Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
When Det. Julio Sanchez' brother is murdered in a drive-by shooting, Brenda has the rest of her team put into full force to find out who was responsible, but finds her work compromised by residents in the South-Central L.A. neighborhood reluctant to come forward, and a vengeful Det. Sanchez determined to find the culprit on his own through any means necessary. Written by Anonymous
All Episodes - S04
Brenda and Priority Homicide investigate the death of a woman caught in a major wild fire. The medical examiner determines she was dead before the fire started, as there was no smoke residue in her lungs and her skull was broken. He further believes she may, in fact, have been the fire's epicenter. Police have an immediate suspect in Bill Croelick, an arsonist with a history of setting women on fire. He turns himself in to the police and ably leads them to exactly where the fire began, though denying having anything to do with it. The victim, eventually identified as waitress Linda Harrell, 35, had restraining orders issued against her by different men. Brenda soon begins to wonder just how the arsonist managed to get away, given that the police and fire departments had the area locked down tight soon after the fire began. Meanwhile, Brenda also worries that her new landlord will learn she and Fritz have a cat in their supposedly pet-free rental duplex, especially when someone needs ... Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff
The team must determine if a death was revenge or mere coincidence when a recently released murderer (whom Flynn helped collar) turns up dead, the victim of a hit-and-run. Meanwhile, Brenda must also deal with a recently incapacitated Fritz. Written by Anonymous
Brenda and her team don't see eye-to-eye as she leads them into investigating the violent rape and suicidal death of a promising high school girl. Prime suspect Darren Yates, one of the dead girl's classmates, is also the son of Commander Mike Yates of the County Sheriff's Department, a man of forceful personality who is not only protective of his son but demanding of special treatment as a fellow police officer. As the case progresses, Brenda learns that young Darren and several of his chums play a disturbing game that reveals the dead girl may not have been the only rape victim. Without enough evidence to convict, Brenda heads for a confession under a charge of murder. Written by garykmcd / revised by statmanjeff
Brenda once again tangles with L.A. news reporter Ricardo Ramos when he scoops the murder of a man wearing a hidden wire in a sting operation. Adding another twist to the case, the victim was investigating a drug ring, which blurs the line of jurisdiction between Brenda's PHD and Fritz's FBI. Written by Anonymous / edited by statmanjeff
Priority Homicide conducts a sting operation in which Lieutenant Provenza poses as a hitman in order to arrest Angie Serabian, a woman planning the murder-for-hire of her husband. Complications arise, however, when thieves make off with Provenza's car containing all the gathered evidence, putting his career on the line. Unable to hold Angie for her crime, the team must try to protect her husband from any further attempts on his life. When Mr. Serbian turns up murdered later that evening, it is unclear whether or not Mrs. Serbian is responsible. The team goes into overdrive to solve the crime. Written by Lynne Boris Johnston / edited by statmanjeff
When thirteen-year-old Serge Monroe goes missing, Priority Homicide treats it as a Critical Missing because of his age, until facts about the boy's violent history come to light. When the boy is found murdered, there is no shortage of suspects. Written by Lynne Boris Johnston
When Det. Julio Sanchez' brother is murdered in a drive-by shooting, Brenda has the rest of her team put into full force to find out who was responsible, but finds her work compromised by residents in the South-Central L.A. neighborhood reluctant to come forward, and a vengeful Det. Sanchez determined to find the culprit on his own through any means necessary. Written by Anonymous
In another brush with fame, Brenda and the team investigate the movie set murder of a hairdresser. Meanwhile, Brenda tries to get her meddling and overbearing parents out of her hair (and her house) when they come to town during their annual road trip from Georgia, both working her into a lather over her yet-to-be-planned wedding to Fritz. Written by Anonymous
Brenda may face major repercussions after a nasty article about LAPD's Priority Homicide squad appears in the press. Chief Pope has blown his stack and informs her that Priority Homicide is to be disbanded and the way in which homicides are investigated is to be completely reorganized by himself and Commander Taylor. Meanwhile the team is occupied with the investigation of a double murder when two men are found in the back of a stolen pick-up truck. The 911 call was made by a priest, Father Donahue, and the squad identifies the men as Mexican police officers from Tijuana. The killing has all of the markings of the Ochoa drug cartel and leads the police to suspect one Mateo Hernandez, apparently a security guard but in fact a former Mexican policeman who has been helping the FBI. Written by garykmcd
A dead teen leads Brenda and her newly named Major Crimes team to a massacre plot by a group of disaffected teens who see humans as a plague on the earth. The group plans to kill as large a group of people as possible, Columbine style, then kill themselves. When the second member of the group dies of an overdose during interrogation, the clock is ticking on Brenda finding the target. Written by gatetraveler / edited by statmanjeff
At the Medical Examiner's insistence, Brenda and her team look into the death of Jeff Crawford, a recovered drug addict with a $2 million insurance policy, who owed money to his brother Ed and his ex-wife Dana (suing him for back alimony) but who left it all to the church through which he found religion. The police determined that Jeff took his own life, but the autopsy suggests otherwise. Pastor Paul Hicks says he was on the road to leading a good Christian life and living in a church-owned apartment. He had even asked his girlfriend (recovering cancer patient Beth Gibson) to marry him, which she refused to do until she recovered. Brenda, with her own wedding now less than a month away, has her own challenges to deal with, including placating her visiting parents. Awareness of her father's health condition gives Brenda the clue to identifying the killer. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff
Brenda and the Major Crimes unit seek to solve the murder of a very large man found in the trunk of his car. Phil Adams, a diamond broker, stole $3 million in gems from work, precious stones which are now nowhere to be found. Video cameras show him emptying the safe then stopping at a burger restaurant drive-through with someone else in the car with him. A review of his credit cards shows he had joined an Internet club where married people can arrange liaisons. They identify the man in the car as Keith Reyes, whose unusual occupation fools many on the squad, including Det. Sanchez, who is still on limited duties for refusing to undergo therapy. Reyes proves difficult to nail down until Fritz lends a hand. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff
Brenda investigates the murder of a young woman who had just recently moved to Los Angeles. The crime was interrupted by the police who were answering a prowler call. They arrest a suspect, Chris Dunlap, whom they find hiding up a tree, but he has already called his lawyer Philip Stroh and refuses to say anything. As they look deeper into the case, they realize that there have been a string of rapes of young blonde women - mostly new arrivals - and in every case, Dunlap had made a delivery to their homes. Stroh has defended Dunlap before and offers to plea bargain this time around. In return for a lighter sentence, Dunlap will identify his partner in the crimes. He also wants to see all of the evidence they have accumulated. Brenda is dead set against both the deal and letting Stroh look at the evidence but she is overruled by the DA. When Dunlap identifies his partner, it throws everyone for a loop. Written by garykmcd
With Brenda and Fritz's wedding just one week away, Frtiz's sister, Claire Howard, comes to stay with them. She's a bundle of energy and a bit ditsy, informing Brenda she is a psychic (or, as she prefers to call herself, an intuitionist). With Fritz busy on a major drug case, Brenda offers to take Claire in to work to keep her occupied. The Major Crimes squad has recently come into possession of a pay-as-you-go cellphone with increasingly threatening text messages. They have no idea who the individuals might be but can determine, from the messages, that one party got the other to kill her husband; however, once the deed was done, messages stopped being returned to the other. Claire thinks she can help them by telling what she sees, but while a skeptical Provenza thinks it's all nonsense, Mike Tao isn't so sure. With all this happening, and despite his disdain for psychics, Provenza gives his own reading on the future for Chief Johnson. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff
Work never stops for dedicated law enforcement officers as both Brenda and Fritz find themselves working the day before their wedding. While Fritz is trying to wrap a drug case he has been working on for two years, Brenda investigates a shooting and robbery at an escort agency. It's the latest in a series of robberies at other agencies all perpetrated by the same masked intruder. When Brenda learns that most of the girls work for several different agencies at the same time, she begins to suspect an inside job. Wedding preparations, meanwhile, are somewhat frantic, but the wedding photographer gives her an idea as to how she might get one of the robbery-murder suspects to confess. Written by garykmcd