The Schizoid Man

The Schizoid Man

The Enterprise responds to a request for medical assistance from Dr. Ira Graves, considered by many to be the greatest living mind in the universe. Graves didn't want any help and the Enterprise was summoned by his assistant Kareen. He is a crotchety old man who doesn't really like people but is now in the terminal stages of his illness. He taught Data's creator, Dr. Soong, everything he knows and describes himself as the android's grandfather. Knowing that the end is near, he transfers all of his knowledge and intellect into Data. As a result, Data begins to act differently and becomes a cause of concern to Picard and others. Written by garykmcd



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HD The Child

The Child


The Child - EPS 01

IMDb: 5.8
45 min

The ship has a new chief medical officer, Dr. Katherine Pulaski, now that Beverley Crusher has been made head of Starfleet Medical. The Enterprise is on an emergency mission to collect plague samples for analysis but Counselor Troi unexpectedly finds herself pregnant. She also finds her pregnancy advancing very quickly with conception to birth expected to take no more than 48 hours. Once born the child, whom Troi names Ian Andrew after her father, grows at a rapid rate proceeding through childhood in a matter of hours. Meanwhile Guinan, who tends the bar in Ten Forward, a crew lounge, gives Wesley Crusher some advice. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Where Silence Has Lease

Where Silence Has Lease


Where Silence Has Lease - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.1
30 min

While en route to the Mogana quadrant, the Enterprise comes comes across a unique phenomena for the first time. It appears as a black void, with no matter or energy readings of any kind. As the Enterprise approaches the entity, it envelops the ship completely. They find however that they are unable to leave and when a Romulan vessel suddenly appears, Picard and the crew realize that something is amiss. Unable to move or leave and facing a lifetime as a prisoner of Nagilum, who wishes to experiment on them, Captain Picard decides there can be only one solution to set them free. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Elementary, Dear Data

Elementary, Dear Data


Elementary, Dear Data - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

When the Enterprise arrives a few days early at its rendezvous point to meet the USS Victory, the crew have a bit of leisure time on their hands. For Data and Geordi Laforge, it means a trip to the holodeck and 221B Baker St. With Data in the role of Holmes and Laforge as Dr. Watson, they take on a challenge from Dr. Pulaski that Data couldn't solve a genuine mystery. Data has a bit of time adjusting to a real mystery - as opposed to one for which he knows the outcome. In giving the holodeck computer its instructions however, Geordi's specifications for an opponent results in a far superior creation than expected putting them and the entire ship in danger. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Outrageous Okona

The Outrageous Okona


The Outrageous Okona - EPS 04

IMDb: 6.3
60 min

The Enterprise comes to the assistance of Captain Thadiun Okona when his ship malfunctions. Okona is a quick-witted and charming rogue who entertains everyone with his humor and is vastly popular with the ladies. While the Enterprise crew rebuilds the parts he needs to continue his journey, they are approached by the leaders of two planets accusing Okona of being a thief, or worse, and demanding that Picard turn him over to them. One is particularly incensed as he has accused Okona of impregnating his daughter. Not all is as it seems however. Data meanwhile tries to better understand humor. He seeks advice from Guinan and on the holodeck also gets advice from a stand up comic. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Loud as a Whisper

Loud as a Whisper


Loud as a Whisper - EPS 05

IMDb: 6.5
60 min | 45 min (DVD)

Worf is most anxious to meet Riva, the almost mythical negotiator who played a key part in appeasing the Klingons so they could enter the Federation. The Enterpise picks him up at his home planet and learns he's mute and comes with a 'chorus' of three who not only speak for him but also represent complementary views on things and emotions. he confidently goes about his mission, but a rogue member from the delegation of one of two centuries-warring planets suddenly murders his entire chorus. Disheartened, Riva wants to retreat altogether, only Troi hopes to persuade him to persevere and senses an angle. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Schizoid Man

The Schizoid Man


The Schizoid Man - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

The Enterprise responds to a request for medical assistance from Dr. Ira Graves, considered by many to be the greatest living mind in the universe. Graves didn't want any help and the Enterprise was summoned by his assistant Kareen. He is a crotchety old man who doesn't really like people but is now in the terminal stages of his illness. He taught Data's creator, Dr. Soong, everything he knows and describes himself as the android's grandfather. Knowing that the end is near, he transfers all of his knowledge and intellect into Data. As a result, Data begins to act differently and becomes a cause of concern to Picard and others. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Unnatural Selection

Unnatural Selection


Unnatural Selection - EPS 07

IMDb: 6.5
45 min

The Enterprise is en route to Star Station India when receive a distress signal from the USS Lantree, a Federation supply ship. When they arrive, they find everyone aboard the Lantree dying of what seems to be old age. They proceed to the Lantree's last port of call, the Darwin genetic research facility on Gagarin IV only to find that they too are suffering from rapid aging. Picard and Dr. Pulaski clash when she brings aboard one of the children from the station and in order to complete her examination, takes him aboard a shuttle craft in order to isolate him from the Enterprise crew. She is soon infected however and seems doomed to die of old age but Picard may have a solution. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD A Matter of Honor

A Matter of Honor


A Matter of Honor - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.1
60 min | 45 min (DVD)

When the Federation promotes an officer exchange program, Commander Riker decides to accept an assignment aboard a Klingon war ship. As the first Federation officer to serve aboard a Klingon vessel, Riker has to gain the trust of his new shipmates and particularly that of his irascible captain. As part of the same exchange program, the Enterprise welcomes aboard Ensign Mendon from a culture that is forever seeking to improve operational efficiency. When he discovers a bacteria attacking the integrity of the ship's hull, he searches for a solution on his own rather than reporting it. When the same bacteria affects the Klingon ship, its Captain believes the Enterprise is responsible and orders an attack. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Measure of a Man

The Measure of a Man


The Measure of a Man - EPS 09

IMDb: 9.1
45 min

At Starbase 173, the crew have a bit of leave. Data learns some of the intricacies of playing poker while Captain Picard runs into an old friend of a sort, Captain Phillipa Louvois, who established a new JAG office at the base. She once prosecuted him, unsuccessfully, but there is admiration at least, on both sides. Problems arise however when Commander Bruce Maddox receives permission to disassemble Data to determine how he functions. When Data expresses doubts about Maddox's likelihood of success, he refuses to undergo the procedure and resigns his commission. He soon finds himself the center of a judicial inquiry to determine if he is just a machine and a piece of property or a sentient being who has the right to make his own decisions. Captain Louvois finds herself sitting in judgment with Captain Picard defending Data's claim against Commander Riker who is forced to present the opposing arguments. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Dauphin

The Dauphin


The Dauphin - EPS 10

IMDb: 6.2
45 min

Ens. Wesley Crusher suffers from the pangs of first love when the Enterprise is tasked to transport a young woman, Salia, back to her home where she is to become the leader of her people. Traveling with her is her guardian and teacher, Anya, who is more that just a bit overprotective. Wesley very much wants to be with her - and her likewise with him - but there are few opportunities and Anya continually interferes. Guinan and others provide him with advice. When Salia reveals her true self to him, he re-evaluates his feelings. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Contagion



Contagion - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.6
46 min

Picard and the Enterprise respond to a distress call from its sister ship the USS Yamato. It has been facing a number of serious technical glitches and they lost 18 crew members when the computer turned off the force field on an open shuttle bay. Before the Enterprise can assist however, the Yamato is destroyed with all lives lost. The explosion is apparently the result of a failure in their matter/anti-matter pods but Picard suspects it may have something to do with a relic the Yamato's captain obtained on an archaeological dig on a nearby planet. They are in the Neutral Zone and are being shadowed by a Romulan ship but Picard, an amateur archaeologist, leads an away team to the planet to see what is causing the problem. When the Enterprise's shields inexplicably activate, they have no means to beam the away team back on board. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Royale

The Royale


The Royale - EPS 12

IMDb: 6.6
45 min

When the Enterprise is advised by a passing Klingon vessel that there is strange debris in orbit around a nearby planet, they investigate only to find a piece of a NASA spacecraft emblazoned with the US flag. The planet below has severe weather and an unbreathable atmosphere except for one small area that appears to be inhabitable by humans. Riker, Data and Worf beam down to the surface only to find a single revolving door leading them to the casino floor in the Hotel Royale. They soon find that they are trapped there and cannot exit. As they explore the hotel, they find the remains of a human, dead for several centuries. They also find his diary and a cheap pulp fiction novel that seems to be the story taking place in the hotel itself. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Time Squared

Time Squared


Time Squared - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Deep in space, the Enterprise comes across a Federation shuttle craft that is floating in space and without much power but which does exhibit the life signs of one human aboard. They bring the craft aboard only to find that it is one of their own shuttle craft and to their amazement find a duplicate, but unconscious, Captain Picard aboard. Data and Geordi Laforge manage to restore power and determine that the craft actually comes from 6 hours into the future and the shuttle's log reveals that the Enterprise will be destroyed. As the Enterprise enters a dangerous vortex and the events in the recovered shuttle's log seem to be coming true, Picard and the crew must find a way to break the time-warp cycle they seem to be in. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Icarus Factor

The Icarus Factor


The Icarus Factor - EPS 14

IMDb: 6.3
60 min | 45 min (DVD)

When Riker is offered the command of the the USS Aries he and Picard are pleased. They are stopping at Starbase Montgomery where they are taking a civilian on board to brief Riker on his new assignment. When it turns out to be Riker's father -they haven't seen each other for some 15 years - it seems he knows Dr. Pulaski with whom he obviously at one time had a serious relationship. It takes a physical encounter for father and son to solve their issues. Worf meanwhile has been quite irascible lately and it's left to Wesley Crusher to figure out what he needs. While at the base, the crew is also taking advantage of the facilities to have the engines looked at. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Pen Pals

Pen Pals


Pen Pals - EPS 15

IMDb: 6.8
45 min

On arriving at a newly identified planetary group, the crew finds that the entire system is unstable. As the person in charge of Wesley Crusher's training and education, Commander Riker wants to put him in charge of the planetary mineral survey, the results of which should explain why the system has become so unstable. He has to command a team for the first time, all of whom are older than himself. Data meanwhile has a pen pal of sorts when he establishes radio contact with Sarjenka, a young girl from a nearby planet. They exchange information for several weeks when Data finally realizes that Sarjenka's world isn't aware of extra-terrestrial life and as a result, he has broken the Prime Directive. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Q Who

Q Who


Q Who - EPS 16

IMDb: 9.0
46 min

Q pays the Enterprise another visit, much to Captain Picard's disapproval. He wants Q to keep his part of their earlier bargain and stay away. Q insists that Picard needs him on his side and to prove his point, hurls the Enterprise far into the galaxy. There, the Enterprise crew meet the Borg and their strange, cube-like space craft. The Borg are a race that is part biological and part machine that exists within a collective consciousness. They are also a formidable foe that can out power, out run and out fight the Enterprise. With their shields weakened, it's left to Picard to decide if they really do need Q's help. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Samaritan Snare

Samaritan Snare


Samaritan Snare - EPS 17

IMDb: 6.5
45 min

The Enterprise is en route to base 515 where they will leave Wesley Crusher for a short time to undergo Starfleet Academy exams. Dr. Pulaski also wants Captain Picard to stop there and undergo a medical procedure he would prefer no one know about. The two of them set off for the base in a shuttle craft and along the way form a bond. Riker and others are puzzled by Picard's sudden decision to go to the base but the ship is soon off responding to a distress call sent by a Pakled vessel. They seem to have only limited knowledge of engineering and how to make the necessary repairs to its engines. The Enterprise is more than happy to help out but the Pakled are not as simple-minded as they seem and have their own plans for the Enterprise. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Up the Long Ladder

Up the Long Ladder


Up the Long Ladder - EPS 18

IMDb: 6.3
45 min

When Starfleet receives an Earth-like distress signal from deep in space, the Enterprise is sent to investigate. Picard suspects the Earthlings in question may have originated with SS Mariposa which carried a group of Utopians hundreds of years before. He is intrigued at the odd mix of equipment they carry. When they arrive, they realize that solar flares from the planet's sun will kill them and the Captain orders the colonists removed to the Enterprise for their safety. When the refugees mention there is another group from which they've separated for hundreds of years, the ship travels to the Mariposa colony which is made up entirely of clones of the original inhabitants. Meanwhile, Worf collapses at his station on the bridge and Dr. Pulaski tries to diagnose what may be wrong with him. He's less than pleased when she tells him that he has the Klingon version of the measles. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Manhunt



Manhunt - EPS 19

IMDb: 6.0
45 min

The Enterprise is transporting delegates to a diplomatic conference dealing with Federation membership. Counselor Troi is more than just a bit embarrassed when her mother Lwaxanna, as outrageous as ever, arrives on board the Enterprise. She is the official Ambassador from Betazed but that isn't the only reason she is there. She is going through 'The Phase', a time in her life when her sexual drive increases fourfold. She's clearly got her eyes on the Captain who decides to take refuge on the holodeck as private detective Dixon Hill. With him away, she announces that Commander Riker is her next target and he soon joins the Captain on the holodeck. She tracks them down but her sudden interest in a holodeck character serves to rescue the Captain and his First Officer. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Emissary

The Emissary


The Emissary - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

The Enterprise is ordered to proceed to an emergency rendezvous to collect a special envoy who is traveling from Starbase 153 to meet them. They are given no information about the nature of the emergency, just that they will be briefed by the emissary on arrival. She is K'Ehleyr, a Klingon who has been sent to deal with a Klingon warship - the T'Ong - that has been found in deep space with a crew in long-term stasis. They predate the current peaceful coexistence between the Federation and the Klingon Empire and as far as they are concerned, the Klingon warriors aboard the T'Ong are still at war with the humans. Worf has a solution to dealing with with the warriors. Meanwhile, it appears that K'Ehleyr - who is half-human - has a history and perhaps at one time a romance, with Lieutenant Worf. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Peak Performance

Peak Performance


Peak Performance - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.8
60 min | 45 min (DVD)

The Enterprise is to engage in war gaming exercise with a master strategist, Sirna Kolrami, on board. As part of the exercise, Riker will command an old vessel, the USS Hathaway, and act as the 'enemy'. Riker takes along Laforge, Worf, Wesley Cusher and several others as his crew and their first task is to get the vessel operational. Kolrami is supremely confident and arrogant, convinced that his superior skills will result in an easy victory over Riker. When they are attacked by the Ferengi who want the Hathaway as their prize, Picard and the crew stage a clever deception. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Shades of Gray

Shades of Gray


Shades of Gray - EPS 22

IMDb: 3.4
45 min

Riker returns from an away team mission wounded and infected with microbes from the planet below. He is soon in a coma in sick bay, the microbes having fused itself to his sciatic nerve and impeding his normal functions. Dr. Pulaski cannot find a cure and although she can kill the microbes, it would also likely kill Riker. With only a hour or so before the spreading disease reaches his brain, Pulaski stimulates his neural impulses leading Riker to recall previous events aboard the Enterprise. The Doctor realizes that negative emotions are what will defeat the the body's invaders. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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