cheryl results in the defeat of Team Rocket, as well as the reparation of the Castle's damaged walls. As a token of thanks, Vespiquen gives Cheryl some of the wonderful Enchanted Honey as a thank you gift, and she and our Heroes all have a chance to finally taste it's incredible sweetness, much to their delight! Except for ...
The search for the Amber Castle and the Enchanted honey continues for Cheryl the Treasure Hunter and our Heroes, as they finally come across a gigantic Pomeg flower, which leads them to huge colony of Combee Walls! Mothim's sense of smell draws them to a hidden cave behind a waterfall, and upon further exploration, they find themselves actually in the Amber Castle, located deep within the cave! However, Team Rocket has been following the group, and in the process of stealing the Enchanted Honey from some very angry Combee and their Vespiquen, the Castle gets damaged and the honey starts to run everywhere. But some quick thinking on the part of our Heroes and Cheryl results in the defeat of Team Rocket, as well as the reparation of the Castle's damaged walls. As a token of thanks, Vespiquen gives Cheryl some of the wonderful Enchanted Honey as a thank you gift, and she and our Heroes all have a chance to finally taste it's incredible sweetness, much to their delight! Except for ...
As the journey to the Eterna City Gym continues for our Heroes, they take a break to witness what is one of the most popular Contest events in the Sinnoh region - The annual Pokémon Dress - Up Contest! A Contest just for Pokémon, deciding which Pokémon best imitates a completely different Pokémon. And with a Pokémon Egg as the grand prize to the winner, everyone wants to get involved! Ash enters his Pikachu, Brock his Croagunk, and Dawn her Piplup. The event is being broadcast on the popular T.V. show Sinnoh Now, and everything is going along just fine until a disguised Jessie enters Meowth as well, and they decide that the best way to get the Pokémon Egg is to just steal it, much to the disappointment of James, who has entered Mime Jr. and is having a lot of fun and success. But our Heroes will have none if it, and they foil Team Rocket's caper in a televised battle. It's down to 3 finalists - Pikachu, Croagunk and a singing Chatot, who had won the previous year. And surprise of all ...
As the journey to the Eterna City Gym continues for our Heroes, they take a break to witness what is one of the most popular Contest events in the Sinnoh region - The annual Pokémon Dress - Up Contest! A Contest just for Pokémon, deciding which Pokémon best imitates a completely different Pokémon. And with a Pokémon Egg as the grand prize to the winner, everyone wants to get involved! Ash enters his Pikachu, Brock his Croagunk, and Dawn her Piplup. The event is being broadcast on the popular T.V. show Sinnoh Now, and everything is going along just fine until a disguised Jessie enters Meowth as well, and they decide that the best way to get the Pokémon Egg is to just steal it, much to the disappointment of James, who has entered Mime Jr. and is having a lot of fun and success. But our Heroes will have none if it, and they foil Team Rocket's caper in a televised battle. It's down to 3 finalists - Pikachu, Croagunk and a singing Chatot, who had won the previous year. And surprise of all ...
As Ash and friends get closer to Ash's next Gym battle in Eterna City, they come across a couple of frazzled Pokémon trainers who have just come a across a very powerful Buizel - which of course piques our Heroes' interest. Stopping for a bit of fishing in hopes of finding Buizel, they come across Dawn's Contest rival Zoey, who's out scouting for new Pokémon. Together they find the powerful Buizel, but when Ash, Dawn and Zoey each attempt to catch Buizel they all come up short. Upon further investigation, they discover Buizel's grueling training regimen, and after some additional special training on their part, Dawn and Piplup again challenge Buizel to a battle. Although it appears Buizel is still too strong to be captured, Dawn's Contest attack combination skills come in very handy, and since Buizel has had no experience with these sorts of moves, Dawn manages to make Buizel her next Pokémon!
As Ash and friends get closer to Ash's next Gym battle in Eterna City, they come across a couple of frazzled Pokémon trainers who have just come a across a very powerful Buizel - which of course piques our Heroes' interest. Stopping for a bit of fishing in hopes of finding Buizel, they come across Dawn's Contest rival Zoey, who's out scouting for new Pokémon. Together they find the powerful Buizel, but when Ash, Dawn and Zoey each attempt to catch Buizel they all come up short. Upon further investigation, they discover Buizel's grueling training regimen, and after some additional special training on their part, Dawn and Piplup again challenge Buizel to a battle. Although it appears Buizel is still too strong to be captured, Dawn's Contest attack combination skills come in very handy, and since Buizel has had no experience with these sorts of moves, Dawn manages to make Buizel her next Pokémon!
As our Heroes continue their journey through the Sinnoh region toward the Eterna Gym and Ash's 2nd Sinnoh Gym battle challenge, Dawn's newest Pokémon, Buizel, is having some trouble adjusting to new circumstances. Buizel doesn't seem to want to take any direction from Dawn at all, but after a chance meeting with Lucian, a member of the Elite 4, Buizel begs Lucian for a battle, and Lucian agrees! But along with his Bronzong, Lucian makes quick work of Dawn and Buizel. That's when Team Rocket appears on the scene and decides at first to steal Lucian's Bronzong, but when that seems like a bad idea they go for Buizel instead. And while Buizel was initially depressed about losing to Bronzong, now Buizel breaks free from Team Rocket's cage with a powerful vengeance! Buizel then asks Lucian for yet another battle, and THIS time Dawn and her new Pokémon work together in a much more sympathetic manner, thanks in large part to some great advice and help from Lucian.
As our Heroes continue their journey through the Sinnoh region toward the Eterna Gym and Ash's 2nd Sinnoh Gym battle challenge, Dawn's newest Pokémon, Buizel, is having some trouble adjusting to new circumstances. Buizel doesn't seem to want to take any direction from Dawn at all, but after a chance meeting with Lucian, a member of the Elite 4, Buizel begs Lucian for a battle, and Lucian agrees! But along with his Bronzong, Lucian makes quick work of Dawn and Buizel. That's when Team Rocket appears on the scene and decides at first to steal Lucian's Bronzong, but when that seems like a bad idea they go for Buizel instead. And while Buizel was initially depressed about losing to Bronzong, now Buizel breaks free from Team Rocket's cage with a powerful vengeance! Buizel then asks Lucian for yet another battle, and THIS time Dawn and her new Pokémon work together in a much more sympathetic manner, thanks in large part to some great advice and help from Lucian.
Well this is the moment you've been waiting for: Ash's Eterna City Gym Battle! Gardenia's assistant judges a 3-on-3 match with only Ash allowed to substitute Pokemon. The first match-up was Cherubi vs. Turtwig. Apparently we thought that Turtwig would have the upper hand, Cherubi is faster than Turtwig. This match-up was in Gardenia's favor so Ash called Turtwig back. Next was Staravia, who we all know beat Cherubi the last time they met in Eterna Forest. This match-up was Speed vs. Speed but Staravia was a Flying Type Pokemon who made a difference. Cherubi was knocked out. Next was Gardenia's Turtwig. Still Staravia wants some revenge after her Turtwig knocked out Staravia in their previous battle. The outcome came after Turtwig launched Leech Seed and Staravia falling for it. Turtwig wins that round. The next match-up was Turtwig vs. Turtwig. Ash's Turtwig was hoping not to lose this battle. When Gardenia's Turtwig launched a second Leech Seed attack, we thought this would be the ... Written by Anonymous
Well this is the moment you've been waiting for: Ash's Eterna City Gym Battle! Gardenia's assistant judges a 3-on-3 match with only Ash allowed to substitute Pokemon. The first match-up was Cherubi vs. Turtwig. Apparently we thought that Turtwig would have the upper hand, Cherubi is faster than Turtwig. This match-up was in Gardenia's favor so Ash called Turtwig back. Next was Staravia, who we all know beat Cherubi the last time they met in Eterna Forest. This match-up was Speed vs. Speed but Staravia was a Flying Type Pokemon who made a difference. Cherubi was knocked out. Next was Gardenia's Turtwig. Still Staravia wants some revenge after her Turtwig knocked out Staravia in their previous battle. The outcome came after Turtwig launched Leech Seed and Staravia falling for it. Turtwig wins that round. The next match-up was Turtwig vs. Turtwig. Ash's Turtwig was hoping not to lose this battle. When Gardenia's Turtwig launched a second Leech Seed attack, we thought this would be the ... Written by Anonymous
As our Heroes continue toward Hearthome City As our Heroes cycle their way toward Hearthome City and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, the Pokémon Egg in Brock's possession begins to glow, signaling that its hatching is soon to come. Upon looking for a Pokémon Center, however, they come across one in serious disrepair, and a very sad Nurse Joy lamenting how the cycling road has kept Trainers and Coordinators alike from going there. Vowing to help, our Heroes and Nurse Joy now take to the task of the hatching egg, which turns out to be a Happiny! At the same time, Team Rocket has its eyes on stealing the brand new Pokémon for their own selfish ends, and although successful in the short term, Happiny is eventually and happily returned to Brock, and Nurse Joy's self - confidence is completely renewed form their experiences. After helping to restore the Pokémon Center back to its original luster, Ash and friends continue down the cycling path towards Hearthome City, the site of Dawn's next ...
As our Heroes continue toward Hearthome City As our Heroes cycle their way toward Hearthome City and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, the Pokémon Egg in Brock's possession begins to glow, signaling that its hatching is soon to come. Upon looking for a Pokémon Center, however, they come across one in serious disrepair, and a very sad Nurse Joy lamenting how the cycling road has kept Trainers and Coordinators alike from going there. Vowing to help, our Heroes and Nurse Joy now take to the task of the hatching egg, which turns out to be a Happiny! At the same time, Team Rocket has its eyes on stealing the brand new Pokémon for their own selfish ends, and although successful in the short term, Happiny is eventually and happily returned to Brock, and Nurse Joy's self - confidence is completely renewed form their experiences. After helping to restore the Pokémon Center back to its original luster, Ash and friends continue down the cycling path towards Hearthome City, the site of Dawn's next ...
As our Heroes continue toward Hearthome City and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest as well as Ash's next Gym battle, they discover a steamboat that travels along the same route they'll be traveling, which gives them an opportunity to do a little pleasure cruising! But when they decide to head into a small town for some supplies before the ship takes off, they leave all their Pokémon alone on the ship, and in their Pokémons' zeal to have a little fun, the ship accidentally starts down the river before our Heroes return - without captain or crew! Luckily, some quick thinking by our Heroes, along with the streamboat Captain's Mantine, allow them to catch up to the boat in the nick of time and save the scared Pokémon from a raging waterfall. And after displaying some amazing courage by Pokémon and trainers alike, the journey to Hearthome City continues.
As our Heroes continue toward Hearthome City and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest as well as Ash's next Gym battle, they discover a steamboat that travels along the same route they'll be traveling, which gives them an opportunity to do a little pleasure cruising! But when they decide to head into a small town for some supplies before the ship takes off, they leave all their Pokémon alone on the ship, and in their Pokémons' zeal to have a little fun, the ship accidentally starts down the river before our Heroes return - without captain or crew! Luckily, some quick thinking by our Heroes, along with the streamboat Captain's Mantine, allow them to catch up to the boat in the nick of time and save the scared Pokémon from a raging waterfall. And after displaying some amazing courage by Pokémon and trainers alike, the journey to Hearthome City continues.
Continuing on toward Hearthome City and Ash's next Gym battle as well as Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, our Heroes discover that Cynthia, the Champion League Master, is visiting close by. However, when they go to see her,they discover that Paul is there too, and he challenges Cynthia to a battle on the spot. She agrees, and they begin a 6 on 6 Pokémon battle, which ends in a resounding defeat for Paul. However, after Cynthia agrees to help with Paul's ailing Pokémon, she shares a secret with Paul and our Heroes describing her dream to someday meet the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia. So when she suddenly learns that the Lustrous Orb, said to be related to Palkia, has been discovered in Celestic City, that becomes her next destination, leaving Paul to stay overnight at the Pokémon Center to care for his Pokémon, and our Heroes heading back toward Hearthome City with new insights and a new friend in Cynthia too!
Continuing on toward Hearthome City and Ash's next Gym battle as well as Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, our Heroes discover that Cynthia, the Champion League Master, is visiting close by. However, when they go to see her,they discover that Paul is there too, and he challenges Cynthia to a battle on the spot. She agrees, and they begin a 6 on 6 Pokémon battle, which ends in a resounding defeat for Paul. However, after Cynthia agrees to help with Paul's ailing Pokémon, she shares a secret with Paul and our Heroes describing her dream to someday meet the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia. So when she suddenly learns that the Lustrous Orb, said to be related to Palkia, has been discovered in Celestic City, that becomes her next destination, leaving Paul to stay overnight at the Pokémon Center to care for his Pokémon, and our Heroes heading back toward Hearthome City with new insights and a new friend in Cynthia too!
As Ash and friends continue toward Hearthome City, they come across a familiar looking Glameow and Misdreavous, frantically pleading with our Heroes to come with them. After following them, our Heroes discover they are in fact their friend Zoey's Pokémon, and she has injured her leg training. Not being able to walk, they help Zoey to her campsite, where she proceeds to tell Dawn that the upcoming Hearthome Contest will be in a Double Performance and Double Battle format, meaning that the Coordinator needs to use 2 Pokémon at the same time. Having never done that before, Dawn gratefully accepts Zoey's offer to help Dawn prepare for the event, but at first things are going any way but well! And at the same time, Team Rocket shows up with a disguised Jessie - known as Jessilina, to challenge Dawn to a Double Battle on the spot, but Zoey insists on taking Dawn's place instead. Some fierce battling ensues, and Zoey ends up defeating Jessilina in a BIG way, and Team Rocket sheepishly makes ...
As Ash and friends continue toward Hearthome City, they come across a familiar looking Glameow and Misdreavous, frantically pleading with our Heroes to come with them. After following them, our Heroes discover they are in fact their friend Zoey's Pokémon, and she has injured her leg training. Not being able to walk, they help Zoey to her campsite, where she proceeds to tell Dawn that the upcoming Hearthome Contest will be in a Double Performance and Double Battle format, meaning that the Coordinator needs to use 2 Pokémon at the same time. Having never done that before, Dawn gratefully accepts Zoey's offer to help Dawn prepare for the event, but at first things are going any way but well! And at the same time, Team Rocket shows up with a disguised Jessie - known as Jessilina, to challenge Dawn to a Double Battle on the spot, but Zoey insists on taking Dawn's place instead. Some fierce battling ensues, and Zoey ends up defeating Jessilina in a BIG way, and Team Rocket sheepishly makes ...
Continuing to Hearthome City, our Heroes come across an Electrike in training, which appears to be totally out of control. They soon meet its trainer, a Bird Pokémon Breeder named Jaco, who works at the Pokémon Training Center (a 'school' for Lightning Pokémon to learn control of their moves, which ultimately allows them to work in the power generating room) and is having little success with the hapless Electrike. When Brock discovers that Jaco holds little hope for successfully training the Electrike to be able to control its power, he offers to help, and in the process has much to teach Jaco about Lightning Pokémon, and Breeding in general. At the same time, Team Rocket is considering stealing the Electrike for their own selfish ends, but when James and Meowth see how well our Heroes and their Pokémon are working with Jaco and the Electrike as a real team, they break with Jessie and offer to help with Electrike's training as well. This infuriates Jessie, and she is left to go it ...
Continuing to Hearthome City, our Heroes come across an Electrike in training, which appears to be totally out of control. They soon meet its trainer, a Bird Pokémon Breeder named Jaco, who works at the Pokémon Training Center (a 'school' for Lightning Pokémon to learn control of their moves, which ultimately allows them to work in the power generating room) and is having little success with the hapless Electrike. When Brock discovers that Jaco holds little hope for successfully training the Electrike to be able to control its power, he offers to help, and in the process has much to teach Jaco about Lightning Pokémon, and Breeding in general. At the same time, Team Rocket is considering stealing the Electrike for their own selfish ends, but when James and Meowth see how well our Heroes and their Pokémon are working with Jaco and the Electrike as a real team, they break with Jessie and offer to help with Electrike's training as well. This infuriates Jessie, and she is left to go it ...
Continuing on their way to Hearthome City, what appears to our Heroes as a Pokémon Center turns out to be a mysterious gate, which upon passing through it unleashes a STRANGE chain of events. Everyone seems to be experiencing all of their dreams coming true! Brock is approached by a crowd of Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys who are all in love with him, and Ash and Dawn find themselves in championship competitions that will decide the greatest Pokémon Trainer and Coordinator in the WORLD! While Ash and Dawn emerge victorious from their challenges and are awarded every badge and ribbon the Sinnoh region has to offer, Brock finds himself painfully awakened from what appears to be a dream by Croagunk's Poison Jab. Brock then proceeds to discover that a Mismagius, who cannot only create illusions that cause pain but give pleasure as well, has hypnotized him as well as Ash and Dawn. A fierce battle ensues when our Heroes attempt to break free, until Pikachu, Piplup and Croagunk become part of...
Continuing on their way to Hearthome City, what appears to our Heroes as a Pokémon Center turns out to be a mysterious gate, which upon passing through it unleashes a STRANGE chain of events. Everyone seems to be experiencing all of their dreams coming true! Brock is approached by a crowd of Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys who are all in love with him, and Ash and Dawn find themselves in championship competitions that will decide the greatest Pokémon Trainer and Coordinator in the WORLD! While Ash and Dawn emerge victorious from their challenges and are awarded every badge and ribbon the Sinnoh region has to offer, Brock finds himself painfully awakened from what appears to be a dream by Croagunk's Poison Jab. Brock then proceeds to discover that a Mismagius, who cannot only create illusions that cause pain but give pleasure as well, has hypnotized him as well as Ash and Dawn. A fierce battle ensues when our Heroes attempt to break free, until Pikachu, Piplup and Croagunk become part of...
Continuing en route to Hearthome City, Ash's Turtwig suddenly alerts our Heroes to what they later learn is a Hippopotas stranded on a precarious ledge. After much effort, Ash is finally able to rescue the terrified Pokémon and soon learns that it has been separated from its herd and lost. Deciding to take Hippopotas back to its friends, they discover that Team Rocket has other, more fiendish ideas, and several confrontations between them take place, while one by one all parties become victim to Hippopotas' Yawn attack, which puts the recipient into a deep sleep. But Ash and friends persevere, and their new Pokémon friend is eventually brought back to and happily reunited with its herd. However, that occasion doesn't occur without Ash being the last of our sleepy Heroes to experience the full impact of Hippopotas' Yawn!
Continuing en route to Hearthome City, Ash's Turtwig suddenly alerts our Heroes to what they later learn is a Hippopotas stranded on a precarious ledge. After much effort, Ash is finally able to rescue the terrified Pokémon and soon learns that it has been separated from its herd and lost. Deciding to take Hippopotas back to its friends, they discover that Team Rocket has other, more fiendish ideas, and several confrontations between them take place, while one by one all parties become victim to Hippopotas' Yawn attack, which puts the recipient into a deep sleep. But Ash and friends persevere, and their new Pokémon friend is eventually brought back to and happily reunited with its herd. However, that occasion doesn't occur without Ash being the last of our sleepy Heroes to experience the full impact of Hippopotas' Yawn!
Continuing toward Hearthome City, our Heroes suddenly come across a rare Shieldon who is being pursued by none other than Pokémon Hunter J and her evil henchmen, but when things look their worst, who arrives on the scene to stop them in their tracks but Ash's old friend and rival Gary Oak! It turns out that Gary is conducting research in order to save all the wild Shieldon in the area, but soon it becomes apparent that their dealings with Hunter J are just beginning. As J is determined to capture Shieldon for a client, Ash and Gary mount a formidable defense against J and her goons, but that old Ash and Gary rivalry comes through and initially causes some friction between the 2. However, it is Ash's bravery that winds up saving the day, and Gary is only too happy to give credit for saving the Shieldon to his old friend. And saying goodbye to Gary, Officer Jenny and a recently arrived Professor Rowan, our Heroes now set their sights back on Hearthome City and their next competitions.
Continuing toward Hearthome City, our Heroes suddenly come across a rare Shieldon who is being pursued by none other than Pokémon Hunter J and her evil henchmen, but when things look their worst, who arrives on the scene to stop them in their tracks but Ash's old friend and rival Gary Oak! It turns out that Gary is conducting research in order to save all the wild Shieldon in the area, but soon it becomes apparent that their dealings with Hunter J are just beginning. As J is determined to capture Shieldon for a client, Ash and Gary mount a formidable defense against J and her goons, but that old Ash and Gary rivalry comes through and initially causes some friction between the 2. However, it is Ash's bravery that winds up saving the day, and Gary is only too happy to give credit for saving the Shieldon to his old friend. And saying goodbye to Gary, Officer Jenny and a recently arrived Professor Rowan, our Heroes now set their sights back on Hearthome City and their next competitions.
As Ash and friends head toward Hearthome City, Dawn has just learned there's to be a free giveaway of a new application, or upgrade, for her Poketch. But after arriving at the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy regretfully informs her the giveaway is at the Center on the other side of the forest. Quickly our Heroes take off to beat the 5 o'clock deadline, but suddenly run into a disguised Team Rocket who splits them up by luring them into a sprawling maze! Although it appears the evil trio is about to grab every Pokémon they can get their hands on, a thrilling combination of teamwork and tenacity allows Pokémon and trainer alike to burst through the multiple maze walls, uniting our Heroes once again and sending Team Rocket off - empty handed!
As Ash and friends head toward Hearthome City, Dawn has just learned there's to be a free giveaway of a new application, or upgrade, for her Poketch. But after arriving at the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy regretfully informs her the giveaway is at the Center on the other side of the forest. Quickly our Heroes take off to beat the 5 o'clock deadline, but suddenly run into a disguised Team Rocket who splits them up by luring them into a sprawling maze! Although it appears the evil trio is about to grab every Pokémon they can get their hands on, a thrilling combination of teamwork and tenacity allows Pokémon and trainer alike to burst through the multiple maze walls, uniting our Heroes once again and sending Team Rocket off - empty handed!
As our Heroes continue toward Hearthome City, they are being observed secretly by a young girl named Mira, who offers to use her Abra to take them to their destination immediately, using Abra's Teleport. But upon their arrival, they find themselves overlooking a large lake, and after a few tall tales from Mira as to why they've ended up there, they discover Mira is really seeking their help in recovering a submerged Pokeball containing her Sandshrew, which she has been trying to recover for a long, long time. It turns out its underwater location has been guarded by an ornery Gyarados. But with Brock's brilliant strategy and our Heroes' collective help, they do manage to recover Mira's beloved Sandshrew, and also defeat Team Rocket at the same time. Gratefully, Mira then teleports our Heroes to the real Hearthome City location, where they can't WAIT to be part of Ash's next Gym battle and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest!
As our Heroes continue toward Hearthome City, they are being observed secretly by a young girl named Mira, who offers to use her Abra to take them to their destination immediately, using Abra's Teleport. But upon their arrival, they find themselves overlooking a large lake, and after a few tall tales from Mira as to why they've ended up there, they discover Mira is really seeking their help in recovering a submerged Pokeball containing her Sandshrew, which she has been trying to recover for a long, long time. It turns out its underwater location has been guarded by an ornery Gyarados. But with Brock's brilliant strategy and our Heroes' collective help, they do manage to recover Mira's beloved Sandshrew, and also defeat Team Rocket at the same time. Gratefully, Mira then teleports our Heroes to the real Hearthome City location, where they can't WAIT to be part of Ash's next Gym battle and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest!
As our Heroes make their way through Hearthome City and to the Hearthome City Gym, they run into their friend Nando at the Gym door who tells them that the Gym Leader will be away for quite awhile, much to Ash's dismay. But telling them about the upcoming Hearthome City Pokémon Tag Battle, Ash and Brock decided to enter that instead - as a team. Meanwhile, the Hearthome City Pokémon Contest is just getting underway, and Dawn finds herself competing along with Nando, Zoey, and Jessilina, who of course is actually Jessie in disguise. Feeling very confident, Dawn gives a superb performance, but is sadly shocked to learn that she hasn't even made it past the 1st round. As she struggles to cope with the situation, Jessilina is defeated by Nando, leaving Zoey and Nando battling in the finals, which Nando ultimately wins. Sharing feelings about their losses proves to cement Dawn and Zoey's friendship even further, and as they both marvel at Nando's ability to compete in both Pokémon Gym ...
As our Heroes make their way through Hearthome City and to the Hearthome City Gym, they run into their friend Nando at the Gym door who tells them that the Gym Leader will be away for quite awhile, much to Ash's dismay. But telling them about the upcoming Hearthome City Pokémon Tag Battle, Ash and Brock decided to enter that instead - as a team. Meanwhile, the Hearthome City Pokémon Contest is just getting underway, and Dawn finds herself competing along with Nando, Zoey, and Jessilina, who of course is actually Jessie in disguise. Feeling very confident, Dawn gives a superb performance, but is sadly shocked to learn that she hasn't even made it past the 1st round. As she struggles to cope with the situation, Jessilina is defeated by Nando, leaving Zoey and Nando battling in the finals, which Nando ultimately wins. Sharing feelings about their losses proves to cement Dawn and Zoey's friendship even further, and as they both marvel at Nando's ability to compete in both Pokémon Gym ...
Before the 2nd day of the Hearthome City Tag Battle gets underway, we join Ash as he does some last minute training. We also find Paul doing the same, but it becomes painfully obvious that Paul is pushing his Chimchar way beyond its limit, and our Heroes soon discover the reason: when Paul first discovered Chimchar, he witnessed a power that he had never been able to duplicate since that 1st encounter, so Paul had been driving Chimchar mercilessly - training to recreate that power. Now, at this point Chimchar is exhausted, and both Brock and Nurse Joy warn Paul not to use Chimchar for their upcoming 2nd match. Of course, he ignores their warnings. But thanks to Ash's leadership and Turtwig's skill, their team emerges victorious - even after Paul has given up on Chimchar while the match is still underway. Paul later tells a sad and shaken Chimchar to leave, but Ash then asks Chimchar to join them on their journey, leaving us to wonder what will eventually become of this most emotional ...
Before the 2nd day of the Hearthome City Tag Battle gets underway, we join Ash as he does some last minute training. We also find Paul doing the same, but it becomes painfully obvious that Paul is pushing his Chimchar way beyond its limit, and our Heroes soon discover the reason: when Paul first discovered Chimchar, he witnessed a power that he had never been able to duplicate since that 1st encounter, so Paul had been driving Chimchar mercilessly - training to recreate that power. Now, at this point Chimchar is exhausted, and both Brock and Nurse Joy warn Paul not to use Chimchar for their upcoming 2nd match. Of course, he ignores their warnings. But thanks to Ash's leadership and Turtwig's skill, their team emerges victorious - even after Paul has given up on Chimchar while the match is still underway. Paul later tells a sad and shaken Chimchar to leave, but Ash then asks Chimchar to join them on their journey, leaving us to wonder what will eventually become of this most emotional ...