Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Henry locks himself out when father Philip 'moves out for a while' due to obviously grim marital tension, but Paige firmly blames ever most unreasonable parent Elisabeth. New 'rezident' Arkady Ivanovich can't make head or tail of a phone call he receives with exuberant demands for the release of his lowly agent Vlad, who was picked up while jogging in his place. The poor youth is tortured to no end and killed by frustrated Beeman, who initially refused to partake in the officially unauthorized operation revenge for the rocket shield scientist bombing. Written by KGF Vissers
All Episodes - S01
In the 1960s, two Russian KGB agents were trained and set up as 'sleepers', the inconspicuous all-American Jennings couple Philip and Elisabeth, along with their unsuspecting kids Henry and Paige. Now, they must prevent the defection of KGB agent Nikolai Timoshev, formerly one of their abusive instructors, whom they manage to kidnap. By coincidence, their new neighbor is FBI agent Stan Beeman. Loyalties are tested among the spouses and by KGB general Vijktor Zhukov, who promises the Jennings a small fortune if they allow him to defect. Written by KGF Vissers
When a secret meeting is to be held in the Weinberger's home, Phillip blackmails the maid to hide a bug in a clock. Agent Beeman turns a Soviet embassy worker into an FBI mole. The Soviets become worried when they learn about the new S.D.I. Written by A Dude Named Dude
Nina reports about the dead man being an S agent. The FBI manages to find Robert's wife and baby. Phillip and Elizabeth receive a message from the dead Robert. They use Gregory, a lover of Elizabeth's, to make the contact and get her and the baby away from FBI watchers. She gives them a phone number which leads to another number. Elizabeth ends things with Gregory so Gregory tells Philip about them. Gabriel's replacement (Grannie) shows up tailing them and tells them Robert had a contact selling them missile defense technology. Phillip makes the buy and is cut during a fight with the buyer's overzealous thugs. They deliver the information, Robert's widow and baby to their new contact but unbeknownst to them only the baby makes it alive to Robert's parents in the Soviet Union. Written by Anonymous
After a madman's failed attempt on president Reagan's life, a TV goof about the constitutional order of succession makes the KGB hierarchy declare code red, assuming that defense secretary general Haig is planning a coup and may go to war. Elisabeth instantly digs up the emergency supplies, notably arms, while Philip realizes it's just a meaningless media fuzz, yet worries that Moscow may misunderstand his efforts to avoid a dangerous escalation as traitorous disloyalty. The FBI also pulls all stops until it realizes the 'reds' aren't behind the shooting. Philip learns how Elizabeth's misplaced paranoid partisan attitude stems from childhood experiences. Written by KGF Vissers
Elizabeth seduces an asset whom she seeks to gather critical Intel from however he beats her with a belt to sexually satisfy himself. Philip is so angered by the physical scars he sees on her back he exacts the ultimate revenge however nothing can help mend the emotional rift between Elizabeth and Philip. Written by Geoffrey
Stan Beeman's unwilling, dead-scared mole's activity doesn't go unnoticed. Claudia even has the Jennings couple kidnapped and tortured to test their loyalty, an insult Philip won't leave unpunished, nor his wife's priority being country over family. Rezident Vasili Nikolaevich himself becomes prime suspect, rather then his lover, the real mole. Left at their own devices to get home from school, Paige makes smarter Henry accept a lift from a friendly, flirtatious unemployed creep, but the boy saves the day. Written by KGF Vissers
New York welcomes defected Polish freedom movement leader Andrzej Bielawski, who is to head a 'democratic government in exile'. The spies couple, despite their mutual frustration and disgust over abuse from their KGB superiors, does their best to discredit Bielawski, who also claims a clerical calling but enjoys the good Western life too much. Philip sets a trap with his old flame Irena, who surprisingly tells him to have a college age son, but never told him to be the father so he wouldn't break off his spy training. Beeman's guilty conscience about the poorly protected Soviet embassy mole doesn't carry much weight. Written by KGF Vissers
The KGB hired a hit-man to murder US scientist involved in the missile defense shield program but changed its mind, fearing the backlash. Philip and Elisabeth must find and stop him, without details. They track him down, but can't prevent a bomb taking out a scientist and an FBI agent on guard, so grim retaliation is sworn. Both sides profit from pillow talk, as new rezident Arkafy has inherited the undetected mole, but Elisabeth's jealousy over Philip's relationship with the mother of his son undermines their 'front' marriage, which is now only kept together by parenting. Written by KGF Vissers
Henry locks himself out when father Philip 'moves out for a while' due to obviously grim marital tension, but Paige firmly blames ever most unreasonable parent Elisabeth. New 'rezident' Arkady Ivanovich can't make head or tail of a phone call he receives with exuberant demands for the release of his lowly agent Vlad, who was picked up while jogging in his place. The poor youth is tortured to no end and killed by frustrated Beeman, who initially refused to partake in the officially unauthorized operation revenge for the rocket shield scientist bombing. Written by KGF Vissers
After Amador's murder the FBI begins a massive manhunt for the killer. When they start closing in on Gregory, the KGB decides to send him to Moscow. Despite Elizabeth's best efforts he refuses to go, even if it means his life.
Philip's single alter-ego meets his bride's devout parents. failing to talk Elizabeth out of gruesome revenge for the murder of her mentor, KGB general Zhykov, he helps her kidnap FBI director Richard Patterson who ordered it, despite Moskow's refusal to indulge in revenge, but they ultimately release him in one piece. FBI agent Beeman's wife bitterly tells him and consoling neighbor Elisabeth she no longer believes he always works late, suspecting infidelity. His KGB lover Nina is meanwhile promoted. * Written by KGF Vissers
Moskow orders to spare no risks to buy priceless SDI secrets offered by a US colonel in gambling debt, even after an unrelated arrest. Philip moves into his own apartment and wins FBI secretary Martha's full trust by secret marriage to convince her to plant a bug in Beeman's boss Gaad's office. Tipped off by remorseful cleaner Violet, the FBI learns about the KGB bug in Defense Secretary Weinberger's home office and plans feeding false information trough there. Nina no longer believes Beeman's extraction promises and confesses her high treason to new KGB resident and lover Arkady Zotov. Written by KGF Vissers
Moscow finds Colonel Rennhull's military secrets valuable enough to order accepting his offer at any risk. At the same time, the spies couple must pick up the cording from the bug in defense secretary Weinberg's home, the actual FBI set-up. They argue who should get the kids if the other is arrested, but even after their supervisor gets the resident to cancel the colonel's deal -too late- the trap snaps, albeit not lethal. Nina now unexpectedly gets a witness relocation offer from Beeman, too late, but it also goes wrong, while his wife files for divorce. Written by KGF Vissers