When the Bough Breaks

When the Bough Breaks

The Enterprise is delighted with a rare chance to visit a technologically advanced planet which long prevented access by means of a perfect cloaking technique. Prime administrator Radue shows how their people lead a life of leisure, trusting their central computer takes care of all necessities. But they can't solve a medical nightmare: endemic infertility, so they need to 'adopt' earthling children. Negotiations failing, they suddenly snatch Wesley and several younger, also gifted crew kids. Picard can barely keep negotiating credibly enough to avoid being chased too far in space ever to return, but Wesley manages to study and befriend the locals while planning a minimal risk revolt. Written by KGF Vissers



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HD Encounter at Farpoint

Encounter at Farpoint


Encounter at Farpoint - EPS 01

IMDb: 6.9
92 min

In the 24th Century, Captain Jean-Luc Picard assumes command of the Federation's state of the earth, more luxurious flagship, the fifth U.S.S. Enterprise, and its new crew, with more non-humans, such as psychic counselor Deanna Troi, a former of lover of the first officer, commander William T. Riker. Medical chief Beverly Crusher comes with her bright, inquisitive adolescent son, Wesley. On their maiden voyage, to Farpoint space station, on the primitive Bandi planet, they come under the apparently inescapable control of alien Q, representative of a technologically superior civilization. He calls humanity backward savages, but accepts to put them to the test at the station. Bandi leader Zorn offers full use of the apparently adequate facilities, but no answers to the key questions, how the station was built, and what agonized feelings Troi is picking up. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Naked Now

The Naked Now


The Naked Now - EPS 02

IMDb: 6.6
45 min

Picard and the crew of the Enterprise are set to rendezvous with a Federation scientific vessel studying the collapse of a super red giant star into a white dwarf. As they near the ship however, they receive odd communications from the vessel, almost as if they are all drunk. When one of the crew blows an outer hatch, the crew is killed. An away team investigates but acquire a virus-like disease that makes them appear drunk and removes all inhibitions. As it spreads throughout the ship, Picard and Riker try to maintain discipline while Dr. Crusher tries to find a cure. Riker recalls a similar situation in the history of ships named Enterprise and that gives them a head start but not before an infected Wesley Crusher disables the engines just as the sun explodes leaving the ship in destruction's path. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Code of Honor

Code of Honor


Code of Honor - EPS 03

IMDb: 5.2
46 min

The Enterprise travels to the planet Ligon II to collect a vaccine that will prevent a particularly virulent disease on Federation planet Cyrus IV. The planet's leader, Lutan, is more than pleased to provide them with the cure but while on board takes a particular interest in the ship's security officer, Lt. Tasha Yar. He is attracted to her physically and is intrigued at her obvious skills and intelligence. He kidnaps her to show that he is a brave man but when the time comes for her return, he refuses to do so wanting to make her his first wife. His current first wife challenges Tasha to a fight to the death to retain her position. Meanwhile, Data continues to try and understand humor but the nuances continue to escape him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Last Outpost

The Last Outpost


The Last Outpost - EPS 04

IMDb: 6.3
45 min

At the Federation's first encounter with the hostile, thievish Ferengi race, both the Enterprise and their 'daimon' (captain) Tarr's spaceship are immobilized by a force field from a dead-presumed planet. It turns out to be the 'portal', a gatekeeper, last survivor of a superior civilization wiped out by their star's supernova. He captures both races' scouting teams and test if they deserve to be spared or put down as hopeless barbarians. The Ferengi try blaming the humans, Riker brutal, yet noble honesty. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Where No One Has Gone Before

Where No One Has Gone Before


Where No One Has Gone Before - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Although Riker considers maverick Federation scientist Kosinski's project to vastly boost the Enterprise's propulsion absurd, Picard obeys the Admiralty's orders. Fascinated, Wesley sits with his alien assistant and wins his confidence. The results surpass even Kosinski's wildest dreams, jumping the ship into a galaxy millions of light year away. Deciding against immediate study, Picard orders Kosinski to get them back. Only Wesley noticed that his assistant, who 'faded' supernaturally, is the real key. The next jump brings to where the crew's deepest hopes and fears come true. The alien assistant is ailing and reveals his 'Traveller' identity. Wesley's astuteness is noted and fittingly rewarded with an academy cadet future. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Lonely Among Us

Lonely Among Us


Lonely Among Us - EPS 06

IMDb: 6.3
45 min

The Enterprise is transporting to the neutral planet Parliament peace delegates from two races which can't stand each other long enough to occupy neighboring suites, yet both want to join the Federation. Traveling trough a mysterious energy cloud, some gets aboard and keeps jumping from crew members to machinery and vice versa, as if seeking a suitable host and learning about the ship, without revealing itself. The crew catches on slowly, as nobody seems seriously affected, except Wesley's engineering mentor Singh, who is killed in a warp technology accident, but 'host' the highly intelligent entity. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Justice



Justice - EPS 07

IMDb: 6.0
60 min | 46 min (DVD)

After exhausting activities to help a human colony settle, the Enterprise crew is delighted to take their first-ever shore leave on Edo, an extremely friendly planet. Half in jest, Picard says it seems to too good to be true, an Eden-like playground. Alas, it is, for while teaching native adolescents football, Wesley unwittingly commits a minor transgression in the zone where all errors suffer the single punishment: death by painless injection. Back aboard Enterprise, the senior officers struggle with an entity defying even the known laws of nature, which is facing and testing them. It turns out to be Edo's 'god', who is fiercely protective of his 'children', and learned all Federation knowledge from their database, and intends to hold them to their laws. Thus, violating the Prime Directive to save Wesley might arouse the fatal wrath of this 'god'. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Battle

The Battle


The Battle - EPS 08

IMDb: 6.8
46 min

The Enterprise is kept waiting for days on a mysterious rendezvous with Ferenge 'daimon' (captain) Bok's spaceship, then receives a gift which stuns Picard: the USS Stargazer, the lost vessel he commanded in a legendary battle, won by inventing a now classic maneuver. He goes aboard to recover some belongings and takes it in tow, but suffers worrying headaches and starts behaving erratically, until he leaves the Enterprise for it. Data works out Bok's motivation for the gift against his race's mercantile attitude, which even gets him removed from command. Wesley notices very peculiar waves. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Hide and Q

Hide and Q


Hide and Q - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.0
46 min

The indefatigable Q appears again, still not convinced that humans are a race worth saving and wanting to test them yet again. This time he focuses on Commander Riker and sets out to prove that mankind will not do the right thing when the opportunity presents itself. To prove his point, he vests in Riker all of his powers convinced that the old adage about absolute power corrupting absolutely will prove to be true. Riker is obviously tempted to play God but his assumptions about giving people the opportunity to be whatever they want doesn't go over quite well. Picard knew that the experiment would fail and wins his wager with Q. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Haven



Haven - EPS 10

IMDb: 6.3
46 min

The Enterprise travels to the planet Haven in the hope of providing the crew with some much deserved shore leave. On arrival however there is a message for Counselor Troi - her fiancé and his parents are waiting for them and would like to proceed with the wedding. Troi is genuinely shocked - as is Riker - but the engagement is genuine having been arranged by the parents when Troi and her intended, Wyatt Miller, were just children. Also waiting for her is her mother, Lwaxana Troi, a larger than life personality who dominates any room just by her presence. For Troi and Wyatt, there seems to be little time to get to know one another but there is another problem: she's not who he was expecting to see. Since early childhood, he has dreamed of a beautiful blond woman and just assumed it was Troi. When it turns out to be someone else, neither are sure what to do. Captain Picard soon has another situation to deal with however when a Tarellian vessel suddenly appears, obviously destined to ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Big Goodbye

The Big Goodbye


The Big Goodbye - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

The Enterprise is sent on a diplomatic mission where Captain Picard has to master a very difficult language and deliver a welcome address faultlessly or face the end of any hope of establishing relations. Stressed and tired from his efforts, he decides to take Counselor Troi's advice and spend some time on the holodeck. He chooses his favorite program, that where he plays a private detective named Dixon Hill in 1940's San Francisco. Accompanied by the ship's historian, Dr. Crusher and Data they live out the wonderful world created for them in the holodeck but when they are scanned by aliens, it causes a malfunction that traps them there. Not only that, but the safety mechanisms malfunction as well leading to one of the participating crewmen being seriously injured. With the clock ticking away, time is growing short for Picard to make his address to their hosts. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Datalore



Datalore - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.7
46 min

The Enterprise visits Data's planet, Omicron Theta, to see if they can learn more about his somewhat unknown beginnings. The entire population of the planet died of unknown reasons many years previously with Data being found just around that time. Although they find no one alive, they do find a huge underground complex and, surprisingly, a disassembled version of Data. They re-build him and once activated, he introduces himself as Lor, an earlier and, he claims, a superior version of Data. He claims he was disassembled because he was so human-like that he frightened the local population. In fact, he knows far more than he is letting on and has the ability to call upon a crystalline entity of great destructive power, the very power that destroyed the planet and killed all of its inhabitants. All he has to do is find a way to impersonate Data. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Angel One

Angel One


Angel One - EPS 13

IMDb: 5.6
46 min

The Enterprise visit the planet Angel One in the hopes of rescuing the survivors of a Federation vessel that crashed there several years before. It's taken many years for them to receive the distress call and they're not sure what to expect. They do know that Angel One is a matriarchal society where women are the stronger and men adopt a more subservient role. They face an unusual problem when they find the survivors. As for Riker, he has to tread carefully when the planet's leader, Beata, takes an interest in him. Aboard the Enterprise Picard and Dr. Crusher have their own crisis when a severe flu epidemic strikes the crew. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD 11001001



11001001 - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.5
46 min

The Enterprise docks at Starbase 74 for 48 hours for what is supposed to be a computer upgrade. The upgrade is in the hands of the Binars, an advanced race whose minds work in binary code. For Picard and the crew it's an opportunity to relax and have a bit of R and R. Commander Riker is never quite sure what to do with himself on these layovers so he decides to spend some time on the holodeck in a New Orleans jazz bar. There he meets the beautiful Minuet and if it's possible to fall in love with a computer image, he practically does so. Picard soon joins them but the holodeck party is oblivious to what is happening on the ship. When the warp containment field begins to fail, Commader Data orders the evacuation of the ship and sends it off into the far reaches of space not realizing Riker and the Captain are still aboard. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Too Short a Season

Too Short a Season


Too Short a Season - EPS 15

IMDb: 6.1
45 min

The Enterprise travels to the planet Persephone 5 to collect Admiral Mark Jamieson and transport him to Mordan IV to again lead a hostage negotiation on the planet where he had achieved a successful negotiation 40 years before. The Admiral makes it quite clear that he is in command the mission, but not the ship. En route, Jamieson, who is quite elderly and suffering from the incurable Iverson's disease, takes an alien rejuvenation drug that makes him younger. It soon becomes apparent that the hostages are being held by the planet's ruler, Karnas, not a terrorist group as he had claimed. When it also come to light that Jamieson's success was not brought about in the manner recorded in Federation history books, it becomes clear that it is the Admiral himself Karnas is after. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD When the Bough Breaks

When the Bough Breaks


When the Bough Breaks - EPS 16

IMDb: 6.4
45 min

The Enterprise is delighted with a rare chance to visit a technologically advanced planet which long prevented access by means of a perfect cloaking technique. Prime administrator Radue shows how their people lead a life of leisure, trusting their central computer takes care of all necessities. But they can't solve a medical nightmare: endemic infertility, so they need to 'adopt' earthling children. Negotiations failing, they suddenly snatch Wesley and several younger, also gifted crew kids. Picard can barely keep negotiating credibly enough to avoid being chased too far in space ever to return, but Wesley manages to study and befriend the locals while planning a minimal risk revolt. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Home Soil

Home Soil


Home Soil - EPS 17

IMDb: 6.8
46 min

The Enterprise visits a team of scientists and engineers terraforming on Velara III. The team's leader, Kurt Mandl, isn't very welcoming stating that they are very busy but Picard insists with Riker, Data and Geordi beaming down to the planet. Velara III was selected because of its complete absence of any life forms and the terraforming initiative takes about 30 years. The team is now in the process of removing salts from the natural water supply as the first step in creating a sustainable environment. Geordi and Data come across a non-carbon based object that glows and give the appearance of life. When it attempts to communicate with the crew, it is obvious they have encountered a life form like no other. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Coming of Age

Coming of Age


Coming of Age - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

Wesley is off to complete his Starfleet entrance exams and testing and makes friends with Mordock, another of the four candidates seeking admission. Only one of the four will be accepted into the Academy and the competition will be strong. Wesley is particularly worried about the psychological evaluation which will focus on what he fears most. He has no idea what that is, however. Picard's old friend, Admiral Gregory Quinn requests to be beamed aboard and arrives with Commander Remick from the Inspector General's office. Remmick is there to conduct a complete investigation of the ship's operations. His very presence is unnerving to both the Captain and the bridge crew and his questions to the senior officers all seem to indicate that it is Captain Picard who is under investigation with his decisions, judgment and reliability all in question. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Heart of Glory

Heart of Glory


Heart of Glory - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

The Enterprise responds to a disturbance in the neutral zone with reports of a possible Romulan attack on a Talerian freighter. There is debris in the area and the freighter has obviously suffered some damage. On board, they find 3 Klingons with one of them seriously injured. The survivors are not very forthcoming about what happened on their ship nor how three Klingon warriors even ended up on a space freighter. After the injured Klingon dies, the remaining two try to recruit Worf to their cause by appealing to his Klingon heritage and pride. They tell him they were looking for a new world where they could be true Klingons and that the debris the Enterprise found was actually that of a Klingon battle cruiser they fought and destroyed. The Enterprise soon comes into contact with a second Klingon cruiser that wants the renegades arrested and turned over to them. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Arsenal of Freedom

The Arsenal of Freedom


The Arsenal of Freedom - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.2
60 min | 46 min (DVD)

The Enterprise encounters a message from a planet offering to sell them arms. The messenger, essentially a holographic image, invites them to the planet below. There, the away team led by Commander Riker comes under attack from a myriad of weapons leading Captain Picard and Dr. Crusher to also beam down to the planet. They too are attacked and Dr. Crusher is seriously wounded. Aboard the Enterprise, Lt. Laforge is left in command for the first time in a crisis situation. He not only has to deal with being under attack from these unknown weapons systems, but also deal with a colleague who feels he should be given command of the ship. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Symbiosis



Symbiosis - EPS 21

IMDb: 6.9
45 min

While observing a solar flare, the Enterprise happens to pick up distress calls from a breaking-down freighter. Two of the six people aboard get killed as there's no time left to beam aboard properly because the cargo was sent first, yet the other two crew members seem to care only for the freight. Their passengers, from their neighbor planet, contest ownership because their agreed payment aboard the freighter was lost. It's their only produce, vital for the other planet since it was struck by a general plague. Yet Dr. Crusher soon realizes it's not really medicine as they have no plague symptoms, yet suffer immensely without it. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Skin of Evil

Skin of Evil


Skin of Evil - EPS 22

IMDb: 6.9
45 min

The shuttle bringing Troi back to the Enterprise from an individual mission crashes on a near-unknown planet. It was presumed uninhabited, but shows atypical, life-like activity. Riker leads an away-team, including Data, which discovers the shuttle is controlled and access barred by a shape-shifting, oily slick of hostile, almost sadistic nature, with immense powers. Attempts to pass it cause Riker to be temporarily swallowed, Yar to be killed. Picard beams down to take command while Deana works out it's acting out of deep frustration, which they must tap into. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD We'll Always Have Paris

We'll Always Have Paris


We'll Always Have Paris - EPS 23

IMDb: 6.6
45 min

Puzzled, the Enterprise follows the enigmatic trail of distress messages left behind by the vessel of reputed time-space-continuum researcher Dr. Paul Manheim, which went missing years ago during his last experiment. It went terribly wrong, causing a time-distorting ripple to spread from a binary star system and pulsar's tapped-into unimaginable energy, which already affects the Enterpise crew. To prevent the galaxy being ripped open, the process must be reversed, although gravely, maybe fatally, injured Mannheim can only give unreliable instructions to Data. Picard is largely focused on Paul's younger wife Jenice, once Jean-Luc's fiancée, whom he dumped in Paris for his Starfleet dream. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Conspiracy



Conspiracy - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.1
46 min

Captain Walker Keel, an old friend of Picard's, uses a top-secret frequency, thus excluding informing Riker, to summon him to a top-secret meeting with two other captain. The vague innuendo about a plot to take over a strategic sector of the Federation by replacing mysteriously dying Starfleet officers doesn't quite impress Picard, but he reconsiders after Keel and his crew die in an explosion. So he intends with Riker to visit Starfleet HQ, where he will dine with admirals and their aide Dexter Remmick, while Riker keeps an eye on admiral Aaron, who insists to visit the modernized Enterprise, actually carrying an alien brain-parasite. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Neutral Zone

The Neutral Zone


The Neutral Zone - EPS 25

IMDb: 7.5
60 min | 25 min (DVD)

Data finds an ancient space capsule from Earth, with three people who have been frozen for over 400 years. Meanwhile, Starfleet sends the Enterprise to the edge of the Romulan Neutral Zone, where their starbases and personnel have disappeared after decades without contact between the Federation and the Romulans. Meanwhile, Dr. Crusher revives the three survivors who died of incurable diseases and were placed in cryonic freeze after their deaths in the hopes that cures might be found in the future. Upon their first encounter, Captain Picard also learns from the Romulans that their starbases and personnel have also disappeared. Written by Moviedude1

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation - EPS 26

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Set in the 24th century and decades after the adventures of the original crew of the starship Enterprise, this new series is the long-awaited successor to the original Star Trek (1966). Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the all new Enterprise NCC 1701-D travels out to distant planets to seek out new life and to boldly go where no one has gone before. Written by Harald Mayr marvin@bike.augusta.de

Country: USA
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