Season 13

Snowball Effect/One Krabs Trash

Snowball Effect/One Krabs Trash

Snowball Effect: When it snows in Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob and Patrick go out in the snow and play in their snow forts etc... They make a racket and Squidward complains. Squidward makes fun of them for playing in the snow. To show Squidward how much fun the snow can be, SpongeBob and Patrick throw a snowball at him. One thing leads to another and soon Squidward is involved in an all out snow war with SpongeBob and Patrick. Squidward takes it too far and goes crazy playing in the snow. One Krabs Trash: When Mr. Krabs has a garage sale and tries to peddle off everyone's trash as priceless heirlooms, he ends up selling to Spongebob a novelty soda drink hat, which to Mr. Krabs's surprise turns out to be the most sought after piece of merchandise in Bikini Bottom. Convinced Spongebob knew all along how much the hat was worth, a desperate Mr. Krabs attempts to scam the hat back from Spongebob. When Mr. Krabs finally succeeds in getting the hat back, an entire warehouse full of the hats is ... Written by NAS



All Episodes - S03

Parent Show

HD The Algae's Always Greener/SpongeGuard on Duty

The Algae's Always Greener/SpongeGuard on Duty


The Algae's Always Greener/SpongeGuard on Duty - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.9
24 min

The Algae's Always Greener: Plankton has a new invention that allows him to switch lives with Mr. Krabs. He is so excited because once he has Mr. Krabs life, he will also have the Krabby Patty secret formula. He uses it and at the Krusty Krab is immediately assaulted with all of the headaches of running a business, managing SpongeBob and Squidward - not to mention being a father to a demanding teenage daughter. To make matters worse, Mr. Krabs has now turned into him and is continuously trying to steal his secret formula. Plankton is driven crazy and before he can steal the formula, he switches back. It's more fun to try and steal the formula than lead Mr. Krabs crazy life. SpongeGuard on Duty: When Larry the Lobster is short one man for lifeguard duty, SpongeBob volunteers. Larry describes all the perks of the jobs: tanning, the chair, the whistle, the attention. What SpongeBob doesn't get is that you have to be able to swim. SpongeBob takes the job and spends all his energy trying ... Written by NAS

Watch Episode
HD Club SpongeBob/My Pretty Seahorse

Club SpongeBob/My Pretty Seahorse


Club SpongeBob/My Pretty Seahorse - EPS 02

IMDb: 9.1
25 min

Club SpongeBob: SpongeBob and Patrick build a small clubhouse in a tree and get inside. When Squidward happens by they tell him he can't join the club because he wouldn't fit in. Pissed, Squidward insists on joining the club. He climbs the tree and gets inside. The three of them are squeezed inside a tiny space-SpongeBob and Patrick literally meant that Squidward wouldn't fit in. SpongeBob and Patrick then invite Squidward to join the club, but now he refuses. While trying to escape, they accidentally launch themselves out into the woods. They are lost. SpongeBob and Patrick consult their magic ball for directions while Squidward tries to make it home on his own. Squidward marches in circles while SpongeBob and Patrick wait leisurely for the magic ball's instructions. In the end, Squidward is driven crazy and joins their club just to get out of the woods alive. My Pretty Seahorse: SpongeBob finds a stray sea horse and adopts it. When it comes time to go to work, SpongeBob can't bear ... Written by NAS

Watch Episode
HD Just One Bite/The Bully

Just One Bite/The Bully


Just One Bite/The Bully - EPS 03

IMDb: 9.1
12 min

Just One Bite: When SpongeBob learns that Squidward has never actually tried a Krabby Patty, he becomes obsessed with the idea that Squidward must try it. He badgers Squidward until he gives in. When Squidward takes a bite, he pretends to hate the patty, but secretly he loves it. Alone, he craves another bite, but doesn't want SpongeBob to know. In the end, he sneaks into the Krusty Krab late at night, stuffs his face with patties only to be caught in the act by SpongeBob. The Bully: There is a new bully in boating school named Flats who threatens to beat SpongeBob up after school. SpongeBob is terrified and tries to get help, but everyone is under Flats terror hold already. When the moment of truth comes, Flats throws a punch and falls on his face. SpongeBob realizes there was nothing ever to be scared of in the beginning. Written by NAS

Watch Episode
HD Nasty Patty/Idiot Box

Nasty Patty/Idiot Box


Nasty Patty/Idiot Box - EPS 04

IMDb: 9.5
13 min

Nasty Patty: When the heath inspector comes to the Krusty Krab, Mr. Krabs tries to get the joint up to code. A passing stranger falls asleep and Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob become convinced that he is the health inspector and they have killed him with a spoiled Krabby Patty. They try to hide the body when the cops show up. In the end, the real inspector shows up and they're off the hook. Idiot Box: When a large screen TV is delivered to SpongeBob and Patrick, they throw the TV out and keep the box. Squidward thinks they are idiots and asks to keep the TV. They say sure. As Squidward is watching his new TV though, he keeps hearing noises from inside the box. He keeps going outside to investigate, but each time he finds SpongeBob and Patrick just sitting in the box. SpongeBob and Patrick explain to him that they are using their imagination, but Squidward doesn't buy it. Eventually he climbs into the box himself only to be carted off to the city dump. Written by NAS

Watch Episode
HD Mermaidman and Barnacleboy IV/Doing Time

Mermaidman and Barnacleboy IV/Doing Time


Mermaidman and Barnacleboy IV/Doing Time - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.8
24 min

Mermaidman and Barnacleboy IV: Mermaidman and Barnacleboy are eating at the Krusty Krab when Mermaidman accidentally drops his utility belt. SpongeBob finds the belt and can't resist it. He takes it home and tries it on. He plays being Mermaidman for a while and starts touching the buttons. When Patrick comes over he accidentally shrinks him with his laser-shrinking button. When Squidward hears the noise and comes to complain, SpongeBob accidentally shrinks him too. Panicked, he ends up shrinking all of Bikini Bottom. Embarrassed, he has no choice but to go to Mermaidman, confess that he played with the belt and shrank everyone. At least he'll know which button makes everyone big again. But Mermaidman can't remember so SpongeBob ends up shrinking the whole town so everything seems back to normal. Doing Time: During a boating lesson with Mrs. Puff, SpongeBob loses control of his boat and crashes it into a juice truck and a senior citizens home. Mrs. Puff confesses that she is ... Written by NAS

Watch Episode
HD Snowball Effect/One Krabs Trash

Snowball Effect/One Krabs Trash


Snowball Effect/One Krabs Trash - EPS 06

IMDb: 9.2
13 min

Snowball Effect: When it snows in Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob and Patrick go out in the snow and play in their snow forts etc... They make a racket and Squidward complains. Squidward makes fun of them for playing in the snow. To show Squidward how much fun the snow can be, SpongeBob and Patrick throw a snowball at him. One thing leads to another and soon Squidward is involved in an all out snow war with SpongeBob and Patrick. Squidward takes it too far and goes crazy playing in the snow. One Krabs Trash: When Mr. Krabs has a garage sale and tries to peddle off everyone's trash as priceless heirlooms, he ends up selling to Spongebob a novelty soda drink hat, which to Mr. Krabs's surprise turns out to be the most sought after piece of merchandise in Bikini Bottom. Convinced Spongebob knew all along how much the hat was worth, a desperate Mr. Krabs attempts to scam the hat back from Spongebob. When Mr. Krabs finally succeeds in getting the hat back, an entire warehouse full of the hats is ... Written by NAS

Watch Episode
HD As Seen on TV/Can You Spare a Dime?

As Seen on TV/Can You Spare a Dime?


As Seen on TV/Can You Spare a Dime? - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.9
13 min

As Seen on TV: Krabs makes a low budget commercial and SpongeBob is in it for one second. After the commercial airs once at three in the morning, a blind man recognizes SpongeBob. SpongeBob's head blows up and he tells Mr. Krabs that he is going to have to quit the Krusty Krab now that he's a big famous star. Spongebob is convinced that his public needs him. When his public demands that they see him frying Krabby Patties, SpongeBob doesn't think he's anyone to deny them. He ends up cooking patties just like he always has. Can You Spare a Dime?: Squidward is fed up with Mr. Krab's insults and he quits, bragging about how easy it will be to find another job. But of course, it's not and Squidward falls upon hard times. He goes though all his savings and is dirt poor. Having no where else to turn, he asks SpongeBob if he can crash at the Pineapple for awhile, just until he gets back on his feet. SpongeBob's heart goes out to him, but soon Squidward takes advantage of SpongeBob's ... Written by NAS

Watch Episode
HD No Weenies Allowed/Squilliam Returns

No Weenies Allowed/Squilliam Returns


No Weenies Allowed/Squilliam Returns - EPS 08

IMDb: 9.1
25 min

No Weenies Allowed: SpongeBob and Sandy are enjoying a day at the beach when they come across the Salty Spitoon, a rough and tumble hangout for real rugged folk. Sandy makes it through the bouncer, but SpongeBob is left outside. He then tries repeatedly to prove to the bouncer that he's tough enough to hang out with that crowd. Eventually he makes it inside, only to get hurt, and realizes its OK to just be himself. Squilliam Returns: Squidward's arch nemesis, Squilliam, has returned to harass Squidward on his failed life since high school. Squidward lies and tells him that he actually owns a five star restaurant. Squilliam invites himself and a group of people to eat dinner there that night. After Squidward convinced Mr. Krabs to let him run the Krusty Krab for the evening, (Squilliam is, after all, filthy rich, which is music to Mr. K's wallet) He attempts to turn the Krusty Krab into a fine dining establishment. All attempts fail until he gives SpongeBob a manual on fine dining and ... Written by NAS

Watch Episode
HD Krab Borg/Rock-a-Bye Bivalve

Krab Borg/Rock-a-Bye Bivalve


Krab Borg/Rock-a-Bye Bivalve - EPS 09

IMDb: 9.0
25 min

Krab Borg: SpongeBob stays up late one night watching a sci-fi film where robots take over the world. He comes to work paranoid and Squidward scoffs at him. Through a series of wild coincidences, SpongeBob gets it in his head that Mr. Krabs is a robot and convinces Squidward the same thing, too. In a paranoid fit, SpongeBob and Squidward tie up Mr. Krabs and interrogate him as to where he has put the real Mr. Krabs. Mr. Krabs tries to convince him that it is him, but Squidward and SpongeBob are too deeply involved in the fantasy and abuse Mr. Krabs in order to get the information. In the end, Squidward asks SpongeBob how the movie ended. SpongeBob confesses that in the end of the movie, the robot wasn't a robot after all but a real person. Mr. Krabs yells I told you so. SpongeBob splits and Squidward is left taking the blame for it all. Rock-a-Bye Bivalve: SpongeBob and Patrick find an abandoned baby clam and decided to rear the child as their own. SpongeBob takes on the role of ... Written by NAS

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HD Wet Painters/Krusty Krab Training Video

Wet Painters/Krusty Krab Training Video


Wet Painters/Krusty Krab Training Video - EPS 10

IMDb: 9.5
13 min

Wet Painters: SpongeBob and Patrick are wreaking havoc on the Krusty Krab, so Mr. Krabs decides to give them a little busy work. He tells them to paint his living room, and gives them permanent paint. Very permanent. So permanent that he threatens to hang their butts over his mantle if they get it on anything. They manage to paint the entire room, covered in knick-knacks, without a drop anywhere...until they see a tiny, microscopic speck on Mr. Krabs' framed and prized first dollar! Their efforts to remove the paint only wreck precious dollar all the more. When Mr. Krabs comes home and finds it, he laughs; telling them the paint comes off with saliva. He licks the dollar and it's good as new. He laughs so hard at their fear of his wrath that he spits all over the room, and the paint drips off of all the walls. Krusty Krab Training Video: The excitement! You are now a member of the official Krusty Krab crew! In this informative episode, you will learn all of the attributes necessary to... Written by NAS

Country: USA
Watch Episode
HD SpongeBob's House Party (Party Pooper Pants)

SpongeBob's House Party (Party Pooper Pants)


SpongeBob's House Party (Party Pooper Pants) - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.2
24 min

SpongeBob's House Party: SpongeBob, while grocery shopping, discovers a how to throw a party kit. He decides to throw a big party and invites everyone he's ever known. Unfortunately for his guests, SpongeBob plans everything right down to the minute, sapping all the fun from his party. When he gets accidentally locked outside, the real party begins, but SpongeBob freaks out thinking that his planning isn't being followed. He spends the rest of the episode trying to get back inside his house and failing. When his guests leave the next morning, they tell him what a great party it was. Written by NAS

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HD Chocolate with Nuts/Mermaidman and Barnacleboy V

Chocolate with Nuts/Mermaidman and Barnacleboy V


Chocolate with Nuts/Mermaidman and Barnacleboy V - EPS 12

IMDb: 9.6
13 min

Chocolate with Nuts: SpongeBob and Patrick want to make some extra cash so they decide to sell chocolate bars door to door. They have no luck at first. In fact, they end up buying more stuff than selling stuff. That is, until they start lying to sell the chocolate. They claim it saves lives etc.. Their lies become more and more outrageous, but they have almost sold every last bar of candy. Eventually, they come upon a door and the guy inside is a better liar than they are and he ends up selling them back all the chocolate bars they sold. Bummed out they are about to quit when a crazy man who has been chasing them on and off the whole episode, corners them and buys all their chocolate bars. SpongeBob and Patrick are thrilled. Now they have a ton of money. They go to the Barg-N-Mart and buy a box of chocolate bars to celebrate. Mermaidman and Barnacleboy V: Mermaidman and Barnacleboy are visiting the Krusty Krab, and they get into an argument about whether or not Barnacleboy should be ... Written by NAS

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HD New Student Starfish/Clams

New Student Starfish/Clams


New Student Starfish/Clams - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.8
25 min

New Student Starfish: It's another day of boating school for SpongeBob, and this time, Patrick wants to come along too. Patrick becomes the new student in SpongeBob's class, and from his introduction, begins getting SpongeBob in trouble. Every time Patrick does something wrong, it appears that SpongeBob has done it. In retaliation, Mrs. Puff takes gold stars off of SpongeBob's Good Noodle chart. Spongebob begins to seriously resent Patrick, to the point where the two of them fight and end up in detention. In the process, the light bulb keeping the class science project egg, Roger, alive, burns out. Patrick and SpongeBob have to put aside their differences and work together to save Roger. Clams: It's another day at the Krusty Krab when a random customer provides Mr. Krabs of his one millionth dollar! To celebrate, he takes SpongeBob and Squidward on a clam fishing trip. An over eager SpongeBob accidentally hooks the dollar with his fishing line and throws it out into the water - ... Written by NAS

Watch Episode
HD SpongeBob B.C. (Before Comedy) (Ugh)

SpongeBob B.C. (Before Comedy) (Ugh)


SpongeBob B.C. (Before Comedy) (Ugh) - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.5
24 min

SpongeBob B.C. (UGH): It is prehistoric Bikini Bottom, and we spend a day in the life of SpongeGar, Patar, and Squog. (Sponge, Pat, and Squidward's prehistoric alter-egos.) Thanks to the magic of an underwater thunderstorm, our three Neanderthal friends discover fire. After gorging themselves on barbecued-everything-they-could-find, the battle for who should control the fire ensues. Much scrambling and trickery results in the fire being extinguished, and the three cave neighbors go on about their days. Written by NAS

Watch Episode
HD The Great Snail Race/Mid-Life Crustacean

The Great Snail Race/Mid-Life Crustacean


The Great Snail Race/Mid-Life Crustacean - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.7
25 min

The Great Snail Race: Squidward gets a pure-bread snail, Snelle, and decides to race her in the snail races. SpongeBob becomes competitive and enters Gary, coaching him to the point of exhaustion. At the races, Gary fizzles out, and Snelle comes to his aid, proving that it's not winning, it's about caring. The race trophy is given to Patrick's race entry - a rock. Mid-Life Crustacean: Mr. Krabs realizes that he is getting old. He's not so hip anymore. He overhears Patrick and SpongeBob hyping up a big night out that they're planning and figures that would be a good way to get hip again. He asks the guys if he can come along on their wild night on the town. They show Mr. Krabs a great(?) time...They hit the Laundromat, pick up trash under the highway, and stop at a kids' amusement restaurant. Mr. Krabs realizes that younger or not - they are not any hipper than he is. He tries to leave, but Patrick convinces him to go on their last big event of the night - a panty raid. Finally they're... Written by NAS

Watch Episode
HD Born Again Krabs/I Had an Accident

Born Again Krabs/I Had an Accident


Born Again Krabs/I Had an Accident - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.8
13 min

Born Again Krabs: Mr. Krabs refuses to let SpongeBob throw away a moldy Krabby Patty that was festering under the grill. He tries to pawn it off on customers to save the fifty-two cents he would have lost if he threw the patty away. No-one will eat it. Finally, to demonstrate it's still good, Mr. Krabs takes a bite...and ends up hospitalized for food poisoning. The Flying Dutchman comes to take his soul, but Mr. Krabs strikes a bargain with him - let him return to life and prove he's not cheap, and if he fails, he will spend eternity in Davey Jones' locker. I Had an Accident: SpongeBob, while sand sledding, breaks his butt! Paranoid for his own safety he becomes a hermit and cloisters himself in his house. Sandy and Patrick do all they can to try and get him to come out, but to no avail. Finally, Sandy pretends she is being attacked by a gorilla, played by Patrick in a gorilla suit. Written by NAS (edited by another user)

Watch Episode
HD Krabby Land/The Camping Episode

Krabby Land/The Camping Episode


Krabby Land/The Camping Episode - EPS 17

IMDb: 9.0
13 min

Krabby Land: It's summer break, and Mr. Krabs wants to squeeze every penny out of the children who are out of school. He take a pile of rusty old junk and concocts a playground of sorts, and promises them that if they pay to play and eat Krabby Patties, Krabby the Klown will appear to entertain them. He leaves SpongeBob in charge while he goes to count all the money. Mayhem ensues. SpongeBob and the kids are told that Krabby the Klown is finally here! They rush inside to find Mr. Krabs doing a quick and lousy clown imitation with a tomato on his nose. The kids revolt and get their money back, and Mr. Krabs is forced to eat a truckload of lima beans as punishment. The Camping Episode: SpongeBob and Patrick decide to go the back yard. Squidward comes out to tell them to be quiet, but takes their innocent have fun inside the house comment as a challenge. He sets up camp, and they end up having fun singing a campfire song. But when Squidward starts playing his clarinet ... Written by NAS

Watch Episode
HD Missing Identity/Plankton's Army

Missing Identity/Plankton's Army


Missing Identity/Plankton's Army - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.8
13 min

Missing Identity: SpongeBob has lost his name tag! He has no idea where it has gone. He retraces all of his steps, with help from Patrick, but to no avail. His mind and day rapidly deteriorating, he continues to search desperately until, miraculously, Patrick spots the missing identification. SpongeBob has accidentally gone the entire day...with his shirt on backwards. Plankton's Army: It is the 25th anniversary of Plankton's first attempt to steal the Krabby Patty Secret Formula. The entire Krusty Krab crew is on its guard, and foils Plankton at every turn. Plankton, defeated, decides to enlist the help of all of his plankton relatives - all millions of them. They storm the Krusty Krab and take Mr. Krabs by surprise, and finally manage to get the secret formula. But when Plankton gets to the most secret ingredient, he runs screaming, as does his army. The secret ingredient (in this decoy formula that Mr. Krabs set up) was a pound of fresh ground plankton! Written by NAS

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HD Lost Episode (The Sponge Who Could Fly)

Lost Episode (The Sponge Who Could Fly)


Lost Episode (The Sponge Who Could Fly) - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.3
24 min

Lost Episode (The Sponge Who Could Fly): SpongeBob is jellyfishing when he wistfully realizes that he wants to fly with the jellyfish. He proceeds to come up with numerous ways to fly. He and Patrick try everything from constructing a plane to tying SpongeBob to a kite. All of his efforts are fruitless, and he decided to give up. Then, miraculously, he tucks his hair dryer into his pants while he answers the phone, and his pants inflate. He can fly! He uses his gift to fly around town and help people. But the residents of Bikini Bottom get greedy and demand more and more of his time. He realizes that he never wanted the responsibility of being a hero, he just wanted to fly with the jellyfish. His magical pants are destroyed in an attack by the residents, but the jellyfish come to his aid, and he finally gets to fly among them. This episode features a plethora of musical numbers. Written by NAS

Watch Episode
HD SpongeBob Meets the Strangler/Pranks a Lot

SpongeBob Meets the Strangler/Pranks a Lot


SpongeBob Meets the Strangler/Pranks a Lot - EPS 20

IMDb: 9.1
14 min

SpongeBob Meets the Strangler: SpongeBob catches someone littering and turns him in to the police - but it's the Tattletale Strangler! The Strangler escapes custody and disguises himself as SpongeBob's bodyguard, all the while looking for a moment to strangle him. But SpongeBob leads a busy life, and the strangler grows weary. After finally revealing his true identity to SpongeBob, a random chain of events lands him in jail, and SpongeBob is safe. Pranks a Lot: SpongeBob and Patrick invest in some magic invisible spray at the local prank shop. They strip down and spray themselves - the stuff really works! They go on a major pranking spree, hitting just about everyone in town and getting away with it. It's finally Mr. Krabs that figures them out and he puts a floodlight on them for the whole town to see. Suddenly the joke is on Patrick and SpongeBob-they have no clothes on! Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 25

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 26

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 27

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 28

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 29

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 30

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 31

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 32

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 33

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 34

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 35

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 36

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 37

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 38

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 39

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants - EPS 40

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world. Written by Nickelodeon

Country: USA
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