Season 01
Season 02
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
The new family of Finsters at home. After reading Cinderella, Angelica tells Chuckie that he may have a mean step mommy.
All Episodes - S07
Angelica turns into the giant creature of the jungle called Angelicon./When Dil's binkie pops out of his mouth, it takes a quick trip around the neighborhood./Chuckie is afraid he'll never be a good big brother.
Angelica realizes she's the only one without a sibling and auditions each of the babies for the role./When the babies see a sleeping Spike having a nightscare, they try to help them through their nightmares./Kimi falls in love with a donkey pinata. Written by Anonymous
Tommy and the babies save Stu from the world's most obstinate pair of shoes. / Tommy and Chuckie wonder what Dil and Spike think about / The babies hear there are going to be falling stars and travel into space.
With Kira and Kimi in his house, Chuckie sees changes everywhere and is sure life as he knew it is over. / Backstage at a magic show, the Rugrats discover real magic. / Lulu babysits the Rugrats at the retirement community.
Phil and Lil hear Lulu ask a hoarse Howard if the cat's got his tongue - they enlist the help of all the babies to hunt down Fluffy. / Tommy attempts to rescue Dil's bottle / Kira and Chas accidentally leave Chuckie feeling like the Odd Baby out. Written by Anonymous
Tommy Pickles and his pint-sized pals discover magic, danger and great comic adventure in a world we often take for granted. Tommy is joined by the twins Phil and Lil DeVille, his best friend Chuckie and Angelica, his three yea
During a visit to Home Wonderland, the babies become convinced an army of potties is after them. / Angelica accidentally breaks Charlotte's cell phone / When Kimi hides Angelica's watch, the Rugrats feel compelled to find it.
Susie tries to make the babies into growed-up kids./Tommy explains life's inside to Dil./When Chuckie fears Kimi's going to be mailed back to Japan, he and the other babies try to make her last day the best possible.