Season 01
Season 03
Simon Lister, UNICEF photographer, has focused his personal passion for photography to capture visual stories of the children struggling to survive in the world's poorest regions. Simon Lister has been a UNICEF photographer and videographer since 2016, helping create a library for its 193 offices to use across all platforms. Simon dedicates his spare time outside running his successful recording business to travelling and sharing the issues facing those in the world around us though his imagery. These travels have been entirely self-funded pilgrimages of passion, fuelled by a pure heartfelt love and earnest desire to share all that he has witnessed. He wants to incite action from his audiences by connecting them to the world and spotlighting the tales of those he meets.
All Episodes - S03
Simon Lister, UNICEF photographer, has focused his personal passion for photography to capture visual stories of the children struggling to survive in the world's poorest regions. Simon Lister has been a UNICEF photographer and videographer since 2016, helping create a library for its 193 offices to use across all platforms. Simon dedicates his spare time outside running his successful recording business to travelling and sharing the issues facing those in the world around us though his imagery. These travels have been entirely self-funded pilgrimages of passion, fuelled by a pure heartfelt love and earnest desire to share all that he has witnessed. He wants to incite action from his audiences by connecting them to the world and spotlighting the tales of those he meets.
Underwater photographer and filmmaker Shawn Heinrichs turns his lens from documenting wildlife atrocities to a new mission to protect and share the epicentre of marine biodiversity of Raja Ampat. Shawn teams up with freediver Sabine Templeton to produce an image of animal connection. Projecting films to local communities, helps foster appreciation of the natural treasure that exists below the surface. Written by Abraham Joffe
Dylan River is an award-winning Aboriginal filmmaker and photographer from Alice Springs. He comes from a family of acclaimed storytellers and filmmakers. Dylan's mission is to seek out largely unknown but still living examples of Australian Aboriginal culture to document and preserve them. Dylan's exploration of Indigenous culture demonstrates how important it is that these stories are captured and treasured by our nation for the world.