Bollywood Venom

Bollywood Venom

Sam, Rikki and Emma participate in a cultural student exchange program, to celebrate the Hindu feast of light and colors Bollywood-dancing. Having forgotten the paint, Sam must intrude the Bombay host school with Emma, but they face a cobra. Rikki is called to come to their rescue, but without proper instructions he panics and gets locked in alone. Once united, the trio gets stuck in the basement, with a dangerous spider. Harry and Jordan may be a babysitter's worst nightmare at home, as agents A and J they save they day by Internet. Written by KGF Vissers

  • Duration:
  • IMDb: 0



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HD Shark Bait

Shark Bait


Shark Bait - EPS 01

IMDb: 0

Sam Fox, known as the trouble-magnet, has to pass big brother Nathan's though diving exam with his girlfriend Josie, or her father will stop their holiday plans. Sam left studying to the last morning and forgets his notes. Then he's driven off the road and hears help cries from sea, so he dives in despite a poisonous jellyfish warning. It's only a spoiled-rotten ingrate pop starlet, but while she bitches they drift off, she gets stung and he spots a huge tiger shark. Father Kingston isn't even surprised when Sam has to be reported missing, but once rescued by buddy Rikki's team, Sam ends up celebrated a hero and gets a one-off new exam the next day. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Anaconda Ambush

Anaconda Ambush


Anaconda Ambush - EPS 02

IMDb: 0

Sam and Rikki are in Brazilian Amazonia with a local guide, Miguel, to search for a rare 'jaguar lily' orchid. After the canoe tips over, the boys, now alone, are attacked by piranhas and stumble into a deep cave, where a huge anaconda lurks under water. The twins meanwhile 'embark' at home for their imaginary version of Amazon adventure as agents H and J. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Komodo Prey

Komodo Prey


Komodo Prey - EPS 03

IMDb: 0

Sam Fox and his buddy Rikki and mother, photographer Laura Fox, and kid brothers Harry and Jordan, are on Komodo island (Indonesia) to 'shoot' the 'dragon' monitors, the largest lizards on earth, and dangerously poisonous. The knaves expected an easy tour, but when the rascal twins sneak off and find a dragon egg, mother and the guide go look for them. Sam can't just wait for them as Rikki, whose blather is tormenting him since he decided against using the bas camp's all too basic latrine, rushed into the bushes but made a painful fall. By the time Sam reaches him, so does a dragon, who proves a good enough climber to bite Rikki in an ankle. The mates must find a way back and shelter against not just one but several monitors, all smell-tracking a bleeding prey. Water buffaloes initially seen as an additional obstacle actually provide a dirty way out. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Cat Attack

Cat Attack


Cat Attack - EPS 04

IMDb: 0

Sam, his father Kingston, buddy Rikki and kid brother Jason are in Peru, to film jaguars. To unamused boys are ordered to hide in a forest cabin while father follows the native guide, but a jaguar female prefers laying siege on them. Jason gets sick after touching the colorful tree frog he sneakily caught. Rikki is as squeamish after realizing he washed the rascal's hands. After the roof proves not jaguar-proof, the trio must run. While the vomiting duo runs the other way, Sam tries to divert the cat, armed only with a blow dirt rubbed on the frog. When they reach the guide, he makes surprising observations. Back home, Harry, left behind on account of chicken pocks, plays jaguar hunt with his maternally bribed sister. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Taipan Terror

Taipan Terror


Taipan Terror - EPS 05

IMDb: 0

Sam stays quietly home in Emerald Bay (South Australia) for once, but nature still throws trouble his way: a major storm. As it gains strength, buddy Rikki and twin kid brothers Jason and Harry and sister April must help Sam, in charge while parents and big brother Nathan are away, secure the house. The rascals' pet python 'agent P' must be rescued from the shed, but escapes inside, and a deadly poisonous taipan seeks shelter inside. Sam locks everybody safely in the bathroom while he goes snake hunting in his wetsuit, to sabotage their heat seeking, but the power gets cut. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Tiger Shocks

Tiger Shocks


Tiger Shocks - EPS 06

IMDb: 0

Sam and Nathan took buddy Rikki to a most enjoyable cricket game in India, but also drag him along into a tiger reserve. Rikki prefers staying behind in the tent in a safe zone while local guide Raj takes the Fox brothers tiger spotting over a rope bridge. A minor earth tremor wrecks that and separates them from the guide. Sam can't even resist checking up on an animal cry, which proves just what the trouble magnet attracts. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Dingo Danger

Dingo Danger


Dingo Danger - EPS 07

IMDb: 0

Preparing one of his adventurous Aussie tourist routes in the Northern Territory, Nathan discovered a cave. He takes enthusiastic Sam and anxious Rikki along exploring it. Alas it caves in, leaving Nathan trapped with a broken leg. The buddies rush out, past scorpions, to get help, but find their equipment ruined, car battery flat and provisions raided by dingoes, who also fin their trail. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Cobra Combat

Cobra Combat


Cobra Combat - EPS 08

IMDb: 0

Several Foxes partake in the Tanzania-hosted Wildlife Youth Conference. Father Kingston covers the events and lets the rascal twins practice their speech on endangered Australian species in his supposedly safe tent, but it isn't leopard-proof. Sam, Rikki and an English girl arrive on the savanna, where she has an allergic reaction to fire ants. As their ride is expected too late, Sam leaves Rikki with her in a shelter and leaves on foot. Sam bumps into lions, poacher traps and a cobra who spits blinding venom in his face, yet manages to save everyone and free the caught animals. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Lava Charge

Lava Charge


Lava Charge - EPS 09

IMDb: 0

Sam accompanies his mother on a photography assignment on Borneo. Rikki is happy to stay in base camp, even if that means minding the 'scary' baby crocodiles, rather then join Sam and his photography-aspiring brat sister April on a climb with a native guide on the dormant volcano. Alas, it erupts after the guide breaks a clavicle in a friendly race with Sam. The trio seeks shelter of just safety, but even resourceful Sam finds it daunting to deal with wind-turned lava, an overprotective mother crocodile, a poisonous stingray, heating-up sea water and April's petty wining that Sam keeps treating his kid sister 'like a girl'. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Elephant Storm

Elephant Storm


Elephant Storm - EPS 10

IMDb: 0

Uncle Shaun takes Sam to Kenya for a botany assignment on the giant jumbo-jumbo flower with schoolmate Emma. The other Foxes being spread over he world, Rikki minds their residence while doing the Internet research for the assignment, which seems utterly safe, yet feels terrorized by a native wild parrot. Sam meanwhile is exposed to a fall in an old mine shaft, wasps to which he is allergic, stingy nettles and an overprotective mother elephant, who even smashes his phone. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Grizzly Trap

Grizzly Trap


Grizzly Trap - EPS 11

IMDb: 0

Sam and Rikki escort the Fox twins' scouts voyage in the Rocky Mountains. The bus crashes and troop leader Skeet gets wounded, so Sam and Rikki set out to get help trough bear country, while the kids stay safely in the bus. A huge grizzly finds their trail and shows a surprisingly stubborn taste for them, or some smell on them. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Sand Blast

Sand Blast


Sand Blast - EPS 12

IMDb: 0

Father Kingston Fox is in Egypt for his archaeology job. He brought Sam, his student friend Emma, the twins and Ricki along and lets the kids leave with a local guide on a camel trip to a pyramid. A sudden sand storm splits them up. The guide gets Rikki and the twins safely to dad's tent, where they seem safe, and gets Kingston for a rescue search. Rikki ignores that besides the perils of minding the troublesome rascals, a cobra has slithered in. Sam and Emma have fallen into an ancient pit and even when he finally manages to construct a way out, a jackal worries him. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Alligator Swamp

Alligator Swamp


Alligator Swamp - EPS 13

IMDb: 0

For Sam's birthday, Rene takes him and Rikki 'fishing' in the Louisiana bayous. Cajun stories about a voodoo werewolf make Rikki worry about supernatural threats, but the alligators make even Sam regret cockily pushing into the marsh after Rene leaves them alone for an hour to replete supplies. Meanwhile the rest of the Fox family secretly flew to New Orleans to prepare a surprise party, but a tornado alert forces the twins to hide in the cellar with April and nothing better to do then raid the gator-cake. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Spider Bite

Spider Bite


Spider Bite - EPS 14

IMDb: 0

Sam enjoys motor-racing while Rikki shivers at the sight, but has to leave early to keep a fraternal promise. As a birthday treat for kid brother Harry, who has no acrophobia unlike twin Jordan, Nathan prepared a super-long para-style glide ride in the bush forest. Sam enjoys making it together with ecstatic Harry, but suddenly a glitch in the cables gets them stuck. While they climb down, Harry is bitten by a highly toxic black spider. The long walk to the edge, to reach a hospital, proves adventurous and exhausting for Sam, who must carry weakening Harry most of the time while dealing with aggressive boars, shit-pools and a rackety bridge. Jordan suffers sympathetic symptoms at home. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Bollywood Venom

Bollywood Venom


Bollywood Venom - EPS 15

IMDb: 0

Sam, Rikki and Emma participate in a cultural student exchange program, to celebrate the Hindu feast of light and colors Bollywood-dancing. Having forgotten the paint, Sam must intrude the Bombay host school with Emma, but they face a cobra. Rikki is called to come to their rescue, but without proper instructions he panics and gets locked in alone. Once united, the trio gets stuck in the basement, with a dangerous spider. Harry and Jordan may be a babysitter's worst nightmare at home, as agents A and J they save they day by Internet. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Blue Terrors

Blue Terrors


Blue Terrors - EPS 16

IMDb: 0

Sam, Rikki and lover Josie accompany Nathan in search of a new tourist adventure route. While Nathan dives for a sunk ship, Sam's party goes surfing. Rikki is frightened by dolphins, mistaking their fins for killer sharks. On a rocky beach cliff, Josie is stung by a lurking, highly toxic blue octopus. As the cellphone is broken, the party decides to rush out on surfboards, but is tracked down by a white shark. After they reach a cave, Rikki sacrifices his new wetsuit to enable escape. The only hope to get help is Harry and Jordan watching them on video-link over Sam's wrist camera, but April's food bribe distracts them long. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Raging Rhino Run

Raging Rhino Run


Raging Rhino Run - EPS 17

IMDb: 0

Sam and Rikki are in Uganda where father Fox has a mission. A rude female apes specialist is to guide them mountain gorilla watching, but when Rikki falls in the mist, she twists an ankle and is lost. While the boys toil carrying her off on stretcher, they coma across a rhinoceros, who can't resist chasing them on account of Rikki's brightly colored cloths. They finally find shelter in what turns out a poachers shack, and the fiends are coming. Sam must distract and trick both dangers. The twins deal with an ill-matched babysitter girls duo. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Bushfire Rescue

Bushfire Rescue


Bushfire Rescue - EPS 18

IMDb: 0

Sam, Rikki and Josie are in Tasmania, mountain-biking in the bush. Taking a crazy risk, Sam lands on a ledge and accidentally finds a rare Tasmanaian devil juvenile, without the tumors that endanger its species, so valuable for rescue breeding. Rikki must allow his precious brand new backpack to be used as safe container for the dirty beast. A fire suddenly forces them to run for their lives, or drive once they come across a truck. Exhausting after another adventure holiday scouting, Nathan needs sleep, but is in charge of the twins, whose energy is far from running out, they demand big brother to lead them in action. Sam must distract and trick both dangers. The twins deal with an ill-matched babysitter girls duo. Sam's party is chased by a bull until a helicopter passes. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Bear Blitz

Bear Blitz


Bear Blitz - EPS 19

IMDb: 0

Sam accompanies Rikki to his 'ancestral' Norway, where it's there last day to see the Aurora Borealis. Rikki is hell-bent on a family tradition, eating a smelly herring dish in the Northern Lights. Sam even finds him unwilling to part with it when the stench makes them an easily traceable target for a huge bear, which they woke from hibernation seeking shelter during a blizzard. Back home, father Fox seizes the twins' annoyance over a power cut to prove them that old-fashioned story telling, actually steered by their fertile Dino-imagination, can be even more entertaining then the Internet and gaming. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Croc Fever

Croc Fever


Croc Fever - EPS 20

IMDb: 0

Sam got a terrible cold after a wet Tasmanian adventure, runs a fever and needs bed rest, even hallucinating. Rikki volunteers as orderly and even resolves to make chicken soup, which means facing has avian phobia in more ways then in his nightmares. Resting alone with the twins, Sam gets used to ignoring nightmarish monster visions and their pranks along those lines. So even after baby crocodiles turn up at home, as soon turns out due to floods, likely to cut off Rikki, Sam assumes the twins just play another trick when they sound crocodile alert, but it's really a giant 'salty' mother. Sam must distract her by returning the babies without any Fox or Rikki becoming crocodile meals. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Australia
Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Rattle Rush

Rattle Rush


Rattle Rush - EPS 21

IMDb: 0

Sam and Josie accompany Nathan, as test tourists, on his projected adventure tour in Baja California. A tremor shakes the cave they're exploring, during which blackening Nathan appears bitten by a rattle snake, but was actually scorpion-stung. Outside, they get lost and Sam must lure away a hungry puma. Rikki chose to stay home for a quiet time, but is turned away as 'too boring( by the twins, so he volunteers as father Kingston Fox's assistant to write an article on shark diving, unaware what risks that actually entails. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Bird Chaos

Bird Chaos


Bird Chaos - EPS 22

IMDb: 0

Sam, Rikki and Josie enjoy a trip in their own Aussie countryside. Rikki incurs another phobia when told that even the innocent-looking platypus is dangerously toxic and discovers and dams a dump of leaking barrels, bond to contaminate the river. Sam leaves the others camping on site and sets out for help, but is constantly persecuted by the cassowary bird, whose huge talons frighten even him. During a rainstorm, he's pinned down in a cave, only to see the cassowary chased by a deadly snake creeping over Sam. While the others deal with leeches, Sam reaches a dog-guarded empty farm and sees the barrels drifting in. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Monkey Business

Monkey Business


Monkey Business - EPS 23

IMDb: 0

Sam and Rikki are in Thailand on mother Fox's photography assignment, but get lost in the jungle after 'scary' bats chase Rikki from a cave. While they shoot pictures of cheeky monkeys, those steal Rikki's cellphone and Sam is stung by a giant centipede, so poor Rikki must administer a scary injection and get his weakening mate to hospital fast. Rikki even faces a crocodile. Back home, father Fox is occupied with a crucial conservation campaign, but Harry and Jordan, as agents A and J, save the day locating Rikki's phone by Internet. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD The North Pole

The North Pole


The North Pole - EPS 24

IMDb: 0

Sam and Rikki are in Alaska, where local native guide Jacob promises them a relaxed holiday finale, a treat to Rikki's safe taste: ice fishing in a cabin on a frozen lake. Trouble magnet Sam however gets a surprise visit from the largest land predator: a polar bear, too strong to be kept out by thin wooden walls. The boys must distract it and run to safety, but again come face to face with the wild half-wolf they already came across before. Back home, rascal twins Harry and Jordan are hell-bent to observe the passing comet from they beach, so they plan to escape their babysitter as agents A and J, but run into unexpected problems. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Panther Pursuit

Panther Pursuit


Panther Pursuit - EPS 25

IMDb: 0

Sam, Bigfoot-believer Rikki and Nathan are in Washington state. They find exhausted Mr. parker, who turns out to be the pilot of a crashed airplane, and wines about losing his 'black prince'. After a horrible meeting with a skunk and stingy nettles, indomitable Sam finds the wreck and discovers it's not an escaped horse but an adorable, yet feisty panther cub. The others agree to stay with Parker while Sam rushes the cub to civilization, but the journey proves daunting even by his standards, facing a bear and a bush fire which also closes in on the trio in the camp. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD Monster Madness

Monster Madness


Monster Madness - EPS 26

IMDb: 0

Sam and Rikki, Josie and her English buddy Emma are in Souther Australia for a sheep farm experience. After the course, the boys on cross motorcycles, the girls on horseback and their buckaroo host's trusted sheepdog Rusty are to drive a herd a single day. Trouble magnet Sam laughed hardest at Rikki for being scared by campfire monster stories, but at night, they are attacked by a sweet-tooth wild boar. In the morning, Rikki walks into a brutal steal trap, the girls follow a lamb into a dug trap and Rusty is bitten by a deadly snake. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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