Going to California

Going to California

Eric sleeps till noon and then concentrates on his bowel movements, till Kitty reports Donna has phoned. In California Donna bitchily tries to ruin Kelso's relationship with dumb blonde Malibu surfer girl Annette by nagging about Jackie. Eric's parents forbid him to go, but Hyde bought a ticket from his secretly stashed-away money and promises to cover for him, but actually hooks up with Jackie, who later rats on him. Once reunited, the love-birds, wanting to go straight back home, commandeer poor Kelso and his van, but Annette wouldn't put out anyway. Written by KGF Vissers



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HD Going to California

Going to California


Going to California - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Eric sleeps till noon and then concentrates on his bowel movements, till Kitty reports Donna has phoned. In California Donna bitchily tries to ruin Kelso's relationship with dumb blonde Malibu surfer girl Annette by nagging about Jackie. Eric's parents forbid him to go, but Hyde bought a ticket from his secretly stashed-away money and promises to cover for him, but actually hooks up with Jackie, who later rats on him. Once reunited, the love-birds, wanting to go straight back home, commandeer poor Kelso and his van, but Annette wouldn't put out anyway. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD I Can't Quit You Babe

I Can't Quit You Babe


I Can't Quit You Babe - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

As punishment for their running away to California, Eric loses his car keys and Donna is henceforth sent to a strict Catholic girls school, Our Lady Of Perpetual Sorrow, the only good part of which is the sexy uniform; Eric's offer of a crumb cake fails to change dad Bob's mind. Donna guesses Jackie has another when she dumps her collection of gifts from Michael Kelso, then walks in with Eric on Hyde and Jackie kissing on the couch; both lie about how it started but the basement feels 'soiled'. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD What Is and What Should Never Be

What Is and What Should Never Be


What Is and What Should Never Be - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Eric and next Donna demand Hyde and Jackie either break up or tell Kelso. Kitty proudly announces to be pregnant, happy even with morning sickness, and goes extremely clucky; Red is clearly horrified and can't understand that or how she is, but after even Eric vigorously chooses her side and tells dad to be a man, Red ends up accepting his Corvette will have to be sold. Eric made Hyde take Kelso to the vehicle license registration 'to catch up about the summer', where Fez admires the equally crappy treatment of all races, but Hyde can't bring himself to spill the beans, so Michael still ends up finding out accidentally. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Heartbreaker



Heartbreaker - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Now Michael Kelso has found out about Jackie and Hyde, he's crushed and out for vengeance - alas his attacks on friend Steven have the same sad result as always, a black eye for poor Kelso. Kitty is walking on clouds because of her pregnancy, so she invites her parents over, alcoholic Burt Sigurdson and commands-shouting Bea Sigurdson, but the gynecologist changed her big news: she's not expecting but entering menopause; one day too late for otherwise relieved Red: his 'baby' the Corvette is already sold. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Ramble On

Ramble On


Ramble On - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

Donna gives Eric a 'man ring', a horror in male eyes, probably to blame on dad Bob's bad taste, and accidentally loses it. Fez actually applies for a job in the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles, where the ring turns out to be his only, even decisive advantage in the female recruiter's eyes: he's hired! Kitty can't handle menopause, her mood-swings get even worse. Eric and Donna wade through the bog of loving lies between men and women. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Over the Hills and Far Away

Over the Hills and Far Away


Over the Hills and Far Away - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

Red considers Kitty's menopause the worst threat since the Korean war. For college orientation day, the Foremans drive the boys -Michael Kelso brings a note from his parents pinned on his lapel, but spent the $30 on a video-game- to state college UW, Bob decided Donna must go to private Marquette with Jackie. Being apart is a depressing prospect, but while Red is shocked by the 'hippies' the kids love the colleges, only Hyde and Jackie are miserable as they play stupid power games. Donna decides to go to UW just for Eric's sake. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Hot Dog

Hot Dog


Hot Dog - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Kitty's menopause still makes life at the Forman house miserable, so Red gives her an orphan lap dog. In no time Schotzie is her favorite 'baby', making Red even more miserable. Eric is so grateful for Donna being prepared to join him at college for the next four years that he decides to get her a cool gift, and after some hesitations even considers a wedding ring. The other basement gang boys decide that thought deserves wearing the stupid helmet. Yet, when Donna drags out of him what his intentions were... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Thank You

Thank You


Thank You - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Thanksgiving Day 1978, Eric hides the fact that he's failing math from Red. Red thinks Eric's changed and matured so he gives Eric sister Laurie's usually reserved seat at the table. This compliment makes Eric feel it's a perfect time to reveal his engagement to Donna to all. Kelso makes this difficult by showing up for dinner, on a date, with Ms. McGee, Eric's math teacher, who is a decade older then Michael. Kitty's parents, arriving from Phoenix, only add to the chaos. Written by happipuppi13

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Black Dog

Black Dog


Black Dog - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

The news Jackie's dad councilman Burkhart had to resign after embezzlement charges convinces Kelso she'll soon be running back to home for a comforting shoulder, as Steven's remains as cold as his heart. 'Perfect couple' Eric and Donna finds they disagree whether the way to go is closeness or giving space, and asking the equally divided Forman parents only causes another menopause-crisis... Fez enjoys bossy boss Nina giving him a stern lesson in fingerprints-taking, but the ink leaves its black mark on her and a part of him he normally only touches, a lot... Kelso has dug up his pallet gun from his garden, which was buried after he accidentally killed -till now oblivious- Eric's hamster; now Hyde's taunting coincides with another involuntary shot, and the fiend -who constantly punches his poor pall's arm black and blue- pretends to be hit in the deceptively patched eye till Michael, who fears to have shot 'accidentally on purpose', hands it over penitentially for undeserved corporal ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Crunge

The Crunge


The Crunge - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Eric is mortified when he and, thanks to Kitty's ignorance about the rating system, everybody else, learn his SAT score is by far the worst of the basement gang. Disappointed dad Red makes Eric realize drooling for Donna is bad for his results, and he's determined to redeem himself, for starters by taking the SATs again, and asks dad to ground him; Donna is furious at him because his real aim is to do better then she. The others start dreaming about a fine future, Kelso even takes up reading, but Hyde refuses to apply himself to anything and convinces Jackie she should become their provider, while Fez is no longer content to be everyone's servant. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Girl I Love

The Girl I Love


The Girl I Love - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

When Fez finally agrees to present his DMV girlfriend Nina to the gang, Kitty decides to give a formal dinner party, just when Red wanted to see an annual TV challenge special, Battle of the Network Stars. Eric and Hyde object to their girls making them come; when Jackie even wants Steven to wear decent cloths, he really refuses, so she accepts an invitation from her ex Kelso, who wasn't allowed to come alone. All the men soon run off from the horribly boring party. The boys' last hope to hold out against a girl is Fez- even Kelso knows better. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Misty Mountain Hop

Misty Mountain Hop


Misty Mountain Hop - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Now Jackie's dad is indicted, their cabin must be emptied, so she and Kitty force Red, and he Eric -annex Donna- to help with the heavy lifting. Because of Jackie's lie to go to a dolls convention, Hyde took Fez and Kelso there. Alas just when Kelso finds the weed stash, Red's gang arrives, except Eric and Donna who got lost on the way, but end up preparing his parents a surprise on the kitchen table no less disgusting. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Your Time Is Gonna Come

Your Time Is Gonna Come


Your Time Is Gonna Come - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Annette, Kelso's girlfriend from his and Donna's California exile, comes to visit Michael Kelso but stays with Donna, who insists Jackie must join them. Jealous Jackie hates Annette like bubonic plague, but seems to warm to her, until... Kitty's parents turn up unannounced from Arizona: Burt has lost all their money on an ostrich farm which got wiped out by coyotes, then has a fatal heart-attack while sneakily watching the girls' slumber party, like the boys before him. Grandmother as merry widow is a grim prospects for the Formans... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Babe I'm Gonna Leave You

Babe I'm Gonna Leave You


Babe I'm Gonna Leave You - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

After Jackie cried 'get off my boyfriend' when Annette kissed Kelso at a funeral, Eric regrets having missed an embarrassment even 'verbally cuckolded' Hyde can't ignore, Michael risks his hide rubbing it in with Steven and enjoys being desired by both girls again who almost fight for the beautiful boy, even if Annette bosses him around rather like Jackie used to. Eric's grandma's crudeness makes Kitty's menopause even worse, so she flees in bed to Red's growing despair, but Eric takes it as a compliment when Donna seems to be considered a bad catch for him, yet it soon gets on their nerves nothing gets trough her casual armor. Somehow Jackie and Hyde choose each other again, and Annette decides to return to California. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD When the Levee Breaks

When the Levee Breaks


When the Levee Breaks - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Donna's dad and his partner Joanne are off for a weekend getaway, so Eric and Donna plan a weekend together to prove to themselves that they're adult enough to be engaged. The gang is determined to throw a party at Donna's, and are unforgiving when Donna refuses. Meanwhile, a call from the jeweler makes Kitty think Red is buying her a present, but she finds out the ring is from Eric to Donna while taking 'poor orphan' Hyde shopping for a new coat, which Hyde hates--an Evis-style flashy jacket that looks nothing like Hyde's style. Kitty tries to prevent Red from finding out about the engagement, but Eric lets it slip in anger during one of Red's tirades. The cat's outta the bag--Donna and Eric's engagement is no longer secret. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Whole Lotta Love

Whole Lotta Love


Whole Lotta Love - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Now their parents know and worry about Eric and Donna's engagement, Eric is terrified and shunned by Red, Donna goes plead their case. Fez' boss and lover Nina decides to clear the air and his tension at work by asking him to stay for the night, all the way; when he reports to the gang, its sounds all but romantic or efficient, but Nina has her own conclusion. Hyde didn't even know about Jackie's birthday, Kelso gives her a perfect sweater. Eric claims he'll marry Donna even if he must pay the wedding himself, Red fires him... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Battle of Evermore

The Battle of Evermore


The Battle of Evermore - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

Since Red ruined Erics life for getting engaged, their rowing gets worse for weeks, even chases the gang away. Kitty signs them up for a charity father-son Point Place Paul Bunyan pioneer event; they still fight and get creamed by Charlie and Mitch, an apparently perfect pair; as events progress the team' temperaments seem to get reversed, but at the end -a loss- nothing has really changed. Hyde doesn't believe Leo has just disappeared, so the gang look for him in his apartment; the new tenant has a note and a gift for Steven... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Hey Hey What Can I Do

Hey Hey What Can I Do


Hey Hey What Can I Do - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Now most kids are out of a job income, they all head for the job fair, Eric and Hyde being fired, Kelso after getting a ticket from a female cop made him doubt if his looks will last, Donna as 'hot' appetizer for her radio station. Red raises the stakes: if Eric sticks to marrying Donna, he'll stop the dumb ass's college funding. Most available jobs are revolting, yet Hyde becomes cook for his former 'big brother', a worse social cripple then him; Kelso decides to become a cop because the uniform would prolong his beauty many years. Eric found a bank teller's job, but loses it because of a bad reference... . Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Bring It on Home

Bring It on Home


Bring It on Home - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

The Formans thought they heard a burglar- it's Hyde and Jackie sleeping on the basement couch-bed, because her mother has left too. Red discovers Eric sleeps in the bare and starts calling the boy 'Mr. Nude' thrice in every sentence. Donna regrets pleading Jackie should be helped when Red stops Kitty volunteering as usual and Bob decides to invite her to share Donna's room. Against everyone's advice as he makes a bad first impression, Fez gets a beauty treatment from Kelso and goes to meet lover Nina's parents, who are friendly till he states being her boyfriend, then is rejected as not white enough. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD No Quarter

No Quarter


No Quarter - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

Donna finds having Jackie as 'guest' is hell, only more invasive than an occupying army. Kelso hopes he'll be a tough cop in a year, but needs a less sissy job than model- Hyde's boss Roy engages him as kitchen hand, but bastard Steven pretends to be his boss, qualified to fire him after a trial period, which the scum turns into a non-stop hell-week, even in the Forman basement. Eric can't meet the payments for Donna's engagement ring, even after selling LPs. Fez is still drifting on a pink cloud called Nina, yet as horny as ever. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Trampled Under Foot

Trampled Under Foot


Trampled Under Foot - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

The basement gang realizes their lives, conversations and routine are boringly repetitive, so they consider inviting a new member, but Kitty forces upon Eric Lance Crawford, a creepy kid, just because she's after his mother's peach cobbler recipe, but he came prepared... Nina tells Fez she 'needs time, but it's not his fault', the gang translates she's dumping him unless he can make her jealous by playing aloof, but when that finally works... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD You Shook Me

You Shook Me


You Shook Me - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Hyde, his boss Roy and Kelso do the catering for Kitty's Annual Nurses Convention, where erotic fantasies run wild, even with Kitty; alas in Fez's the nurse turns into Kelso, which makes both boys doubt their heterosexuality, and Hyde catches Kelso resting his weary head on Jackie's 'understanding' shoulder - maybe he should accept an offer from another girl? Eric enthusiastically accepts Bob and Joanne's job offer, made to help out Donna, before he realizes it's in the dreaded dog-food factory, as 'coupon liaison', which alas is just a fancy title. When Red says they're ready to get married next week, that doesn't feel so romantic... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Nobody's Fault But Mine

Nobody's Fault But Mine


Nobody's Fault But Mine - EPS 23

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Kelso sees Hyde kissing another girl in the hotel; Hyde doesn't even deny it, but still can't believe the 'gay nurse dream' till Fez confirms it, in the presence of mean school-paper editor Mitch Miller whom Fez just denied a driver's license, and Miller jumps at the chance for blackmail. Jackie dumps Hyde when he confesses his cheating and Kelso announces he'll court her again. Red and Kitty keep pressing the early wedding, Eric and Donna realize they're not nearly ready, but shatter Kitty coming up with a third solution: moving to Madison after graduation. Eric's nasty sister Laurie is back from Chicago, apparently reformed... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Immigrant Song

Immigrant Song


Immigrant Song - EPS 24

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Kitty flips out when Red has a change of heart and tells Eric and Donna that they can leave with his blessing. A fall from the water tower leads to a brief truce between Kelso and Hyde. And Fez gets busted as he vandalizes the water tower for a senior prank. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Celebration Day

Celebration Day


Celebration Day - EPS 25

IMDb: 8.1
22 min | 27 min (original broadcast)

Fez dreads impending graduation as he probably must return to his lizard-infested country afterward, so he gets Kelso and Hyde to observe a truce in their Jacky-war to join both on a camping trip by the lake with the whole gang, plus Eric's stupid sister Laurie. Kitty is on heavy tranquilizers as she can't handle her 'baby boy' moving out. After a failed ghost prank by the campfire Eric was to skinny-dip with Donna, but ends up screaming butt-naked with Laurie, who next does it in Kelso's van with Fez, who gets even more out of it then sex... Kelso and Hyde's rivalry for Jackie comes to a near fistfight, until she calls out that it's no fun for me anymore! The pair realizes that she's been playing them against each other as revenge for their awful treatment of her over the years, and they demand she finally chooses. Next morning they all oversleep and the van is stolen, so the parents are terribly disappointed the kids all miss their own graduation ceremony... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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