

A prior of the Ori has established an ever-growing forcefield on a Jaffa-controlled planet. A minor Goa'uld, but also the one who engineered the multiple gate connections required for the defeat of the Replicators, comes to the SGC with information on the event and offers his help. Written by trekkie4christ



All Episodes - S09

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HD Avalon: Part 1

Avalon: Part 1


Avalon: Part 1 - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

With a new commander of the SGC comes a new leader of SG-1, Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell, a former fighter pilot who flew an F-302 in the battle over Antarctica. However, he is deterred by the fact that all the other members of SG-1 are leaving for other ventures: Teal'c to manage the Jaffa Nation, Carter to Area 51 for alien RandD, and Dr. Jackson to Atlantis as an Ancient expert. Mitchell endeavors to keep the members of SG-1 for himself, but they are increasingly tough to convince. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Avalon: Part 2

Avalon: Part 2


Avalon: Part 2 - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Having solved the riddles put before them, Col. Mitchell manages to pull the sword from the stone and must fight a holographic knight in shining armor and with that - once they make amends for Vala's light fingers - the treasure appears. Daniel finds new information about the Ancients who have also been known as Alterans, Ancients who may not have ascended. Using the Ancients communications stones, Daniel and Vala find their consciousness transported across the universe where they occupy the bodies of a man and woman living in a medieval society. The locals worship the Ori, a religious cult that now learns of human existence. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Origin



Origin - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Daniel and Vala have used the Ancient device to inhabit the bodies of people in the Alterans' home galaxy. They have been taken by a prior of the Ori to meet the Doyen, one who speaks with the Ori, their gods. Daniel surmises that the Ori are what the Alterans who became the Ancients left behind and have ascended in a similar fashion, but without the restrictions. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD The Ties That Bind

The Ties That Bind


The Ties That Bind - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

Vala returns to SGC upon having been separated from Daniel for a little under an hour. The effects of the bracelets have not diminished even though they have been removed. In order to get the effects reversed, Mitchell, Jackson, and Vala must deal with many people that Vala has used over the years to gain favors. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD The Powers That Be

The Powers That Be


The Powers That Be - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Vala leads SG-1 to a planet where the priors have visited with a plan to keep them from worshiping the Ori. Once there she reveals that the symbiote that once held her ruled over this planet. She feels that keeping them in allegiance to her will hinder the spread of Origin to this world. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Beachhead



Beachhead - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

A prior of the Ori has established an ever-growing forcefield on a Jaffa-controlled planet. A minor Goa'uld, but also the one who engineered the multiple gate connections required for the defeat of the Replicators, comes to the SGC with information on the event and offers his help. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA
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HD Ex Deus Machina

Ex Deus Machina


Ex Deus Machina - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Following the death of a Jaffa on Earth and the disappearance of a prominent businessman, SG-1 starts an investigation into what remains of the Trust and into the actions of the Jaffa Nation. They discover that Baal is hiding on Earth after losing his forces to the Jaffa and that the Jaffa are secretly attempting his capture. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Babylon



Babylon - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

SG-1 investigates a planet that is said to be the home of the Warriors of Sodan, a legendary tribe of Jaffa said to have not served the Goa'uld in hundreds of years. In an encounter with the warriors, Mitchell deals a deadly blow to one of the Sodan and is captured and taken to their village. There he awaits a battle to the death as punishment for his crime. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Prototype



Prototype - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

In an attempt to observe what may be an undiscovered black hole, Carter is sent to the wrong planet. She returns with this information and begins diagnostics on the dialing computer. When they find that nothing is wrong on their end, Carter theorizes that the gate is keeping people out by redirecting them to a random planet. She cracks the code keeping them out and SG-1 goes to investigate the planet. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD The Fourth Horseman: Part 1

The Fourth Horseman: Part 1


The Fourth Horseman: Part 1 - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

A prior has convinced Gerak, leader of the Jaffa Nation, into following Origin. He is attempting to make Origin a state religion for the Jaffa. Teal'c and Bra'tac attempt to make a case against the Ori, but to no avail. Meanwhile, a prior plague has breached SGC and spread to the rest of Colorado. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD The Fourth Horseman: Part 2

The Fourth Horseman: Part 2


The Fourth Horseman: Part 2 - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

The plague continues to spread among the US population and the President has quarantined the nation. Teal'c is pleading with the Jaffa High Council to reject Origin, but Gerak arrives, having been transformed by the Ori into a prior. Cameron and Daniel seek the blood of the prior that caused the plague in order to cure it, but have once again been captured by the Sodan. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Collateral Damage

Collateral Damage


Collateral Damage - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

The Galarans visit the SGC to demonstrate a new learning tool they have developed. They have found a way to to graft memories - and the person's expert knowledge - from one person to another. The Pentagon thinks it could cut pilot training for example to just a few days and are definitely interested. Sam believes the Galarans are more than likely interested in acquiring arms in return and SG-1 is dispatched to the planet to see what they can learn. Mitchell spends the night with the scientist in charge of the project, Reya Varrick, but when she is found dead Mitchell is arrested - and he admits to having memories of having killed her. Mitchell is certain he didn't kill her and demands a complete investigation. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Ripple Effect

Ripple Effect


Ripple Effect - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

SG-1 returns early from a mission only to realize that they and Gen. Landry aren't on the same page as far as the the mission they've just completed is concerned. The confusion is quickly resolved when the real SG-1 returns at the correct time. Dr. Lam examines them all and concludes that they are identical and thinks they might be clones. Sam however thinks they may have come from a parallel universe as the result of the black hole they created when they destroyed the Ori beachhead. As more SG-1 teams arrive from other alternate universes, one of them includes Dr. Fraiser and another includes the Tok'ra Martouf. It's left to Sam and Martouf to find a way to send them all home. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stronghold



Stronghold - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

Leader of the Hak'tyl and their representative on the Jaffa High Council, Ka'lel has fallen in with those who work against a democratic Jaffa nation. Things worsen when she incapacitates and turns a well-spoken brother Jaffa who promoted democracy. Bra'tac comes to Hayes and SG-1 for help in finding a now missing Teal'c and uncovering the shadowy dealings in the Jaffa High Council. On Earth, Mitchell gets an old friend of his into a hospital where alien-based technology is used; hopefully, the advances they have made will be able to cure what ails him. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Ethon



Ethon - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

A contact within the Rand Protectorate comes to Earth with news that the Ori have given his people a superweapon to use against the Caledonian Federation in exchange for their conversion to Origin. SG-1 plans to turn the people from their newfound religion and destroy the superweapon. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Off the Grid

Off the Grid


Off the Grid - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

On a mission to trade in a promising corn type, SG-1 is taken captive by Worrel, a Lucian Alliance underling, who also holds them erroneously responsible when their stargate disappears (as on several planets). General Landry works on Nerus's appetite for food and freedom to find out that the thief is Ba'al, who plans not only the ransom but to start a new Goa'uld empire. After the Odyssea rescues SG-1, SGC and the Alliance try to take on Ba'al and each-other. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD The Scourge

The Scourge


The Scourge - EPS 17

IMDb: 6.9
44 min

SG-1 is tasked to accompany members of the International Oversight Advisory, including Richard Woolsey, on a tour of the Gamma site. The visitors are suitably impressed but everyone is put in danger when a carnivorous insect escapes from the lab. The base is locked down and no one is allowed to travel through the gate. The bug is linked to the Ori - it's appeared on several planets that they've visited - and Daniel thinks it may be their follow-up to the virus. SG-1 and the IOA visitors take refuge in a cave but Gen. Landrey is left with little choice but to flood the planet with a deadly neurotoxin to destroy the bugs. SG-1 looks for away out before that happens. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Arthur's Mantle

Arthur's Mantle


Arthur's Mantle - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Sam manages to activate an Ancients' device they found at the Glastonbury site and she and Mitchell are shifted into a phase that makes them invisible to everyone. Daniel soon figures out just what is going on but Dr. Lee's proposed solution sends Daniel to the same plane as Sam and Mitchell. There he is able to translate information explaining that Merlin had created a weapon against the Ori - and provides a gate address where it can be found. Meanwhile, Teal'c travels to a Jaffa planet that has sent out a distress call. The two events are related. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Crusade



Crusade - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Using the Ancients communication technology Vala, who is in the Ori galaxy, contacts the SGC. She tells them that after being sucked into the wormhole she awoke in a bed in a village much like the one she and Daniel had visited when they used the communication stones. The locals think she fell from the sky - a gift from the gods - and befriends the gentle Tomin, a devout follower of the Ori who has a bad leg. Vala has two pieces of information for the SGC: first, she is pregnant though insists that she didn't have sex with anyone; and second, the Ori have been building a fleet of ships and building up its army. Meanwhile, Col. Chekov advises General Landry that the Russians will not be renewing their working agreement with the United States and will be taking their stargate. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Camelot



Camelot - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Based on the information Vala gave them, SG-1 travels to the planet where Merlin may have hidden his secret weapon to defeat ascended beings. There they find an appropriately medieval village and learn that Merlin kept a library there. The locals have never been inside owing to a curse that on anyone who dares enter but SG-1 finds a way in. Once inside, they find a secret chamber that may reveal the location of the weapon. SGC meanwhile have located the Ori's supergate. Sam's attempt to get control of it is too late and four Ori make their way through. In the ensuing battle, much of Earth's fleet is destroyed and the future of several SGC members is left in doubt. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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