Season 01
Jill keeps knocking down Pig's tower, and he wants her to stop!
All Episodes - S01
Jill keeps knocking down Pig's tower, and he wants her to stop!
Red has taken Peter Piper's peppers without asking, and now he's mad! What happens when The Super Readers try to help Hansel and Gretel get out of a similar sticky (sweet) situation? Only the unexpected! After overcoming a few storybook obstacles, we finally find out the witch's side of the story, and Red learns to be more considerate. Written by Anonymous
Poor Pig is stuck at the tippy top of his brand new slide, and is afraid to come down! The Super Readers fly into the Humpty Dumpty book to find out how he'll get down from that wall. All the King's horses and all the King's men may not be able to help Humpty, but the Super Readers can! In the process, everyone learns a lesson about giving encouragement. Written by Anonymous
Baby Joy, Whyatt's little sister, is having a GIANT-sized tantrum, and nothing will calm her down!
On your mark, get set? wait!
Whyatt accidentally messes up Jack's room and is in BIG trouble with his big brother!
Baby Joy said her first words, and Whyatt was the only one around to hear her! The only problem is... no one believes him! This is just like the Boy Who Cried Wolf - no one will believe he has a friend named Wolf! The Super Readers fly into his story and help the boy convince the townspeople there's more to his tale than meets the eye. Will Whyatt's family come around, too? Written by Anonymous
Princess Pea's kitten is stuck in the top of a tree!
Princess Pea's twirls are falling flat, and her dance recital is fast approaching!
Whyatt has a secret admirer!
Poor Red wants nothing more than to play with Little Boy Blue, but he keeps running away! The Super Readers venture into the tale of Miss Muffet and meet a spider who is frightening his friend right off her tuffet! The Super Readers help Spider find a better way to approach Miss Muffet, and everyone learns that curds and whey taste better when shared with someone special. Written by Anonymous
Red doesn't feel like much of a Princess, so how will she fit in at Sleeping Beauty's princess party?
Littlest Pig is on a picnic and he is starving! Problem is, he didn't plan ahead and pack a snack! The Super Readers fly into the story of Ant and Grasshopper where the jovial grasshopper finds himself equally unprepared for the onset of winter! Will his responsible friend Ant teach him (and Pig) a lesson about planning ahead? Or will the two friends be left out in the cold? Written by Anonymous
Not I! Not I! Not I!... is all Red's friends say when she needs their help gathering apples! This is a super big problem. The Super Readers take off into the story of the Little Red Hen, whose friends won't assist her either! The Super Readers are willing to lend a hand to The Little Red Hen, but will anyone help Red? Written by Anonymous
Princess Pea wants to do ballet, and Spider wants to spin webs, so how will these two friends play together? To find some answers, the Super Readers check out The Frog Prince and meet another Princess who can't see eye to eye with her friend! Will the Super Readers be able to help the Princess and the Frog kiss and make up? Written by Anonymous
It's the Annual Junior Princess Competition, and Princess Pea is worried she won't be able to pass the test and win her very own Golden Crown! The Super Readers soar into the fairytale adventure of The Princess and the Pea, and learn all about Princess Priscilla - Princess Pea's mother - and her Princess test! Princess Priscilla surprises everyone with her quick thinking, and inspires Princess Pea to follow in her mother's footsteps. Written by Anonymous
Boo! Wolfy won't stop tricking Littlest Pig and he has had enough!
Littlest Pig is ready for an adventure?but his brothers tell him he's too young!
Where's Mister Lizard??? Whyatt is searching and searching and doesn't know where to find him! Once again, it's the Super Readers to the rescue when they meet Little Bo Peep, who is hot on the trail of her missing sheep. The Super Readers aren't satisfied with leaving them alone until they come home, and spring into action! Written by Anonymous
Littlest Pig is very embarrassed. Jill wants him to wear a bucket on his head for their game, and he feels just plain silly! The Super Readers dive into the tale of The Emperor's New Clothes and meet an Emperor who doesn't want to look ridiculous either! Trouble is, his clothes seem to be invisible, and there's nothing sillier than a parade in your underwear! Written by Anonymous
From PBS KIDS - Whyatt's family is acting very sneaky and he wants to know why! The Super Readers waltz into the story of the Twelve Dancing Princesses - who are acting just as secretive. The Super Readers may be hot on the trail of the Princesses to discover what they're concealing, but will Whyatt uncover what his family is hiding? Written by Anonymous
From PBS KIDS - Gramma will not let Red into the kitchen to get some extra special Red Velvet Cake - and it's making Red extremely mad! The Super Readers head into the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, who really want to cross the Trolls bridge...only this time the Troll gets to tell his side of the story. The Super Readers wonder if anyone can make those rude Billy Goats Gruff behave, and Red figures out what Gramma needs to hear. Written by Anonymous
From PBS KIDS - Where is Pig's beloved stuffed hippo? He's looked high and low but Henry Hippo is nowhere to be found! The Super Readers shrink down to the size of ants and join teeny tiny Thumbelina on her GREAT BIG adventure to find her missing brother. They assist Thumbelina in her mission and Pig gets a helping hand along the way. Written by Anonymous
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From PBS KIDS - Grrr! Stomp! is all Princess Pea hears on her playdate with Wolfy and she can't figure out why he's so angry! The Super Readers zip into the story of Beauty and the Beast and get to know the Beast himself! He isn't so beastly after all and if only he could turn down his roaring, Beauty might figure out they're not as different as she thinks. Written by Anonymous
From PBS KIDS - Princess Pea's father is busy, busy, busy with no time to help her tie up her skates. What's a Princess to do? The Super Readers use their literacy powers to visit another Princess whose funny little helper, Rumpelstiltskin, is far too busy to help her spin straw into gold. The Super Readers may be able to guess Rumpelstiltskin's name but they won't be able to guess what will happen in this story! Written by Anonymous
From PBS KIDS - Whyatt's mom tells him that he's wasting water. This is a really big problem and he's not sure how to fix it. So the Super Readers dash into the Australian folk tale of Tiddalick the Frog and make the acquaintance of a funny amphibian whose puddle jumping is using up all the water and leaving his neighbors in the dust - literally! As the Super Readers help Tiddalick and his dry friends, they learn how important water is to the planet along with a valuable lesson about conservation. Written by Anonymous
From PBS KIDS - Ahoy Matey! Yo, ho, ho and...a cup of tea?! Uh oh, Princess Pea wants to play Tea Party but Pig and his brothers would like her to play Pirates! The Super Readers travel into the famous story of Sleeping Beauty to speak with a Princess who loves sleeping just as much as Princess Pea loves tea parties! The Super Readers apply their literacy powers to wake Sleeping Beauty...and wake her...and wake her again! Can they convince their new friend that there's more to life than snoozing or will she always find other activities a big snore? Written by Anonymous
From PBS KIDS - Whyatt gets to pick one toy from the Toy Store but there are just too many choices! Will he select a race car, a comic book or even a Giant Magic Bubble Potion? The Super Readers meet a farmer and his wife who face an even more difficult decision - how to use three magic wishes. They need to figure out how to make a decision and help the impulsive farmer before he wastes all his chances on foolish things. Or will the couple ends up living out their days in a house made of sausages? Written by Anonymous
The Super Readers venture into the story of the Goose and the Golden Eggs to visit an old man who is as protective of his special eggs as Red is of her delicious fruit.
Pig and his friends are playing when they find what looks like an Egyptian treasure map. But they can't make out the symbols!
The Super Readers visit Pinocchio, a boy who also fibbed and whose NOSE is growing, right before his eyes!
The Super Readers head into a Japanese Folktale and meet a little boy whose friends are arguing so loudly, it actually angers an ogre!
The Super Readers fly into the story of The Gingerbread Boy and set off on a mad dash after the speedy little cookie!
The Super Readers pay a storybook visit to Little Ghost, who's a bit of a scaredy cat himself.
The Super Readers soar into the story The Stars in the Sky and accompany a little girl named Ella with a big dream of her own!
The Super Readers encounter a young prince about to embark on a race to find a magic carpet!
The Super Readers catch up with Santa and his reindeer as they gallop from rooftop to rooftop and unravel the mystery of Santa's childhood.
The Super Readers dive into the story The Little Mermaid to talk with someone whose tail sets her apart from kids on land.
The Super Readers fly into a Puerto Rican folktale to meet a boy who thinks his Momma wants him to put his pig in a dress!
The Super Readers fly into the story of Snow White as the wicked queen tempts the fairytale princess with that infamous apple.
The Super Readers zoom into the Japanese folktale The Rolling Rice Cakes and meet an old man who has chased his rice cakes high, low and right into a mouse hole!
The Super Readers soar into the Japanese folktale The Boy Who Drew Cats and encounter a little boy struggling to sketch a picture for the emperor.
The Super Readers fly into the story of Aladdin to catch up with a lucky lad who's about to have all his wishes come true - courtesy of an amazing magic lamp!
The reading heroes fly into the story upon which the ballet Swan Lake was based, where they encounter a fair maiden who is having a similar problem with a prince!
Little Boy Blue is stuck on a little island in Storybrook Pond and can't get back to shore.
The superhero readers visit the tale of The Three Little Pigs, hoping to find out a little bit about building from the young Poppa Pig.
Super Why and his friends soar into Cinderella's fairytale once again, and this time they talk to the prince!
Super Why, Wonder Red, Alpha Pig and Princess Presto ask the advice of a boy who understands what animals need because he can talk to them!
Super Why and his friends fly into the story Muddled Up Fairytales where they visit a young dragon new to Fairytale Land who is eager to find a legend of his own.
Red has no energy to play, so The Super Readers jump in the Hansel and Gretel book to find why the witch has no energy.
The Giant has stepped on Pig's toy, and he's scared to ask for it back! The super readers venture into a classic tale to meet intrepid Knight George, who is about to face his own fears and battle a dragon to rescue a princess!
Whyatt thinks his house is too loud while Princess Pea believes her home is too quiet! Would the friends be better-off if they switched places?
Pig is too big for his bed and his sneakers are pinching his feet - what is going on? The superhero readers zoom into the story of The Ugly Duckling: Becoming a Swan, and meet a little guy who is experiencing growing pains of his own.
Oh dear! Princess Pea is so busy playing, she's late to Sleeping Beauty's birthday party and misses all the fun! The reading heroes tumble down the rabbit hole in a madcap adventure to catch up with a famous white rabbit who is also tardy!
From PBS KIDS - The Cookbook - Whyatt wants to bake Baby Joy a special birthday cake - but he doesn't know how! Super Why and his friends soar into a new kind of book - a cookbook - and get the information they need from a rhyming chef with a silly sense of humor as well as a recipe for fun! In the end, Whyatt learns how to cook up the perfect birthday for his little sister. Written by Anonymous
Whyatt has lost his very first tooth! When his mom tells Whyatt that the Tooth Fairy will come and take his tooth, Whyatt wants to know what happens if he wants to KEEP it?
Super Why and his friends dance their way into the story of The Nutcracker, accompanied by Tchaikovsky's memorable music.
From PBS KIDS - The Big Game - Whyatt wants to play baseball better, but he keeps missing the ball. The superhero readers jump into The Big Game and join some fairytale heroes gearing up for their big soccer match against their storybook foes. With the help of Super Why and his friends, Cinderella and her team work on their game skills to prevent the Big Bad Wolf's team from huffing, puffing and blowing them right off the field! Written by Anonymous
X marks the spot!
Whyatt and his friends are playing kickball in the park when Wolfy erases the score!
The super readers jump into the tale of two mice brothers who live far away from each other.
Super Why and his friends fly into the story of a ruler with the golden touch and meet King Midas.
Red is writing a new song but gets stuck because she simply can't think of the right word!