

Aaron suddenly awakens on March 5, 2014 in his apartment with his wife Priscilla. There is no blackout and everything is functioning normally. Aaron has several attacks of deja vue however as he sees people that he knows - Rachel, Dr. Horn - but can't quite place who they are. He soon realizes - with a bit of help from Charlie, who he dug out of the back of his mind - that it's all a nano-induced dream-like state to get him to repair the deteriorating software code. Written by garykmcd



All Episodes - S02

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HD Born in the U.S.A.

Born in the U.S.A.


Born in the U.S.A. - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.3

Rachel unexpectedly encounters an important figure from her past. Charlie finds herself on a mission in the Plains Nation. Neville and Jason search a refugee camp for Julia. Written by ab1995

Country: USA
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HD There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Blood


There Will Be Blood - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.2

Miles and Willoughby's Sheriff Mason have been taken prisoner by Titus Andover and his men. They are caged and await an obviously dangerous fate that lies beyond their prison's red door. Andover takes an interest in Miles though it's not yet obvious why. In Willoughby itself, citizens take shelter awaiting an attack by Andover's men. Rachel desperately tries to get a group together to rescue Miles. On the way to Andover's base, they find thousands of dead rats. Charlie has followed the men who kidnapped Monroe and soon finds herself a prisoner as well. At the Savannah refugee camp, Tom Neville puts into action his plan to stop the newly arrived U.S. government. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Love Story

Love Story


Love Story - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Miles is rescued and they take a big bargaining chip with them: Titus Andover's wife Jessica who is dying of kidney disease. They make it back to Wiloughby but she makes it clear that she doesn't ever want to go back. Titus and his war gang - who aren't quite what they seem - have other ideas. Miles' plan to evacuate the city doesn't quite go as planned. At the Savannah refugee camp Tom Neville's plan begins to unfold but he quickly runs into a roadblock - the Patriots know exactly who he is. Charlie meanwhile sets off after Monroe. When she finally catches up to him, he has something interesting to show her. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Patriot Games

Patriot Games


Patriot Games - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Rachel awakens after three days unconsciousness, partly recovered from her wounds. She's amazed to find the U.S. patriots now completely in charge of Willoughby. She's immediately suspicious of their motives recalling that Randall's last words were 'I am a patriot'. She pokes around and finds that someone close to her is actually a patriot mole. The new regime has forbidden anyone leaving the the town saying that Andover and what's left of his war clan are hiding in the woods. Miles goes over the wall to see what's going on and it's not what the patriots are saying. Meanwhile, Aaron continues to have strange dreams. Monroe rescues Charlie and they head for Willoughby. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD One Riot, One Ranger

One Riot, One Ranger


One Riot, One Ranger - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Texas Rangers arrive in Willoughby wanting to know just what the Patriots are doing on their sovereign territory. Miles is behind it having written to them about the situation. It turns out however that Miles once tried to kill the head Ranger, John Fry. Miles takes a patriot soldier prisoner hoping to get information to convince Fry the Patriots are also his enemy. Monroe has a different approach to starting a war between Texas and the new US government. Aaron is having difficulty coming to grips with the new power he seems to now have. Written by garykmcd

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HD Dead Man Walking

Dead Man Walking


Dead Man Walking - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

With Monroe facing the death penalty, Miles considers the consequences of his actions. As Charlie, Rachel and Gene question Monroe's true allegiance - since he might be their only ally in stopping the patriots, Miles himself is wary of his former friend's intentions. Meanwhile, Aaron continues to have visions that lead to endless questions. Written by Anonymous

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HD The Patriot Act

The Patriot Act


The Patriot Act - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Miles and Company are trapped in Willoughby. When Rachel discovers some unsettling truths, Miles does what he does best to overcome obstacles before him and those he cares about. Meanwhile, Charlie shares a moment with her mom, as Neville and Jason continue their struggles between father and son. Written by Anonymous

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HD Come Blow Your Horn

Come Blow Your Horn


Come Blow Your Horn - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Aaron's deathly experience catches people's attention. As Miles and the gang try to escape the perils of their current situation, Rachel and Gene continue to struggle with their relationship, which affects Charlie. Meanwhile, Neville takes a gamble with the Patriots. Written by Anonymous

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HD Everyone Says I Love You

Everyone Says I Love You


Everyone Says I Love You - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.6
42 min

Aaron has made his escape and wakes up in the library along with Cynthia who is also alive. He meets a young boy who strikes him as being vaguely familiar. He learns a great deal about the nanotechnology and why he seems to have these superhuman powers. Miles, Rachel and Charlie also make their way out of Willoughby trying to catch up to Aaron. Rachel feels guilty at having left her father behind. A dying Dr. Horn is in pursuit. Traveling on the train with Roger Allenford, Tom Neville is shocked to see someone from his past. Written by garykmcd

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HD Three Amigos

Three Amigos


Three Amigos - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Neville and Julia mount a new plot while Aaron quests after the nanites in Spring City. Monroe, Miles and Rachel travel to Mexico to find Monroe's son.

Country: USA
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HD Mis Dos Padres

Mis Dos Padres


Mis Dos Padres - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

In Spring City, Oklahoma Aaron finds his friend Grace who has been living there alone since they abandoned the tower. He's not the only recent arrival however - his former wife Priscilla arrived the previous day. She tells him that she has been hallucinating and that it was her dead father who told her to go to Spring City. She's also seen the fireflies. In Mexico, Monroe finally meets his son's boss, Luis Nunez, but Connor's future plans don't include his biological father. Just outside of Willoughby, the so-called patriots are building a camp of some sort. In Washington, D.C. Tom Neville learns that the new government will be expanding the re-education plan that his son Jason was put through. He also learns that his wife Julia's new husband, now the President's chief of staff, is behind the project. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Captain Trips

Captain Trips


Captain Trips - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Mile, Rachel, Monroe and Connor make it back to Willoughby and find Charlie and Gene working in the quarantine camp. Rachel decides to join them. Gene thought the outbreak was typhus but those affected aren't responding to treatment the way they should. Rachel's tests reveal that the disease is man made. She's certain the patriots have a vaccine - and she needs it all the more now that her father has fallen ill. In Washington, Tom and Julia have to get their son Jason out of prison. In Silver Springs, the nanos once again appear to Aaron - this time in the form of Cynthia - telling him that he and Pricilla must travel to Lubbock Texas where all of his questions will be answered. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Happy Endings

Happy Endings


Happy Endings - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Having successfully obtained the vaccine, everyone in the temporary hospital is treated. Rachel, Charlie, Connor and Gene leave the camp. Monroe is of the view that the only way they can make any advances against the Patriots is to recruit mercenaries. Miles reluctantly agrees and Monroe, Connor and Charlie head to New Vegas where Monroe hopes hopes his contacts from his bare-knuckle fighting days will have what they need. In Washington, Tom Neville sees the President and gets an offer he can't refuse. Aaron and Priscilla arrive in Lubbock, Texas where they meet their old friend and onetime co-worker Peter Garner. He too has had his encounters with the nanos but has a different interpretation of what it all means. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Fear and Loathing

Fear and Loathing


Fear and Loathing - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

In New Vegas, Monroe and Conner are preparing to face each other in a fight to the death organized by Gould. Charlie seeks help from Duncan Page but she has another plan in mind. Tom Neville and son Jason are working with Miles and the others and are surprised to find the patriots building a new camp where the temporary hospital was located. Jason tells his father they are building a new re-education camp - and they both see that Victor Doyle is on site to supervise the construction. In Lubbock, Texas Aaron, Priscilla and Peter all receive the same message from the nanos - help us. Aaron assumes there is an error in the code which will lead to the nanos eventual destruction. Peter wants them to repair the it. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dreamcatcher



Dreamcatcher - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Aaron suddenly awakens on March 5, 2014 in his apartment with his wife Priscilla. There is no blackout and everything is functioning normally. Aaron has several attacks of deja vue however as he sees people that he knows - Rachel, Dr. Horn - but can't quite place who they are. He soon realizes - with a bit of help from Charlie, who he dug out of the back of his mind - that it's all a nano-induced dream-like state to get him to repair the deteriorating software code. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Exposition Boulevard

Exposition Boulevard


Exposition Boulevard - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Charlie and Monroe return to Willoughby and learn of the re-education camp. Most of the young people from the town seem to be undergoing training there. Miles and Monroe capture two of these teens who have seemingly escaped from the camp. A dispute arises over what they should do with them with Monroe arguing they should be killed. In the town itself, Tom Neville butts heads with Victor Doyle who also makes another enemy in Ed Truman by taking charge. Meanwhile, Aaron and Priscilla are making their way back to Willoughby - but she is keeping a secret from him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Why We Fight

Why We Fight


Why We Fight - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Fed up with the constant bickering between Miles and Monroe, Gene decides to go into Willoughby to see what support he can muster from his old friends. With Miles in tow, he contacts his former lover Marian who runs a bar in town. He learns the extent to which the patriots have sullied his reputation and after Gene gives his side of the story she's not sure what to believe. More of Duncan Page's fighters arrive with news that she was killed in a patriot attack on New Vegas. Monroe leads them in an attack on the re-education camp. Tom Neville is about to be killed by Victor Doyle when salvation unexpectedly arrives. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Austin City Limits

Austin City Limits


Austin City Limits - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Jason turns to Miles with crucial information about the Patriots' next steps for Texas. Aaron grows suspicious of Priscilla's increasingly unusual behavior. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD S#!& Happens

S#!& Happens


S#!& Happens - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

On their way back to Willoughby Charlie, Miles and Monroe have to deal with a posse of Texas Rangers who want them back in Austin. While Charlie and Monroe keep heading for home, Miles undertakes to lead the Rangers on a wild goose chase. He manages to defeat them but falls into a basement and is severely injured. His attempts to escape lead to further injury leading him to think there may be only one way out for him. Back at the camp, Aaron continues to struggle with Priscilla who is still under the control of the nanites. She says she knows where Miles is but doesn't like him and refuses to help. As for Charlie, she has to deal with Tom Neville who wants to know what's happened to Jason. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Tomorrowland



Tomorrowland - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Empowered with authority by the President, Truman launches a mustard gas attack to kill Miles and Monroe. To Rachel's disappointment, Miles agrees to join Monroe in a ruthless plot to beat the Patriots at their own game. Meanwhile, Neville faces his own challenge from the Patriots, and Aaron grows increasingly alarmed by the power of the nanotech. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Memorial Day

Memorial Day


Memorial Day - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

United by their desire to take the Patriots down, Neville and Monroe form an uneasy alliance. While searching for Aaron, Rachel comes face to face with the nanotech; and things don't go according to plan for Miles, Charlie and Gene when they try to steal the Patriots' supply of mustard gas. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence


Declaration of Independence - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

In the series finale, the stakes are higher than ever as the Patriots prepare for war. Miles, Charlie and Monroe launch an attack on the Patriots, but must improvise a risky new plan in order to halt the oncoming war between California and Texas. Out for revenge, Neville sets his sights on President Davis. Meanwhile, Aaron and Rachel's efforts to save Priscilla from the nanotech have unexpected consequences. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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