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Season 3 finds Scott and the mysterious agent Rachel Dalton in the Kenyan desert securing the transfer of a Libyan functionary seeking asylum. Back in Britain, Stonebridge is training Section 20 recruits. Nothing goes as planned for either of them. Written by Axe Pagode
All Episodes - S03
Season 3 finds Scott and the mysterious agent Rachel Dalton in the Kenyan desert securing the transfer of a Libyan functionary seeking asylum. Back in Britain, Stonebridge is training Section 20 recruits. Nothing goes as planned for either of them. Written by Axe Pagode
Stonebridge learns about his mate's failed operation and volunteers to rescue him at extreme peril for Section 20, including Rachel, who now reveals being a military intelligence captain on a mission to retrieve at all costs the nuclear detonators the Libyan sold to the Somali war lord. Damien survives torture from war lord Waabri, a former London-trained boxer. Stonebridge and Rachel pulls off his rescue, with pussyfooting assistance from the Section and very belated African Union intervention, but diplomat Patrick Burton is fatally shot and the detonators lost. The mercenary hired to buy them from the Libyan reports to his South African employer. Jake's surviving brother, sniper Craig, kills Stonebridge's wife there. Written by KGF Vissers
Sergeant Michael Stonebridge is allowed to cut short his therapy for Craig Hanson's sniper-murder on his wife when Damien accepts to be his partner again. Section 20 resumes the hunt for the nuclear detonators, which have been traced to Niger. The duo nearly dies in a failed retrieval because of US air revenge for a CIA plan being shot down by fundamentalist Muslim rebels. They get caught, without armed backup, between nomadic Touareg independence fighters, who captured Othmami, the man who eluded them in the capital with the triggers, and El Soldat's Islamist guerrilla force from over the Algerian border, who 'cheat' bloodily at an auction. The quest shifts into the Algerian Hogar desert, with apparently innocent locals caught up. Written by KGF Vissers
Mike, Damien, hostage and locals are stranded in the Hoggar desert, where no help can be provided against El Soldat's approaching guerrilla force. Section command does however work out that Othmani is El Soldat's brother and treason may be the key to the whole situation, but it turns out more people have double faces. After surviving the superior assault, the duo has to concede the detonators to South African Conrad Knox's US mercenary henchman Karl Matlock, so Mike and mates return to Cape Town, practically his wife's murder site. Written by KGF Vissers
Having failed to keep the detonators from falling into Karl Matlock's hands, Section 20 hopes to catch him and prevent him from recruiting Dr. peter Evans, who turns out to be an undercover nuclear scientist blackmails with his kidnapped offspring. The Cape Town police proves rather uncooperative i practice, also due to Conrad Knox's cloud. Mike, in mourning, is shortly distracted, Damien was seduced by Mosad agent Rebecca and tries to redeem himself by fielding former US comrade in arms Curtis, only to see him shot without success. Written by KGF Vissers
Section 20's research finally works out that the 'pacifist' African foundation headed by Conrad Knox's daughter Ava also serves as a front to deal in confiscated rebel weapons, his political connections are a mighty problem. Still obsessed with his wife's killer, Craig Hanson, who now heads Knox's security, Mike is distracted long enough for nuclear scientist Evans to be captured. He and Damien give chase and intrude the Knox Cape Town compound, while the old man escapes. Damien's Mosad lover chooses country over love and justice. Written by KGF Vissers
Having lost Karl Matlock's trail and hence the nuclear detonators, the team focuses on his boss Conrad Knox. He sent Matlock's commando team to free from Harare's jail Zimbabwean opposition leader Walter Lutulu. After Damien consults his CIA friend Christy Bryant, major Oliver Sinclair is caught trying to find and defend his daughter Lilian Lutulu, imprisoned with a Section 20 party after the South Africans expel them and is executed. Mike and Damien manage to join and protect Lilian, a humanitarian lawyer. Knox's expert needs more time to assemble the nuclear warheads. Written by KGF Vissers
After Walter Lutulu learned about Knox's plans and refused to play along, he was murdered by a mob covering Matlock's men. Daughter Lilian soon decides to counter the plot by taking his place as opposition leader. Section concentrates again on their key mission, retrieving the nuclear detonators, by now assembled into four bombs at Knox's disposal. A raid on his camp is a partial success. Christy Bryant continues her dirty game. Written by KGF Vissers
Stonebridge warns he can't guarantee to regain control over his obsession with wife-killer Craig, but is told he's too invaluable for the team to consider expulsion, especially to balance maverick Scott in duo operations. One of the now assembled warheads is precipitously transported by the client, South Nigerian anti-western rebels, represented by reputable lawyer Christian Lucas, and explodes in a Johannesburg township when arrested by shooting police. Damien still hopes on collaboration with CIA renegade Christy, but is becomes clear she sold out to the terrorists. Written by KGF Vissers
Knox turns on his incompetent Nigerian partners, allowing the to be arrested, and even on his own security chief, who protest at abandoning the strong Africa project. Mike gets his confrontation with Craig but spares his life, while a female officer is killed. The nuclear bombs are traced to Cairo, this time for financial blackmail purposes. Written by KGF Vissers