Body Parts

Body Parts

After a visit to his homeworld and finding out about his impending doom, Quark ponders auctioning off his body parts. Meanwhile, an accident while traveling through the wormhole transfers Chief O'Brien's unborn son from his wife to Major Kira. Written by Moviedude1



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HD The Way of the Warrior

The Way of the Warrior


The Way of the Warrior - EPS 01

IMDb: 9.0
93 min

The crew of Deep Space Nine is preparing for a possible attack by the Dominion. There's a drill to find shapeshifters and the station is retrofitted. Suddenly, the massive Klingon flagship decloaks. It's General Martok and he's not alone. An entire Klingon fleet has been stationed nearby. Sisko welcomes them and Martok claims the fleet is at Deep Space Nine to fight with the Federation against the Dominion. Soon the trouble starts. The Klingons harass Morn, they beat up Garak and try to hijack Kasidy Yates' ship to look for shapeshifters. They continue checking ships outside of Bajoran space after. Sisko doesn't trust this anymore and asks the only Klingon in Starfleet, Worf, to find out what the Klingon fleet is really doing. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD The Visitor

The Visitor


The Visitor - EPS 02

IMDb: 9.1
45 min

Jake Sisko, now an old man, is living alone in a house in a bayou. He gets an unexpected visit from Melanie. She's an aspiring writer and considers Jake as her favorite author. She was surprised he published only two works. At the age of 40, Jake simply stopped writing and Melanie wants to know why. Jake starts telling her the story of how his father died in an accident on the Defiant. Benjamin and Jake went to see the wormhole undergo a subspace inversion, that only happens once in several decades. Something was wrong however and the warp core was about to breach. After repairing it, Sisko was hit by a beam and disappeared. Few months later things were returning to normal for Jake, but suddenly he saw his father in his bedroom, only to disappear a moment later. But this wasn't the only time his father reappeared. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Hippocratic Oath

Hippocratic Oath


Hippocratic Oath - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

Bashir and O'Brien have concluded a bio-survey in the Gamma Quadrant. They pick up a subspace magneton pulse. While investigating, the shuttle crash lands and they are taken prisoner by a renegade group of Jem'Hadar. Its leader, Goran'Agar, got free of his addiction to ketracel white on this planet, the drug that makes them dependent on the Founders. He's brought a group of Jem'Hadar to be cured too, but the planet's 'magic' doesn't work on them. He asks Bashir to help before their supply of white runs out. While the doctor wants to help them, O'Brien is adamantly opposed. Meanwhile, back on the Deep Space Nine station, Worf spots a known criminal in Quark's bar. He thinks the Ferengi is plotting something and is getting increasingly agitated by the way Odo handles security on the station. Worf decides to take matters into his own hands. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Indiscretion



Indiscretion - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

Major Kira gets a message from Razka Karn, a smuggler during the occupation. He claims to have a found a lead to the location of the lost Cardassian prison ship Ravinok. One of her friends, Lorit Akrem, was on board and she decides to start an investigation. Then Sisko approaches her and asks her to wait. The Cardassian government has heard of her plans and wants to send a representative along. Kira is surprised to see it is Gul Dukat. He has a secret. Meanwhile, Sisko faces a problem of his own: Kasidy Yates announces she found a job opportunity in the Bajoran sector. She and the captain will be finally able to see each other more. Dax makes the suggestion she could get Kasidy quarters on the station. Kasidy likes the idea, but Sisko gets more and more uncomfortable. It's going a bit too fast for him and Kasidy notices his hesitation. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Rejoined



Rejoined - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

A science team of Trills comes to visit the station to do a test on creating artificial wormholes. The leader of the team is Dr. Lenara Kahn, a joined Trill. The former host of the Kahn symbiont was Nilani. She was the wife of Torias, one of Dax's former hosts. On Trill, it is strictly forbidden to re-associate with a past lover. The punishment is exile, meaning the symbiont will die. To avoid problems, Sisko offers Jadzia Dax to take extended leave. She denies and thinks she's up to the task. But when Jadzia and Lenara start working on the science project, they both seem to get along really well. While they try deny it at first, the romantic spark between them isn't gone. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Starship Down

Starship Down


Starship Down - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

Captain Sisko is asked to mediate on the Defiant between the Karemma and the Ferengi. Hanok, its representative, finds there's little profit in trading with them. Quark has made up all sort of non-existent fees and Sisko is not amused. Then two Jem'Hadar ships suddenly attack the Karemma ship. It tries to flee into a gas giant planet with dangerously high wind speeds, but the Jem'Hadar still follow. Sisko orders the Defiant to go after them to help the Karemma. With barely any sensors, and the phasers inactive, the crew must be creative. The situation brings contemplation. Kira reevaluates her relationship with Sisko as both captain and the Emissary, while Worf learns a few things about command. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Little Green Men

Little Green Men


Little Green Men - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Nog is about to leave for the Academy and Quark spots a perfect opportunity. He has just received a shuttle from his cousin Gaila, that was promised him ten years ago. He doesn't trust it and asks Rom to, but he can find nothing out of order. Quark and Rom decide to take Nog to the Academy with it. Not because Quark approves or wants to do the boy a favor, he wants to take contraband along: kemacite. When they arrive at Earth, they find out Gaila intention's weren't so good after all. He sabotaged the ship, they can't get out of warp and eventually it will tear to pieces. Rom can think of only one thing: start a cascade reaction in the kemacite, create an inversion wave in the warp core, then crash land on Earth and hope for the best. When they wake up, they are locked up in a room. Earth seems to have changed a bit. It's 1947... Roswell, New Mexico. The three aliens are then taken by the local authorities who are both fascinated and fearful of these extraterrestials, and Quark must... Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD The Sword of Kahless

The Sword of Kahless


The Sword of Kahless - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.0
46 min

Kor, the Klingon Dahar master and friend of Dax is once again on the station. He hasn't lost his appetite for alcohol and is still capable of telling great tales. Dax introduces him to Worf and Kor tells of a quest he is planning. He has found a clue to the possible location of the Sword of Kahless, the founder of the Klingon Empire. It's been lost for a thousand of years and it is said that when it is found it will once again reunite the Klingon empire. Worf and Kor seem to like each other because they are both opposed to Gowran. Together with Dax they plan to find the relic to turn it over to the Emperor. The two Klingons make it a late celebration. Kor returns to his quarters in a very drunken state, where he is attacked telepathically by a Lethean. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Our Man Bashir

Our Man Bashir


Our Man Bashir - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.9
46 min

Sisko, O'Brien, Dax, Worf and Kira are coming back from a tiresome conference. Suddenly there's a power surge in the warp core of the runabout. The ship's been sabotaged and it explodes. Eddington is only barely able to beam them off, but the shock wave damages the transporters. Their patterns are still in the system though and by deleting station's memory Eddington is able to store them. Meanwhile doctor Bashir plays secret agent Bashir, Julian Bashir in a holosuite. He is surprised by the arrival of Garak and finally allows him to join. Then suddenly KGB agent Anastasia Komananov looks like Kira. While Bashir thinks it is another uninvited guest, the truth soon becomes clear. The five crew members have become an integral part of the holo adventure. With the safeties off Bashir has to do his utter best to keep everyone alive, while Eddington and Rom try to solve the problem. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Homefront



Homefront - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.3
46 min

The wormhole is showing erratic behavior by sudden openings and the Bajorans think it's a message from the prophets. Then grave news arrives on Deep Space Nine. There has been a bombing with 27 dead in Antwerp and a changeling has been spotted on the crime scene. The thing most feared has happened: the changelings have reached Earth. Sisko and Odo travel to Earth and admiral Leyton makes Sisko acting head of Starfleet Security on Earth. The captain's first task; to convince the president of the Federation, Jaresh-Inyo, to implement harsh security measures. The changelings aren't Sisko's only problem. He also has to deal with his stubborn father, who refuses to follow doctor's advice. Jake meets with Nog who tells him he has problems at the Academy. He doesn't seem to be accepted by a group of elite cadets known as Red Squad. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost


Paradise Lost - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

All power has been cut and president Jaresh-Inyo finally agreed to Sisko and Leyton's request to put Earth under Martial Law. Starfleet security personnel is roaming the streets of every city. It's been four days since then, but still there's no sign of a Dominion invasion. Joseph Sisko decides to reopen the restaurant. Meanwhile Odo brings a strange security report to the attention of captain Sisko. Apparently Red Squad was demobilized just moments after the power was cut. While the two first think that it was to get them out of harm's way, new evidence pops up. Apparently the entire group of cadets was reassigned to field duty three hours later. Sisko gets very suspicious, especially after a Starfleet member asks him to immediately delete the report. He orders Nog to provide him the name of one of the members of Red Squad to conduct an interview. He doesn't like what the cadet tells him. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Crossfire



Crossfire - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

Odo's highlight of the day is when Kira visits his office to discuss the latest crime report with a cup of raktajino. It's very obvious to at least Quark he is in love with her. The Bajoran first minister Shakaar is coming for talks with the Federation to the station. It will be a very busy time for Odo, especially after a death threat is received. It's very serious since it's coming from a Cardassian extremist group called True Way, that already succeeded in killing two Bajoran officials. Sisko ups the protection. Odo tries his best to ensure Shakaar's safety, but in the process finds out Shakaar has feelings for Kira. Shakaar even asks Odo if he thinks it is mutual. While he denies it, love seems to blossom nonetheless. He takes her for a stroll, she arrives late at the daily crime report meeting and spends the night in Shakaar's quarters. Odo is devastated and is starting to have a very hard time concentrating on his important duties. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Return to Grace

Return to Grace


Return to Grace - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

Kira has been asked by Shakaar to attend a conference on a remote Cardassian outpost. The two governments will exchange intelligence about the Klingons. The Major will be personally brought to this location by Gul Dukat. Ever since he brought his half Bajoran daughter Ziyal to Cardassia, things haven't been going well for him. He was stripped of his rank and is now a simple freighter captain. But, so he ensures Kira, it is only a temporary setback for him. When Kira arrives in Cardassian space, the outpost has been attacked by a Klingon bird-of-prey. All the diplomats are dead. Kira suggests mounting an outpost disruptor on the freighter to go after the Klingons. While Kira wants revenge for the dead diplomats, Dukat sees this as the perfect opportunity to redeem himself. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Sons of Mogh

Sons of Mogh


Sons of Mogh - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

Worf hasn't heard anything from his brother Kurn since Chancellor Gowron brought the glory days of the House of Mogh to an end. All of the sudden, he arrives on the station and asks Worf to perform the Mauk-to'Vor ritual. He wants to regain his honor in the next life. Since suicide is out of the question, Kurn believes only Worf is capable of giving him his honor back by killing him. Meanwhile, Kira and O'Brien are on their way home. Near the Bajoran border, they are startled by a sudden high energy discharge. It looks like a cloaked ship exploded, but there's no debris. When the two want to take a closer look, a Klingon warship stops them. They claim to be conducting military exercises. Kira doesn't trust it, neither does Sisko. He gives permission to take the Defiant for a better look. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Bar Association

Bar Association


Bar Association - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

It's the Bajoran time of Cleansing and business is very slow at Quark's bar. Rom's ear is aching up again, he even faints, but gets no sick leave from Quark. When Quark announces a pay cut for all the employees, Rom is fed up. On advice from Bashir, he decides to start a union, strictly forbidden by Ferengi law. But Rom is determined and convinces all the other employees to join. At first Quark laughs, then finds himself without the striking staff, still he won't give in. Just when Captain Sisko orders him to end the strike, Liquidator Brunt arrives. Meanwhile, Worf still has problems settling on the station. He dislikes that security is less than on the Enterprise, he is annoyed by the continuous technological malfunctions and even gets into a fight with O'Brien and Bashir over entering Quark's bar. Worf sees only one solution. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Accession



Accession - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

The crew is surprised when the wormhole opens and an ancient Bajoran lightship comes through. Inside is the poet Akorem Laan who disappeared from Bajor over two centuries ago. Laan was rescued by the prophets and now sent back as emissary, so he claims. Sisko doesn't feel like contradicting him since the prophecies seem to suit the story of Laan better. He is also relieved to be finally able to give up the difficult position. But Sisko gets second thoughts when Laan wants to reintroduce the D'jarras, the abolished Bajoran caste system. Meanwhile Keiko returns from Bajor. Molly tells O'Brien she is pregnant. The chief feels compelled to be at home in his free time and stop spending it with Bashir. It's very obvious he misses the holosuite adventures with the doctor though Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement


Rules of Engagement - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

The Klingon Empire has asked the Federation to extradite Worf for murder. Worf commanded the Defiant which was guarding a Cardassian convoy offering medical aid to the Pentath colony. The convoy was attacked by the Klingons and in the heat of battle Worf gave the order to fire on a decloaking ship. It was a civilian transport, 441 Klingons died. The Klingon advocate Ch'Pok is trying to prove to admiral T'Lara in a hearing that Worf's bloodlust took over. Ch'Pok has a hidden agenda and he openly admits it. The Klingons see this as the perfect opportunity to gain sympathy and weaken the Federation. Captain Sisko is defending Worf and asks Odo to try to find out why the civilian transport joined the battle. Sisko's defense in the meantime is not going well. With every witness Ch'Pok's reasoning seems more and more plausible. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Hard Time

Hard Time


Hard Time - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

O'Brien has been accused by the Argrathi of espionage and has already been sentenced: twenty years jail time in a artificial reality. While O'Brien felt like he was twenty years in a cell, only a couple of hours has passed. But the memories sure feel real for the chief. The crew of Deep Space Nine do their utter best to let O'Brien re-adjust to the 'new' situation, but it is clear the happening has had a major impact on him. He gets increasingly more violent to even his closest friends and refuses to go to a psychiatrist. O'Brien even purposely tells he was alone in his cell, while this clearly isn't true. Something about his cell-mate Ee'Char is bothering him immensely. The fact that a hallucinative Ee'Char hunts him is driving him mad. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Shattered Mirror

Shattered Mirror


Shattered Mirror - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

Benjamin and Jake Sisko are surprised by the sudden arrival of Jennifer Sisko from the Mirror Universe. She claims to be here to visit Benjamin and brings good news: the rebels have captured Terok Nor from the Alliance. But when the captain returns from a long meeting, he finds the two are gone. Jennifer has taken Jake to the Mirror Universe. Benjamin decides to bring him back, but after arriving finds himself arrested by O'Brien. Jennifer has kidnapped Jake so the captain can be forced to help the rebels. O'Brien explains that an Alliance fleet led by Regent Worf is on their way to the station. The only possible help comes from a copy of the Defiant. Sisko needs to sort out its startup problems and is forced to agree. Meanwhile, Jake has no trouble whatsoever with the situation and begins to build a relationship with his mother lookalike. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD The Muse

The Muse


The Muse - EPS 20

IMDb: 5.5
46 min

Two women arrive on the station. One is a familiar face. Lwaxana Troi comes to visit Odo and announces she is pregnant. She asks for Odo's help. Her husband Jeyal is Tavnian and in Tavnian tradition the sexes grow up apart. She would have to abandon her baby. Odo is reluctant at first, but surprisingly his relationship with Lwaxana blossoms after she shows a lot of interest in shapeshifting. Then Jeyal arrives on the station. The other woman, Onaya, is rather mysterious. She tells she has a weakness for artists and seems very interested in Jake's writing capabilities. She flatters him and offers him to show exercises and techniques. Jake gladly agrees and even skips a trip to the Bajoran outback with his father for a meeting. But Onaya's method seems quite intrusive. She wants something from Jake. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD For the Cause

For the Cause


For the Cause - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

As Deep Space Nine awaits the arrival of equipment for the Cardassian government, Sisko fears the Maquis might do something about it and increases security. Eddington and Odo have an unpleasant message for him; they suspect Kasidy Yates is involved in smuggling for the Maquis. Meanwhile, Garak can't keep his eyes of Ziyal, and she returns his looks every time. Garak is still wary, though, as she's the daughter of his archenemy, Dukat, and under the protection of Kira, who isn't too fond of the tailor either. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD To the Death

To the Death


To the Death - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

A renegade group of Jem'Hadar have captured a Gateway, a device allowing instantaneous transport virtually anywhere. Sisko must lead a combined task force of Federation, Bajoran and loyal Jem'Hadar fighters to destroy the Gateway before it can be used on missions of conquest. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD The Quickening

The Quickening


The Quickening - EPS 23

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

Bashir, Dax and Kira are on reconnaissance in the Gamma Quadrant when they receive a distress call from the Teplan system. The message says their world has been attacked. But, when Bashir and crew land, they find a world in a state similar to earth's dark ages, nor does it look like they'd been recently attacked. The people seem in a state of hopelessness, as Bashir finds out all the planet's inhabitants suffer from a disease called 'the blight.' Once, this world stood up to the Dominion, but as punishment they introduced the disease. All people have lesions, and when the disease runs its course ('quickened,' as they say) the infected die soon afterwards. The doctor's shocked to find the people turn to euthanasia when they have 'quickened'. A doctor, Trevean, provides a way out, and Bashir offers to help find a cure, but they're met only with skepticism. Only one pregnant woman, Ekoria, listens with interest. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Body Parts

Body Parts


Body Parts - EPS 24

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

After a visit to his homeworld and finding out about his impending doom, Quark ponders auctioning off his body parts. Meanwhile, an accident while traveling through the wormhole transfers Chief O'Brien's unborn son from his wife to Major Kira. Written by Moviedude1

Country: USA
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HD Broken Link

Broken Link


Broken Link - EPS 25

IMDb: 8.1
46 min

After Garak tries to set up a date for Chalan Aroya, the owner of the Celestial Café, with Odo, the constable is suddenly in severe pain. He has great trouble to hold his shape. Bashir notices his mass and density are in a state of fluctuation. When the fluctuation increases, he gets an attack. While Bashir is optimistic at first, Odo's condition deteriorates. His molecular structure is destabilizing at an alarming rate and the doctor thinks he only has two weeks before he loses his ability to stay solid. Odo and Bashir both know there's only option: going to the Founders. When Garak hears of the planned trip, he requests to come along. He wants to meet with the Founders to inquire about possible survivors of the failed attack on the Founders' home world by the Tal'Shiar and the Obsidian Order. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - EPS 26

IMDb: 7.9
45 min (176 episodes)

The stable wormhole discovered by the Deep Space Nine crew is known to the Bajoran people as the Celestial Temple of their Prophets. Sisko, as discoverer of the wormhole and its inhabitants, is therefore the Emissary of Bajoran prophesy. The wormhole's other end is in the Gamma Quadrant, halfway around the galaxy from Bajor. That section of space is dominated by the malevolent Dominion. The Dominion is led by the Changelings, the race of shapeshifters to which Odo belongs. As of the beginning of the sixth season, Cardassia has joined the Dominion, and together they are waging war on the Federation and their Klingon allies. The war is quickly becoming the most costly war ever for the Federation, and the Deep Space Nine crew must fight to protect their way of life. Written by Matthew D. Wilson

Country: USA
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