

It's the time of the The Bajoran Gratitude Festival and presider Kira is making preparations. She's expecting Vedek Bareil and chief O'Brien is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his wife and daughter. Odo is less happy. He had hoped to spend the festival with Kira, Jake is experiencing love sickness. His girlfriend Mardah left for an university 300 light years away. When Bareil and O'Brien's family arrive, the Betazoid ambassador Lwaxana Troi is also in their shuttle. She has one goal: start a romantic relationship with Odo. When the festival starts some more unusual attractions pop up; Jake suddenly falls in love with Kira and Bareil abandons Kira to pursue Dax. Meanwhile O'Brien's love life isn't too well. The two days he has to spent with Keiko start off on the wrong foot. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)



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HD The Search: Part 1

The Search: Part 1


The Search: Part 1 - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.4
46 min

The crew of the station is preparing for an expected attack of the Jem'Hadar, but the prognosis are not looking good. Within two hours, the station will be taken over. Suddenly a cloaked ship is detected very close to the station. They are being hailed by captain Sisko. He's on board of the Defiant, a prototype of a new class of starships, a warship specifically designed to fight the Borg. The ship is flawed, but equipped with cloaking technology borrowed from the Romulans. Sisko and Starfleet's idea is not to wait for the Jem'Hadar to attack, but to penetrate into the Dominion's territory to in order to locate the Founders, and try to solve matters diplomatically. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD The Search: Part 2

The Search: Part 2


The Search: Part 2 - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Odo has found his home on a rogue planet in the Omarion nebulae. A female shapeshifter tells they were once a race of explorers, that was always rejected by the 'solids', the ordinary human beings. She encourages him to learn about their ways so he will be ready for their manner of bonding via the Great Link. Kira in the meantime tries to send a message to Sisko, but finds out all outgoing frequencies are blocked by a subterranean device. Meanwhile Sisko and Bashir are on a runabout when they are being rescued by Dax and O'Brien. They appear to have made contact with the Founders and convinced them of their peaceful intentions. A grand peace meeting is already scheduled, one of the Founders is already on Deep Space Nine. Sisko starts having doubts about the agreement when he finds out the Romulans are excluded from the negotiations and the Jem'Hadar can do whatever they want on the station. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD The House of Quark

The House of Quark


The House of Quark - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.9
46 min

War is good for business is the 34th Rule of Acquisition, but Quark is not noticing it at all. His bar is almost empty now people are leaving the station in droves in fear of the Dominion. Only a drunk Klingon, Kozak, is left and he refuses to pay. He assaults Quark and dies while accidentally falling on his knife. When Quark sees curious crowds outside the bar, he gets a great idea. He decides to tell everyone he killed the Klingon in a great fight to increase business. Odo warns him this might be dangerous, but arrogantly Quark refuses to listen. First he gets a visit by Zadok's brother D'Ghor seeking confirmation he died an honorable death, then he has to confess the truth to widow Grilka. She kidnaps him and forces him to marry her to save the House of Kozak. Meanwhile, Keiko has to close the school because all the Bajoran children left. Chief O'Brien tries everything to cheer her up. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Equilibrium



Equilibrium - EPS 04

IMDb: 6.6
46 min

At a Sisko house party, Jadzia sees a musical instrument. Though she claims none of Dax's hosts had even the slightest musical ability, she is able to get music out of it. She plays a tune, but is frustrated she can't get it right. She gets obsessed by it, has trouble concentrating and starts behaving violently. When she gets hallucinations of a masked man who looks familiar, she is even more determined to find out what the music is, and Sisko suggests running it through the Federation database. Bashir discovers Jadzia's isoboramine levels are down, a neurotransmitter between host and symbiont. Bashir has no clue why, and sees no alternative than to take her to Trill, where doctors of the Symbiosis Commission will examine her. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Second Skin

Second Skin


Second Skin - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

Kira's contacted by Alenis Grem of the Bajoran Central Archives, who's doing research on the former Elemspur detention center. Grem has proof Kira was once detained there, but she's sure it isn't true. When the only remaining living inmate recognizes her, Kira decides to travel to the Archives to sort things out. But she never arrives. While the crew searches for her, Kira awakes on Cardassia. She's been turned into a Cardassian, and is told she served as a spy on Bajor, whose long term memory was altered to avoid discovery. Her name is Iliana Ghemor, daughter of legate Tekeny Ghemor. Though she denounces the situation as preposterous as first, she starts having serious doubts when Entek of the Obisidian Order provides more convincing proof. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD The Abandoned

The Abandoned


The Abandoned - EPS 06

IMDb: 6.9
46 min

For 3 bars of latinum, Quark buys the rights to salvage a stranded ship from the Gamma Quadrant. Apart from a crying baby, he doesn't find anything of value. Bashir notices the boy has a very fast metabolic rate, and is growing at an accelerated rate. Before the crew knows it, he's a teen, who starts fighting on the promenade. Only Odo's able to calm him down, and Jadzia realises he's Jem'Hadar. When Odo hears the boy's to be examined in a Federation laboratory, he convinces Sisko he should take charge of the young man. Odo wants to try to change his nature, so he could live on Deep Space Nine as a normal humanoid. Meanwhile, Sisko invites Jake's girlfriend, Mardah for dinner. She's 4 years older than Jake, and a Dabo girl at Quark's. Sisko's very opposed to their relationship. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Civil Defense

Civil Defense


Civil Defense - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.9
46 min

O'Brien and Jake are preparing one of the old ore processing units to convert it for use as a deuterium refinery. Sisko checks up on them, just as Jake finds a strange file in the database which can't be deleted. O'Brien accidentally trips a Cardassian security alert, and must enter a password, but fails. Suddenly, the room's locked down, and a recorded message from Gul Dukat appears on view screens, warning the 'Bajoran workers' to surrender, or face consequences. But their troubles, and that of the station's, are far from over. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Meridian



Meridian - EPS 08

IMDb: 5.5
46 min

Despite the Dominion threat, Sisko still feels the urge to explore the Gamma Quadrant. The crew Comes across unusual distortions in a system without planets. Suddenly a populated planet, named Meeidian appears. Inhabitant Seltin Rakal tells of Meridian's shifts between dimensions. In the other dimension, where time doesn't pass, the inhabitants are non-corporeal, here they take on solid form. One of the Meridians, Deral, and Jadzia begin to show feelings for each other. He tells her the time Meridian has in this dimension is growing shorter with each shift, and eventually Meridian will cease to exist. Meanwhile, Kira has her own love problems on DS9 with the alien Tiron. She rejects him and he turns to Quark to ask for a holosuite programme with a recreation of Kira. Quark tries to make an image of her. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Defiant



Defiant - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

It's very busy on the station and Kira hasn't even got time to read reports. Now Starfleet also requests a complete report on the computer calibration subroutine. When Bashir asks for a runabout that isn't available to get medical supplies, she snaps. Bashir notices she's overworked and orders her to rest. Not liking it all, her mood becomes better when she meets commander Will Riker from the starship Enterprise in the bar. He has three months of leave and is on his way to the pleasure planet Risa. She seems to really like him and only the thought of Bareil is holding her back. At the end of the next day she runs into him again and offers him a tour of the facility. Riker asks immediately if he can take a look at the Defiant. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Fascination



Fascination - EPS 10

IMDb: 6.1
46 min

It's the time of the The Bajoran Gratitude Festival and presider Kira is making preparations. She's expecting Vedek Bareil and chief O'Brien is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his wife and daughter. Odo is less happy. He had hoped to spend the festival with Kira, Jake is experiencing love sickness. His girlfriend Mardah left for an university 300 light years away. When Bareil and O'Brien's family arrive, the Betazoid ambassador Lwaxana Troi is also in their shuttle. She has one goal: start a romantic relationship with Odo. When the festival starts some more unusual attractions pop up; Jake suddenly falls in love with Kira and Bareil abandons Kira to pursue Dax. Meanwhile O'Brien's love life isn't too well. The two days he has to spent with Keiko start off on the wrong foot. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Past Tense: Part 1

Past Tense: Part 1


Past Tense: Part 1 - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.9
46 min

The Defiant has arrived at Earth and Sisko, Bashir and Dax are beamed to the surface, where they will address the Starfleet Symposium in San Francisco on the situation in the Gamma Quadrant. But they never arrive. O'Brien has no clue what happened: the logs show that he definitely arrived. Meanwhile the three find themselves in San Francisco in the year 2024. They have no ID and Bashir and Sisko are arrested and put in a concentration camp-like Sanctuary District. While the two try to find a way back, Sisko notices it's only days before major riots break out in the District, a pivotal moment in Earth's history. Meanwhile Dax is picked up Chris Brynner, a business man. He takes her to his home, where she starts searching for Bashir and Sisko. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Past Tense: Part 2

Past Tense: Part 2


Past Tense: Part 2 - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

Sisko has taken the place of revolutionary Gabriel Bell to ensure the hostages are kept safe. Not an easy task as he needs to keep both trigger-happy Biddle Coleridge and police officer Vin at bay. Bashir has another concern. He fears for the captain's life as the original Bell died in the riots. When Michael Webb manages to reach the processing center, Sisko asks to look for more sensible gimmes to guard the hostages. Meanwhile Dax watches the news about the riots. She thinks it's time for action and tries to find a way into the Sanctuary District. On the Defiant the crew decides their only option is to send people back into the past. There's just one problem, O'Brien has limited the options to 10, but there are not enough chroniton particles to do them all. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Life Support

Life Support


Life Support - EPS 13

IMDb: 6.7
46 min

A Bajoran transport with Vedek Bareil and Kai Winn aboard has an accident, and arrive at the station with Bareil critically injured. While Bashir tries do everything he can to save him, Kai Winn tells Sisko she and Bareil are involved in advanced peace talks with the Cardassians. The Cardassians are willing to pay reparations and even might be issuing a formal apology. Winn stresses the negotiations would have never come this far if it wasn't for Bareil and she'd be unable to complete them without Bareil's presence. Meanwhile Jake tries to cancel a game of dom-jot with Nog to go out with Leanne. Nog thinks Jake also found a girl for him, and Jake agrees to make it a double date. But things don't go as Jake has planned. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Heart of Stone

Heart of Stone


Heart of Stone - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

Kira and Odo are returning to Deep Space Nine in a runabout. They just visited Prophet's Landing, a colony close to the Cardassian border, to review security procedures. When they receive a distress call from a Lissepian supply ship that was attacked by a Maquis one-man vessel, they start to follow the Maquis. The ship lands on a moon and Kira and Odo follow him into a very unstable cave. Kira's foot gets stuck in a strange crystal. While the crystal slowly encapsulates the major, Odo tries everything to free her. Meanwhile Nog makes a special request to Sisko. He has become an adult and is ordered by Ferengi by-laws to purchase an apprenticeship from a suitable role model. Nog wants to be the first Ferengi in Starfleet and asks Sisko to write a recommendation for the Academy. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Destiny



Destiny - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.4
46 min

A team of Cardassian scientists comes to visit the station to help set up a subspace communications relay in the Gamma Quadrant. Suddenly a Vedek, named Yarka, wants to speak with Sisko. He brings a warning from the prophets and advises to refuse Cardassians access to the station. He refers to Trakor's third prophecy which tells of 3 vipers - the Cardassians - who return to their nest in the sky - Deep Space Nine - which ultimately leads to the destruction of the Celestial Temple - the wormhole. Sisko and Kira dismiss it at first, since only two Cardassians scientists are coming. But, when a third Cardassian scientist arrives, Kira begins to give the prophecy credence. With more and more of the predictions are coming true, Sisko must make a choice: his Federation duties, or his role as Emissary. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Prophet Motive

Prophet Motive


Prophet Motive - EPS 16

IMDb: 6.7
46 min

Quark and Rom get a visit from a rather strange acting Grand Nagus Zek. He shows them a book with the rewritten Rules of Acquisition to include rules like 'If they want their money back, give it to them' and 'Latinum tarnishes, but family is forever' isn't concerned anymore about profit and devotes his life to charity. Quark is worried and tries to find out what is wrong with the Grand Nagus, especially since he suspects Zek will be thrown of the Tower of Commerce and he and Rom with him when he presents the new rules. Meanwhile Bashir is nominated for the prestigious medical Carrington Award. Bashir thinks he's too young to be a serious contender and tries not to pay too much attention to it. To his dismay the subject is constantly brought up however. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Visionary



Visionary - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

While a Romulan delegation arrives on the station, chief O'Brien gets an accident. A plasma conduit blew out, but Bashir think's it's not serious. The Romulan delegation wants information about the Gamma Quadrant and especially the Dominion just as was agreed in the cloaking device agreement. But no matter how much they try, Sisko and Kira just can't seem to satisfy their needs. Meanwhile a group of Klingons has also arrived. Chief O'Brien tries to convince Quark to put up a dart board in the bar. Suddenly he gets a hallucination of himself talking to Quark about the Klingons damaging one of his holosuites and passes out. When his vision comes true, both Bashir and Dax can't find out what exactly is wrong. Then O'Brien gets another vision. He soon realizes that he experiences things that are about to happen in the near future and they aren't of the pleasant variety. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Distant Voices

Distant Voices


Distant Voices - EPS 18

IMDb: 6.5
45 min

Quark introduces Altovar, a Lethean to Dr. Bashir. He wants to buy biomimetic gel - a restricted substance, Bashir rebuffs the request. Soon, he finds the Lethean breaking in to the infirmary. Altovar attacks Bashir with a telepathic weapon and the doctor passes out. When he awakes, the lights are malfunctioning. No one answers their communicator, and the entire station seems to be deserted and in a state of disarray. Julian caches a glimpse of himself, notices he has gray hair, and seems to be rapidly aging. The sound of whispers and loud noises coming from the bar. sends Julian towards the bar, where he finds Quark, afraid and trying to hide. Quark mentions someone is going to kill them all, then runs for his life. The questions are: who is going to kill them, why is Dr. Bashir appear to be aging rapidly, and why are the few people on DS9 acting so abnormally? Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Through the Looking Glass

Through the Looking Glass


Through the Looking Glass - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

Chief O'Brien, suddenly pokes a phaser in Sisko's back and disappears with the captain through the transporter. It soon becomes clear he has been taken to the mirror universe, where Kira and Bashir got stuck earlier. O'Brien tells how their mirror Sisko had been the leader of a rebellion against the Klingon-Cardassian-Bajoran alliance, but he recently died. Sisko tells O'Brien he is not interested in replacing him, but his interest is piqued when O'Brien mentions the name Jennifer Sisko, and in the mirror universe, Sisko's wife is alive and working for the alliance. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Improbable Cause

Improbable Cause


Improbable Cause - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.6
46 min

Garak's shop explodes. Luckily the tailor isn't hurt badly, and Odo immediately expects foul play. Odo asks Garak if he can think of possible suspects, but the Cardassian seems rather uninterested, and frustrates Odo's investigation. After evidence of a pheromonic sensor in the bomb - a method favored by Flaxian assassins, and a Flaxian had just arrived on the station prior to the explosion, Odo decides to interrogate him, but his investigation won't stop at the Flaxian... Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD The Die Is Cast

The Die Is Cast


The Die Is Cast - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.9
45 min

The joint Romulan and Cardassian fleet approaches the station. Sisko is ready for a fight, but the fleet immediately goes through the wormhole - on their way to destroy the Founders' home planet. Sisko wants to pursue them and defies Starfleet orders to stay back and guard Bajor. Meanwhile on the fleet, Enabram Tain gives Garak his first assignment: interrogate Odo to find out about possible planetary defenses of the Founders. Garak gets a device which prevents changelings from altering their form. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Explorers



Explorers - EPS 22

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

Sisko has just come back from opening a library on Bajor. In the library he found blueprints of ships that the Bajorans apparently used 800 years ago to explore their star system. These ships didn't use a warp drive, but had solar sails and were propelled by light pressure. Some scholars even say they reached Cardassia. Sisko decides to try to recreate one of them and take it into space to prove it's possible. He asks Jake along, but he doesn't want to go. When Jake receives a message from Wellington, New Zealand he changes his mind. He wants to tell his father something. Meanwhile Dr. Bashir anxiously awaits the arrival of the Kensington. On board is Dr. Elizabeth Lense, she was the best of his medical class on the Academy and took the most prestigious job, medical officer on the Lexington. When the two meet, she completely ignores him. Bashir doesn't take it too well. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Family Business

Family Business


Family Business - EPS 23

IMDb: 7.1
46 min

Quark and Rom are in a panic when the Ferengi liquidator posts a writ of accountability on the bar's walls. It's only after a couple of bribes does Quark find out what they're charged with. They're held accountable for criminal activities of their mother Ishka. Apparently she's been wearing other and earning profits, both strictly forbidden for Ferengi women. Quark is required by law to convince her to sign a confession and reveal her accomplices. Failure will result in her being placed in servitude and Quark will have to make restitution for her crimes, a prospect he doesn't fancy. Meanwhile, Jake tells his father the freighter captain Kasidy Yates is back on the station. He really wants them both to meet and wants to arrange dinner. Sisko wants to take it more easy and do things his own way. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Shakaar



Shakaar - EPS 24

IMDb: 6.9
46 min

Sisko gets an urgent message from Bajor and delivers some bad news to Kira. Kalem Aprem, First Minister of the Provisional Government, has died from a heart attack. Kira is very upset to hear spiritual leader Kai Winn has already been appointed as successor. Kira is concerned about the future of Bajor and she can't shake the feeling that giving Winn control of the government is a mistake. Suddenly Winn visits the station to see Kira. She has a favor to ask. Shakaar, the leader of Kira's resistance cell during the Cardassian occupation and now a farmer, refuses to return some government-loaned soil reclamators. They are used to detoxify soil poisoned by the Cardassians. Winn wants to use them in the Rakantha province, once Bajor's most productive farmland. She thinks this will once again make export possible, increasing Bajor's chances of being accepted into the Federation. Kira agrees to talk to Shakaar. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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HD Facets



Facets - EPS 25

IMDb: 7.1
46 min

Dax asks her friends to take part in a Trill ritual where she meets with her previous hosts, who temporarily take over the minds of the friends. Meanwhile, Nog practices for his entry into Starfleet Academy, much to the disliking of his uncle. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD The Adversary

The Adversary


The Adversary - EPS 26

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

There's a party on Deep Space Nine, as Sisko has just been promoted to captain. Ambassador Krajensky is in attendance, but, he's there to tell of a coup which just took place on the Tzenkethi home world. Krajensky wants to remind them the Federation is still committed to the protection of the colonies. Sisko takes the Defiant to Tzenkethi space. While working on the ship O'Brien hears some strange sounds, and soon the communications array malfunctions. O'Brien and Dax discover a parasitic tube-like system which is invading the ship's equipment, protected by a forcefield, which must be stopped before it takes full control leaving the crew to die. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

Country: USA
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