Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Hexadecimal breaks into the Principal Office Archives and tampers with the paint program, using all of Mainframe as her canvas.
All Episodes - S02
Megabyte's continued attempts to steal Mainframe's energy lands Bob and Enzo in a corrupted Mad Max gamecube. With all of Mainframe's energy at risk for nullification, Bob must keep both the Users and the sprites from winning the game.
The entity that came through the looking glass attacks and corrupts Megabyte, who then merges with Hexadecimal, transforming the two of them into Gigabyte, the next generation of virus.
Bob, Dot and Mouse must team up with Megabyte and Hexadecimal to save Mainframe from the attacking Web. Their attempt to close the portal to Mainframe ends with Bob being shot into the web.