Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
After Bentley explains the concept of prenuptial agreements to George and Louise, George then suggests that Lionel talk Jenny into signing one. This leads to a rift between Lionel and Jenny.
All Episodes - S03
Florence reports to work at the Jeffersons in a foul mood. After a typical exchange between her and George, she also vents to Louise. Finally, she reveals why she is so uptight this morning: Her landlord evicted her, presumably because the apartment building where she lives is being razed. Feeling sorry for Florence, Louise allows her to move in and become the family's full-time, live-in maid. Florence readily accepts, but the Louise realizes she overlooked something very important: she forgot to tell George. George - already losing his patience with Florence's constant sass and stressed out over trying to close a business deal with Mr. Owens, who is selling new vans at deep discounts - comes home and doesn't want any trouble from Florence. Louise then admits she hired Florence as a full-time maid and will be living with them. George snaps and not only fires Florence, he wants her out now! Later, Mr. Owens arrives to close the transaction for the new vans. While George is busy mixing ... Written by Brian Rathjen
George and Louise discovered that Lionel told his friends that his dad graduated college with honors. Realizng that this isn't the truth, George suspects that Lionel might be ashamed of him because he didn't even finish high school. The fathers of Lionel's friends all have college degrees and George wants to at least compare at some level. Therefore, he borrows general education school books and studies to earn his high school diploma. Written by Oliver Chu
Florence brings home a man she has been seeing and did not tell George and Louise. When they discovered the man in their kitchen, he was taken for as a burglar. After Florence tells George and Louise that he was her date, they get into an argument about uninvited guests and Florence's work habits. Infuriated, Florence quits her job; however, having discovered later that the man she has been dating is actually married, she plans to change her ways in order to get her job back. Written by Oliver Chu
Despite trying to improve her memory, Louise forgets to call George's broker about a stock tip that George got from Ralph, and she's scared of how George will react. Meanwhile, Florence has an altercation with a fellow elevator passenger.
Bentley is having issues from a grouchy man at the parking garage. George advices Bentley to be more aggressive with people during disagreements so that he doesn't always have to be pushed around. Bentley takes the suggestion, only to end up receiving a black eye. George taunts Bentley for being a coward, and Bentley decides to roughen up a little and punches a man's lights out. Bad news: the man is a police officer! Written by Anonymous
One of the members of George's old street gang called The Seven Saints passes on. After returning home from the friend's funeral, George tells Louise that he regrets not keeping in touch with his Seven Saints friends over the years. After finding out Florence is leaving work early to attend her high school reunion, it gives George an idea to invite the surviving members of his gang over to his apartment for a party. However, after they arrive, Louise does not approve of gang leader JoJo's bossy and domineering attitude. Written by Oliver Chu
George invites Frank Howard, a man he is hoping to do business with and who is in an interracial marriage, to his apartment to meet his dear friends Tom and Helen to prove to Frank that he is not prejudice towards interracial couples. However, when Tom and Helen walk out on George, he asks Florence to pose as Helen and Ralph to pose as Tom. Written by Oliver Chu
While visiting his parents' apartment, Lionel became sick. Louise decides to take care of him and tend to his needs, but Jenny insists he return home with her. Louise tells Jenny that as Lionel's mother, she knows what is best for him; however, Jenny disagrees, saying that she is now his wife and being there for him while he is sick is a priority. While the argument continues, Louise discovers that she is acting just like Mother Jefferson when she was babying George around. Written by Oliver Chu
Mother Jefferson invites George's old girlfriend, Harriet Johnson, over to his apartment for dinner. This does not pleases Louise, as she thinks the old flame might be reignited because Harriet was George's first girlfriend. When Harriet visits, she solicits money from George, telling him that it is rent for an apartment. After receiving the money, she also tells George that she wants an arrangement from him even while he is married. Written by Oliver Chu
Louise returns from a physical exam depressed,despite the fact she is 100% healthy but also,unknown to her,family and friends are planning her surprise birthday party...5 days early. Will the party cheer her up and bring out why she's so down? Written by happipuppi13