Shauna throws a Pimp's and Ho's party for the gang. Everyone attends except for Veronica who is in the hospital having a life saving vaginal lift. Amanda sinks back into her addiction, much to the feigned horror of her sister, Crystal. The party kicks into high gear when Shauna and Tawny decide to settle their differences in a whore-off.
All Episodes - S01
Tawny invites all the ladies to her charity party that raises money to provide dogs with high heels. Crystal worries that her recovering alcoholic sister, Amanda, will relapse if she goes to a party, so she makes sure to invite her. Drama ensues between all the women when Tawny finds out that her personal trainer (lover) also trains (has sex with) Veronica ending in a full scale cat fight.
Shauna throws a Pimp's and Ho's party for the gang. Everyone attends except for Veronica who is in the hospital having a life saving vaginal lift. Amanda sinks back into her addiction, much to the feigned horror of her sister, Crystal. The party kicks into high gear when Shauna and Tawny decide to settle their differences in a whore-off.
All the ladies meet for a nice lunch to discuss how much they despise each other. Veronica feels left out that no one hated her enough to invite her. Phe Phe suspects that her husband is cheating on her because he is. With none of the women getting along, Veronica invites them over for a séance because she hopes that if they won't talk to each other, maybe they'll talk to the dead.
Amanda's addiction relapse has gotten so bad that Crystal wants to help her, but not enough to actually do anything. To get her mind off her impending divorce, Phe Phe decides to have an Intervention for Amanda and plans the wildest, craziest, most booze filled rager-slash-intervention the world has ever seen.
Shauna finds out that she's losing her house due to spending all her husband's money, and Veronica loses her dog in a tanning accident. With all the ladies at their lowest point, Phe Phe plans a vacation for them to bond.
Tawny goes into mourning when she finds out her very rich and old husband is NOT dying. Meanwhile, Shauna and her husband plan to re-new their marriage vows...but using different names, to get a tax break from the government. Wowed by this romantic gesture, Veronica throws them an intimate ceremony at her mini-golf emporium.
The Hotwives join their host Matty Green to look back, catch up and f*ck some sh*t up.