Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Bernie has no patience when trying to teach Vanessa to drive.
All Episodes - S04
After overhearing that Vanessa once smoked, Bernie Mac pries into her journal. Soon he gets hidden cameras all throughout the house and becomes addicted to watching everyone's secrets. But eventually he gets more than he bargained for.
After Bernie takes the training wheels off Bryana's bike, she crashes and injures her jaw. Bernie is later coerced into chaperoning her and several other special needs kids on a field trip. Meanwhile Jordan, finds an old cast and uses to get out of gym class. Written by gorzecho
Bernie must baby-sit for Bryana and deal with Jordan, who was sent home from school for pulling a fire alarm unnecessarily.
Bernie has no patience when trying to teach Vanessa to drive.
After Bryana accidentally sees Bernie Mac naked, he has her share Vanessa's room so she can be with the same sex. But when things don't work out well, they're forced to add another bedroom, so each kid has their own separate room.
Bernie's little sister is getting married, but the way Wanda throws herself into the planning, one would think she's the bride..
Bryana's standardized test scores prompt Bernie to send her to Jordan's school, but she is so far behind that they threaten to move her back a grade.
Jordan tries to fit in with the popular crowd and, after taking Bernie's advice, winds up losing his lunch money in a poker game.
Wanda urges Vanessa to join an enrichment organization she once belonged to, but they learn times have changed when Vanessa and her new friends are charged with shoplifting.
Vanessa starts dating a boy and Bernie likes him until he finds out he has a child.
Vanessa tries to increase her chances of being accepted into a college by joining the drill team, which pleases Bernie until he sees one of the squad's provocative routines.
After a tragic accident happens at Bryana's birthday party, Bernie Mac gets summoned.
When Jordan develops a crush on a girl at school, Bernie takes it upon himself to teach Jordan how to be a player and get the girl.
Jordan's prank anonymous phone calls have surprising consequences.
Nessa wants to surprise everyone with her talent for music.
Bernie is sick and tired of Jordan staying home, watching TV, and fighting with Bryana. He wants him to walk home with his kids his own age, but this makes the situation worse