A Friend in Need

A Friend in Need

Rachel Lynde is called away on an emergency trip to visit her son, William. Rumors spread around town that it is because William has been incarcerated, the story becoming more and more exaggerated with each telling. Davey and Dora Keith are staying at Rose Cottage during Rachel's trip. It's not a good time for Rachel to leave as it's the start of the school year and Davey is getting into his fair share of trouble in skipping school and not doing his school work. Clive Pettibone is even going to recommend to Rachel that Davey be sent to military school to improve both his behavior and his school work. Sara however finds out the true reason behind Davey's delinquency. Another student facing some changes is Izzy Pettibone. She being a tomboy is not unexpected, since she only had male and military based influences while growing up. The military influences are getting stronger as Clive is continually praising son Morgan, who has just joined the army. Izzy, however, is growing into a young ... Written by Huggo



All Episodes - S05

Parent Show

HD Fathers and Sons

Fathers and Sons


Fathers and Sons - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.3
60 min

Felix is showing a great aptitude and enjoyment of his work at the White Sands Hotel, which is noticed and appreciated by his boss, Simon Tremayne. Felix's feeling are despite the recent problems he has had with one of the hotel's important guests, wealthy but miserly and impossible to please Samuel Boddin. Since the hotel has to turn away many of its guests at tea time due to over demand, Felix sees a business opportunity: open his own tea room. He envisions this happening at an abandoned farmhouse he passes by everyday. Meanwhile, Great Aunt Eliza is dealing with her estate, which gets Alec to openly discuss his. Like tradition in the King family dictates, he will ultimately bequeath the King farm to the oldest male heir to operate, that being Felix. This act goes against Felix's wishes, which he initially does not tell his family, as well as the wishes of some of the other family members. Felix wants to please his father but also wants to pursue his dream. Ultimately Alec will have... Written by Huggo

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Memento Mori

Memento Mori


Memento Mori - EPS 02

IMDb: 9.0
60 min

It's Hetty's fiftieth birthday, an event she does not want to celebrate. Regardless, the family is planning a surprise party for her. But things are not going well on many fronts. Neither Great Aunt Eliza or Rachel can decide what to get for her, Aunt Eliza wanting to get something memorable regardless of cost, Rachel not being able to find anything cheap enough. Janet has to make a second birthday cake after Daniel gets into the first one. And Hetty arrives home from her outing to the publishers three hours earlier than expected, and she seems to want to go everywhere that the party planning is happening. But as badly as the party planning is going, the day is worse for Hetty. Her latest manuscript has been rejected, Mr. Wilton Jr., the new publisher stating that her stories of exotic locales are fake and stilted since she hasn't experienced life in these exotic places like many of the great writers. Hetty has always cherished her life in Avonlea, but now wonders if she has missed ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Modern Times

Modern Times


Modern Times - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

When she hears that Angus McCorkadale is turning the cannery into a distillery because he can't sell the property, Hetty decides to buy the property herself sight unseen since her temperance background can't envision Avonlea distilling spirits. Because Jasper hates his banking job (although he doesn't complain about it) and comes up with ideas to modernize production and the overall facility, Olivia proposes to Hetty that she and Jasper run the cannery, Jasper in charge of operations while Olivia would be in charge of marketing and sales. Despite Hetty not trusting them, she agrees in part because of their dire financial situation. But Hetty enlists Gus, who does have canning experience, to work at the cannery as her unofficial spy. Regardless of Jasper's changes in production, he needs to have the employees understand these modern conveniences for them to work properly, which may be easier said than done. And Jasper is not known to be boss material, which he himself would admit. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA | Canada
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HD A Friend in Need

A Friend in Need


A Friend in Need - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Rachel Lynde is called away on an emergency trip to visit her son, William. Rumors spread around town that it is because William has been incarcerated, the story becoming more and more exaggerated with each telling. Davey and Dora Keith are staying at Rose Cottage during Rachel's trip. It's not a good time for Rachel to leave as it's the start of the school year and Davey is getting into his fair share of trouble in skipping school and not doing his school work. Clive Pettibone is even going to recommend to Rachel that Davey be sent to military school to improve both his behavior and his school work. Sara however finds out the true reason behind Davey's delinquency. Another student facing some changes is Izzy Pettibone. She being a tomboy is not unexpected, since she only had male and military based influences while growing up. The military influences are getting stronger as Clive is continually praising son Morgan, who has just joined the army. Izzy, however, is growing into a young ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stranger in the Night

Stranger in the Night


Stranger in the Night - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

The almanac is forecasting a rainstorm through Avonlea, which is bad news for Alec as if so, he will lose his hay crop if he can't harvest it before the rains. Alec is already short of manpower with Felix working at the hotel and Felicity concentrating on her studies. So Alec believes it is providence when a stranger named Caleb Stokes takes refuge from the possible storm in the King's barn. Alec offers Caleb a short term job haying, and lodging in the barn, both which Caleb readily accepts. Although Alec appreciates the hard work and knowledge with which Caleb does his farm work, others are a little more suspicious of the stranger, namely Janet for who the safety of her family is foremost, and Hetty who is just naturally the suspicious type. Caleb is not forthcoming with information about himself, but the Kings can see that he is a man with two sides: he is obviously well read and well educated, yet seems to thrive doing farm work. These opposing aspects raise more questions than ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD The Great Race

The Great Race


The Great Race - EPS 06

IMDb: 6.9
60 min

To raise money to buy new books for the school, the residents of Avonlea are holding a Harvest Fair. People are organizing several fund raisers for the Fair, including sales of home made crafts and food stuffs. Aunt Eliza doesn't understand why the townsfolk don't just take the time and money spent on making these goods and just donate it directly to the school. Regardless, the Fair is taking place. One new event happening this year, organized by Clive the accomplish equestrian, is a cross-country steeplechase race. Regardless of who else from Avonlea enters, he is sure he will win the race. Felix, riding the King's spirited horse Prince, wants to enter the race. With some help from Mr. Tremayne, an accomplished steeplechaser himself, Felix may be able to convince his father to allow him to enter, Alec who had his own thoughts of entering the race riding Prince. Convincing Janet may be another challenge in and of itself. But Felix may change his mind after an incident with Prince. ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Someone to Believe In

Someone to Believe In


Someone to Believe In - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Member of Parliament John Hodgson, who Alec believes will be the next Prime Minister, is stopping by Avonlea on an official visit and will be staying at the White Sands Hotel. It's not a good time for the visit as a cold is going through the area (Mr. Tremayne and Gus being among the many who are currently afflicted), resulting in the hotel being short staffed, which in turn leaves Felix to assume many additional duties. But Felix becomes preoccupied with another guest, namely John's pretty young daughter, Adeline. She likes the attention as she is feeling neglected by her always busy father. While on the island, John is looking for a potential candidate to run for the party locally. He thinks Alec is the perfect choice. Despite never having had political aspirations, Alec thinks about the good he may be able to do for the people of the island as a Member of Parliament. Alec's deliberations ultimately have to take into consideration the rigidity of party politics and what he may deem ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Strictly Melodrama

Strictly Melodrama


Strictly Melodrama - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.3
60 min

Avonlea is hosting the 25th annual edition of the Regional Drama Competition. Despite Avonlea losing the competition for twenty-two years in a row, Hetty is certain Avonlea will win this year. She is so certain that she makes a wager with Eleanor McHugh, who is part of the Carmody team which has won the event for the last five years. However, much of this year's Avonlea team is the as usual team from past losing years, including Hetty as writer/director. One change is the addition of Muriel, now living in Avonlea, as the new leading actress. She was in that role the last time Avonlea won the competition twenty-two years ago. Beyond her as usual responsibility as prompter, Janet wants to be more involved in this year's production. She knows it will be difficult to convince Hetty as Hetty has never respected anything Janet has ever done. Janet goes through a myriad of highs and lows through the production, all based on Hetty's whims. When Muriel is forced to miss the production due ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Thursday's Child

Thursday's Child


Thursday's Child - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

The King family receives some devastating news: Cecily's month long persistent cough is diagnosed as consumption, which the medical profession is commonly calling tuberculosis. Between the two options provided to the Kings by their family doctor, Dr. Snow, Janet and Alec decide to care for Cecily at home rather than sending her away to a sanatorium. Janet in particular feels it is her responsibility to ensure that she provides direct care to Cecily, who she feels, in hindsight, has been their neglected child - the one who never fusses or complains, but as such does not get the attention. Beyond the family's concern for Cecily's health, the townsfolk have a more self-interested concern of having contact with anyone in the King family. Although Simon and Muriel do not believe Felix or Felicity a risk, Simon temporarily relieves Felix of his duties, while Felicity voluntarily resigns. With her free time and on Muriel's advice, Felicity decides to read up on the disease and the care for ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans


Best Laid Plans - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.0
60 min

As penance for a careless accident he caused, Hetty orders Davey (he and Dora who Hetty is looking after for the afternoon) to perform three good deeds. The first is directed toward Jasper. Davey is the cause of yet another accident in Jasper's laboratory, but one that helps Jasper create a new unbreakable ceramic-like material. Olivia thinks that Jasper should patent it and use it for widespread purposes. The only person who Jasper believes could assist financially and with business expertise is his black-sheep cousin Jeremiah Dale - he being the black sheep because he went into business. However Jasper does not want to ask as he has not spoken to Jeremiah in over twenty years since Jeremiah made his life miserable when they were growing up. Looking remarkably similar to each other, Jeremiah used to pretend to be Jasper while wreaking havoc. Without telling Jasper, Olivia decides to ask Jeremiah on Jasper's behalf, a move which doesn't sit well with Jasper. Olivia, Jasper and ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Otherwise Engaged

Otherwise Engaged


Otherwise Engaged - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Certain people in Avonlea are hoping for a progression in romance. Ever since Morgan went away to military school, Izzy has been Clive's singular focus. She feels he needs a wife, and searches through the list of spinster women in Avonlea for a suitable candidate. Izzy sets her sights on either Hetty or Muriel. With an established relationship, Gus and Felicity each have news which could affect their future. Gus has been promoted to Assistant Manager at the White Sands Hotel, meaning that he now has the financial means to ask Felicity to marry him, which meets with Alec's approval. Felicity however has just been accepted into Dalhousie University's medical school in a fast tracked process. Because Gus wants to get married now, whereas Felicity wants to wait until she finishes school - which could be upwards of seven years - Gus and Felicity have to decide what to do about the possibility of a future together. Gus' thoughts are affected by Matt O'Donnell, an old sailor colleague who is... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Enter Prince Charming

Enter Prince Charming


Enter Prince Charming - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

The townsfolk are anticipating the arrival in Avonlea of the new minister, Reverend John Elliot, his wife Viola, and their son Booth. Before the Elliot's arrival, the townsfolk, led by Janet, prepare, including volunteering a reluctant Sara to be ten year old Booth's guide to Avonlea. When the Elliots arrive, the townsfolk learn that Booth is not ten but a late teen. The Elliots, who have most recently done missionary work in Borneo and spent much time in New Orleans, are shaped by their unique experiences. They are self-professed as unconventional: free-thinking and modern. This view on life extends to Booth. Sara is attracted to the exciting Booth, and he to her. The questions become how long will Aunt Hetty tolerate Booth's influence on an impressionable Sara, and how long will the townsfolk tolerate the reverend and his family and their unconventional ways, a potential issue to traditional Avonleaers. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD The Minister's Wife

The Minister's Wife


The Minister's Wife - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.1
60 min

Ever since Sara mentioned her true feelings toward Booth, Hetty is openly supportive of Booth courting Sara. Hetty, however, truly does not trust Booth and does whatever she can to intrude on Booth and Sara whenever they are together. This situation is only a microcosm of the way most Avonlea residents, especially the traditionalists, feel toward the entire Elliot family. The antagonistic feeling of the townsfolk is aimed most specifically toward Viola, who they feel is too flamboyant. It is uncertain how long the town collectively will tolerate the Elliots. The one person who does not have this same opinion and who really does like and want to emulate Viola's zest for life is Janet, who befriends the minister's wife. However, a very public incident makes Janet believe that Viola is hiding a problem. Viola is hiding a problem, but not what Janet believes it to be. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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