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Timmy is having the flat-out worst Halloween ever. Through procrastination and dumb moves, Timmy finds himself as a mummy, wrapped in 2-ply toilet paper and Trick or Treating with Vicky as his chaperone.
All Episodes - S02
How will Timmy prevent the concert, which distracted Timmy's parents from his birthday? Later, when he sees that Chip does not want to disappoint fans, he wants to fix the situation but even magic does not work. what can Timmy do? how will he enjoy both birthdays?+how will Timmy get the privilege for himself and his friends to use the skateboard park? Written by N the Fan
In Boy Toy, hoping for one last adventure with his old Crimson Chin action figure, Timmy wishes himself doll-sized.
Action Packed/Smarty Pants
Timmy's shot at the perfect attendance award at school is threatened by a pounding from Francis.
Timmy's had a rough day. Cosmo and Wand have had a rough day, too. Neither side appreciates what it takes to be a kid/fairy godparent.
In Foul Balled, Timmy wishes that his best friend Chester McBadBat was the best baseball player ever. In The Boy Who Would Be Queen, Timmy wishes that he was a girl so he can figure out what to give Trixie Tang for her birthday.
When Timmy vaguely wishes that Vicky was a million, million miles from him, she ends up being brought to the War planet of Yugopatamia, and lands in the love-struck tentacles of Mark Chang, alien prince!
Because they work SO hard, Timmy's parents always come home tired, exhausted, and with barely enough energy to spend time with him.
Timmy starts to notice that the richest, jerkiest kid in school, Remy Buxaplenty, is always suspiciously a little bit ahead of Timmy in just about everything.
Timmy decides to run for Student Body President to capture the attentions and affections of the lovely and popular Trixie Tang.
Timmy needs help pulling the ultimate prank on April Fool's Day, and calls upon the April Fool (from the Christmas Episode) to help him.
Timmy is having the flat-out worst Halloween ever. Through procrastination and dumb moves, Timmy finds himself as a mummy, wrapped in 2-ply toilet paper and Trick or Treating with Vicky as his chaperone.
Ruled Out, Timmy wishes his parents would stop caring, because of rules. how will he get his parents to do their adult responsibilities? not with magic since that wish included godparents, so how? +That's Life, his wish revives a pet who wants revenge. how will he save his parents? Written by N the Fan
An evil Dentist steals Chip Skylark's teeth and only one person can stop him: The Tooth Fairy!/Timmy travels back in time to the Old West to find the lost deed for Dimmsdale Flats.
Cosmo gets picked to host the ultra secret Fairy Convention - in Timmy's Bathroom./After saving Timmy and Cosmo time and time again, Timmy gives Wanda a day off.
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742
Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy, has had it with his babysitter! He summons his fairy godparents who have the power to grant him wishes. Some of the wishes are really helpful, others don't work out so well. Timmy's godparents Wanda and Cosmo have ideas of their own and always lead Timmy on interesting adventures. Written by Jwelch5742