Episode #4.10

Episode #4.10

Kamali is alive. He has fooled everyone involved. He takes Stonebridge and Scott prisoner. He sends them to Ulyanov. But, not before telling them that Al-Zuhari is dead. The boys escape from the guards using some brilliant moves. Locke makes a deal with Ulyanov get Kamali's target. He promises to turn over Scott and Stonebridge for Kamali and the cure. Kamali prepares to put his plan in motion. His target is Ramstein Air Base. He has several access points to deploy the weapon. He successfully deploys the weapon and commandeers a plane to escape and spread more of the virus. Richmond boards the plane and is knocked out. Damien and Michael get Richmond back and the commander of the base has the plan shot down. Ulyanov convinces Locke that he has Kamali. How he got off the plane is a mystery. He demands Locke exchange Stonebridge and Scott. In a crowded park the men make the exchange. When he double crosses everyone, Pirogova and Richmond take out the guards and Ulyanov. Written by Axe Pagode



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HD Episode #4.1

Episode #4.1


Episode #4.1 - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.9

A Section 20 surveillance operation in the Bakka Valley goes badly resulting in the death of Liam Baxter. Maj. Dalton captures the execution on video, but is unable to rescue him. Stonebridge and Scott are enjoying a well-deserved vacation riding motorcycles on the open highways of North America. They are recalled to duty to go after Liam's killer the terrorist Leo Kamali. With the help DEA Special Agent Kim Martinez, they plan to infiltrate a high level criminal cartel meeting in Colombia. Written by Axe Pagode

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Episode #4.2

Episode #4.2


Episode #4.2 - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.7

After the escape of Kamali, Section 20 with the help of DEA Agent Martinez and Mossad Agent Rebecca attempt to reacquire him by breaking into a bank and stealing the contents of Kamali's safety deposit box. In typical Section 20 fashion, all hell breaks loose during the escape. Rebecca is killed, but Richmond is able to access the information and find the locations of three safe houses that Kamali uses. Upon breaching the home, Kamali surrenders. He claims that he is CIA. With the prospect of dying if he is lying or dying if he is telling the truth, they allow him to take them hostage. During their questioning and torture at the hand of Gomez, Kamali frees them and goes back with them to Section 20. While all this madness is going on, Dalton is still searching for the source that exposed her team to Al Zuhari and Kamali. She finally gets some useful information from Sebastian Gray. As Gray is talking to her, he is shot. In the pursuing chase, Dalton runs out of bullets and has to be ... Written by Axe Pagode

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Episode #4.3

Episode #4.3


Episode #4.3 - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.5
48 min

Al-Zuhari sends a request to facilitator James Leatherby by messenger. Leatherby makes a joke to the messenger about how much Zuhari trusts him; He then promptly blows him up the building with the messenger still in it. Section 20 is in Beirut chasing a target named Amir with the help of Kamali. Amir is shot during the extraction. Under the orders of Dalton, they threaten to plant papers on his body that would make Al Qaeda kill his family if he didn't tell them what they wanted to know. Dalton is still having trouble dealing with the death of Baxter. She is still taking medication to cope with the emotions. It is affecting her decisions. She orders Kamali to pay Leatherby the money to bring in Zuhari and to wear a wire to the meet. She doesn't care if it gets him killed. Leatherby is an extremely paranoid man. Kamali is reluctant to do it, but he does. Written by Axe Pagode

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Episode #4.4

Episode #4.4


Episode #4.4 - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.8
47 min

Because of Kamali's betrayal, Leatherby takes his daughter hostage. A brazen rescue attempt to get Ester back is attempted by Scott, Richmond, Stonebridge, and Martinez. Dalton pulls out the stops in her interrogation and torture of Sofia. She learns that Sofia is al-Zuhari wife. This is critical information that can lead to al-Zuhari's capture. Kamali tracks Dalton down on Locke's orders. The escape ruse that Dalton and Kamali employ to get Sofia to lead them to al-Zuhari has a surprising outcome. A dangerous and unexpected enemy with an intense vendetta against the British surfaces with disastrous results. Written by Axe Pagode

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Episode #4.5

Episode #4.5


Episode #4.5 - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.6
47 min

Section 20 heads off to Budapest based on information of the movements of McKenna. Twenty tracks down an old IRA arms dealer in Budapest in hopes that McKenna will reach to him. During in their interrogation, he runs in front of a lorry and dies, but not before telling them that McKenna is going after an arms shipment in Pest. Rachel Dalton is laid to rest. Sgt Richmond is the only member of Section 20 to attend the funeral. Richmonds learns that Dalton has a son. The team does not perform the customary ritual when one of them dies because none of them really trusted or respected Dalton. However, Locked promises to do what he can for her son. Twenty acquires an optic drive with a message from al-Zuhari from the deal former IRA gun dealer. Al-Zuhari is planning a major attack on a holy day. To the horror of the British government and their allies, it seems that the IRA and Al Qaeda have joined forces. Stonebridge is having some form of physical ailment. His motor skills and vision ... Written by Axe Pagode

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Episode #4.6

Episode #4.6


Episode #4.6 - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.8
47 min

The Real IRA has captured Locke. During his interrogation, his captors try to force him to tell the new protocols for NATO. There is only 24 hours before the next Al-Zuhari attack. Twenty uses all their assets to locate Locke. They find a fixer who works for al-Zuhari in Europe named Mousawi. Stonebridge and Scott kidnap him and force the information from him. During the questioning, they are attacked by the Russian assassin whose been tracking them since Beirut. The IRA implements their planned attack of the British Embassy. Locke and McKenna have their final conflagration with surprising results. Written by Axe Pagode

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Episode #4.7

Episode #4.7


Episode #4.7 - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.7
45 min

Breaking the decryption of the cloned NATO hard drive acquired by McKenna would breach all of NATO security. It is the top task on the list of Al-Zuhari. The drive is smuggled into a Russian prison so an expert computer hacker can decrypt it. Scott and Stonebridge go undercover into the Russian prison as drug dealers to prevent the hacker, Erik Anderson from succeeding. The job is far more complicated than they expected. Stonebridge is still having trouble keeping his focus. He learns that it is due to his exposure to a neurotoxin that will eventually cause paralysis of this legs and lungs. Needing a way to get out of the prison, Stonebridge and Scott get a fellow inmate to created a diversion with the guards. Kamali's actions continue to make everyone involved wonder whose side is he on. Written by Axe Pagode

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Episode #4.8

Episode #4.8


Episode #4.8 - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.8
47 min

Stonebridge wakes up handcuffed in the back of a transport. He sees Erik Andersson, beaten and battered, a body of corpse, and realizes that he is in real trouble. Stonebridge is strapped to a gurney and moved to a lab that is used to experiment on prisoners. He learns that Takenaka is making weaponized small pox for Al-Zuhari. Damien and Nina escape their guards with a little help from Martinez and Richmond. After giving up Scott and Stonebridge to Ulyanov, Kamali tells Locke why he did it. Locke and others still do not believe Kamali. They still are not sure what side he is really on. After learning the location of the factory, Section 20 and Spetsnaz attack the facility. Written by Axe Pagode

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Episode #4.9

Episode #4.9


Episode #4.9 - EPS 09

IMDb: 9.0
48 min

Based on the information gained from the execution of Kamali, Al-Zuhari sends a team to attack the Section 20 base camp site in Moscow. Twenty watches as the terrorist enter an empty room. Locke dials a phone number and the room blows up, eliminating the threat. Twenty interrogates the prisoners from the facility to find out as much as they can. They learn from Dr. Valigny that Maroun Saleh will be in town soon. Stonebridge and Scott go Ester's school to pick her up and take her to a safe house. One of Al Zuhari's men, Qassein is already there looking for her. They all track her down at fun fair. Scott and Stonebridge rescue Ester and escape after a fire fight with Qassein and his men. Martinez and Richmond track Maroun Saleh to a building where they find Al-Zuhari's right hand man Razan Hassan. The Twenty team goes into a ALZ training facility to capture high value targets Maroun Saleh and Raza Hassan. Ever the fanatic, Raza kills Maroun then he orders his men to kill him so 20 can't... Written by Axe Pagode

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Episode #4.10

Episode #4.10


Episode #4.10 - EPS 10

IMDb: 9.2
48 min

Kamali is alive. He has fooled everyone involved. He takes Stonebridge and Scott prisoner. He sends them to Ulyanov. But, not before telling them that Al-Zuhari is dead. The boys escape from the guards using some brilliant moves. Locke makes a deal with Ulyanov get Kamali's target. He promises to turn over Scott and Stonebridge for Kamali and the cure. Kamali prepares to put his plan in motion. His target is Ramstein Air Base. He has several access points to deploy the weapon. He successfully deploys the weapon and commandeers a plane to escape and spread more of the virus. Richmond boards the plane and is knocked out. Damien and Michael get Richmond back and the commander of the base has the plan shot down. Ulyanov convinces Locke that he has Kamali. How he got off the plane is a mystery. He demands Locke exchange Stonebridge and Scott. In a crowded park the men make the exchange. When he double crosses everyone, Pirogova and Richmond take out the guards and Ulyanov. Written by Axe Pagode

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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