Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Season 09
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 18
Season 19
Season 20
A previously encountered Sandile wants to battle Ash's Pikachu. But their battle is interrupted by some wild Duckletts.
All Episodes - S14
Ash and his mother take a vacation with Professor Oak to the Unova region. A dark cloud reveals a mysterious Pokemon which affects Pikachu.
Ash and his mother take a vacation with Professor Oak to the Unova region. A dark cloud reveals a mysterious Pokemon which affects Pikachu.
Ash arrives at the Striaton Gym for his first battle. The three gym leaders offer Ash a choice for the battle. Ash requests a battle with all three leaders.
Ash arrives at the Striaton Gym for his first battle. The three gym leaders offer Ash a choice for the battle. Ash requests a battle with all three leaders.
Ash's battle concludes. Cilan, impressed with Ash's victory, decides to journey with Ash to become a better connoisseur. Part of Team Rocket's plan is revealed.
Ash's battle concludes. Cilan, impressed with Ash's victory, decides to journey with Ash to become a better connoisseur. Part of Team Rocket's plan is revealed.
Ash and company encounter a wild Snivy with some really powerful attacks. They suspect it left its previous trainer. Ash is determined to catch the Snivy.
Ash and company encounter a wild Snivy with some really powerful attacks. They suspect it left its previous trainer. Ash is determined to catch the Snivy.
Ash and company encounter a pair of Darumakas who steals food. They soon find they're bringing it to their friend who is psychically supporting a bell. Team Rocket's plans continue.
Ash and company encounter a pair of Darumakas who steals food. They soon find they're bringing it to their friend who is psychically supporting a bell. Team Rocket's plans continue.
Ash and company meet Bianca, Professor Juniper's helper. She gives Ash a badge case, which is promptly stolen by a Minccino. Now the group tries to catch the Pokemon
Ash and company meet Bianca, Professor Juniper's helper. She gives Ash a badge case, which is promptly stolen by a Minccino. Now the group tries to catch the Pokemon
The adventurers encounter a Pokemon Connisuser who insists that Ash replace all his Pokémon. They soon discover she has a past with Cilan. And a Pokemon battle ensues.
The adventurers encounter a Pokemon Connisuser who insists that Ash replace all his Pokémon. They soon discover she has a past with Cilan. And a Pokemon battle ensues.
During a battle with another trainer, Oshawott loses his scalchop, causing Oshawott to run off to search for it mid-battle.
During a battle with another trainer, Oshawott loses his scalchop, causing Oshawott to run off to search for it mid-battle.
The adventurers encounter an Audino wandering aimlessly through a patch of fog. They soon find out the local town has been losing their Audinos. They offer to help find the missing Pokemon
The adventurers encounter an Audino wandering aimlessly through a patch of fog. They soon find out the local town has been losing their Audinos. They offer to help find the missing Pokemon
Axew is kidnapped by a wild Scrafty who demands the adventurers train him for a battle. The get some unexpected help from Meowth who has just been fired from Team Rocket.
Axew is kidnapped by a wild Scrafty who demands the adventurers train him for a battle. The get some unexpected help from Meowth who has just been fired from Team Rocket.
The adventurers meet Beheeyem, a Pokemon that can make dreams come true. They soon become trapped in a dream world and must find a way to escape.
The adventurers meet Beheeyem, a Pokemon that can make dreams come true. They soon become trapped in a dream world and must find a way to escape.
The adventurers rescue a Cubchew that got separated from its pack. They soon get in the middle of a feud between two groups of Beartic.
The adventurers rescue a Cubchew that got separated from its pack. They soon get in the middle of a feud between two groups of Beartic.
The adventurers try to find Team Rocket's Ghost Train, and all the stolen Pokemon. Meanwhile Pikachu and Axchew try to free themselves and the other Pokemon.
The adventurers try to find Team Rocket's Ghost Train, and all the stolen Pokemon. Meanwhile Pikachu and Axchew try to free themselves and the other Pokemon.
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1