Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Season 09
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 18
Season 19
Season 20
After observing the talents and skills of Laverre Gym Leader Valerie in action, it's time for Ash to challenge her for his sixth Kalos Gym badge! First, Valerie's Sylveon is up against Ash's Fletchinder. Ash gets the first win-as Sawyer takes notes. Valerie next sends out Spritzee, who gains the speed advantage by using Trick Room and knocks Fletchinder out. The score is now one to one! Ash sends in Hawlucha. Ash is victorious Sawyer really wants Ash to teach him how to battle with the same unique brand of creativity and power. Ash promises to battle Sawyer later by way of explanation, as the journey to the Kalos League continues! Written by Mikael Bryzell
All Episodes - S18
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1
As our heroes head to Hiyoku City, a lunchtime squabble between Citron's Harimaron and Serena's Pancham gets out of hand when they bump into a Muchul and Kamonegi. Their Trainer, Nene, is planning to enter her first Pokemon Showcase, just like Serena. The two girls decide to show each other their performances and get feedback from Satoshi, Citron, and Eureka as well, but they have an unexpected audience - the Rocket-Dan is lurking nearby, and Jessie decides she just has to have Nene's Muchul as her Pokemon Showcase partner. She disguises herself as a choreographer and coaxes all the dancing Pokemon into a small performance space...and then the Rocket-Dan's balloon takes off with them. Harimaron and Yancham finally decide to work together and discover they're a pretty good team, sending the villains blasting off again. Nene and Serena say their goodbyes and promise to meet in the Pokemon Showcase as rivals. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
As our heroes head to Hiyoku City, a lunchtime squabble between Citron's Harimaron and Serena's Pancham gets out of hand when they bump into a Muchul and Kamonegi. Their Trainer, Nene, is planning to enter her first Pokemon Showcase, just like Serena. The two girls decide to show each other their performances and get feedback from Satoshi, Citron, and Eureka as well, but they have an unexpected audience - the Rocket-Dan is lurking nearby, and Jessie decides she just has to have Nene's Muchul as her Pokemon Showcase partner. She disguises herself as a choreographer and coaxes all the dancing Pokemon into a small performance space...and then the Rocket-Dan's balloon takes off with them. Harimaron and Yancham finally decide to work together and discover they're a pretty good team, sending the villains blasting off again. Nene and Serena say their goodbyes and promise to meet in the Pokemon Showcase as rivals. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1
When Satoshi and Pikachu attempt to rescue a Bull from a sinister Luchabull, they accidentally injure the Erureido who's swooping in to protect it--and then discover that they've interrupted a rehearsal of a Super Pokemon Battle show. The director, Carl, explains that the show combines a Pokemon battle with a scripted storyline--but since one of his stars is injured, he'll have to call off tomorrow's performance. Eureka has a better idea: she suggests that Satoshi's Hawlucha step in to fill the role of the shining hero. Luchabull has some trouble with the idea of a staged battle, but the show must go on. When the curtain goes up, the Rocket-Dan tries to steal the show, but when Luchabull and Dark Luchabull team up to blast them off, and then clash with each other in an intense battle over Lady Bull, the Super Pokemon Battle show is a huge success. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
When Satoshi and Pikachu attempt to rescue a Bull from a sinister Luchabull, they accidentally injure the Erureido who's swooping in to protect it--and then discover that they've interrupted a rehearsal of a Super Pokemon Battle show. The director, Carl, explains that the show combines a Pokemon battle with a scripted storyline--but since one of his stars is injured, he'll have to call off tomorrow's performance. Eureka has a better idea: she suggests that Satoshi's Hawlucha step in to fill the role of the shining hero. Luchabull has some trouble with the idea of a staged battle, but the show must go on. When the curtain goes up, the Rocket-Dan tries to steal the show, but when Luchabull and Dark Luchabull team up to blast them off, and then clash with each other in an intense battle over Lady Bull, the Super Pokemon Battle show is a huge success. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
Our heroes spot their ninja friend Sanpei and his Gekkouga floating down a river, unconscious. After they mount a rescue, Sanpei explains that he's on a mission for his ninja master, Saizo, but a masked ninja and his Gamenodes partner keep trying to interfere. Satoshi and friends decide to help Sanpei on his mission, but soon Satoshi and Sanpei are separated from the others--just as the masked ninja strikes again. Keromatsu and Gekkouga team up to fight him off, and when the battle seems to be going against them, Keromatsu evolves into Gekogashira. The masked ninja then directs Satoshi and Sanpei to the manor where their friends are waiting. There, they discover Sanpei's pursuer is none other than Saizo, who has been using their encounters as a test of Sanpei's skills--and he's passed with flying colors. With everyone safely reunited, Satoshi challenges Sanpei to a battle, and soon our heroes are off once again to Hiyoku City. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
Our heroes spot their ninja friend Sanpei and his Gekkouga floating down a river, unconscious. After they mount a rescue, Sanpei explains that he's on a mission for his ninja master, Saizo, but a masked ninja and his Gamenodes partner keep trying to interfere. Satoshi and friends decide to help Sanpei on his mission, but soon Satoshi and Sanpei are separated from the others--just as the masked ninja strikes again. Keromatsu and Gekkouga team up to fight him off, and when the battle seems to be going against them, Keromatsu evolves into Gekogashira. The masked ninja then directs Satoshi and Sanpei to the manor where their friends are waiting. There, they discover Sanpei's pursuer is none other than Saizo, who has been using their encounters as a test of Sanpei's skills--and he's passed with flying colors. With everyone safely reunited, Satoshi challenges Sanpei to a battle, and soon our heroes are off once again to Hiyoku City. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
When our heroes come across a Meecle ranch known for its delicious cheese and ice cream, they discover that Serena's mom, Saki, is there as a Sihorn racing coach. Everyone wants to ride a Meecle, except Citron - Saki asks Serena if she's keeping up her Rhyhorn race training, not knowing her daughter's dream is to become a Pokemon performer. Meanwhile, the Rocket-Dan shows up to swipe all the goodies. Serena recruits one of the ranch's racing Rhyhorn to speed after them, and thanks to her exceptional riding and battle skills, the villains are defeated. When Saki insists that her daughter come home to continue her training as a Sihorn racer, Serena finally musters up the courage to tell her mom about her dream. Saki doesn't seem to take her seriously, so Serena challenges her to a Meecle race, vowing that if she loses, she will return home. But Serena's determination shines, and she wins the race--and her mother's approval. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
When our heroes come across a Meecle ranch known for its delicious cheese and ice cream, they discover that Serena's mom, Saki, is there as a Sihorn racing coach. Everyone wants to ride a Meecle, except Citron - Saki asks Serena if she's keeping up her Rhyhorn race training, not knowing her daughter's dream is to become a Pokemon performer. Meanwhile, the Rocket-Dan shows up to swipe all the goodies. Serena recruits one of the ranch's racing Rhyhorn to speed after them, and thanks to her exceptional riding and battle skills, the villains are defeated. When Saki insists that her daughter come home to continue her training as a Sihorn racer, Serena finally musters up the courage to tell her mom about her dream. Saki doesn't seem to take her seriously, so Serena challenges her to a Meecle race, vowing that if she loses, she will return home. But Serena's determination shines, and she wins the race--and her mother's approval. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
Continuing their journey to Hiyoku City, our heroes arrive at a strangely shaped mountain known as Grace Tower. When a Calamanero appears out of the woods, our heroes are wary--after all, an evil Calamanero once hypnotized them as part of a sinister plot--but this one turns out to be part of a large group of friendly Pokemon living happily together in the forest. However, the evil Calamanero is nearby, and this time it has allies. Thanks to Kojiro's Maaiika, the the Rocket-Dan trio are the first to discover it. At the urging of Officer Junsa, who's been tracking the evil Calamanero ever since their previous encounter, Satoshi and friends join forces with the Rocket-Dan to thwart Calamanero's plot to take over the world. The battle is fierce, but the three evil Calamanero are defeated, mostly thanks to the strong bond between Maaiika and Kojiro. Unfortunately, the Calamanero escape once more, vowing to return and carry out their evil plot. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
Continuing their journey to Hiyoku City, our heroes arrive at a strangely shaped mountain known as Grace Tower. When a Calamanero appears out of the woods, our heroes are wary--after all, an evil Calamanero once hypnotized them as part of a sinister plot--but this one turns out to be part of a large group of friendly Pokemon living happily together in the forest. However, the evil Calamanero is nearby, and this time it has allies. Thanks to Kojiro's Maaiika, the the Rocket-Dan trio are the first to discover it. At the urging of Officer Junsa, who's been tracking the evil Calamanero ever since their previous encounter, Satoshi and friends join forces with the Rocket-Dan to thwart Calamanero's plot to take over the world. The battle is fierce, but the three evil Calamanero are defeated, mostly thanks to the strong bond between Maaiika and Kojiro. Unfortunately, the Calamanero escape once more, vowing to return and carry out their evil plot. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
As our heroes make their way up a rocky hill, an unconscious Goomy falls out of the sky, right onto Ash's head! Clemont figures out that Goomy isn't feeling well because it's dehydrated, and Ash braves a steep climb to get it to the nearby river. But as soon as it's restored to health, Team Rocket swoops in to grab Pikachu, and Goomy ends up in their cage as well! While Jessie, James, and Meowth are celebrating their latest catch, the two Pokemon are working together, combining Pikachu's strength and Goomy's slime to escape the cage and flee. When they reunite with Ash and the others, Team Rocket is close behind! The villains seem to have the upper hand until Goomy steps in front of its new friends and uses Bide, absorbing Team Rocket's attacks and then blasting them off with their own power. Ash admires Goomy's unexpected strength, and the little Dragon type happily joins him for the journey to Coumarine City!
As our heroes make their way up a rocky hill, an unconscious Goomy falls out of the sky, right onto Ash's head! Clemont figures out that Goomy isn't feeling well because it's dehydrated, and Ash braves a steep climb to get it to the nearby river. But as soon as it's restored to health, Team Rocket swoops in to grab Pikachu, and Goomy ends up in their cage as well! While Jessie, James, and Meowth are celebrating their latest catch, the two Pokemon are working together, combining Pikachu's strength and Goomy's slime to escape the cage and flee. When they reunite with Ash and the others, Team Rocket is close behind! The villains seem to have the upper hand until Goomy steps in front of its new friends and uses Bide, absorbing Team Rocket's attacks and then blasting them off with their own power. Ash admires Goomy's unexpected strength, and the little Dragon type happily joins him for the journey to Coumarine City!
When our heroes take a break on the way to Coumarine City, Team Rocket attacks! Everyone is separated in the chaos, leaving Meowth stranded with Serena and Bonnie (and Ash's Goomy). While pretending to help, Meowth leads the group straight to Jessie and James! Serena and Pancham step up to take them on, and with the help of Bonnie and Dedenne, they're victorious! But during the battle, Goomy gets frightened and goes off to hide. Dedenne follows Goomy's slimy trail through a rocky tunnel--and discovers the little Dragon type facing off against Team Rocket on the other side! Dedenne immediately leaps into the battle, protecting Goomy until it can no longer stand, and then Goomy finds its courage and stands up for Dedenne. Just when it looks like the two are about to fall into the villains' clutches, our heroes show up to send Team Rocket blasting off once more. The new friendship between Dedenne and Goomy is cause for celebration, as the journey continues!
When our heroes take a break on the way to Coumarine City, Team Rocket attacks! Everyone is separated in the chaos, leaving Meowth stranded with Serena and Bonnie (and Ash's Goomy). While pretending to help, Meowth leads the group straight to Jessie and James! Serena and Pancham step up to take them on, and with the help of Bonnie and Dedenne, they're victorious! But during the battle, Goomy gets frightened and goes off to hide. Dedenne follows Goomy's slimy trail through a rocky tunnel--and discovers the little Dragon type facing off against Team Rocket on the other side! Dedenne immediately leaps into the battle, protecting Goomy until it can no longer stand, and then Goomy finds its courage and stands up for Dedenne. Just when it looks like the two are about to fall into the villains' clutches, our heroes show up to send Team Rocket blasting off once more. The new friendship between Dedenne and Goomy is cause for celebration, as the journey continues!
When our heroes arrive in Coumarine City, they learn that Nurse Joy is taking care of a lost Vanillite and head off to meet it! They take a shortcut through a ranch where the owner, Ramos, watches over a large number of Grass-type Pokemon. At the Pokemon Center, Bonnie happily plays with the friendly Vanillite--until Team Rocket shows up to steal it! It turns out Vanillite has powerful friends, and when Vanillish and Vanilluxe come looking for their lost companion, they bury the entire city under a massive snowstorm! Ramos directs the huge group of Sunflora under his care to stop the storm, and with his help, our heroes send Team Rocket blasting off again and reunite the three icy Pokemon. Nurse Joy thanks Ramos for his help, and Clemont finally realizes who he is: this Trainer who can command an entire field of Grass types is Ash's next opponent, the Gym Leader of Coumarine City!
When our heroes arrive in Coumarine City, they learn that Nurse Joy is taking care of a lost Vanillite and head off to meet it! They take a shortcut through a ranch where the owner, Ramos, watches over a large number of Grass-type Pokemon. At the Pokemon Center, Bonnie happily plays with the friendly Vanillite--until Team Rocket shows up to steal it! It turns out Vanillite has powerful friends, and when Vanillish and Vanilluxe come looking for their lost companion, they bury the entire city under a massive snowstorm! Ramos directs the huge group of Sunflora under his care to stop the storm, and with his help, our heroes send Team Rocket blasting off again and reunite the three icy Pokemon. Nurse Joy thanks Ramos for his help, and Clemont finally realizes who he is: this Trainer who can command an entire field of Grass types is Ash's next opponent, the Gym Leader of Coumarine City!
It's time for Ash's Coumarine City Gym battle with Ramos, and our hero can't wait to get started! But Ramos is in no hurry. He invites our heroes to tea, and then asks them for some help tending his garden. When the battle begins and Ash's Fletchinder takes down Jumpluff, he thinks he has a big advantage at this Grass-type Gym! But Ramos's Weepinbell unleashes a Poison Powder that quickly defeats Fletchinder and then Hawlucha. Finally, Ash sends out the Water-type Frogadier, which seems like a bad type matchup. But it turns out Ash has a plan--he instructs Frogadier to use its Frubbles as a protective mask so it doesn't inhale the powder! Weepinbell is defeated, and Ramos sends out his trusty Gogoat, who uses Razor Leaf as an evasion tactic in a way Ash has never seen before. Inspired, Ash has Frogadier use Double Team and then prepare a Water Pulse while Gogoat is distracted. It works, and Ash wins the Plant Badge!
It's time for Ash's Coumarine City Gym battle with Ramos, and our hero can't wait to get started! But Ramos is in no hurry. He invites our heroes to tea, and then asks them for some help tending his garden. When the battle begins and Ash's Fletchinder takes down Jumpluff, he thinks he has a big advantage at this Grass-type Gym! But Ramos's Weepinbell unleashes a Poison Powder that quickly defeats Fletchinder and then Hawlucha. Finally, Ash sends out the Water-type Frogadier, which seems like a bad type matchup. But it turns out Ash has a plan--he instructs Frogadier to use its Frubbles as a protective mask so it doesn't inhale the powder! Weepinbell is defeated, and Ramos sends out his trusty Gogoat, who uses Razor Leaf as an evasion tactic in a way Ash has never seen before. Inspired, Ash has Frogadier use Double Team and then prepare a Water Pulse while Gogoat is distracted. It works, and Ash wins the Plant Badge!
After Serena registers for the Pokemon Showcase, our heroes find the locals busily hanging decorations and wrapping presents! Ramos explains that Coumarine City holds an annual festival where Trainers give their Pokemon presents under the giant Pledging Tree. Ash and Serena go shopping for gifts, and while Serena has great success, Ash can't find anything. On the way back, Serena asks what kind of present would make him happy, which gives him an idea! That evening, when the festival begins, Team Rocket swoops in to steal all the presents! Our heroes quickly join forces to send the villains blasting off again and distribute the gifts to their rightful recipients. It turns out the thing that makes Ash happiest is food, and he's gathered a huge harvest of berries for all of his Pokemon! Serena has decorated some lovely accessories for Fennekin and Pancham to wear on stage. Clemont has created a music box with little figures of Bunnelby, Chespin, and Luxio, and Bonnie has drawn a picture ...
After Serena registers for the Pokemon Showcase, our heroes find the locals busily hanging decorations and wrapping presents! Ramos explains that Coumarine City holds an annual festival where Trainers give their Pokemon presents under the giant Pledging Tree. Ash and Serena go shopping for gifts, and while Serena has great success, Ash can't find anything. On the way back, Serena asks what kind of present would make him happy, which gives him an idea! That evening, when the festival begins, Team Rocket swoops in to steal all the presents! Our heroes quickly join forces to send the villains blasting off again and distribute the gifts to their rightful recipients. It turns out the thing that makes Ash happiest is food, and he's gathered a huge harvest of berries for all of his Pokemon! Serena has decorated some lovely accessories for Fennekin and Pancham to wear on stage. Clemont has created a music box with little figures of Bunnelby, Chespin, and Luxio, and Bonnie has drawn a picture ...
It's time for Serena's Pokemon Showcase debut in Coumarine City, and her friend and rival Shauna is also registered to compete! First up is the Styling Theme Performance, which is like a Pokemon fashion show. The performers are divided into groups, and only one from each group gets to move on to the next round. Shauna wins her group easily, beating out Jessilee (Team Rocket's Jessie in disguise). In Serena's group, things seem to be great...until Fennekin trips over its ribbon while walking the runway. This knocks them out of contention, and they watch sadly from the wings as Shauna delivers an amazing Freestyle Performance with her Bulbasaur and Flabebe, winning the Showcase and her first Princess Key! Serena takes some time to grieve, but realizes that this is just the first step on the road to her dream. She decides that a change is in order, and rejoins her friends with a new hairstyle and a new outfit! Meanwhile, Ash and Clemont have been discussing the next stop on their journey...
It's time for Serena's Pokemon Showcase debut in Coumarine City, and her friend and rival Shauna is also registered to compete! First up is the Styling Theme Performance, which is like a Pokemon fashion show. The performers are divided into groups, and only one from each group gets to move on to the next round. Shauna wins her group easily, beating out Jessilee (Team Rocket's Jessie in disguise). In Serena's group, things seem to be great...until Fennekin trips over its ribbon while walking the runway. This knocks them out of contention, and they watch sadly from the wings as Shauna delivers an amazing Freestyle Performance with her Bulbasaur and Flabebe, winning the Showcase and her first Princess Key! Serena takes some time to grieve, but realizes that this is just the first step on the road to her dream. She decides that a change is in order, and rejoins her friends with a new hairstyle and a new outfit! Meanwhile, Ash and Clemont have been discussing the next stop on their journey...
Ash and Goomy are in the middle of some special training in the Lumiose Badlands when an injured Spoink appears and leads Ash and the others to its oasis home. There, our heroes find a group of Spoink under the control of an unpleasant Grumpig, who's using its psychic powers to control them and steal all their food! When our heroes retreat to plan their strategy, they find themselves in a cage set by Team Rocket! It turns out Grumpig is in cahoots with the villains to seize the oasis and its impressive food supply from the resident Spoink. Goomy slips through the bars and challenges Grumpig, and when Ash frees himself and leaps into the battle, it evolves into a Sliggoo to protect him! When Grumpig realizes Jessie, James, and Meowth were just using it for their own selfish ends, it angrily sends them blasting off and apologizes to the Spoink with a gift of food. All is forgiven, and our heroes are off once more to Lumiose City!
Ash and Goomy are in the middle of some special training in the Lumiose Badlands when an injured Spoink appears and leads Ash and the others to its oasis home. There, our heroes find a group of Spoink under the control of an unpleasant Grumpig, who's using its psychic powers to control them and steal all their food! When our heroes retreat to plan their strategy, they find themselves in a cage set by Team Rocket! It turns out Grumpig is in cahoots with the villains to seize the oasis and its impressive food supply from the resident Spoink. Goomy slips through the bars and challenges Grumpig, and when Ash frees himself and leaps into the battle, it evolves into a Sliggoo to protect him! When Grumpig realizes Jessie, James, and Meowth were just using it for their own selfish ends, it angrily sends them blasting off and apologizes to the Spoink with a gift of food. All is forgiven, and our heroes are off once more to Lumiose City!
As our heroes make their way through the Lumiose Badlands, Clemont remembers his promise to battle Ash at the Lumiose Gym for Ash's fifth Gym badge. But Clemont now has doubts about his own readiness to take the challenge... When they reach the Kalos Power Plant, our heroes discover it has been seized by Team Rocket! They've also taken control of all the Electric-type Pokemon in the area, including Pikachu, Dedenne, and Luxio, and they're threatening to shut down power to Lumiose City. It's an uphill battle, but our heroes demonstrate exceptional bravery in rescuing the Pokemon from Team Rocket's clutches. And after helping to overload the power plant's systems, Clemont's Luxio evolves into a Luxray! When the plant manager prepares to fly to Lumiose City to report, Clemont asks if he can come along. He needs some time to sharpen his skills before his Gym battle with Ash, so he bids the rest of our heroes goodbye for now!
As our heroes make their way through the Lumiose Badlands, Clemont remembers his promise to battle Ash at the Lumiose Gym for Ash's fifth Gym badge. But Clemont now has doubts about his own readiness to take the challenge... When they reach the Kalos Power Plant, our heroes discover it has been seized by Team Rocket! They've also taken control of all the Electric-type Pokemon in the area, including Pikachu, Dedenne, and Luxio, and they're threatening to shut down power to Lumiose City. It's an uphill battle, but our heroes demonstrate exceptional bravery in rescuing the Pokemon from Team Rocket's clutches. And after helping to overload the power plant's systems, Clemont's Luxio evolves into a Luxray! When the plant manager prepares to fly to Lumiose City to report, Clemont asks if he can come along. He needs some time to sharpen his skills before his Gym battle with Ash, so he bids the rest of our heroes goodbye for now!
While Clemont prepares for his upcoming battle with Ash, Team Rocket is attempting to catch Pikachu, as usual. But Jessie and Wobbuffet get separated from the others and find themselves in danger! They are rescued by a country doctor named White, whose friendly demeanor immediately catches Jessie's interest. She accompanies the doctor on his rounds, growing fonder of him by the minute. And when our heroes find Jessie, she's talking about leaving Team Rocket to stay with him! When a lurking Pokemon hunter grabs Meowth and the rest of Team Rocket's Pokemon, Jessie finds herself with torn loyalties--but when she discovers Doctor White is interested in someone else, she promptly returns to her partners in crime! With some help from our heroes, the Pokemon are freed, and Team Rocket celebrates a joyful reunion. Meanwhile, Clemont is trying to simulate a battle with Ash, but Clembot is having difficulty dealing with the concept...
While Clemont prepares for his upcoming battle with Ash, Team Rocket is attempting to catch Pikachu, as usual. But Jessie and Wobbuffet get separated from the others and find themselves in danger! They are rescued by a country doctor named White, whose friendly demeanor immediately catches Jessie's interest. She accompanies the doctor on his rounds, growing fonder of him by the minute. And when our heroes find Jessie, she's talking about leaving Team Rocket to stay with him! When a lurking Pokemon hunter grabs Meowth and the rest of Team Rocket's Pokemon, Jessie finds herself with torn loyalties--but when she discovers Doctor White is interested in someone else, she promptly returns to her partners in crime! With some help from our heroes, the Pokemon are freed, and Team Rocket celebrates a joyful reunion. Meanwhile, Clemont is trying to simulate a battle with Ash, but Clembot is having difficulty dealing with the concept...
As our heroes continue to the Lumiose City Gym (without Clemont) for Ash's next Gym battle, Serena is doing some training for her next Pokémon Showcase. But trouble is brewing, and Fennekin and Pancham are fighting fiercely! Things are getting out of hand, and a frustrated and angry Serena leaves to take a walk and think things over-alone. In town, an unknown girl-also a Pokémon performer (the Kalos Queen Aria, disguised as Eliza), befriends an unhappy-looking Serena, urging her to smile! And to come along for some shopping and lunch... After Eliza suggests Serena apologize to her Pokémon, all is forgiven. But Eliza has followed Serena, and challenges her to a double battle to strengthen the bonds between Trainer and Pokémon. Serena is off to a shaky start, but remembering Eliza's advice to smile, things turn around quickly! Suddenly Eliza mysteriously has to go, leaving their battle unfinished. Later, watching Aria's performance on Pokevision, Serena is shocked to see Eliza was ...
As our heroes continue to the Lumiose City Gym (without Clemont) for Ash's next Gym battle, Serena is doing some training for her next Pokémon Showcase. But trouble is brewing, and Fennekin and Pancham are fighting fiercely! Things are getting out of hand, and a frustrated and angry Serena leaves to take a walk and think things over-alone. In town, an unknown girl-also a Pokémon performer (the Kalos Queen Aria, disguised as Eliza), befriends an unhappy-looking Serena, urging her to smile! And to come along for some shopping and lunch... After Eliza suggests Serena apologize to her Pokémon, all is forgiven. But Eliza has followed Serena, and challenges her to a double battle to strengthen the bonds between Trainer and Pokémon. Serena is off to a shaky start, but remembering Eliza's advice to smile, things turn around quickly! Suddenly Eliza mysteriously has to go, leaving their battle unfinished. Later, watching Aria's performance on Pokevision, Serena is shocked to see Eliza was ...
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1
On the way to meet Clemont in Lumiose City, our heroes run into their friend Tierno from summer camp! A Team Rocket robot quickly interrupts the happy reunion when it grabs Ash's Sliggoo and Tierno's Raichu and Wartortle and carts them back to the villains. But Jessie is annoyed that their Automatic Pikachu Catcher malfunctioned and sends it flying, allowing the Pokemon to escape. When Team Rocket comes after Pikachu again, Sliggoo bravely steps up to protect it--and when their robot explodes and starts a fire, Sliggoo evolves into Goodra to put out the flames with a powerful Rain Dance before sending the villains blasting off again! Finally, Ash and Tierno get to have the Double Battle they've been planning. Raichu and Wartortle are formidable opponents, but the team of Pikachu and Goodra proves too much for them, and Ash wins! Tierno wishes Ash luck in the Gym battle and heads off to continue his own journey, and our heroes finally have Lumiose City within their sights!
On the way to meet Clemont in Lumiose City, our heroes run into their friend Tierno from summer camp! A Team Rocket robot quickly interrupts the happy reunion when it grabs Ash's Sliggoo and Tierno's Raichu and Wartortle and carts them back to the villains. But Jessie is annoyed that their Automatic Pikachu Catcher malfunctioned and sends it flying, allowing the Pokemon to escape. When Team Rocket comes after Pikachu again, Sliggoo bravely steps up to protect it--and when their robot explodes and starts a fire, Sliggoo evolves into Goodra to put out the flames with a powerful Rain Dance before sending the villains blasting off again! Finally, Ash and Tierno get to have the Double Battle they've been planning. Raichu and Wartortle are formidable opponents, but the team of Pikachu and Goodra proves too much for them, and Ash wins! Tierno wishes Ash luck in the Gym battle and heads off to continue his own journey, and our heroes finally have Lumiose City within their sights!
Ash, Serena, and Bonnie have finally rejoined Clemont in Lumiose City! Ash can't wait to get their Gym battle started, but it's quickly interrupted by Officer Jenny...who places Clembot under arrest! Security footage shows a robot that looks just like Clembot vandalizing several businesses around the city. Clemont sets out to prove Clembot's innocence with the help of the journalist Alexa, who's been trying to track down the mysterious man in the Blaziken mask as a possible witness. At Alexa's advice, Clemont investigates the Prism Tower computer where Clembot's blueprints are stored. Sure enough, a robotics researcher known as Doctor Belmondo has hacked into the computer and stolen the blueprints to create a Dark Clembot of his own! Our heroes catch the pair red-handed at the Lumiose Museum, where Clembot defeats Dark Clembot in a Pokémon battle and Belmondo confesses everything. With Clembot's good name restored, the stage is set for the Gym battle between Ash and Clemont!
Ash, Serena, and Bonnie have finally rejoined Clemont in Lumiose City! Ash can't wait to get their Gym battle started, but it's quickly interrupted by Officer Jenny...who places Clembot under arrest! Security footage shows a robot that looks just like Clembot vandalizing several businesses around the city. Clemont sets out to prove Clembot's innocence with the help of the journalist Alexa, who's been trying to track down the mysterious man in the Blaziken mask as a possible witness. At Alexa's advice, Clemont investigates the Prism Tower computer where Clembot's blueprints are stored. Sure enough, a robotics researcher known as Doctor Belmondo has hacked into the computer and stolen the blueprints to create a Dark Clembot of his own! Our heroes catch the pair red-handed at the Lumiose Museum, where Clembot defeats Dark Clembot in a Pokémon battle and Belmondo confesses everything. With Clembot's good name restored, the stage is set for the Gym battle between Ash and Clemont!
After a false start, the Lumiose Gym battle between Ash and Clemont is getting under way! To begin, Clemont's Bunnelby and Ash's Pikachu trade the same moves they used when they first met, on Ash's first day in the Kalos region. Bunnelby has learned some new tricks since then, but it can't stand up against Pikachu's Iron Tail. Next up, Clemont sends out Heliolisk, and Ash switches to Goodra. But Heliolisk moves with impressive speed, dashing around the battlefield more quickly than Goodra can follow and leaving it paralyzed. Ash calls Goodra back and sends out the speedy Hawlucha, but Heliolisk still seems unstoppable...until Ash notices that it pauses to spread its frills before every attack. Hawlucha times its attack just right and knocks Heliolisk out! Clemont's final Pokémon is Luxray, who uses Electric Terrain to charge up the battlefield and quickly takes down both Hawlucha and Pikachu. Ash sends Goodra back into battle and uses Rain Dance to short out the electric battlefield. ...
After a false start, the Lumiose Gym battle between Ash and Clemont is getting under way! To begin, Clemont's Bunnelby and Ash's Pikachu trade the same moves they used when they first met, on Ash's first day in the Kalos region. Bunnelby has learned some new tricks since then, but it can't stand up against Pikachu's Iron Tail. Next up, Clemont sends out Heliolisk, and Ash switches to Goodra. But Heliolisk moves with impressive speed, dashing around the battlefield more quickly than Goodra can follow and leaving it paralyzed. Ash calls Goodra back and sends out the speedy Hawlucha, but Heliolisk still seems unstoppable...until Ash notices that it pauses to spread its frills before every attack. Hawlucha times its attack just right and knocks Heliolisk out! Clemont's final Pokémon is Luxray, who uses Electric Terrain to charge up the battlefield and quickly takes down both Hawlucha and Pikachu. Ash sends Goodra back into battle and uses Rain Dance to short out the electric battlefield. ...
On their way out of Lumiose City, our heroes visit Professor Sycamore, who enthusiastically shows them his latest experiment: he's acquired a Key Stone and a Mega Stone, and he wants to see if his friend Garchomp will Mega Evolve! But while everyone's excitement builds, there is a huge explosion and Garchomp is whisked away, along with both stones. The thieves? None other than Team Rocket! Professor Sycamore and our heroes chase after them, soon joined by the mysterious man in the Blaziken Mask! When Team Rocket tries to get Garchomp to Mega Evolve and join them, Blaziken Mask lends the professor his Key Stone, and the bond between professor and Pokemon overwhelms even Team Rocket's mind control ray. Mega Garchomp, Blaziken, and Pikachu combine to send the villains blasting off again! Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie say their goodbyes and head off toward Laverre City. Meanwhile, the professor seems to have figured out who's behind the Blaziken Mask...
On their way out of Lumiose City, our heroes visit Professor Sycamore, who enthusiastically shows them his latest experiment: he's acquired a Key Stone and a Mega Stone, and he wants to see if his friend Garchomp will Mega Evolve! But while everyone's excitement builds, there is a huge explosion and Garchomp is whisked away, along with both stones. The thieves? None other than Team Rocket! Professor Sycamore and our heroes chase after them, soon joined by the mysterious man in the Blaziken Mask! When Team Rocket tries to get Garchomp to Mega Evolve and join them, Blaziken Mask lends the professor his Key Stone, and the bond between professor and Pokemon overwhelms even Team Rocket's mind control ray. Mega Garchomp, Blaziken, and Pikachu combine to send the villains blasting off again! Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie say their goodbyes and head off toward Laverre City. Meanwhile, the professor seems to have figured out who's behind the Blaziken Mask...
Our heroes are on their way to Laverre City when a passerby recognizes Ash's Goodra. He introduces himself as Keanan and explains that he's the caretaker of the nearby wetlands where Goodra used to live when it was a Goomy. Ash and the others are excited to visit Goodra's old home, but the Pokemon seems reluctant... When they reach the wetlands, Keanan explains that some time ago, a feud broke out over a healing spring in the area. In the battle, Goomy was launched into the air, where it was carried along by a flock of Swanna until it eventually fell on Ash's head! The Florges who started the whole thing now controls the wetlands along with its underlings, and Goodra's old friends have gone into hiding. With some encouragement from Ash, Goodra confronts Florges in an impressive battle...but just when it looks like Florges has been defeated, an attack from an unknown source knocks Goodra out! Later, the Team Rocket villains (who launched the attack) approach Florges with an offer to ...
Our heroes are on their way to Laverre City when a passerby recognizes Ash's Goodra. He introduces himself as Keanan and explains that he's the caretaker of the nearby wetlands where Goodra used to live when it was a Goomy. Ash and the others are excited to visit Goodra's old home, but the Pokemon seems reluctant... When they reach the wetlands, Keanan explains that some time ago, a feud broke out over a healing spring in the area. In the battle, Goomy was launched into the air, where it was carried along by a flock of Swanna until it eventually fell on Ash's head! The Florges who started the whole thing now controls the wetlands along with its underlings, and Goodra's old friends have gone into hiding. With some encouragement from Ash, Goodra confronts Florges in an impressive battle...but just when it looks like Florges has been defeated, an attack from an unknown source knocks Goodra out! Later, the Team Rocket villains (who launched the attack) approach Florges with an offer to ...
Six various shorts featuring Ash, Pikachu and Hoopa released in connection with Pokémon 18th movie (Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages).
Six various shorts featuring Ash, Pikachu and Hoopa released in connection with Pokémon 18th movie (Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages).
Pikachu, Dedenne, and Wooper have been kidnapped, and after an intense battle with Florges, Goodra is in no shape to go after them! While our heroes start a search, the real motivation behind the attack on Goodra's home becomes clear: Florges is taking care of a sad little Floette, who needs the spring's healing water to get better. But now, the water appears to be drying up. Soon, everyone discovers the truth: the Team Rocket trio are slowly draining the wetlands so they can sell the healing water for profit! Goodra and Florges decide to work together against this common enemy, and their combined efforts soon send Team Rocket blasting off again. When Ash sees how happy Goodra is to be home, he makes a tough decision and offers to let Goodra stay and protect the wetlands and its friends who live there. After many heartfelt farewells, our heroes are off once again to Laverre City, and Goodra is back home!
Pikachu, Dedenne, and Wooper have been kidnapped, and after an intense battle with Florges, Goodra is in no shape to go after them! While our heroes start a search, the real motivation behind the attack on Goodra's home becomes clear: Florges is taking care of a sad little Floette, who needs the spring's healing water to get better. But now, the water appears to be drying up. Soon, everyone discovers the truth: the Team Rocket trio are slowly draining the wetlands so they can sell the healing water for profit! Goodra and Florges decide to work together against this common enemy, and their combined efforts soon send Team Rocket blasting off again. When Ash sees how happy Goodra is to be home, he makes a tough decision and offers to let Goodra stay and protect the wetlands and its friends who live there. After many heartfelt farewells, our heroes are off once again to Laverre City, and Goodra is back home!
On the way to Laverre City, Serena and Bonnie look up their daily fortunes in Serena's guidebook, which predicts a bad day for both of them. Meanwhile, the Team Rocket trio, who have just gotten their hands on a berry bonanza, spot our heroes and swoop down to attack! In the ensuing battle, some of the berries end up in our heroes' hands. Then, when three angry Pangoro charge out of the woods, everyone runs for cover and gets separated, and Bonnie ends up with Meowth! The two of them bicker at first but eventually decide to cooperate. After Bonnie gets hit with Spore which makes her sleep, Meowth and Dedenne work together to find the berry that will heal her, and soon she is feeling fine. When our heroes are finally reunited, the angry Pangoro reappear. According to Meowth's translation, the Pangoro think our heroes stole their food, and that's why they attacked. But when Jessie and James show up (still carrying a big bag of berries), it quickly becomes clear who the real culprits are...
On the way to Laverre City, Serena and Bonnie look up their daily fortunes in Serena's guidebook, which predicts a bad day for both of them. Meanwhile, the Team Rocket trio, who have just gotten their hands on a berry bonanza, spot our heroes and swoop down to attack! In the ensuing battle, some of the berries end up in our heroes' hands. Then, when three angry Pangoro charge out of the woods, everyone runs for cover and gets separated, and Bonnie ends up with Meowth! The two of them bicker at first but eventually decide to cooperate. After Bonnie gets hit with Spore which makes her sleep, Meowth and Dedenne work together to find the berry that will heal her, and soon she is feeling fine. When our heroes are finally reunited, the angry Pangoro reappear. According to Meowth's translation, the Pangoro think our heroes stole their food, and that's why they attacked. But when Jessie and James show up (still carrying a big bag of berries), it quickly becomes clear who the real culprits are...
Serena recalls a story about a particularly scary house. As our heroes make their way out of a forest, there it is! A gentleman named Lon invites them in out of the rain. Soon after, a series of scary things happen! The frightening events are the work of a Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar, all Lon's good friends, and it's all for fun. After finding a journal and a picture of a young boy in the basement, Clemont reads that the boy moved out of the house--and the boy was Lon! Then, everyone discovers the picture is over two hundred years old...and Lon calmly explains that he isn't actually alive! Waking up in the forest, our heroes wonder if it all was a dream. Meanwhile, it's another rainy night, and a soaked Team Rocket arrives at the scary house. Lon invites them in out of the rain...
Serena recalls a story about a particularly scary house. As our heroes make their way out of a forest, there it is! A gentleman named Lon invites them in out of the rain. Soon after, a series of scary things happen! The frightening events are the work of a Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar, all Lon's good friends, and it's all for fun. After finding a journal and a picture of a young boy in the basement, Clemont reads that the boy moved out of the house--and the boy was Lon! Then, everyone discovers the picture is over two hundred years old...and Lon calmly explains that he isn't actually alive! Waking up in the forest, our heroes wonder if it all was a dream. Meanwhile, it's another rainy night, and a soaked Team Rocket arrives at the scary house. Lon invites them in out of the rain...
When our heroes arrive in Laverre City, Serena tells Ash that Gym Leader Valerie is also a renowned fashion designer--which, unfortunately for Ash and another would-be challenger named Sawyer, means the Gym is closed for a fashion show and there are no battles to be found! Ash and Sawyer decide to have a battle of their own while Serena and Bonnie admire Valerie's lovely designs...and then get recruited to join the fashion show as substitute models! Our heroes soon learn that at the end of every fashion show, Valerie chooses a challenger from the audience so she can show off how her creations look in battle. This time, it's Sawyer's turn! His Bagon has no chance against Valerie's Spritzee, but he appreciates the experience and takes lots of notes for next time. Ash is so excited for his Gym battle the next day that he can barely wait to finish dinner before launching right into some special training with Sawyer's help...and Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie rush through their own meals to ...
When our heroes arrive in Laverre City, Serena tells Ash that Gym Leader Valerie is also a renowned fashion designer--which, unfortunately for Ash and another would-be challenger named Sawyer, means the Gym is closed for a fashion show and there are no battles to be found! Ash and Sawyer decide to have a battle of their own while Serena and Bonnie admire Valerie's lovely designs...and then get recruited to join the fashion show as substitute models! Our heroes soon learn that at the end of every fashion show, Valerie chooses a challenger from the audience so she can show off how her creations look in battle. This time, it's Sawyer's turn! His Bagon has no chance against Valerie's Spritzee, but he appreciates the experience and takes lots of notes for next time. Ash is so excited for his Gym battle the next day that he can barely wait to finish dinner before launching right into some special training with Sawyer's help...and Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie rush through their own meals to ...
After observing the talents and skills of Laverre Gym Leader Valerie in action, it's time for Ash to challenge her for his sixth Kalos Gym badge! First, Valerie's Sylveon is up against Ash's Fletchinder. Ash gets the first win-as Sawyer takes notes. Valerie next sends out Spritzee, who gains the speed advantage by using Trick Room and knocks Fletchinder out. The score is now one to one! Ash sends in Hawlucha. Ash is victorious Sawyer really wants Ash to teach him how to battle with the same unique brand of creativity and power. Ash promises to battle Sawyer later by way of explanation, as the journey to the Kalos League continues! Written by Mikael Bryzell
After observing the talents and skills of Laverre Gym Leader Valerie in action, it's time for Ash to challenge her for his sixth Kalos Gym badge! First, Valerie's Sylveon is up against Ash's Fletchinder. Ash gets the first win-as Sawyer takes notes. Valerie next sends out Spritzee, who gains the speed advantage by using Trick Room and knocks Fletchinder out. The score is now one to one! Ash sends in Hawlucha. Ash is victorious Sawyer really wants Ash to teach him how to battle with the same unique brand of creativity and power. Ash promises to battle Sawyer later by way of explanation, as the journey to the Kalos League continues! Written by Mikael Bryzell
After Ash's victory at the Laverre Gym, our heroes are walking with Sawyer, who's completely focused on his battle notebook and not watching where he's going--until he trips and falls, dropping his notebook in the process! He doesn't realize this until later, and by that time, Team Rocket has picked it up, determined to make use of all the information within. With the help of his Slurpuff's talented nose, Sawyer manages to track down his prized possession, and he and Ash battle together to send Team Rocket blasting off again. Then, they decide to battle against each other! Ash seems to be firmly in command...until Sawyer's Treecko evolves into Grovyle and presents Frogadier with quite a challenge! Frogadier pulls off the win, but it's a close one, and afterward, it's clear that the two Pokémon are itching for a rematch. Sawyer heads off to challenge the Coumarine Gym, while Serena has her eye on the Pokémon Showcase in Dendemille Town, on the way to Ash's next Gym battle in Anistar ...
After Ash's victory at the Laverre Gym, our heroes are walking with Sawyer, who's completely focused on his battle notebook and not watching where he's going--until he trips and falls, dropping his notebook in the process! He doesn't realize this until later, and by that time, Team Rocket has picked it up, determined to make use of all the information within. With the help of his Slurpuff's talented nose, Sawyer manages to track down his prized possession, and he and Ash battle together to send Team Rocket blasting off again. Then, they decide to battle against each other! Ash seems to be firmly in command...until Sawyer's Treecko evolves into Grovyle and presents Frogadier with quite a challenge! Frogadier pulls off the win, but it's a close one, and afterward, it's clear that the two Pokémon are itching for a rematch. Sawyer heads off to challenge the Coumarine Gym, while Serena has her eye on the Pokémon Showcase in Dendemille Town, on the way to Ash's next Gym battle in Anistar ...
When Ash's Hawlucha finds a Pokémon Egg, everyone teams up to keep it warm, including a very helpful Fletchinder! Soon, a cute little Noibat hatches from the Egg! It starts trying to fly at once, but isn't very successful. Hawlucha tries to show it how to ride the wind--until Team Rocket swoops in and grabs both of them! Jessie and Meowth are hoping to evolve Noibat on the spot into a powerful Noivern, but James does some research and learns it won't be that easy. During their discussion, the two Pokémon manage to escape into a pitch-black cave, where they quickly get the better of the villains thanks to Noibat's sonar. Once everyone is reunited and Team Rocket is sent blasting off again, our heroes are ready to set off again toward Anistar City--and Noibat decides to join them!
When Ash's Hawlucha finds a Pokémon Egg, everyone teams up to keep it warm, including a very helpful Fletchinder! Soon, a cute little Noibat hatches from the Egg! It starts trying to fly at once, but isn't very successful. Hawlucha tries to show it how to ride the wind--until Team Rocket swoops in and grabs both of them! Jessie and Meowth are hoping to evolve Noibat on the spot into a powerful Noivern, but James does some research and learns it won't be that easy. During their discussion, the two Pokémon manage to escape into a pitch-black cave, where they quickly get the better of the villains thanks to Noibat's sonar. Once everyone is reunited and Team Rocket is sent blasting off again, our heroes are ready to set off again toward Anistar City--and Noibat decides to join them!
During aerial training with Noibat, our heroes spot three Pokémon flying overhead at impressive speed. It turns out they're headed to the Pokémon Sky Relay, an aerial race in which three-member teams of flying Pokémon compete against each other. An elderly gentleman named Ornithol offers his Sky Relay expertise, and Ash just happens to have three flying Pokémon, so they agree to work together! Fletchinder takes an early lead. Then, in the second leg, Hawlucha encounters an aggressive Pelipper that keeps trying to knock it out of the sky...and turns out to be a robot powered by Meowth! Team Rocket is disqualified just in time for Hawlucha to hand off to Noibat for the final stretch, where it almost pulls ahead at the finish line...but an opposing Starly wins by a beak. Our heroes are thrilled with Noibat's performance, and Ornithol couldn't be happier about finally competing in the Pokémon Sky Relay!
During aerial training with Noibat, our heroes spot three Pokémon flying overhead at impressive speed. It turns out they're headed to the Pokémon Sky Relay, an aerial race in which three-member teams of flying Pokémon compete against each other. An elderly gentleman named Ornithol offers his Sky Relay expertise, and Ash just happens to have three flying Pokémon, so they agree to work together! Fletchinder takes an early lead. Then, in the second leg, Hawlucha encounters an aggressive Pelipper that keeps trying to knock it out of the sky...and turns out to be a robot powered by Meowth! Team Rocket is disqualified just in time for Hawlucha to hand off to Noibat for the final stretch, where it almost pulls ahead at the finish line...but an opposing Starly wins by a beak. Our heroes are thrilled with Noibat's performance, and Ornithol couldn't be happier about finally competing in the Pokémon Sky Relay!
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1
Our heroes have taken an exciting detour from their Anistar City journey: a visit to the one-and-only Poké Ball Factory! The three factory managers who offer them a tour look strangely familiar... It's Team Rocket, of course, but by the time the villains reveal themselves, our heroes have handed over every one of their Poké Balls (plus Pikachu) and gotten themselves locked in a storeroom! When Pikachu escapes, a frantic chase ensues as Pikachu tries to rescue the case full of Poké Balls and Meowth tries to use Pikachu's own Poké Ball to trap it! Finally, Meowth offers a challenge: if Pikachu can beat him in battle, he'll give back all the Poké Balls. He tries to pull a double-cross, but Pikachu's Iron Tail takes him down, and Team Rocket goes blasting off again. And after freeing the real factory managers, our heroes get an official tour by way of thanks!
Our heroes have taken an exciting detour from their Anistar City journey: a visit to the one-and-only Poké Ball Factory! The three factory managers who offer them a tour look strangely familiar... It's Team Rocket, of course, but by the time the villains reveal themselves, our heroes have handed over every one of their Poké Balls (plus Pikachu) and gotten themselves locked in a storeroom! When Pikachu escapes, a frantic chase ensues as Pikachu tries to rescue the case full of Poké Balls and Meowth tries to use Pikachu's own Poké Ball to trap it! Finally, Meowth offers a challenge: if Pikachu can beat him in battle, he'll give back all the Poké Balls. He tries to pull a double-cross, but Pikachu's Iron Tail takes him down, and Team Rocket goes blasting off again. And after freeing the real factory managers, our heroes get an official tour by way of thanks!
Serena is ready to compete in the Fujo Town TryPokaron--and so is her rival Millefeui, who once challenged her to a Pofflé baking contest. As it turns out, the Theme Performance is all about Poffés, and Serena, Millefeui, and Musavie (the Rocket-Dan's Musashi in disguise) all advance to the Free Performance. After a run-in with Musashi that leaves a noticeable tear in Serena's costume, she's worried that this TryPokaron will end like her last one. But traveling with Satoshi has taught her never to give up, so she grabs her sewing kit to make a few last-second adjustments...and ends up winning the Free Performance and her first Princess Key. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
Serena is ready to compete in the Fujo Town TryPokaron--and so is her rival Millefeui, who once challenged her to a Pofflé baking contest. As it turns out, the Theme Performance is all about Poffés, and Serena, Millefeui, and Musavie (the Rocket-Dan's Musashi in disguise) all advance to the Free Performance. After a run-in with Musashi that leaves a noticeable tear in Serena's costume, she's worried that this TryPokaron will end like her last one. But traveling with Satoshi has taught her never to give up, so she grabs her sewing kit to make a few last-second adjustments...and ends up winning the Free Performance and her first Princess Key. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
At a run-down hotel, a timid desk clerk named Yolton shows our heroes to their room. Satoshi wants to check out the hotel's public battlefield, where they discover Mantle, the owner, challenging other Trainers to battle and taking their Pokémon when they lose. Yolton's Rotom comes out of hiding to reveal that its Trainer was once the owner, but Mantle challenged him to a battle on the hotel's opening day 10 years ago. When the inexperienced Rotom ran away, Mantle declared himself the winner--of the battle and the hotel. To make amends, Rotom sends our heroes back in time to that fateful battle. This time, Citron and the others help Yolton and Rotom defeat the crook. When they return to the present, our heroes discover a big change: the hotel is sparkling and clean, Yolton is the rightful owner, and Mantle and his goons are working as bellhops. And a framed photo from the hotel's opening day proves that our heroes really were there. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
At a run-down hotel, a timid desk clerk named Yolton shows our heroes to their room. Satoshi wants to check out the hotel's public battlefield, where they discover Mantle, the owner, challenging other Trainers to battle and taking their Pokémon when they lose. Yolton's Rotom comes out of hiding to reveal that its Trainer was once the owner, but Mantle challenged him to a battle on the hotel's opening day 10 years ago. When the inexperienced Rotom ran away, Mantle declared himself the winner--of the battle and the hotel. To make amends, Rotom sends our heroes back in time to that fateful battle. This time, Citron and the others help Yolton and Rotom defeat the crook. When they return to the present, our heroes discover a big change: the hotel is sparkling and clean, Yolton is the rightful owner, and Mantle and his goons are working as bellhops. And a framed photo from the hotel's opening day proves that our heroes really were there. Written by , edited by Tobias Clark
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1
Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie find themselves attending a Gourgeist Festival, where everyone dresses in Pokémon costumes. Naturally, our heroes want to join the fun! Meanwhile, Team Rocket, also in costume, gets an invitation to the castle from Count Pumpka. His Prince Pumpkaboo has developed quite an interest in Jessie's Pumpkaboo. Jessie seizes the opportunity and tells the count that some terrible villains have stolen her Pikachu--namely, our heroes! She suggests that she might trade her Pumpkaboo to the count if he helps rescue Pikachu. The count's steward confronts Ash and the others, demanding that they return Pikachu to its rightful Trainer--but because Pikachu is wearing a Psyduck costume and Chespin is dressed as Pikachu, he ends up grabbing Chespin by mistake! Back at the castle, Jessie reluctantly agrees to the trade. But when the trade is complete, Jessie's Pumpkaboo evolves into a Gourgeist, and suddenly Prince Pumpkaboo isn't interested anymore! Jessie gets her ...
Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie find themselves attending a Gourgeist Festival, where everyone dresses in Pokémon costumes. Naturally, our heroes want to join the fun! Meanwhile, Team Rocket, also in costume, gets an invitation to the castle from Count Pumpka. His Prince Pumpkaboo has developed quite an interest in Jessie's Pumpkaboo. Jessie seizes the opportunity and tells the count that some terrible villains have stolen her Pikachu--namely, our heroes! She suggests that she might trade her Pumpkaboo to the count if he helps rescue Pikachu. The count's steward confronts Ash and the others, demanding that they return Pikachu to its rightful Trainer--but because Pikachu is wearing a Psyduck costume and Chespin is dressed as Pikachu, he ends up grabbing Chespin by mistake! Back at the castle, Jessie reluctantly agrees to the trade. But when the trade is complete, Jessie's Pumpkaboo evolves into a Gourgeist, and suddenly Prince Pumpkaboo isn't interested anymore! Jessie gets her ...
A giant snowy mountain stands between our heroes and their next destination. To cross it, they rent two powerful Mamoswine and climb on board! It's a treacherous trek up to the summit, but everything proceeds as planned until the Mamoswine make an unexpected turn toward the Frost Cavern, where a mighty Abomasnow blocks the way! Ash and the others discover that Abomasnow is standing guard over a sick little Snover, and Clemont soon has everyone searching for medicinal plants. With these ingredients, he prepares a remedy, and Snover is soon feeling just fine. After a brief run-in with the Team Rocket trio, our heroes set off once more, and the Mamoswine carry them down the other side of the mountain toward Anistar City!
A giant snowy mountain stands between our heroes and their next destination. To cross it, they rent two powerful Mamoswine and climb on board! It's a treacherous trek up to the summit, but everything proceeds as planned until the Mamoswine make an unexpected turn toward the Frost Cavern, where a mighty Abomasnow blocks the way! Ash and the others discover that Abomasnow is standing guard over a sick little Snover, and Clemont soon has everyone searching for medicinal plants. With these ingredients, he prepares a remedy, and Snover is soon feeling just fine. After a brief run-in with the Team Rocket trio, our heroes set off once more, and the Mamoswine carry them down the other side of the mountain toward Anistar City!
Our heroes have stopped at a busy Pokémon Center to get out of the rain when the power goes out! Clemont soon discovers that a leak in the roof has caused a short circuit, and recruits Luxray, Pikachu, and Dedenne to serve as a temporary source of electricity while he fixes it. Ash climbs up to repair the leak, and Serena and Bonnie offer to help Nurse Joy take care of the Pokémon. Clemont needs a replacement fuse, but he can't leave the still-sparking fuse box unattended, and everyone else is still hard at work. So he sends Chespin and Bunnelby into town with a note for the shopkeeper! Along the way, the two Pokémon run into Team Rocket...but just as Ash shows up looking for Chespin and Bunnelby, they send the villains blasting off all by themselves! Eventually, they acquire the new fuse and bring it back to Clemont, who gets the power going again, and all is well...all except for Chespin, who eats way too much at the victory feast and becomes the newly restored Pokémon Center's ...
Our heroes have stopped at a busy Pokémon Center to get out of the rain when the power goes out! Clemont soon discovers that a leak in the roof has caused a short circuit, and recruits Luxray, Pikachu, and Dedenne to serve as a temporary source of electricity while he fixes it. Ash climbs up to repair the leak, and Serena and Bonnie offer to help Nurse Joy take care of the Pokémon. Clemont needs a replacement fuse, but he can't leave the still-sparking fuse box unattended, and everyone else is still hard at work. So he sends Chespin and Bunnelby into town with a note for the shopkeeper! Along the way, the two Pokémon run into Team Rocket...but just as Ash shows up looking for Chespin and Bunnelby, they send the villains blasting off all by themselves! Eventually, they acquire the new fuse and bring it back to Clemont, who gets the power going again, and all is well...all except for Chespin, who eats way too much at the victory feast and becomes the newly restored Pokémon Center's ...
Serena is reworking her Pokémon Showcase routine when a powerful attack from Pancham hits Braixen and breaks its beloved twig! Everyone tries to find Braixen a new twig, but it isn't interested in a replacement. Team Rocket has been spying as usual, and James dons a disguise and joins our heroes to see if he can help. Nurse Joy suggests they take the twig to a tree surgeon, Mr. Woodward, for repairs. He first wants Serena and Braixen to demonstrate their bond, and the best way to do that is with a battle. Braixen eventually uses its broken twig to unleash a powerful new move: Fire Blast! This shatters the twig beyond repair but restores Braixen's confidence, and it finally accepts the new twig Pancham offers. Our heroes are off once more to Anistar City, and the bond between Serena and Braixen is stronger than ever!
Serena is reworking her Pokémon Showcase routine when a powerful attack from Pancham hits Braixen and breaks its beloved twig! Everyone tries to find Braixen a new twig, but it isn't interested in a replacement. Team Rocket has been spying as usual, and James dons a disguise and joins our heroes to see if he can help. Nurse Joy suggests they take the twig to a tree surgeon, Mr. Woodward, for repairs. He first wants Serena and Braixen to demonstrate their bond, and the best way to do that is with a battle. Braixen eventually uses its broken twig to unleash a powerful new move: Fire Blast! This shatters the twig beyond repair but restores Braixen's confidence, and it finally accepts the new twig Pancham offers. Our heroes are off once more to Anistar City, and the bond between Serena and Braixen is stronger than ever!
When our heroes arrive at the foot of Mt. Molteau, the sudden appearance of a fiery Charmeleon lets them know that Trevor, their friend from Pokémon summer camp, is nearby! His goal is to take a photograph of the Legendary Pokémon Moltres, who is reputed to live on Mt. Molteau. The Team Rocket villains are close behind, hoping to catch Moltres for the Boss--but when they grab Pikachu and a battle ensues near the volcano's crater, the Legendary Pokémon awakens and sends Team Rocket blasting off with a powerful Flamethrower! Unfortunately, it thinks our heroes are also enemies and turns its attack on them! While trying to protect Ash and his friends, Fletchinder evolves into a magnificent Talonflame--and when Talonflame finds itself in trouble, Ash jumps to the rescue, saving his beloved Pokémon and proving to Moltres that he means it no harm. Trevor has gotten his photograph, our heroes have met Moltres, and Ash and Talonflame vow to work hard together, as the journey to Anistar City ...
When our heroes arrive at the foot of Mt. Molteau, the sudden appearance of a fiery Charmeleon lets them know that Trevor, their friend from Pokémon summer camp, is nearby! His goal is to take a photograph of the Legendary Pokémon Moltres, who is reputed to live on Mt. Molteau. The Team Rocket villains are close behind, hoping to catch Moltres for the Boss--but when they grab Pikachu and a battle ensues near the volcano's crater, the Legendary Pokémon awakens and sends Team Rocket blasting off with a powerful Flamethrower! Unfortunately, it thinks our heroes are also enemies and turns its attack on them! While trying to protect Ash and his friends, Fletchinder evolves into a magnificent Talonflame--and when Talonflame finds itself in trouble, Ash jumps to the rescue, saving his beloved Pokémon and proving to Moltres that he means it no harm. Trevor has gotten his photograph, our heroes have met Moltres, and Ash and Talonflame vow to work hard together, as the journey to Anistar City ...
Team Rocket has gotten their hands on a young Tyrunt, with plans to get it to evolve into a powerful Tyrantrum. But Tyrunt wants nothing to do with them, jumping out of their balloon and falling into a river! Bonnie finds Tyrunt there, trapped and yelping. After Bonnie frees Tyrunt, the two of them begin an endearing process of bonding, while the rest of our heroes watch in amazement. But Clemont can't quite understand what a Tyrunt would be doing out there in the wild... However, Team Rocket is determined as ever, and grabs Tyrunt, Bunnelby, Dedenne, and Bonnie! But everyone is soon set free, and Bonnie comes up with a fun plan to defeat the hapless trio. A fierce battle ensues, Tyrunt evolves into Tyrantrum, and it's blast-off time once again! When Bonnie sadly realizes Tyrantrum comes from the Pokémon Fossil Research Center, she knows Tyrantrum can't go with her. Tears are shed as Bonnie says goodbye to her new friend, but she promises to come back someday for a visit, and our ...
Team Rocket has gotten their hands on a young Tyrunt, with plans to get it to evolve into a powerful Tyrantrum. But Tyrunt wants nothing to do with them, jumping out of their balloon and falling into a river! Bonnie finds Tyrunt there, trapped and yelping. After Bonnie frees Tyrunt, the two of them begin an endearing process of bonding, while the rest of our heroes watch in amazement. But Clemont can't quite understand what a Tyrunt would be doing out there in the wild... However, Team Rocket is determined as ever, and grabs Tyrunt, Bunnelby, Dedenne, and Bonnie! But everyone is soon set free, and Bonnie comes up with a fun plan to defeat the hapless trio. A fierce battle ensues, Tyrunt evolves into Tyrantrum, and it's blast-off time once again! When Bonnie sadly realizes Tyrantrum comes from the Pokémon Fossil Research Center, she knows Tyrantrum can't go with her. Tears are shed as Bonnie says goodbye to her new friend, but she promises to come back someday for a visit, and our ...
On the road to Anistar City, Ash and friends fall into a Team Rocket pit trap! Pikachu quickly sends the villains blasting off again, but then the ground underneath our heroes collapses, leaving them in an abandoned subway tunnel. It reminds Bonnie of when she and Clemont first met Bunnelby, who was living in an old subway car in Lumiose City with a group of Pokémon. The group was being threatened by a grumpy Diggersby who wanted the train for itself! Thanks to some battling tips from Clemont, Bunnelby managed to defeat Diggersby and protect its home. Soon, the subway car was in danger, and Clemont, Bonnie, Bunnelby, and all its Pokémon friends--now including Diggersby--had to work together to move it to safety! After the train found its new home, Clemont and Bunnelby sadly parted ways...but Bunnelby's friends had a better idea. They encouraged Bunnelby to go after its newly chosen Trainer, and the rest is history!
On the road to Anistar City, Ash and friends fall into a Team Rocket pit trap! Pikachu quickly sends the villains blasting off again, but then the ground underneath our heroes collapses, leaving them in an abandoned subway tunnel. It reminds Bonnie of when she and Clemont first met Bunnelby, who was living in an old subway car in Lumiose City with a group of Pokémon. The group was being threatened by a grumpy Diggersby who wanted the train for itself! Thanks to some battling tips from Clemont, Bunnelby managed to defeat Diggersby and protect its home. Soon, the subway car was in danger, and Clemont, Bonnie, Bunnelby, and all its Pokémon friends--now including Diggersby--had to work together to move it to safety! After the train found its new home, Clemont and Bunnelby sadly parted ways...but Bunnelby's friends had a better idea. They encouraged Bunnelby to go after its newly chosen Trainer, and the rest is history!
As our heroes take a break in a beautiful meadow on their way to Anistar City, Serena and Bonnie unexpectedly come across an Eevee, dancing joyfully in the sunlight! Serena is quite charmed by the Evolution Pokémon, but then Ash calls out to the girls and startles Eevee into running away. Determined to find Eevee again, Serena decides to put on a performance to attract its attention. Sure enough, Eevee creeps up to watch--only to be grabbed by Team Rocket! In the battle that follows, Eevee uses Protect to keep Serena out of the line of fire, and Pikachu's Thunderbolt soon sends the villains blasting off again. Serena asks Eevee to join her Pokémon Showcase team. After a bit of shy hesitation, Eevee agrees, and our heroes are off once more--with a new member in the group!
As our heroes take a break in a beautiful meadow on their way to Anistar City, Serena and Bonnie unexpectedly come across an Eevee, dancing joyfully in the sunlight! Serena is quite charmed by the Evolution Pokémon, but then Ash calls out to the girls and startles Eevee into running away. Determined to find Eevee again, Serena decides to put on a performance to attract its attention. Sure enough, Eevee creeps up to watch--only to be grabbed by Team Rocket! In the battle that follows, Eevee uses Protect to keep Serena out of the line of fire, and Pikachu's Thunderbolt soon sends the villains blasting off again. Serena asks Eevee to join her Pokémon Showcase team. After a bit of shy hesitation, Eevee agrees, and our heroes are off once more--with a new member in the group!