Season 01
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Season 11
Malcolm Turnbull's donation to the Liberal Party, Free Enterprise foundation, and Parakeelia. Shaun asks Lionel Richie, Personal Assistant to the Cabinet Secretary, about Tony Abbott becoming a Minister. Vice Rear Cabin Boy Bobo Gargle comments the suggestion to sail and fly over areas of the South China Sea. Bennett Marco, Spokesperson for the People's Republic of China and former US Infantry Sergeant, answers why China won't accept the decision of The Hague. Then, The Kraken and China's mythological creature are summoned. Promo for New Series of Midsomer Murders. Your Liberals Joachima Spinefex, Kate Bush, and Oscar Pelmet-Curtain tell how they felt when Eric Abetz was a no-show. Moby Dilweed, Spokesperson for Eric Abetz' management, speaks for Eric. Matthew Harrison Brady, Former Queensland Senator and One Nation Adviser, is a climate skeptic. Ian Orbspider, Professor of Pedantics at Box Hill Tafe, explains that things are capable of existing without scientific proof. Lois Price, Mad... Written by imoth
All Episodes - S06
To raise money for charity the San Antonio Spurs basketball team is miniaturised, injected into Iggy Pop's head and given just 60 minutes to find five living brain cells which it can challenge to a game of 'hoops'.
Thriller in which a man wakes to discover that his left kidney has been removed and replaced with a nuclear bomb set to go off at 1800 hours, exactly when he's supposed to be at his son's school concert.
During a sudden moon storm, a space baker is abandoned by his fellow astronauts. Talking to himself so we understand what he's thinking, the space baker must ration a single sachet of yeast to survive.
Shaun looks at differences between Bill Shorten and Malcolm Turnbull, and wonders if they should learn from Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte. Professor Ian Orbspider tries to explain the economic black hole. Darius Horsham, Finance Minister Spokesborg, denies that Mathias Cormann sounds like Schwarzenegger. Shaun talks to Sgt Deputy Commissioner Max Payne about intimidation tactics. Senate voting rules instructional video. MAH Political Marketing Expert, Marty Goldsmooth shows party logos. Gareth McTrubador, Sydney Exhibition Centre Janitor, explains trickle down economics. Shaun tries to ask Vana Carpathian, Australian Banking Association Spokesteller, and later Leezle, whether services or prices will worsen. Fairfax Bureau Bottom Drawer, Cardamom Pye explains their new strategy, and Chris Lorax, Graphics Sub-Editor of Daily Telegraph, tells Shaun how News Corp saves money. Both take Shaun's critique harshly. Andrew Bolt segment. Fart McKaskill reports about problems free range causes. ... Written by imoth
Shaun thinks Malcolm Turnbull has a tell. Also, Bill Shorten is shown talking about Rugby, and other politicians talking about policy issues that they do not know. Shaun talks about a few micro parties, and chats with representatives of two anti-halal parties, Jasper Zelwegger, from Party for Freedom, and with Joachim Spinefex, from the Anti-Halal Intolerant Collective. A promo of ABC's Too Cleverman By Half, a dystopian fiction. Dragon O'Hennessy, a former Woolworths Buyer, talks about the laundry detergent cartel. Jelly Cannister reveals stealing Pyne and Xenophon posters. Bison Jugular, Government Environmental Spokesperson, explains why Australia did not want the UNESCO report to cover the coral reefs. Derica Boing reports from Queensland about the volatile electorate. Lois Price reports from a helicopter. Written by imoth
Social Media vs. Traditional Media in the Australian election. Professor Ian Orbspider talks about time travel and Labor's campaign launch. Balanda Crumpett, Adviser to the Prime Minister, explains their tax cuts change of heart. Taylor Swift Impersonator, Chi-Chi Mozilla, compares Labor's plan and Taylor Swift's Album, and talks about using Taylor Swift in the campaign. Mike Svengali, an undecided voter, talks about negative gearing. Promo for ABC's Too Cleverman 0.5. Crane Girdle, a UFO enthusiast, talks about different aliens. Chunketta Tongue, an Abattoir Administrator, explains why she uses Meldonium. Rear Vice-Admiral Bobo Gargle talks about appearing in uniform, and releases The Kraken. Promo of ABC's Howard on Menzies (literally): John Howard talks about Menzies taking Australia to Vietnam War, and his experiences with drugs. Bishop Straightman talks about Cardinal George Pell's birthday, but is interrupted by Cardinal Nosey. Written by imoth
Shaun talks to an audience member (Mr. Wignall) why he pre-poll voted. Coriander Tuesday, a Greens Spokesgollum, tells how Greens chose their preference. Dolly Norman, Chief of Staff for the Jacqui Lambie Network, talks to Shaun. ABC promo for Enid Swink. Caspar Jonquil's rant. Promo for ABC's Howard on Menzies (literally): John Howard talks about events after Robert Menzies' funeral. In Shaun Micallef - Kingmaker, Shaun introduces Bert van Manen. Wisdom of the Elders: Bill Duthie talks to Francis. Written by imoth
Shaun talks to Adele Computer, CEO of Live Animal Export Freedom Quality Niceness Board. A reporter with a tremor tries to report from Armidale. A kid holds a press conference about using kids as props. Shaun talks to Syncopated Rhythms from the Labor campaign office and Pedro Wilson from the Liberal campaign office about scare campaigns. Rear Vice-Admiral Bobo Gargle gives extra details about a Vietnamese vessel, and releases Dolly Norman and The Kraken. Chris Lorax, the Head of Appalling Puns for News Corp, talks to Shaun about their Bill Shorten pun. Next, Kaz Taunt, Health Minister Spokesmodel, promotes private insurance options. Palmer United disappearing. Pop Culture Enthusiast, Crane Girdle talks about pop culture references. Taffy Runway, Quietly Spokesperson for the Greens, and Garfield Delmore, a struggling artist, talk to Shaun about what is art. Segment about Same Gender Marriage and Scott Morrison's comments. Shaun ends the episode with a song. Written by imoth
Previously on Mad as Hell. Shaun talks to Madonna Flan, the Host of Canberra Crawlspace about the election. Sir Bobo Gargle joins Shaun, but is not needed, and leaves with The Kraken. Next, Shaun talks to Minotaura Baklava, Chief of Staff for Nick Xenophon, and Tony Succumber, Spokesperson for Rebekha Sharkie about how much Rebekha owes to Nick Xenophon. Director of Communication for Pauline Hanson's One Nation, Caspar Jonquil, joins Shaun next, followed by Jelly Cannister from the Christopher Pyne Fan Club. Also, Mad as Hell Political Scientist, Lois Price reports from the helicopter. Then, Shaun talks to Mathius Cormann's spokesperson, Darius Horsham. Promo for ABC's Shauno: God's Clown, where Shaun Micallef is played by Stephen Hall. Brexit segment. In News from Countries That Aren't Australia, Shaun talks to Bruno Schneider, host of Mad as Hell sister program from Germany. He is joined by the Ghost of Adolf Hitler, Conchita Wurst, Augustus Gloop (from Willy Wonka and Chocolate ... Written by imoth
Malcolm Turnbull's donation to the Liberal Party, Free Enterprise foundation, and Parakeelia. Shaun asks Lionel Richie, Personal Assistant to the Cabinet Secretary, about Tony Abbott becoming a Minister. Vice Rear Cabin Boy Bobo Gargle comments the suggestion to sail and fly over areas of the South China Sea. Bennett Marco, Spokesperson for the People's Republic of China and former US Infantry Sergeant, answers why China won't accept the decision of The Hague. Then, The Kraken and China's mythological creature are summoned. Promo for New Series of Midsomer Murders. Your Liberals Joachima Spinefex, Kate Bush, and Oscar Pelmet-Curtain tell how they felt when Eric Abetz was a no-show. Moby Dilweed, Spokesperson for Eric Abetz' management, speaks for Eric. Matthew Harrison Brady, Former Queensland Senator and One Nation Adviser, is a climate skeptic. Ian Orbspider, Professor of Pedantics at Box Hill Tafe, explains that things are capable of existing without scientific proof. Lois Price, Mad... Written by imoth
Trapped underground, three miners keep their spirits up by playing songs to each other on harps. In a twist ending, it turns out the miners have been dead all along and they're actually trapped underground in heaven.